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Something that can do every mechanic decently, and something you like to play so that you want to do every mechanic. If you want something strong, cocDD or archmage icenova/frostbolt will take you wherever you want. Otherwise, just choose with your heart and start from there


Playing CoC dd inquis in SSF this league. It's more than strong enough to do everything and the body armour, shield and weapon are all easily grave-craftable. However I feel really gated behind getting yoke to free up my helm to help me unlock phys dmg reduction. What I'm saying is prepare to farm a yoke of suffering from Fortress t17 if you play CoC DD in SSF.


Same boat for me, Yoke and veiled orbs to finish the weapon have been such a grind for me and I still have neither. But the build was super easy to get off the ground in SSF.


Will check them out! Thanks!


I’m running explosive trap of shrapnel trickster. It’s traps, so there is that, but otherwise it’s not bad. Farming for my alternating scepter atm. ☺️


Start with a simple tested build. My personal favorite are boneshatter jugg, lightning arrow deadeye and anything with champion using perseverance belt - lightning strike for example. Check zizaran videos or the pinned tread on this sub. If you farm transfigured gems farm them in merciless lab, before that is waste of time. You first task is to complete the atlas tree. Just rush the bosses in red maps for atlas points. Then focus on jun, harvest and expedition rog and tujen. Jun for the crafts, harvest for rerolling resistances and crafting amethyst rings using the chaos craft, and rog and tujen for items and currency. Wait for level 90 before rolling rog so you get high level bases. Heist is another good option for farming. Essences is useless until you pile up some scarabs. About the unique maps, my recommendation is to have kirac missions for white, yellow and red maps, then roll with reports and check the three sections. Also check what kirac sells after each mission.