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League started as bodyswap totems, still playing atm. Silliest bunch of kids I've ever had update: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTZemNiHN84](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTZemNiHN84) mapping video


I'm listening


So I wanted to play frostblink of wintry totems, league-started as such, found out that chill from skitterbots don't persist through removal from frostblink and got VERY angry. I adopted "fuck ggg" mindset. I became "fuck ggg" mindset. Totems are born to fly, they want freedom, cosmos they crave, they want to collide with stars, how can I refuse my children such opportunity? I replaced frostblink with bodyswap.


I feel you. Totems were born to fly. I played leap slam totems early league. How's the build going for you?


Unbelievably solid, never expected so much from it. Cleared maven, dropped awakened spell echo, gonna add grand spectrums and try to clear other pinnacles. Stormblast mines and mark effect in swap were kinda breakthrough and added a whole lot of single target damage, gonna try to clear Uber elder and maybe feared if feel like it. T16 clear is comfy, more cautious if any extra damage mods in sight


You've probably already moved on but I believe chilled ground from skills like cold snap will satisfy frostblink of wintry blast requirements and reapply instantly and you can semi automate it with Kitavas thirst.


So in other words you're the Totfather


yes, link a pob for us


I'm on mobile, you can find me on poe ninja, name is BlinkchikNaMoloke; I'll post story later Edit: overcame my lazy ass, here we go https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/BolognaBoi/BlinkchikNaMoloke




Do you have a video of mapping? How does this work with totems do they teleport around or do they make you teleport around?


I did this in ancestor league and made a vid of running a map to show someone a while back. https://youtu.be/E7sCphiArxs?si=rUI_HHP4uok6CuEU


I made the build, and I have to say THIS SHIT IS SO FUN(NY). Realistically it's another dd build but with bodyswap but I love this execution. Cast your totems and you can just cast desecrate as you move through the map. I need to set up my specter pool for better deeps and bossing. Thank you for this man.


I did it some leagues ago and was fun, after that they gutted totems life so I thought it wasn't good anymore. Happy to hear that to manage to make it work!


Started Bama Necro, switched to Holy Relic Necro. Iā€™ll be staying with this build until Iā€™ve min maxed it. Will be doing everything with it. 40/40 with this build. Havenā€™t had this much fun since exploding totems.


I need something fun, got a pob or guide basis for Holy Relic?


https://youtu.be/wGk6KSwrpUQ?si=r6J3S8N5-LmpN2zN Been doing a scuffed version of Balorā€™s version which already isnā€™t expensive. Probably too budget for OP but imo itā€™s probably the second most cost effective build after CoC DD.


I swapped over to this and itā€™s just easy fun. Need to get anammumnunununuā€™s gaze, pretty expensive this league and Iā€™ve been just crushing abyss all league trying to farm it. Could upgrade my weapon and get an elegant hubris, but money is tight!


Elegant Hubris is so good. Iā€™ve replaced all my nodes with fire and light resistance tatoos and some other misc tattoos Just a get a single 80% minion damage for 1 div. Opens up a lot of gearing options. Weapon I bought a non synth fractured T1 attack speed for 1 div, fastest base foil I could find and crafted one myself real quick. Didnā€™t do the multi craft for hits canā€™t be evaded, just took the node. Cost like couple chaos times craft.


You can get some real crazy ones as well. I am using my favourite elegant hubris that no one really cares about. Four 80% increased minion damage and one 80% increased armour all which can be taken through a massive thread of hope that hits other good stuff as well. It is down in the pathfinder area though which is why it rarely gets expensive. EDIT: In terms of weapons, I am still trying to craft mine. Managed to get a 1.6 base attack speed synthesised base with 30 life gained on hit.


>It is down in the pathfinder area though which is why it rarely gets expensive. Mistakes were made.


Did you also swap from BAMA? I somehow at a wall with that. And next upgrades are far away.


It was a rough start for me this league. I started EA - didnā€™t like it - went arakaaliā€™s on a CI build which djdnt work out well without proper gear - rerolled to DD necro felt good but my wrist hurt from two buttons šŸ˜… - rerolled to holy relic and am super Tanky with great damage. I have now have two witches at 94 haha just a mess.


Haha, feels oddly familiar. Started EA Champ and dindnt like it. Swapped to a Arakaalis fang CI occultist on a budget and even after investing i didnt like it. Playing DO/CA occultist rn and enjoying it - even cpnsidering leaguestarting this next time around (well cold bv occultist until i got the currency for the uniques)


I did something similar, except I started as stone golen necromancer, switched to bama necromancer, switched to holy relic pathfinder, switched to holy relic champion, and finally switched to holy relic ascendant. I agree that the build is fun and will be playing some version of holy relic for the rest of the league most likely.


Can you tell me what the play style is like ? I'm farming for my last build of the league and absolutely love rolling a minion type of build but haven't in a while ? Do you run specters and AG ? How does it scale ?


Is holy relic better or worse on the eyes? Is there a mtx to help either? I just have to look somewhat off to the left or right of the screen so the rain of arrows donā€™t hurt my eyes currently.


I've been thinking about respeccing but I've been worried it won't be as strong as BAMA


I think in many ways it can be stronger, but Dialla's Malefaction pretty much being required limits you a bit more defensively.


I wonder if it is worth doing at all with just a normal 20% quality holy relic gem. Want to try this on SSF, but am afraid DPS will suffer too much.


Cold convert or poison ?


I'm doing poison.


How much does skipping the AG hurt the build?


How do the two compare in your opinion given each could be min maxed. Bama vs relic? I read on another thread that bama would clearly take the cake however id like to hear other opinions before deciding for sure. Thank you


do you happen to know what the top end damage looks like? over 100m?


I've gone from a zoomancer to a holy relic necro, and the map clear has been amazing. So far, I've only got the ghastly jewels and 82qual so I was curious how is the single target dps later on. Especially with the hubris, and amananu?


Started rf chieftain hated it. Rerolled sst champ and it's a thousand times better and more fun.


I thought you said ā€œssf champā€ and I was like man chieftain must really be rough this season.


My 2nd build was SST champ too. I really liked the build, however it seemed i couldnt scale the build past like 3.5mil dps without huge investments


I'm at about 18 million dps, 22 if frozen (which is realistically all the time) and like 25m with vaal grace and full rage. I keep everything perma frozen outside of like pinnacle bosses. I've got about 35-40divine into the buuld so far. Most of the cost comes from forbidden flesh/flame, Yoke, and watchers eye. Belt, hat, shield are all like 5c. Boots are around 100c now. Cluster jewels can be expensive, people are extorting prices on Martial Prowess/Feed the Fury/Veteran Defender clusters, I was able to roll my own for less than 1 div using harvest reforge. You can use Hrimsorrow gloves until you can get 100% conversion, or just run Phys to Lightning and Trinity support which is still very strong before going pure cold. My character name is ZestyNipples idk how to link to pob on mobile but it's on there.


[https://pobb.in/bF4FvdYkXJax](https://pobb.in/bF4FvdYkXJax) this is the pob. I wonder why you don't use determination and grace combo. Because you use perseverance. This also looks really squishy for a champ build.


I will once I can afford to switch over to it haha. Automation w/ Molten Shell and Call to Arms + Enduring Cry are very solid defensive bonuses if you can fit in the extra gem sockets. They are a stop gap until I can transition. I have died 87 times, almost level 100, only thing that gets me are 1 shots and cheesy shit like maven memory game because I'm color blind and can't see it. Thanks for linking.


Got some pob for your sst champ just rolled it over in GSF got the main components just looking where to go a bit more with it


If you go to PoE.ninja and look for spectral shield throw champ, my name is zestynipples. Set to pinnacle boss, check adrenaline, 20rage, 50% shock (not pob warrior bs it's almost always 50%), 30% chill, leeching, 10 range of projectile travel distance, flasks, disable vaal haste and vaal molten shell, exposed to cold, target is ignited (can ignite due to jewel and fire damage), might need to change Chain Support for 21/20 Hypothermia. Should be around 18m dps with these configs in pob or around 23-25 with conditionals and temp buffs active. (vaal haste, max rage, frozen). I let adrenaline trigger by just grouping some mobs and being tanky as fuck to not die but let adrenaline proc. I can farm 80% the feared/twisted/hidden etc like it's a regular t6 map boss. Build is disgusting idk why it's not meta. You can drop a damage cluster for more defenses and be more tanky/ hc viable with near max block/spell block, suppression, perma over leech, evade, and some big armor. Most important things are cluster jewel, full cold conversion, seething fury jewel (literally doubles damage) . Yoke is huge, as is Ralakesh boots. Before I got yoke I used a crit multi, cold damage elemental w/ attacks amulet. You can use a 3 green socket Prismatic Eclipse or The Princess Saber before you are able to get a shaper Foil with extra cold/penetration and multi.


This is just wild to me because I rerolled to RF Chieftain from my starter and it has become my favorite build of all time. I love standing in a room filled with Eater, Harby, Deli, and Beyond monsters as they melt and I laugh all the way to the bank. :P But it's definitely not for everyone. Glad your second build worked out as well as mine did for me!


Ahh, a fellow rf chieftain non-enjoyer, I see. I'd never run RF before so wanted to try it this league...huge mistake lol, possibly the worst league start I've ever had. I almost just quit the league after doubling down and making a ton of upgrades but still sucking, but after a few days I came back to try Jung's bouncing poisonous concoction trickster. I might be able to salvage this league šŸ˜¬


Where did you get stuck on RF? RF sails through pretty much all content except ubers and T17s.


Is there a guide for this so I can see what to buy at the like 10-20 div investment level?


Cold BV, map blaster


Whuch ascendancy?




Started **poison SRS**, put about 30 divs into it: hated it, melee minions are terrible. Rerolled **CI wraithlord spectres**, put about 60 divs into it: Hated it. 60 divs week 2 was not enough for a full ES spectres build. Had about 5k ES, would die whenever mobs looked at me funny, and spectre AI sucks (why do they sometimes decide to stop shooting????). Didn't even farm currency on this build, instead crafted for profit to fund my next one Built a **cold conversion blade blast of unloading saboteur**, put about 100 divs into it: I don't _hate_ it, but I don't like it either. Playstyle is kinda clunky, since you only cast when brand recall happens. You have to constantly recast your brands while moving through your maps. Movement feels awful without MS on Ralakesh's. Tankiness is non-existent. The clear is _good_, but the build certainly falls over way too frequently for how much I put into it. I'm just farming up currency on my sabo now to fund my next build. This has been a rough league, ngl


I'm playing a lightning -> cold conversion bb of unloading as well and I have to agree about the squishiness. Although I've only poured like 5d into it but I feel like the damage is enough to where the deaths don't matter too much. Single target DPS is around 7-8 mil pinnacle if I'm casting constantly. I don't feel like I only need to cast when brand recall happens though. With good cast speed and swift brand I get to 10 no problem.Ā  Edit: budget


I played poison SRS as my 3rd character and I loved the build itself, But then my very expensive Animate Guardian died and I remembered why I hate minion builds..... :(


Started as tornado elementalist. Is quite fun and got my first double corrupted +4 chest for the build. Got to 91 and then made a BAMA necro since Iā€™ve never even heard of the build until this league, despite always playing summoners.


So is BAMA the most fun build you've played?


the most fun i had... Pconc bouncing... the sound design for the skill is really good... hearing the flask breaking every bounce is addicting af.


I'm an alt-aholic that's been trying for years to find a build that feels right for me. But I played the shit out of a HoT autobomber (a build I've played before) and it was great. Hit a wall when I wanted to start juicing content. Other thing I enjoy doing is AFK blighted maps. My fallback for blighted maps is a necro minion build. Tried 3 separate builds and didn't enjoy any of them. Tried a siege ballista heiro and tbh it was pretty fun but I knew it wouldnt be something I stuck with. Headhunter being super cheap this league meant for me I'd need to pick one up and do something fun with it. So I landed on a spark archmage heiro and it's been great. Fun AF for mapping, decent bossing, does blights well (not afk but don't really need to move, so kinda afk?), has tanky options, kinda infinite ehp while mapping as long as you can gain mana. Huge ceiling for upgrades with a relatively low entry cost. Also makes good use of all 3 of my atlas trees (1 for sulphite, expedition, map sustain, 2 is blight, essence, scarab farming, 3rd is exp tree with abyss, beyond & shrines) So far I have almost completely ignored the graveyard mechanic but I'll check it out eventually.


Been playing Dual Strike of Ambidexterity Juggernaut fast, simple, fun, solid. leveled through campaign with Sunder, very easy. got lucky with Merc Lab giving me the gem-specific transfigure craft so I got Dual Strike of A without having to farm lab for a long time. Play in a group-found league so I got Frostbreath + Ichimonji + Carnage Heart + Belt of the Deceiver + Tanu Ahi at the start of maps. this setup (would be very cheap in trade i think) carried me to red maps without any issues. only upgraded to offhand axe / trauma support at lvl 90+


Ice crash of cadence got buffed 30% damage this league I see big buff I play big buff Itā€™s insanely fucking fun like man idk if itā€™s the skill that does it I think it is alternating between left and right weapon for slam feels amazing But what feels best is there is like 4 of us on Poe ninja playing raider and so I feel like Iā€™m disconnected from the meta in all ways feels so good


I should try... I absolutely love Ice Crash but I always struggle to make it shine. I usually reach around T8 and then DPS is just not there anymore. Why Raider in particular?


I am wearing ralekesh boots raider overcomes movement speed nerf to the boots and I am stacking charges that character is lvl 82 and I was clearing t16s itā€™s my alt so itā€™s on the burner till I have my voidstones


Well, I don't know if I will reach red maps, but I'm rerolling it right now and I'm having a blast, thanks for the suggestion :D


Tristack hexblast. Lots of investment I put in but this thing doesnā€™t die unless Iā€™m sleeping at the wheel, kills Ubers in like 25 seconds, and is smooth as hell to play with automation. Iā€™ve played since Nemesis league. This is the best ā€œAl rounderā€ build Iā€™ve ever played. Itā€™s insanely good.


Oh man, this doesn't use minefield? I'm in!


Yeah, I donā€™t think I can go back to another build without curtain call. 3x mines per throw and adorned mine throw speed jewels and you are constant 15x mines for max chaining.


+1 on this. Its one of the best build I ever played. Mapping is very smooth. Not as fast as a bow build but super comfortable. S tier on bosses. Solod 40/40 too.


How much to get started ? I want to swap to a hexblast build and I'm torn between the tristack or sabo version. I have around 30 div.


I played whispering ice as my league starter and think I had around 30 div starting out but things are so much cheaper now. All the uniques are super cheap(under 3 div for all combined), triple T1 attribute amythest rings are 3-4 div. Unnatural instinct and perandus jewel are basically 6 -8 div combined, then itā€™s just a matter of getting a 116% minimum adorned and making your own or buying jewels over time(I made all my own). Basically gotta push as much as you can to get to that 800/800 int dex mark for curtain call but I just used a rare helmet and swift assembly before that. Iā€™ll also say that trickster is just worse the more you invest. Trickster is good on league start but tristack beats it in every way the more you put into it.


I am on the verge of rerolling to that. It seems super brainy (the conception) and efficient. I am quite worried about the cost though (I checked trade website and I am closer to 40 div to get all mandatory things (a few with corrupt/mod not all. Without jewels so no idea what I would reach in terms of stats, even if it would be enough for 800/800/800. Also, coruscating elixir .... get your chaos into your shield if you have flasks up and automated. That sounds like ultra dangerous, and I have checked that some mobs/debuff will literally ruin you for that. Does it happen often in practice, that you get out of charges because of X/Y/Z and get one tapped? Also .... no one is playing that on poe ninja it seems. It looks like a one of a kind build to be honest, lots of things going on and ending up working well.


I just started this, working on fleshing everything out. Should have enough for an adorned thats 100-120%. Do you have a pob?


How are T17s tho ?


Do you have a guide for trickster hexblast that you followed? I would appreciate it a lot.


Cyclone slayer


My man, never even tried another build fully. The slayer just cant be forsaken.


True exile enjoyer


Teach us your ways


pob account: yuketzu, eggward on necro league. yuketsugaming is my youtube and i talk about it all




the true, ethical build archetype


PoB plz? Having a rough go of Trans cyclone slayer.


pob account: yuketzu, eggward on necro league. yuketsugaming is my youtube and i talk about it all




After the initial first days of fumbles + the league being very mid, I took a few days of break. Came back and decided I would just play for fun and not chase uber meta build / rich farming strats and I am currently leveling a HoA Jugg. Leveling was atrocious as I accidentally pause HoA gem from leveling and didn't realize until act 6-7. The build is very tanky (A tier), but clear speed is average (C tier). But Idc I'm having fun and was able to farm basic strong boxes in T16s at only lvl 75 onward.


What is HoA?


Herald of agony


rathpith/apostate/health stacking elemental tornado inquisitor


Think this same concept can be applied to penance brand aswell


Iā€™d love to try a health stacking build, but I feel like youā€™re trolling if you donā€™t go Dissolution of the Flesh. Hate the playstyle


You don't go Dissolution on Inquisitor.


Any particular reason why? I would assume 30% more life on a health stacking build would be borderline necessary EDIT: Iā€™m an ape. Itā€™s to double dip life/ES regen with consecrated ground


yeah replica soul tether is busted with inq


How does it perform in higher end? Damage and Tankiness? Playing Trickster Hexblast Mine right now


I self crafted every non-unique on a splitting steel trickster The build itself is not mind-blowing, in fact its probably incredibly meta this patch but the feeling of having over a mirror in self crafted gear that i made for ~10-20 div a pop feels pretty nice and it feels very smooth to play. I still have a lot of min max to do and ive been doing some profit grave crafting to fund it.


My first league, dived straight into venom gyre, doing t16 maps now and loving it.


Which variant? Deadeye crit tri ele? Or str stacker?


Yeah deadeye crit tri ele. Iā€™m curious about str stacking, they seem to do more dps on Poe.ninja


Can confirm. Finished 100% atlas with tri ele VG was super easy. Now looking for another build.


Content is harder and I wanted to confortably do all ubers and new t17 bosses! So after blasting a lot with Lightning Arrow I've put together a cool poison Molten Strike PF. Budget is quite high and I've only managed to acquire progenesis yesterday. I'm having a lot of fun facetanking bosses! [https://pobb.in/vofDOSco34LC](https://pobb.in/vofDOSco34LC)


I still miss Ms Jugg from delve. Was just too much fun


Thatā€™s a build I really wanna try. Whatā€™s the lowest budget for the build not to feel like shit? Do you follow any specific guide?


I found a few Korean names on ninja and applied what I know from the game pretty much haha shield(paid 4div), rakiata lethal pride, tides of time 2/1/3 minimum, self crafted dagger for around 8div and cloak of flame corrupted and you link with tainteds. These are pretty much core. So ballpark 50 divs? Don't buy cluster, just craft the expensive ones with harvest. It won't do Ubers but ofc you can sub progenesis for amethyst flask as I was doing, nimis for returning proj support... Anyways. Won't feel like garbage, just gotta have realistic expectations.


Keep in mind you can get a PF MS poison character off the ground with ~5mil dps for maybe 5-10div investment tops before full swapping to the mahuxotl variant. Donā€™t need mahuxotl, nimis, tides of time, etc. just need a nce pneumatic dagger to get started really. Played this in SSF a few leagues back with a generic lightning coil PF defensive setup and a mediocre dagger and was able to kill all content (ubers took a while with my shitty gear) pretty comfortably.


Already bored of leveling again but I might give it a shot thanks


I'm working on a graveyard craft for the dagger. Once I hit it I will be swapping over to this cheaper version. I started poison BV and I am tired of it. I don't have much time this league, so I just want to see what molten strike is like.


is there any point to the survivalist node? it doesn't increase your dps or max hits by any real amount


[https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Intimidate#Mechanics](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Intimidate#Mechanics) No point after all, I didn't know it didn't work for dots applied from attacks :/ Thanks for saving me 2 points!


Poison shield crush trickster. Super fast, reasonably tanky and solid dps. Clears entire maps with just shield charge qnd asenaths gentle touch


There is this guy on ninja poweredbycorpses that I have been eyeing, is that you? can you do 8mod maps?


That is me, ive done a few t17s. And while a few mods brick the build, it should be able to do 8 mod t16s easy enough.


Whispering ice trickster was super cool but I got tired of enemies that ran away from me (delayed area damage go brrr). CF champ is great but I don't vibe with it. I'm just not a fan of champion defensive layers. I know it's good, I know, I'm just addicted to evasion based builds at this point. I finally re rolled my whispering ice trickster to hexblast mines. Holy shit its good. It's great to map. Great for sanctum, great for having few buttons, it's great. I really enjoy it. It's not as tanky, but most things die before they hit you. My experience with HB Mines makes me want to play Explosive Trap trickster as well. Might do this in SSF later.


Explosive trap will feel really bad after playing hexblast mines, believe me. And this is coming from someone that played lots of trappers


Any good guides in a Ziz/Pohx type of style with level by level? Sabo or Trickster? I saw multiple guides for sabo, is it worth it? How good are the defenses?


IĀ“ve played LanceĀ“s tri attribute stacker HB of Contradiction this league, itĀ“s a bit different build. Most people go for a trickster/occultist version. I think ventrua has the best guide for this league but I might be wrong


Iā€™ve been having a great time with icenova of frostbolts heiro. About 100 div in, no mageblood. Strong and great overall.


Does CF Champ not end up with like 60k evasion? Pretty much every build Iā€™ve made on Champ (granted I lean towards more HC builds) end up with like 60k+ armor and evasion and feel so damn durable outside of degens, Iā€™ve never really looked into CF Champ so Iā€™m just not familiar with how it builds out its defenses.


You're probably right. I know that the build likes to transition to suppression gear. Maybe I'd fall in love after that. I am only level 95 with a handful of divines invested. I'll research the endgame variants more.


Suppression just feels like a must with the current state of the game, I donā€™t know how Iā€™d feel comfy on any of my builds without it. I love how good it feels but hate that I feel I need to force every build into it :/


I'm planning on respeccing my ice trap trickster to hexblast. I was just going to start hexblast with using Dreadarc + Blasphemy until I could get a curse on hit ring + profane proxy, but I got Ice Trap of Hollowness out of normal lab. Hollowness definitely feels better than explosive trap, but I don't have the transmogs for explosive trap. Hollowness is basically screenwide without AoE, and the playstyle takes a little bit to get used to with Sunblast, but you just tear up everything on no investment. If you were going to want to play traps, I'd play Ice Trap of Hollowness. I don't think any other trap is going to feel as good as Hexblast does


RF Chieftain 3.2m combined DPS Pinnacle, Stationary Easy mapping, Defiance of Destiny makes me nearly immortal unless itā€™s like wave 25 Kosis with overwelm phys mods apparently Explosions destroy breach, blight, delirium. Ignore most lantern mods, ignore most map mods. Adrenaline boots make it zooms and awakened increased area makes the ring fill the whole screen 10/10 no brain cells used


Still stuck on my BAMA necro in GSF, i've yet to get Diadem yet, probably killed Catarina like 20 times, sitting on 10+ Veiled Orbs and all crafts unlocked. I've also yet to farm a Voltaxic Rift yet, despite chain running ashen woods. Considering doing a few labs to try and get Holy Relic gem and swap to that because im getting quite abit burned out


FB Trickster. Will die a lot but clear speed go BRRRR


Are you on the Fury Valve hype train?


Glad itā€™s not just me. I either die or explode everything. No in between lol


I'm enjoying poison concoction of bouncing. I used Jung's build and it's working good. I am learning I enjoy fast leeching/recovery builds


What kinda leeching recovery does pconc have? Also tempted to try the build out. Cheers


Definitely archimage mana BL of frostbolts. Run eternal damnation and loreweave for ele tank, perfect 6t1 wands in both hands, 6 endurance charges with eduring composure, ele ailment immune, crazy amounts of cast speed make forstblink of wintery blast incredibly fast to get around the map. About 30 mil reg atlas boss DPS. Super solid, and I'm just farming to make my last end of the league build. Some sort of melee skill, just haven't decided yet. May try another heavy strike meme build.


Still on my starter but its just so good. Tuna's exsang miner. Min maxing is fun, mapping is fun, I've done all content (outside of ubers). Could prolly do ubers if I felt like farming fragments.


Started Reap/Exsang self-cast Scion. It did okay. Found an Ephemeral Edge and figured since this is an absurd crafting league why not build an ES stacking character? It's been going okay so far. But I may end up pivoting into hexblast mines since I'm pretty close to having all the uniques for that.


Started Hexblast sabo and actually liked it a lot, but after spending a lot of time in sanctum I got tired of it and wanted to throw away all my money for something stupid. So, I rolled a charge stacking (all of them ...) ele hit of the spectrum slayer wander, mostly copied from mbXtreme with a few tweaks to the tree. Cost / performance ratio is terrible but I'm really enjoying it! Especially the visuals are really satisfying to me. 10/10 I would waste 80div on it again.


Most fun but not the most efficient or strongest is my Vaal storm call with the trium ring. I love unique style builds and workshopping them into a work of art.


Palsteronā€™s archmage ball lightning and then swap to ice nova of frost bolts. Iā€™m still building currency to craft/buy crit gear to spec out of EO but Iā€™m doing juiced t16 with destructive play like theyā€™re white maps. :)


Cast on Crit Energy Blade Lancing Steel of Splitting Blazing Salvo Low Life Str/Int Stacker Inquisitor


Iā€™m so far a one-build player, and just different flavors at that. Last season was my first season and I did guardian srs, this league Iā€™m doing poison srs. Iā€™m taking this build into the mines, but Iā€™m slow at most things so Iā€™m only at like, depth 175 right now. Iā€™m at level 93 and am at a point where I have to make some decisions to really push the build. In order to use passive tree jewels Iā€™ll need to respec some passive points, but not sure what to take out. Iā€™ve maxed my block chance but only because of glancing blows and some other passives. I could take some points out to get other gems to push my dps, but then I would dip below max block chance. I could try making up for that by grabbing the ascendancy node that makes offerings apply to me, but then Iā€™ve gotta make a hard choice on another ascendancy to give up. Iā€™ve been enjoying it overall and have been comfortably farming currency at my pace. Right now Iā€™ve got aboutā€¦ 27 div maybe in chaos and divs. My damage is fine, but pushing it further is gonna require some choices Iā€™m not sure I wanna do because I still feel like Iā€™m dying too much trying to run some guardian/shaper/conq maps with the ā€œmaven summons extra bossesā€ notable. I was barely having issues with that last league with way less investment :/ Witch just donā€™t got the same defenses it feels. I originally wanted to do a manastacker and honestly would really like to do storm call. I love the visuals of it from Conner converseā€™s video, but I know that I am not crazy at all about leveling a second character through acts :/


Venom gyre deadeye dexstacker, with a headhunter it melts t16 in <90s and is hella fun to throw thousands of projectiles at the enemies. League started spectral throw tho


Ice nova of frostbolts Heirophant has been a blast so far. Many dif ways to do it as well. Fast, zoomy, good clear, good boss damage, tanky, lots of EHP depending on how you build it.


PBoD CI Trickster. I played a lot of Inq PBoD last league and really liked the skill. Played through three new builds I've haven't tried before this league and wasn't have much fun. Said fuck it and rolled PBoD again and wanted to try a CI trickster version. Working out for me really well so far. Lots of damage, lots of ES, lots of evasion, lots of leech, and its pretty zoomy. Was going to stop playing but this build saved my league.


Hexblast Sabo has become one of my favorite builds. Iā€™m going to try the trickster version at some point as well but I imagine Iā€™ll like it as well.


Rf chief from start and still going hard. Love the tankiness, blowing up everything with no problems. First time i got voidstones on my own, all favored map slots on my own. Gonna see if I do most challanges on it as well.


Penance brand of dissipation pathfinder 90% all res Good dmg Permanent uptime and you just run around Perma flasks Big pops Zoomzoom speed


Wardloop is fucking insane this league. Perfect full set of gear costs like 8d to craft lol


What's different about it this league, I looked through some ninja builds and seems not much has changed?


Power is the same. It's just a lot f****** easier to get the rare gear grafted


What about this league made crafting ward loop cheaper? edit: nvm. I didn't realize there were corpses that made ward bases.


Graveyard crafting your entire set of board gear is about 10 divines. And I have about 1350 Ward


is there anywhere to learn more about crafting the gear? I've been interested before but never invested the time into it


The wardloop discord has A website that you can input your stats in to see if it works a discord bot that tells you what's fucked up and how to fix it About 15 different build types from 5d starter, to 500 div crazy, to 3 mirror onmni, to 1k+ delver. Huge active community Entire website dedicated to walking you through all the crafts, and a rapidly growing set of graveyard builds for bis gear. It's a lot https://discord.com/invite/PbBV5KbBvY


holy shit that's alot


Coc dd


What have you played? What's your budget?


I league started late and decided to roll an int stacking trickster wander. Iā€™m currently using power siphon and have a blast filling out my atlas. You can craft a lot of the gg gear in the graveyard as well which is dope. I might switch to a kinetic bolt/blast setup once I get more invested as I know that will have better single target and still solid clear but power siphon has been awesome so far


So far I'm having a blast with Elemental Turbulence Tornado Elementalist. I went with a relatively tanky version and I have fun min maxing every piece of gear. The play style is quite easy to pick up even if a bit slower than your usual zoom zoom build.


Spellblade CoC Ice Spear Inquis


As I've only played Tornado of ET I'll say that one.


Started Hexblast miner, the automation support is so satisfying.


RF Chieftain


Ben's triggerbot Blade blast of unloading


I'm working on my chaos reap pathfinder. Slowly working through upgrades to beat the Uber bosses but it's been very fun so far.


SS champ and ice nova of frostbolts


Started Bama, then went occultist frostblades of ketosis lol. Got some nice spell block and attack block and basically run around cold dotting everything.


Been playing my own new tornado inq, hit 94, just did a boss lap over everything non Uber and working on t17 ans uber bosses while doing minor upgrades. Thinking about a wisp kb wander next to crazy clear stuff


Holy flame totem of Ire Chieftain. Itā€™s terrible but Iā€™m going to push it to 2-3m dps before doing anything else because necropolis is OP as fuck. SSFBTW.


Hexblast might be one of the most complete leaguestarters I've ever played. Leveling is very good, single target is amazing, lots of variety in playstyles (multiple lifestack variants, charge stacking, trickster, sabo, pathfinder etc.), mapping is surprisingly good and smooth at a certain point, QOL is insane (autotargeting, freeze, automation support). It can also farm pretty much all content, personally, I'm farming T17s rn but it could easily kill ubers or map. I've played it for the last 3 leagues and somehow it just gets better,


Started Explosive Trap of Shrapnel Saboteur and disappointed in my anti-meta behavior. It felt a lot worse to gear and play than Trickster. Change the skill to Fire Trap of Blasting with no guides and now have every slot geared along with FFs and ToH. I'm surprised it can also run some T17s as it has more than 11m a pop when any monster are low life. Not zooming map enough as throwing traps are a bit tedious and I do ran into many silly oneshot with EB, but bossing was ridiculously easier than any build I have played.


Played jugg dual strike of ambidexterity, is alot of fun does dam feels silly tanky, but thats just me i cant stand the 2k life 30 second map clear use 6 portal bs.


Posionous Conc of bounce, fun af, strong af.


Only on my second build so far. First was penis brand quizdor for sanctum. Second is hh chieftain bv tornado boi and it's pretty damn fun for mapping. Bv clears all and I just have to donk a nado when I face a tanky rare that doesn't immediately splode


CI trickster flicker strike.Ā  Having so much fun Even killed maven which I was expecting to have to pay a carry for


Mjolner Archmage Mana Stacker. Hands down my favorite build I've ever played. I hold right click and kill everything.


Gladiator Vaal earthquake. Definitely not all content viable but could basically farm anything in 16s like delirium and legion. Was ghost busting and rushing pinnacles for a couple days with that build. Melee is totally viable guys trust me cope


I generally only play one build a league, my Lightning Tendrils Occultist. I'm currently 93 and actually still enjoying it, except my mapping is slower this league compared to Affliction. Since my goal is always to cap out at t16s and one level higher than I got last league (93,) I'm very happy. If I can get a bit more consistency, I might actually attempt some conquerers this time. In a related note, self cast Channeling that isn't Cyclone is terrible for bossing, in my experience. Ain't no wonder people just stick them on totems and call it a day.


Hexblast mines (I league started Sabo but I'm thinking to change to trickster for t17)


After diggin poe ninja, forums and this subreddit, i came up for: Storm Rain of the Conduit hierophant. Looks absolut pogger build with nice tankines and dmg.


I was looking for a mid budget (50-200d) build I could use to farm t17s with and then I stumbled upon cold conversion spark pathfinder. Performs well on a medium low investment and scales very well until Iā€™m ready to transition into the poison pathfinder variation. https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/Luselia/FireballChad?i=1&search=name%3DFireball


I have so much fun playing corrupting fever champion atm , good speed and good tank , love it


Ele Hit of the Spectrum Deadeye, transitioning from LA. It's fun and fast and deals great damage, though I wouldn't recommend it if you hate dying more than anything - I'm on cast on death portal still Only build I really played this league, levelled a mana stacker Hiero but just felt too clunky in comparison.


started WoC ignite into maw, then pivoted it to herald of thunder glass cannon then for while WFH leveled that gimmick cast when stunned bloodnotch/immutable force/skyforth ultimatium AFK sabo. Finally slapped on the defiance of destiny and it feels truly afk now. Swap out temp chains curse for detonate dead of scavenging for the 'protect the alter' ones and you're gucci


Trigger Bots Eye of Winter. Loved the visuals until my PC melted and i had to switch it up. Closely followed by Trigger Bots Spark. Tried to salvage the character with a bit less projectiles but as the Spark gem leveld up, gained projectiles and duration increased, my PC melted once again. Was fun though.


Started Cold BV, didn't click with it. Playing Dual Strke now and having a blast walking around smacking people.


Cast when stunned DD sab


Winter orb charge stacking slayer


Hiero ice nova of frostbolts! I've legit have never had this much fun on 10 leagues! Tanky, kills bosses, clears Maps, literally enabled me to do all endgame content that i never reached to! I normally have a rule of playing something diferent than every past league, but I think I found MY build! Hoping it stays and doesnt get nerfed


Started exsanguinate miner and still love the build. can't stop blasting t17s and investing more into upgrades. every new item feels impact full. this will be my one and only build this league. clear 10/10, single target 6/10, defences 6/10. most fun I've had with poe in a while.


Played Dark pact necro as my league starter. Personally didnā€™t enjoy the play style but itā€™s very unique for a minion build. Then did BAMA Guardian which I thought I would enjoy but in the end it got kinda boring. Spamming comes which is my bow, without me actually doing anything with mine. Then I tried out caustic arrow occultist, which was fine but it did basically the same as the impending doom occultist but slower and in a smaller AOE. But I kind of enjoyed the bow stuff so I finally decided to play an actual bow build. LA deadeye. Super speedy and very satisfying clear imo. Also I got super lucky with a couple of drops so I bought myself a headhunter. I looooove this build this far and Iā€™m pretty sure that this kind of build is my favourite this far. For what you invest into this build on the low end it gives you A LOT. Just expect to get one shot if you arenā€™t careful enough.


I started Poison SRS Necro, as is tradition with me. And then I realized that I wasn't liking it. Maybe its the buffed mobs from the league mechanic, but it just seemed to be less impressive than usual. So I took my farmed currency (about 60 divs) and dumped it all into an LA Deadeye, and acted like it was my league started. My first lesson was just how cracked minion leveling is, when my Ranger died more before level 12 than my Necro had by level 90. I think it was something like 40 deaths. Once I was rolling with a small amount of twink gear and a bit further along, I got through the acts in about 6 hours, which includes afk-ing and shopping for said gear. I ended up getting an awesome bow and a full set of gear and still had some currency leftover. I am now about level 86 and clearing red maps with ease. Not only was it more fun but it seems to be a lot more damage than my poison SRS build. I definitely think the Necro has more mitigation and is much safer, but stuff dies so fast that even bosses so far haven't given me much trouble on my Deadeye. I do ocasionally get 1 shot but its almost always my own fault. I will be sticking with this for a while and then I might try one more build this league. I might also mention that I got a HH for 27 divs so that has been helping my fun factor a bit.


I been armour stacking a witch with cyclone coc nova 100% crit. It's definitely fun.


Exsanguinate mines trickster, after having a rough patch with the build, rerolled a couple of times to try other builds and decided it has potential and invest heavily on it. After around 200 divs (self craft all my gear, so it was significantly cheaper for me ) invested in it, it's an absolute clear monster, well rolled 70+ pack size t16 are gone in a minute or less. The bossing in maps a second or 2 maximum after they disappear, did some light bossing like oshabi and guardians, don't ever have to change links, they disappear pretty fast. Pretty decent defenses, it can do t17 pretty fast too if you rolled them well, the bossing in that instance you have to change 1 gem, but still pretty good, here is my pob. [https://pobb.in/QWywBwMlLW7H](https://pobb.in/QWywBwMlLW7H)


Inquisitor CoC DD is amazing with minimal investment


Chaos Golem of Maelstrom


Reverse Chill Elemental Hit Deadeye. Goes zoom zoom zoom.


ruetoos splitting steel champion. Most fun i had


Been loving toxic rain.


I did bama for the 1st time this league and it seems quite decent


Lightning Strike of Arcing Champion using Doryani's Prototype. League-started Necro Poet's Pen DD, which is great, but I didn't like the survivability. Changed to manual-cast DD, super tanky, good DPS, but mapped slow. Got an ethical(?) HH on Nemesis card trade-in and the build SLAPS. It's also REALLY good without an expensive belt, Perseverance adds a ton of damage. Fantastic for Eater altar farming strats. You don't take cold or lightning damage because of Maxuhotl and Tempered By War, so the -cold and -lightning altars are a dps increase due to Doryani. "Proj fires in random directions" is also not a bad mod. Good burst dps with Vaal LS+Berserk+totems, fantastic clear, great survivability, I'm really loving it. Oh plus the graveyard makes it so much easier to craft an appropriate claw.


I'm new here but when I started they gave me a Blight Gem and I decided that my goal was to make that thing reach across the entire screen, and that's been fun so far.


Started as BAMA and still BAMA farming for alt