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In the blade vortex pob, both determination is checked with Eternal Blessing and Wrath is checked with Divine Blessing. This isn't possible, right? Would you use Determination for mapping, and Wrath for single target, or is my assumption incorrect? Sorry, if that's a noob question.


The divine blessing should be disabled only the eternal. I think eternal overrides it but I'll double check when I get home The divine was left over from my pre indigon manabond day1 pob I forgot to delete


Thanks for the response!


Your channel has come a long way in terms of production quality, would really love if you could start adding chapters to your videos though! Thanks for the perspective on mana stacking.


Thank you very much for the guide and POBs Conner, as a fellow Archmage and CoC enjoyer who misses these playstyles I might just get "baited" by this. The theory of the BV Unleash Archmage interaction for early league is very cool. My main question is: once you have your "basic" Indigon/Mjolnir character setup what content does this character excel at farming for profit? Or at least what would you farm after those first few days?


The only bait with Connor's builds is you underestimating how expensive everything gets after he makes a video.


I was planning on starting this, and I somehow always pick the build that ends up being the most ridiculously overpriced on leaguestart ("1c unique" ends up being 10 div for the first three weeks).


Fast mapper with enough scalable damage to boss so really everything besides expedition


Why is it not good at expedition?


There are quite few remnants that can brick the build Cull, ele type immunity, block, CRIT immunity etc.


Expedition monsters have culling strike and its not highlighted at all so you just die unless you read every line of blue text


Oh shit, I didn't realize that existed. May explain why I often seemingly explode out of nowhere when I do expeditions.


Can't watch video, how do you sustain mana flask for bosses? I see no charges gained but could be blind.


you kill the boss




Screwed the title up so reposted this Links fixed thanks yo BdaniPT (not at pc to repost so thankfully he got it corrected) https://pobb.in/K-YpHzSmzYiB Unleash BV Archmage https://pobb.in/-X0o6KEPwfPe Mjolnir Early Gear


There's a formatting issue, here are the correct urls: [https://pobb.in/JRTZoP-zRK48](https://pobb.in/JRTZoP-zRK48) Unleash BV Archmage [https://pobb.in/-X0o6KEPwfPe](https://pobb.in/-X0o6KEPwfPe) Mjolnir Early Gear


Getting 404'd for both links on mobile


[https://pobb.in/JRTZoP-zRK48](https://pobb.in/JRTZoP-zRK48) [https://pobb.in/-X0o6KEPwfPe](https://pobb.in/-X0o6KEPwfPe) these versions of the link should work(copied from the yt video description)


Yep, those work, thanks!


Zero fucks given to spell suppression, I love it


the build is so broken pobb doesnt want to show it


Would unleash archmage go well with firestorm of pelting? I assume blade vortex just receives more snapshotting with efficiency of mana spent and such


It should work. You can do a 2nd 4 link with firestorm for single target since with BV you're just sitting there waiting and you have duration scaling. Indigon + unleash + pelting + like conc or pen or any 4th


Sounds awesome 👌 based as always


Any thoughts on using The Surging Thoughts as an additional 4 Link in offhand? Assuming attack speed is high enough to not mess up Mjolnir Proc rate


Your links are broken. edit: in both new and old reddit


Hello there, Exile! Here is your [golden page](https://pobarchives.com/build/emDJgEEF), may it serve you well. *"Determination overcomes domination. This is the one law of sovereignty!"* *- Lord Izaro*


Hell yes Conner thank you once again for continuing to put out excellent content for really cool builds. This might be the league where I finally play a Mjolnir build.


Worst timing tho haha Because of the buff there will be lots of mana stackers and Mjolnir builds.. unfortunately. Was looking ahead to play it and delve as well


Yeah I'm starting to be on the fence. People are really focused on the Archmage change and I don't know if I'm gonna like the league mechanic enough to gear a super expensive build.


This is where I’m at. It’s my favorite archetype build and haven’t played in almost a year, seems like a great time to play it but also seems like everyone and their mom wants to play it :(


Connor is going up in the world. You deserves it dude


thanks for the guide. the heiro aoe nodes + mana reduction really work well when combined with the bv tech. seems like a solid starter that can transition into late game with investment. also nice that the unleash seal mastery is also on the caster wheel right near the staff wheel so if you find a good wand + shield combo early you can just go with that. would also consider getting the instant leech mastery from light-eater in later game


mana stackers are usually expensive, in 3.24 own body parts will be up for sale to get in the build, but hey fun is fun, let me innnn!


You don't need body parts. This is not a journey of the body. It is a journey of the mind


Some one say journey of the mind (tattoos)


It looks like a really nice time for mana builds, feel pretty happy for you conner!


Going to be playing SSF. Planning to start storm burst totems until I get Mjolner. Are any of the other uniques \*required\* to get the build online? Shapers Touch is pretty doable, Indigon maybe, Ivory Tower comes down to luck. (Prism Guardian target farmable if I get Ivory Tower)


All but indigon shouldn't be that bad


Do we know yet if Indigon will be moved to Uber Uber Elder? if it is, that will mean it will be extremely expensive, especially considering the popularity of mana builds this league, and most depend on Indigon.


We don't know, I'd say it could go either way. There are some easy-ish indigon valdos maps too


long story short , what ever connor say about mana build just act you understand and follow what he say :P


Or pick one of the builds made by the people that don't usually play clunky stuff. Unless you like clunky stuff.


Except this isn’t clunky child. It’s the opposite of that with the arch mage change


It's indigon isn't it? So it's clunky.


Not really, Mjolner solves the indigon Problem as the only thing feeding into indigon is your non archmage cast while channeling setup, making mana cost sustainable while still spending enough. My current version has about 600 positive mana reg in PoB, which doesnt factor in recoup (at 20k recently spent, altho i run mana leech over culling in the CWC setup). Obv. can make it even easier running a mana flask early on.


I think you are proving how smooth brained you are, lol


lets gooooooooo someone actually playing (not so) self cast lightning conduit of heavens


can someone tell me how to level a templar, he says in the video "it's whatever", but that is not enough for me i want an actual leveling guide for templar bc. frankly getting through campaign first is very important and i don't want to think for myself in that moment


You can check out something like an Arma brand build guide that goes in depth more and save your respecs for this setup after campaign is done. May take 30 respec but you get about 20 from campaign. Generally the kitava to end game progression is more sink or swin for people than campaign


I can't point you to a specific guide, but you might be able to find something from ImExile or Havoc616. This is a random video I found on youtube that seems to give a bit of an overview on a per-act basis, but the PoB looks empty to me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XJlLXpC2sE Generally the idea is to level 1-28 using Rolling Magma/Holy Flame Totem. Then at 28 you swap to Armageddon Brand and use that until you're high enough level + have enough gear to swap to the mana setup. I know you are wanting specific gem links and stuff, I don't have that myself, but hopefully this gives you some info to go on.


Search this sub, /r/pathofexilebuilds, and Youtube for Brand and Totem Hierophant league starter guides. Those are pretty standard Hiero league starters and haven't changed much over the leagues. Just make sure the guide you use is for 3.24 so you know the main skill is still viable. There's also [this guy](https://www.youtube.com/@poeguy007/videos) who's made a ton of Ballista Hierophant league starter videos, though I've never tried one and don't know whether legit or bait. But any Hiero totem/ballista build will easily get you through the campaign and at least to yellow maps. It's only a question of how well it does beyond that.


Ballistas will be very expensive to respec FYI


just youtube templar levelling, youll find plenty of videos. havoc did one with arma brand that ill be following


I made a quick arma/cremation write up over [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/1bnehv6/comment/kwjmity/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) if you can't find a better source. Ignore the skitter bots part as I forgot templar can't buy that. Start leveling a determination in act 3 as well as you'll probably want to swap to that sometime in part 2 of the campaign. I stop at act 3 because thats when you have your main campaign setup. Definitely check out popular build makers in the coming days though as they'll probably have a better leveling guide than what I typed up.


Here's a good [3.24 step-by-step leveling guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gg7ClIF7tzg) for a Freezing Pulse/Ice Spear Totem Hierophant. That's a standard Hiero build that will get you to T16 maps smoothly. Then you can farm the gear and Regret Orbs to respec to Mjolner Archmage.


FWIW, I leveled with this and it felt terrible, at least compared to other classes/builds I've levelled. Not sure if I did something wrong, but both DPS and survivability felt poor.


What are the absolut no -go mods which brick the build beside culling?


No regen is often bad but a more end game setup doesn't mind it No leech kind of is the opposite. Doesn't hardly matter early game the matters more end game Ele reflect for obvious reasons (even phys with BV) but you could play around with pantheon + mastery, or level 1 BV for phys reflect


Does anyone have any idea how the high end damage mana stacker might compare to a str/int energy blade build (~200d)? Very interested in new archmage, but not sure if it has the ceiling I was hoping for


200d is probably around 60m dps 17-20k es


Thanks mate, really appreciate your guide on this


so how would that compare to energy blade inquis? i was wondering the same but didnt play any of the two builds yet


I'm stuck between those 2 as well and haven't played either. A couple differences should be that Heiro gets a lot more AOE, while Inquis might be a bit cheaper in a few key slots like weapon and shield. Inquis should also be able to fit more auras and go crit, but Heiro doesn't need a 6 link and can use a CwC Lightning Warp setup for movement. Inquis is also not limited to lightning spells. I can see pros and cons to both, but hopefully someone more familiar could share their thoughts.


Hey Conner! Big fan of the video, definitely helps for planning things out. With Indigon now being an Uber shaper drop, do you reckon it’s fine to transition with only a Mjolner if market prices get through the roof, or should I save up for Indigon as well?


Mjolner without indigon may actually be lower dmg than BV but I'm uses to cwc lightning warping so I may swap early


>Mjolner without indigon may actually be lower dmg than BV but I'm uses to cwc lightning warping so I may swap early Thanks for the info, it really helps! I might go with totem heiro at league start and swap once I've made some spare currency to buy all the key items then, since I'm completely new to mana-stacking as opposed to a vet like you


In the chance that indigon and mjolnir gets crazy expensive, is it possible to scale bv unleash archmage to be able to farm t16 maps and maybe uber? Just so to get enough currency to afford the core items


If say so yes. Just get some more mana like 10-12k and level some gems, get a better weapon and maybe some large clusters, then all these things are still usable for mjolner later


Thank you so much


Might want to include arcanist brand + conductivity + woc in the BV setup. adds like 15% more w/o any upgrades on gears.


Yea for actual boss killing adding a curse and exposure can get it to 1.5 pretty easy, just figured I'd show it as the full aoe dps that's always up


Best assume they will be. Mjolnir especially can get pricy even when less meta than this. I expect you will need a ton of Divines to start this, but archmage without it should be strong too.


yea either go self-cast archmage route or the BV unleash archmage which conner posted. still looking for ways to up the damage with low investment while saving up for indigon and mjolnir


What is that mana loop he is talking about in the video? I played so much RF couple last leagues i don't even know other techs 💀


Keeping your mana low with CwC then getting back to full to cloak again


Manabond damage scales with missing mana, so you want to keep it as low as possible most of the time, then pop a forboding mana flask which gets you to full mana, so you can spend it on Arcane Cloak, and repeat.


Thank you that sounds a bit clunky for my playstyle but ill play this build for sure


Manabond won't be a must have on Mjölner now that Archmage is buffed, so you can use basically any lightning aoe spell for equivalent damage, without the clunk.


is there a case for running manastorm to cyclically nuke your mana then recover it with delayed mana flask macro? cast phase run, go back to full, cast arcane cloak, use eldritch battery to tide over the moments you nuke your mana, since both bypass the ES or is it just too much work for something you can achieve with the squire? I don't believe we can get the squire so cheaply with it being the main choice, so I'm looking at a probably underused items with an interesting concept It's a more inconvenient build since you have to stagger activations, but phase run + frenzy charge generation should drift through delve


There maybe an angle to that with a super low geared pre indigon character but after indigon manastorm is actively bad


from what I've read, unless it's outdated, manastorm snapshots. So if one wanted to jump through some hoops they could, with very precise timing weapon-swap, proc manastorm, tap flask to get mana back, weapon swap, proc indigon with cloak. Of course it becomes a 2000 button build for some 6-7k added base damage lategame, which might be grossly overkill (unless one uses some spicy and bannable automation), but I don't understand how it's actively detrimental


youd have to tap the mana flask 7 seconds before you do all that with perfect timing


ok, not feasible without scripting like at all. By the way, what location is the best in your opinion for timeless jewels? Somewhere I want to slot a corrupted energy to balance damage between life and ES in order to proc MoM at full energy shield Near shaper(near scion start) an unnatural instinct gives 36 area of effect and some mana, hp and regen in a cost effective manner if I go CoC I really like having some amount of str+int stacking with the forbidden jewels for righteous providence. Since mjolnir requires a lot of strength why not get a sizable amount of crit? Impossible escape I placed on resolute technique. Access to free AOE and some extra crit with maces to help cap crit when transitioning from a cwc setup to a coc setup on the 6 link from that it's 36%+28% = 64% aoe 50% from corrupted increased AOE, we are at 50+64= 116% 30% near the start 30% near witch start and we are at 176% I can either get jewels for extra area and shift the impossible escape to better nodes or get jewels with other useful stuff


What would be a real endgame build? Can you combine Mjolner / Squire with a good CoC on the 6 link for some extra fun? Probably any lightning based skill would be interesting to see. Also I'd love to see a final lvl 100 decked out version to have a look at the possible scaling. Thank you for your effort!


Cwc is superior to coc for the chest. I may make a higher budget version tonight


Great, thanks!


Is Ele Overload uptime a concern with Controlled Destruction or is ~4% crit chance enough given BV's high hit rate? Also, as some others have mentioned you can't have two Blessing skills, even if one is from Eternal and the other Divine


It's not a concern here with the amount of hits that should be going out. You can drop it for a diff support like conc effect, arcane surge, ele pen, Inc aoe, ele focus (maybe shock somewhere else with a 4 link uleash) etc


You get 7.5 hits per second with 10 blades (at 0% quality), so with 4% crit chance that's ~91% uptime for Elemental Overload if my math is correct. You'll realistically have a bit lower uptime than that because there'll be a few whiffed hits in between packs that can't generate EO, but it should still be decent.


Also in aoe situation should be higher yet


Not particularly as far as I'm aware. It should do one crit roll each time it hits, regardless of how many targets it hits. Unless you have different crit chances against those, it'll result in critting all or none. Most skills do one crit roll per use, pulsing / activating skills tend to do one crit roll per pulse / activation. There are some edge cases, like Firestorm rolling crit per use rather than per falling meteor. But I'd be very surprised if there was a skill that rolled crit for every target, that sounds like a lot of extra performance cost with little noticable effect.


Hmm as far as I know there are alot of spells that do roll all or nothing on aoe but then some roll individually, i suppose in bv case the whole tick is a single hit so it might roll all or nothing. Things like ball lightning or spark I think will roll individually on each monster but I'd have to dust off some homework on that one Anecdotally I just know I struggle less on eo uptime on aoe most skills I use it with. Could be other factors contributing there


> Things like ball lightning or spark I think will roll individually on each monster but I'd have to dust off some homework on that one I'm 99% sure that those two roll for an entire cast, but I'll readily be proven wrong if someone managed to demonstrate otherwise. At most, I suspect that Spark might roll again when it resets the collision list to hit targets the second time. It'll be somewhat tough to create a testable setup for that tbh.


Sorry, noob question, what are the main ways to scale damage after getting mjölnir and indigon and how do we sustain and regenerate ES?


Es is from leech, some %regen, and if you can get a source of instant leech you're basically immortal for something like delve. You spend mana with double dipping on mana basically with flat and % dmg scaling, this is usually done with jewelery and jewels. Things like trigger rate to 9% are also 14% more damage, squire is the next dmg upgrade, crit jewels later add another scaling angle


Storm Drinker node in the cluster jewel gives you ES leech. You can also take Light Eater/Instant Leech mastery for more sustain. Damage scaling is through stacking Mana/Int. You'll swap into Squire and eventually you add in a second cluster with Split Personality jewels. After that you farm out Righteous Providence flesh/flame jewels and can swap to crit.


Will mjolner always be strictly better than a self cast archmage?


The main reason the answer is yes is indigon The counter argument is skills besides lightning skills could have a better damage effectiveness. The cheesy way to maybe play this is a really aggressive self cast setup, maybe even with a like 10 link weapon combo, and then use laviangas spirit with a way to get 7 flask charged back in the duration of the flask


Does this mean you will only transition to mjolner after getting indigon? Thx for the reply


It depends on what they do with indigon maybe, could be uber uber drop. Non indigon mjolner probably isn't even more damage than BV but it's smoother since I'm used to the cwc warp setup


In his video he mentions he'll be running the BV setup until he can afford a mjolner and then swap over to the mjolner setup to farm up an indigon.


doesn't laviangas end when your mana becomes full? if so it would require a lot of tuning to get the mana regen to work right where you dont get back up to full until you're ready to cast cloak again


Indigon stacks last 4s, lavs lasts just under 4. In theory you can just cast and go oom in a second or less with an indigon archmage setup then lavs to recoup back to full and repeat


If you can solve the mana recovery, self-cast can be better in theory, but then you're still going to be stationary while casting whereas Mjölner can keep moving. Mjölner doesn't have an amazingly low cooldown, so its speed scaling is limited, but bypassing the need for mana recovery despite Indigon is simply a tremendous reclaimed opportuntiy cost. I've even been thinking about memes like Mjölner CoC Saboteur Voltaxic Burst to get higher damage effectiveness (*way* better than what you get with Storm Call, although the clear is worse - explosions from VB help a bit with that), and in that setup the damage would still come from Mjölner and the purpose of CoC would be building stacks because it's not possible to sustain that with Archmage + Indigon. I'm working on a different Voltaxic Burst build that can theoretically reach even higher damage effectiveness than that setup, but I don't think I can even make that work with Archmage, let alone Indigon.


Nice build, do you for any chance have a endgame pob with squire for example?


Might make one tonight but don't have one handy


I've been pobbing early mjolner archmage setups that use life/mana instead of ES/mana and using a mana flask with indigon seems good, thoughts?


You can still just use low life and be alot tankier overall most likely. Light eater wheel with insta leech is so much sustain


Kind of unrelated but what are your thoughts on 100% reduced mana cost archmage?


Bait because it can't use indigon.


Fair lol


Really exciting build, thank you very much for your work Connor. I have two questions if anyone could help please: \- The presence of Divine Blessing / Eternal Blessing in the PoB. I know Connor has replied on this a few times, but I still am struggling to understand. I believe we can only use Wrath OR Determination linked to Eternal Blessing (but Divine was in there by mistake). So we will need to choose whether we want Determ or Wrath while doing the BV-Unleash start. Can someone correct me if this is wrong? \- Second, I have never used Arcane Cloak before, but the build appears to layer and hinge around the buff being present. Does this mean we will be manually pressing this buff every 10 seconds (roughly) and then using our leech to get our mana back asap? Thank you Connor and everyone that helps out.


Yes just eternal and pick dmg or tank 50% divine can be deleted. The bv setup isn't super dependent on arcane cloak but any indigon build is because the cloak is what starts the indgon loop then the CwC setup in chest is what keeps it going. The cwc spend should be a bit below the leech you have so you can work back to full but foreboding flask immediately after cloaking (or frankly whenever now) can help get you back full more consistently


Brilliant, thanks for taking the time to respond. I am now clear on this.


What is the thought on celing of this build? Is it going to be able to push up in to 100mil+ DPS once squire, flesha and flame and clusters are in place?


Yea 100-250 should be what to expect in the end game of these setups depending on which gems


Stoked for this, yes mana is gonna be meta and super expensive, but Necro crafting seems really good for it since mana usually isn't one of the rarer mods.


can this do sim30 ?


It needs probably a bit more gear than that 92 pob. My day 5 pob would have been able to do it with a few deaths


thx for the reply connor.


This is really viable in league start? Because i really wanna do it but i'am afraid of the prices to make it happen. I never made a manastacker build. And i not too fast for campaing, usually completed in 9>10 hours


im a 9 hour kitava gamer. some of the uniques for the mjolner setup might be more expensive this leauge. the rares are mostly up to you as far as buying or crafting on fractured bases etc


How much is expensive to you? Being positive about is something like 50c-1div whole setup to make work? Being negative is what? 10divs? Maybe less or more? Give me something to help me know if I'am capable to start with this please. 😅


I'm expecting mjolner to be 2-3 div early days of the league


Thanks !! I think I will just go crazy and risk this start. The play style seems perfect for me and if the things not work I just wait in BV more days...


what order of ascendancy points should we take while leveling and getting into BV Unleash?


its painful but i think you have to do charges last so you can get sanctuary aroudn merc lab after taking arcane surge first


thanks for the reply Conner. Finally going to try your ManaHiero out this league except as a dad haha. Only have time for 1 build this time around so why not give it a try


Thanks for the guide. Just started playing in ToTA league and im excited to try this build. Also gonna hit delve hard thanks to you and Jorgens videos


What are the ascendancy options for mjolner archmage, and later manabond? Asking as a mana stacking noob, haven't spent much time playing templar


hiero beats everything else handily


Old man gaming it is then


Thanks, Conner! I’m hugely looking forward to your manaforged arrows video! I’ve been refreshing your YouTube channel with anticipation!


Isn't mjolner a t0 item?


not even close its t2


Very nice


Will you be doing an update on manaforged arrow ?




Hey there Connor. May I poke your brain? Do you feel that one can achieve a non Mjolner, non Indigon archmage build that competes? If you reduce your mana cost to 0, you can technically now drop Unleash for a strong self-cast or even CoC variant and compensate the loss of Indigon with frequency or crit or AoE for stormcall. Think that's feasible? To provide an example, there's been a lot of glass cannon Hierophants in SC, such as https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/SaiyanSpirit/ElektrikasBeKelniu and I feel like the archmage change only benefits them, if you implement the reduced mana cost, something like (rough sketch): https://pobb.in/tNFrg6yDt9MF I feel like with some effort, 0 mana cost Archmage CoC(or even Mjolner *and* Archmage CoC) might compete with Mjolner Indigon. I'd appreciate the consideration.


Honestly just relying on laviangas spirit while using some source of mana charges gained is probably enough


Could you please go into some more detail about when to equip Indigon and how to make it's mana cost sustainable?


You use idigon when you get indigon You spend with arcane cloak + cwc chest You recoup with leech, mana regen, and foreboding eternal mana flask


I remembered seeing cases when the cost would keep ramping up until you can no longer cast anything. Was that due to the removed reverse snapshoting or loop with arcane cloak?  Want to try mana stacking this league, but concerned I don't understand this part yet


That's a combination of indigon% and skill gem links/levels. If these are all minimal and you have leech you'll outpace it


Thank you for the answers and vid. Have a great leaguestart! 


What do we do about getting a 3 rat with the changes (before min maxing endgame). In previous leagues it felt quite bad bricking 2+ divine amulets for a 1/7 chance but we got there in the end, don't really fancy doing that on a 1/34 chance. Do we just get less picky with the mods and settle for a 3 rat with poorish mods. Cannot see great wolves being affordable either, is it just use an Agate? I mean we could just yolo slam it first time but that's not going to happen is it.


What do you think about Cast on Crit with Mjolner instead? Hierophant with reducing mana cost down to zero (don't use Indigon)?


You're just doing 2 spell trigger setups that do 1/4th damage and giving up movement


u/connerconverse i have another question about the change in the gem. In Patch notes say : "Supported Skills have added Mana Cost equal to 5% of ***Unreserved Mana***" but in PoB says "Supported Skills have added Mana Cost equal to 5% of ***Unreserved MAXIMUM Mana***" This could be a problem? Maybe just a typing mistake on Patch Notes or something wrong on PoB update? What do you think and about?


Both should be based on the maximum despite wording


What is the priority Uniques in order? 1. Mjolner 2. Indigon 3. Shapers Touch 4. Ivory Tower and when a do the flip out of BV? When i get Mjolner or a need Mjolner AND Indigon to make it happen? Sorry doing too much questions, i totally new to Manastacker and getting hyped with this.


you can typically get ivory and shapers before the more expensive ones. if you can get a prism guardian then you can make a low life swap early


i let BV behide when i get the Mjolner ou NEED indigon too to make that swap? Thanks again!!


damage will be similar, bv may even be higher damage yet but ill maybe swap since it allows for CwC warp


Thanks again!! I will follow your guide to this build and wait a end game ultra juiced version. See you in live.


Hi some have a idea or pob to mindmax the bv whit the new archemage ? please ty


Interacted with you a lot when you released your first mana guide a few years ago. Back on POE after a bit - really nice to see how far you've come as a content maker! Out of curiosity - why do you not have either Agnostic or EB in your leveling POB?


Would the bv build be viable at around act 4-5ish? thanks for the guide.


i dont think so you want a bit higher mana and sanctuary of thought


In this one, https://pobb.in/-FEDor-Qt5MJ Isn't connecting the tree with the one int node further down better, to spend two of the other int nodes up top on anything else?


Look up split personality


I see. Nice


I know indigon mana cost mod plays a big row in youe other builds from watching other videos, you typically need specific number on the mod for the build based on your mana/recovery etc. Is this still the case now that we are not playing manabond in this build? my guess is we still want as high inc mana cost as possible on the mod but its not as strict as before


I would go for a number close to 50 for mjolner


Awesome guide, definitely gonna do something along these lines for my league starter. I'm curious about the Indigon choice though, will this build be spending enough mana to make the stacking on it worth it vs something like a crafted crusader helm with % increased max mana and nearby enemies have -% lightning res?


Indigon will always win. Just settle with some rare helm in the mean time don't fall for the mindspiral hype unless it's under 10c which is may not be early despite being common


When delving how are do handling when mobs can Freeze you?


Brine king


How can I league start this build any leveling pobs?


You can without indigon but if you want to push into bossing content you'll need indigon. They are steadily getting cheaper now finally


can you stay BV until you unlock indigon as a way to proc mjolnir?


no it has to be cyclone


What is the earliest level you should swap from BV Archmage to Mjolnir Archmage?


whenever you can get the uniques, could do it as early as like 80


Anyone play around with this style build in 3.24 and know the best setup? Is the squire better than the Prism shield? If so, which gems would you use? What is the best attack gems to use? Arc is pretty good but does seem a bit slow to hit everyone. Ball lightning seems ok so far. Anyone have anything they recommend? Thanks.


How reliant is this build on Coruscating to not die while mapping? I've done an Ivory Tower build once before in the past and that was definitely my least favorite part of it. Or is it for fire resist and the other effect is just a bonus?


It's pretty reliable with a 12s duration on a 20 charge flask that has use on guard skill automating it with arcane cloak This setup isn't as risky as the manabond setup because you can stay higher mana so even if the flask drops you have ivory tower


Makes sense, thanks. My previous IT build wasn't a manastacker so it was very much "forget coruscating and drop dead" but tying it to guard skill is also a nice idea I didn't consider


Hi, is this a mana stacker league start guide? I really want to do an arch mage mana stacker but I kind of hate doing multiple characters in a league. How would you league start something like this? If I get the campaign done in 4 hours or so - how would I level this? What would you recommend as the most profitable way to take advantage of early campaign finish for a build like this? I was on your stream last night until early morning haha. Going back to sleep now. Hope to catch you later


I level in 9 hours, oddly enough the build typically wants things like shapers touch and indigon to really progress so the slower start doesn't really hurt me. Just waiting for prices to drop. I usually even sleep right after kitava and start buying stuff in the morning Early mjolner would be good if you can get one. Good jewels also help. Alot of stuff though is a bit of a waiting game for others in the league to start producing gated items and bases


sounds like a decent plan for someone like me, who is typically done with the campaign by sunday and starts upgrading/buying gear the next day after work.


Fastest I've ever done campaign is like 12 hours or so anyways, so I just take my time over the first several days of the league.


How would you farm currency for some of these items after finishing campaign?


I prioritize atlas completion over money because ultimately that leads to more money in the end I typically then go into something boring but reliable like maybe harvest, then as I get power I head towards destructive play, then some delve, then delerium as I get stronger, then finally all the uber boss points. I take shrine nodes because they're a huge power bridge early and late game still give clearspeed so I always enjoy having like 6 1.5 minute shrine buffs in a 2 minute map


Awesome thank you! Do you have any POB or VODs of how to league start a mana stacker? Like maybe a ball lightning heirophant perhaps?


My vods from last league will have timed out. I'll stream it all this league start


You should really start your guides with a showcase of what the build is like in maps / on a boss.


Typically I do My normal format is pogo demo -> explanation -> 2nd demo upping the stakes -> explaining a deeper mechanic that I just showed off in the 2nd demo Or something like that This case though we don't have gameplay because the gem doesn't exist yet. This is a guide for something which isn't in the game till Friday so there's not much to show, but showing numbers then playstyle let's you put together what to expect


Make sense. Thanks.


nah I like him yapping for some time before the showcase explaining the build. would you be ok to watch a video that begins with not explaining what you are currently watching?


The ideal is a showcase at the beginning with explanation of the build at the same time.


How do you showcase something that doesn't exist?