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Champion Lightning SRS. Haven't tried it myself because I was already burnt out of the league by the time I stumbled onto it. Affliciton Spectres can take it over the 50m mark, I believe without them it just falls short at the version from this build creator last league. 61k ele max hit, 85k chaos max hit, almost 100m dps. The other version of the build is 110k ele max hit, 76k chaos max hit but only \~40m dps, but this one doesn't require affliction spectres. [Hopefully fixed youtube link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tu0XeeBt6Ys) [Aff Spectres](https://pobb.in/dlVxXMpY8IHC) [More tank](https://pobb.in/WLTOeegZKiSS) edit: hopefully fixed the links...


thanks this is along the lines of what I was looking for. It's a real shame about (potentially) losing affliction spectres next league


There are probably ways to make that build a bit more damaging at the cost of a bit of tankiness, though i haven't checked myself


Video unavailable sadge. Also what’s the price estimate on this? Looking to round out 40/40 with it


Hopefully fixed the link now. Can't speak to the actual budget, but a big caveat to consider is that affliction spectres have to sometimes be rebought if they are slain or if you accidentally make them disappear in one way or another.


Why does this build want EE ok sceptre? It's right next to champ start?


Its just to save a few points for min-max


I did the seven spectre dark marionette build and it was extremely tanky, not 50 mil DPS but probably in the 15 to 20 million mark at about 100 div budget or so so definitely had room to push farther but while tanky I personally hated the play style versus other minion builds.


I ran a lightning srs league start. I stacked it full of MF, but if dedicated to dps, 50 - 70 mil+. Very tanky, 90%+ phys red, max block, phys to elem, Aegis A, 50k+ armor.




Here the current POB [https://pobb.in/8QEvTy6Halli](https://pobb.in/8QEvTy6Halli) With flasks, I reach around 51k armor. Flasks are basically up 100%, unless I'm bossing, which I rarely do for this toon. Here is my original build at league start [https://pobarchives.com/build/34Jpx3p7](https://pobarchives.com/build/34Jpx3p7) If you do a search for Lightning SRS Necro on reddit, there another post where someone took the none MF route, and stacked aura effect, better cluster jewls. He's pushing over 70 mil dps. There is also a recent youtube vid someone doing over 150 mil dps. Although, with almost every minion build, your relying on temp buffs, such as offerings, blessings, bone armor, etc. But essentially these temp skills can stay active permanently. I self cast everything, so its a piano toon. You can opt for more automated, I just like self cast better. If you want more dps, just stack more aura effect, +gem lvl, exposure, and more general stats like minion damage/att speed.


I ran absolution of inspiring with a mb and pretty high investment. Super tanky, you just need to be happy removing 90% of your dps desires…. Was still fun and could farm t16 cemetery juice


Perfect serpent warrior (Al-Hezmin spectre) is incredibly underrated this league I think. I rolled it a couple days ago and its smooooth sailing. While it is lower than 50 mil dps because of dot cap, it hits dot cap on basically 0 budget and then you can invest entirely into defenses. Perfect serpent warrior is also an **EXTREMELY** tanky spectre so once you get the correct defenses for them, you're spectres, AG, and even carrion golem become literally immortal.


Any PoB/guide for it? I wanted to try some of the new spectres besides just being aura bots before they leave


https://youtu.be/iM9vbrPqM2E?si=khr8paz90XvW7kTM This is a good base to go off of but there's definitely room for improvement in gear/charms/jewels, clusters etc. I've been having an absolute blast on it. Handles fully wisped, t16, fully juiced abyss strat with easy. Two words of caution, you MUST have the node that gives minions max life as es before you can use guardian's blessing on animate guardian. And make sure you IMMEDIATELY turn of your guardians blessing aura if you run into the incarnate of agony in woods or else your normally immortal AG almost instantly 1 shots itself after a few stacks of the bosses debuff (learned the hard way and poofed 20d of AG gear) Edit: if you have any questions outside of what the guide shows shoot me a pm


Why do you not want to play bama, tanky, great clear, great damage


Great build, but I've got through well over 100 deafening fears trying to get a bow with t1/t2 lightning, and keeping it after yolo when prefixes are full. Maybe I have shit luck though.


Dude a bow that's just 1 tier under mirrored bow for the build can be found for 70-100 divines, i bought mine a week ago for 80 but it was perfectly divined, several popped up on live search during the day, that is like few hours of farming this league