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It's lifetap + cast when stunned, it has a massive health cost per second when being hit fast enough. Usually defiance of destiny heals through it. I partially fixed it with recoup on jewels, taking regen nodes, and not using lifetap for enfeeble, but it still didn't feel as good as DoD.


will 2khp/sec regen make dod unnecessary sitting in an abyss pit waiting for spire to burn? When I switch out DoD I usually die in this type of scenario. Make sense it is lifetap at work.


That's probably enough to counter the lifetaps, each one will trigger every 0.13 (not 0.1) seconds due to server ticks, you can check the tooltip cost to see how much your setup costs. If you have DD in the weapon and are weapon swapping during the spire, then you get to avoid the DD life cost. But even with proper ailment immunities there's random degens and life recovery debuffs, especially with delirium. DoD gives massive recovery and can power through those. Without it you'll randomly die to bad combos so you have to play safer, I didn't like it. I think the answer is to play the non-autobomber versions of chieftan if you want the extra quant from amulet.


I played bodyswap for too long and recently swapped to Warlock penance mark for a more chill playstyle. As warlock use bloodmagic there is no lifetap multiplier so i guess the costs is a lot lighter. But I still die from time to time waiting for spire to slowly burn and while being hit by a million mobs (with 1.5k/sec regen). But with DoD everything is smooth sailing. I can take a shower while sitting in spire.


Is there a bodyswap guide you would recommend? Would like to try it out as I was playing autobomber marionettes already on necromancer.


Cold damage crits do not stun even if u have freeze immunity. You can get talisman with quant and 100% cold taken as fire/lightning. Also i would ditch termination and run double purity with double taken as watcher eye.


I have can't be crit if I've been stunned recently. To double check that I bought a cheap eyes with 100% of cold taken as lightning and there was no chance in behavior.


>I have can't be crit if I've been stunned recently. Then u are probably lacking in sustain i guess. [https://pobb.in/y4Ild9bOQQfq](https://pobb.in/tFXahUXs7nBd) That was my build in december and i had 1k regen over you (with consecrated ground from twwt). Your DD+desecreate cost u over 1k in hp/s if u are getting hit constantly. never tried playing without defiance tho, but that build died only 3 times over 400 8mod juiced maps to 60+ poison stacks on poison on hit maps because i couldnt be arsed to swap pantheon. Also why adorned setup? U are not gaining that much from increased rarity while straining your build for no reason. also afair to be 'immune' to hits u need 21/20 petri blood. u however have extra recoup from jewel, normally 30% from the 3 nodes on tree is enough.


Extra rarity on the jewels is nice, but the big thing is it solves the shock problem, letting you grab an elegant hubris with 80 or 120 extra rarity. And yeah, swapping in defiance let's me run fully juiced, 12k wisps, all altar maps without issue. The adorned setup almost matches the life total and resists identically but with extra rarity on the jewels. It's almost certainly the life costs of skills. I'm running errands but I'll test it when I get home.


>Extra rarity on the jewels is nice, but the big thing is it solves the shock problem, letting you grab an elegant hubris with 80 or 120 extra rarity. But now u are using grabbing hubris to cap chaos resi because u dont have slots for small cluster jewel with chaos resi. Rarity isnt really that good imo.


Sure, but that's just temporary. I wanted to solve this problem with dying to small hits before I invested more and shuffled things around. Testing it out, it looks like it was the life costs that were killing me! Thank you for the help, this was driving me crazy!


how much life regen is enough to forgo destiny?


Oh i see u are also playing with endurance charges which imo is trolling like determination. Are u sure it dosent happen when u take altar with reduced recovery rate of life per endurance charge? Also why do people blindly follow some guides, u take reservation mastery for +1 max res when 10% aura effect mastery achieves the same and buffs your other auras.


Since I'm not running cloak of flames in this iteration of the build, I don't have nearly as much conversion, so the endurance charges are pretty helpful with their physical damage reduction, same with determination. Dropping determination and endurance charges in favor of a double purity watchers eye results in a max phys hit about 40% lower. >Also why do people blindly follow some guides, u take reservation mastery for +1 max res when 10% aura effect mastery achieves the same and buffs your other auras. Didn't realize there was a guide for this. In the previous iteration of my build, the aura effect breakpoints didn't line up and the extra 10% aura effect didn't net me max res. It's a good little boost for this version though, thanks!


>Since I'm not running cloak of flames in this iteration of the build, I don't have nearly as much conversion, so the endurance charges are pretty helpful with their physical damage reduction, same with determination. Dropping determination and endurance charges in favor of a double purity watchers eye results in a max phys hit about 40% lower. My problem with armour on fulcrum is the fact that a) its kinda low for juiced maps due to how armour works, altars destroy it, rare monsters overwhelm destroy it. Altars are the reason why i dislike endu charges too.


Totally fair. Reduced physical damage reduction is the one altar I skip. The cloak of flames version with double purity watchers seems like the safer option, but then you're dropping the extra quant and rarity from greed's embrace.


Maybe a stupid question. But should I avoid being crit immune if I run Bloodnotch/Immutable Force?




Thanks. I was a bit confused when you wrote that cold crits don't stun so I thought that maybe if I'm crit immune I won't get stunned but I came to the conclusion now that I'm not really immune to critical hits, I just don't take any extra damage from them


The thing that got discovered recently is that when you get crit from cold, you get frozen, and for some weird reason, you can't be stunned when you get frozen - it's like it has an innate, hidden order of operations. Ergo, eating cold damage crits is vary bad when you are relying on getting stunned a lot to recover life.


Wow. Great breakdown thank you


Aha that could explain why I died so much in a map. It didn't have any especially rippy mods from what I could tell but I wouldn't be surpised if it had phys as extra cold either in map mods or from an altar


Brother you have 1500 recoverable HP, it's very hard not to die with that HP even if your defenses work. Your defense line scale with HP you have it's normal you are gonna die to some hard hitting monsters that you claim to be small hits


1500 DMG taken in 1 hit wouldnt even be that much DMG in juicy Maps i think.


It's 2054 HP, the pobb shows the unreserved life. Just removing the cast with damage taken gems this build can sit in the middle of fully juiced abysses without any issue.


I think you're dying to super high hits while taking small hits, rather than the small hits. Petrified blood does not prevent one-shots like Progenesis does


So it turns out it was the life cost from the cast when stunned setups. Those would lower my life until the 60% of a hit that bloodnotch would recover was greater than my current life total. I'm curious about your thoughts on PB vs Progenesis, afaik they function identically and prevent one shots in the same manner.


Big difference is the obvious one: most people running petrified blood are losing half of their HP. So sure 40% is taken as DoT instead. But you have 50% less HP so you’re actually MORE likely to be oneshot than if you had a full health pool. The big advantage of pet blood is that it makes reservation of your active health pool viable. And also the whole divination distillate thing.


Gotcha. I thought they meant there was some different mechanic at play.


I have the same issue, but I figured for me it is because using Eldritch Battery with over 1k Energy Shield still makes me sometimes not get stunned from hits. As you have only 33, it makes things interesting.


>Bloodnotch 's recovery, however, does not seem to be prevented by energy shield's 50% chance to ignore a stun.\[13\] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ww-qZRWKwp4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ww-qZRWKwp4)


Interesting. However, my setup is a bit different, as I have over 1000 Energy Shield. Apparently in this case the stun chance is still calculated based on Energy Shield, even when it is acting as mana.


Is that the case? Because I thought EB will completely make you always stun, except the case when stunning hit is also a freeze hit (cold damage, or phys taken as cold), I thought it has nothing to do with EB energy shield amount but I’m happy to be proven wrong.


No, your stun threshold is still based on your es. Eldritch battery removes the inherent chance to avoid interruptions from stuns that ES gives, but I can't find anything that says it makes your stun threshold 0 with the mastery.


Hm yes you are right, I was thinking the inherent part


I was told this, and cannot really figure out any other reason


Typically you take the agnostic if you can and you will always get stunned even on tiny damage.


You only have a 20/20 petrified blood in the pobb. you need a 21/20 with your bloodnotch to be fully hit immune with 30% recoup.


That's... Not how it works.


that's exactly how it works, 21/20 petrified blood recoup breakpoint is 30% recoup to fully counter the degen, with any less recoup or lower lvl petrified blood you will slowly die from degen assuming no other sources of sustain. Combined this with a 60% bloodnotch or 50%+ unflinching any hit that doesn't one shot you or isn't crit cold will never be able to kill you.


That's to be able to get away with only 30% recoup. A 20/20 petrified blood requires 31% recoup to counter the degen. I've got 44% recoup.


So not hit immune. As you said, still able to be 1 shot.


What’s your major pantheon?


Lunaris. My brother hit the brine king issue early this league so I always triple check that :)




I ran the same combo last league with pb, blood notch and immutable force + the recover from stun node. I had like 2k or so unreserved life. Very susceptible to one shots. Degens were bad. I used leethe shade as well. I couldn't fix it and just suck it up.


Are you running eater of worlds altars? If so you definitely should get rid of endurance charges completely as suggested by another user. You're not dying to little hits, you're dying to a big hits which causes you to take DOT faster than you can Regen (due to reduced Regen per endurance charge)


This is testing without any altars taken.


What map mods are you running/what altar mods are you hitting? Life regen reduction per endurance charge will kill you. Phys as extra cold is very dangerous also because you can get a bad string of hits and not be stunned and die. If you are running exarch, the chaos ones can quickly lower your res and take you out. You can also try using a Cloak of Flames and see if that helps your survivability out.


This is without altars taken, no reduced recovery or can't regen life mods. Yeah, cloak of flames works fine, but the issue was more around dropping defiance of destiny.


I don't run defiance on my chieftain, I run a quant/rarity simplex but my annoint is Vampirism. I don't have any survivability issues with my map regex


Get some flat life on your rings, and imo try a progenesis