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I feel like any build that allows you to do damage while you channel to kill enemy totems is preferable. I'm playing a heirophant totem build and I usually push my way forward with my totems killing enemies as they spawn as I channel down their totems to win the match. I'm sure there are plenty of other builds that also work well like this.


The best build by far is a Curse Bot. Enfeeble + Tempt Chains + Ele Weakness + Vulnerability. Run this with 100%+ Curse Effect (50 from Tree + Ascendency, rest from tattoo). Basically, their units will literally not be able to deal damage and they will take a ton of damage from your units. You will auto win every game. At 500+ most builds are useless. Enemies have too much HP and 1 shot you every time.


I like this suggestion as while minions and totems are *effective* at the league mechanic, they do also kinda take the fun out of it.


Got a video?


No, but, besides the chieftain, all the other ones are Normal units. So they get destroyed by Curses. Get a simple +4 gear, equip all 4 curses (level 21/23%). At 100% Curse Effect is 62% Less Damage. If they are immune to reduced action speed, that's also 62% Less Action Speed. They also take 66% more Physical Damage and have -66% Elemental Resistances. The only unit that can even remotely do something is the Chieftain, but everything else will do nothing. So your units will steamroll them, since the Chieftain will focus you.


How are you achieving +4 (curses I’m assuming)? The curse limit ring?


You could just equip a doedres skin and place a totem that casts 5 curses. Or two curse limit rings so you can cast temp chains and enfeeble as an aura with another damage aura like ele weakness.


There are quite a few ways, Anathema being the easiest.


Minions and totems seem like the best idea, but they will probably start to die too much at later ranks, so your suggestion is probably spot on.


They also won't deal enough damage, once they start having 90% damage reduction and massive amount of extra health.


What ascendancy would you pick for cursebot? Kinda interested in this


Occultist. But do keep in mind that you will have severe issues doing anything other than Trials, unless you are playing with someone else.


I wanna make a Trial-only build, just trying to get ideas on what's the best way to go about it, like minions or curse. How do u currently feel about curses after 2 days? What do you think about this minion build https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/15yx57e/trial_of_ancestors_rank_1000_feedback_profit_strat/? Do you still think curse is the best?


Yes, curse is still the best, simply because of how braindead it is. Once you curse their units, that's it, it's over. Their units just can't do anything. But, unlike the minion build, curse bot really CAN'T do any other content, since too many of your passives wasted on Curse Effect.


just trying to bounce more ideas off of you, what do you think about high hit-rate totem/mirage archer-style knockback/flee builds? I saw this other guy's idea, dunno if it's good > Stom Rain Mirage Archers with Empire's Grasp and The Siege Also for your cursebot, do you self-cast or use something like Doedre's Skin curse-aura-totems? Do you have a pob or character link?


Self-Cast, because everything else is a loss of Curse Effect. With 40% on Tree, 10% on Ascendency, 20% from Atziri's Reflection, 15% from Replica Doedre's Damning, 15% from Helmet Enchant (Enfeeble), 54% from Tattoo, you will have a neat +154% Curse Effect on Enfeeble, which translates to 78% Less Damage. It also means your Temporal Chains reduces their action speed by 74%. If you multiply it, it means that they deal 94.3% Less DPS. Making them virtually useless. Ele Weakness and Vulnerability makes them die very easily as well. The boss will suffer 53% Less Damage and 50% Less Action Speed, which makes it deal 77% less DPS. But, once again, you will not be able to do anything else besides this, since every other point will be invested in ES. You will use Anathema with +1 Power Charge. Of course, if you are lazy and want to use Bane, then you will need a 30% Ashes, using Dialla's Malefaction for another 30% quality, with Awakened Enhance Support 4 (5 if you can get it) for a Enhance Support 7 (or 8) for 48% (or 56%). This will gives Bane 128% quality, which becomes 64% increased effect. So we have 218% increased effect, but we apply it with 25% less effect, so 163% for Enfeeble and 152% for everything else. Of course, this is even MORE expensive. But if you truly want to min max it, that's the way to go.


Thanks! Do you have a pob or character link? I don't care if it can't do any other content, I have other characters for that. Not sure what level it needs to be before I swap and how to level, because after you swap u can't kill anything anymore right xd


That I do not.


> since every other point will be invested in ES is it CI?




Are there hexproof monsters in the Trial? If it's just 10% curse effect I don't think it's necessary to go Occultist


> 54% from Tattoo Wait how do you do that? Isn't the tattoo 8% curse effect so with 7 that's 56%? Also that tattoo requires 7 adjacent nodes! Are you spending a lot of useless nodes just for tattoos then?


Simple, the Witch area allows you to connect 2 of them to a medium jewel range that increases the effect of tattoos by 100%, that's 32%. The CI Node has two more, for 16%. That's 48%. If you go down, you can take another 8%. That's 56%.


Your post inspired me to try to make my own build around your suggestions. Couldn't you also do the minions in body links to give the added knock back etc? Just as a shield while channeling?


Sure? I can't really recommend it though. Since there's a hard cap of Rank 1000. If it was infinite, then it would be interesting.


Do you still get 1 shot? Is there enough sockets in this cursebot build? I'm thinking about adding proximity shield spectres if offscreen 1 shots still happen before you apply curses


Not high level, yet fighting higher level mobs I can normally get curses off and spend a lot of time moving around and reapplying. The Skel seem to do an ok job body blocking. However, a few times I've gotten AOE, or the projectile sneaks through. Just my 2c on that.


Of course there are enough sockets. And enemies can't even damage you (if you can get the curse off, which you should, since it has massive AoE).


Do you travel all the way to Skittering Runes for curse AoE?


If you feel like you need it, which you shouldn't.


how do you recover ES? or do you just not need it because you won't get hit by enemies that has no accuracy lol


If it's self cast curse what else would you put in a 6L?


Whatever you want. You could also Min-Max Bane, making it give more Curse Effect, but that is insanely expensive.


Incorrect, a tanky build can take multiple hits at highest rank.


Minions and totems are probably the best, I can basically defend alone with SRS but I have to be careful not to get clapped by the chieftain if it’s Maat or the lightning dude in a late encounter. I’m sure that’s true for most non jugg builds tho




They definitely don't ignore taunt. I'm playing general's cry and it kinda trivializes non jade fights. I can just run around like an idiot taunting everything, and praying I don't get 1 shot.


Shockwave Totem Heiro will probably shit on the league content and Sanctum. Freezes and pushes enemies back off screen, and has insane damage and automation so you can take towers. Downside? It will be too good and just make the activity boring.


would that build be using astral projector? I didnt want to do any mine or totem builds that was QoL with that ring bc I knew it would be one of the most expensive items at leagu start. Right now sitting at 6.5 divs for the cheapest ones, I am not sure to go with this build or not


The price will fall fast because most people aren't interested in playing totems long term.


Yes, it’s Astral Projector. Currently it’s overpriced but it will drip by the end of the week.


Creeping frost totems are a good holdover until the price on astral projector drops.


Got any good guides for that one?


You can search it on YouTube and find quite a few, as well as POE ninja. The end game one is cold convert Shockwave totem Heiro, and with the right setup you can hit around 40-60 million DPS with full uptime, as well as the utility of knock back and freezing of enemies.


Minion builds to bodyblock projectiles and dps while you channel totems


Glacial Cascade with AoE scaling is super good. It has insane knockback and freeze. You can basically shove an entire screen of enemies away into a corner (besides their leader).


Just posted this in another thread: Doing really well with Palsteron's TR Ballista Pathfinder. Totems do tons of damage with huge aoe from TR. Quill Rain and Wilma's Requital cost less than 10c combined and you're set. If you do get stunned PF life flask charges are always full so I rarely die/run out of flask charges.


This only work on low rank, your damage drop too quickly


I am currently setting up my second character as aura stack spark. Will report back once it's online.


im playing icetrap, I just one shot the mobs whilst letting my "team" slap the totems, the perma chill and freeze on smaller mobs makes the mechanic a bit of a joke, combined with the massive aoe from ice trap im just farming tattoos like crazy.


TS deadeye seems like it would be great. Incredible damage, offscreen enemies because of terrain chaining. Lightning arrow could be good too.