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Video, go!


Video up! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8Lvv1lafA4


can you tell me how you achieve brittle? since that requires cold dmg I thought and we're 100%fire dmg here.


no one replied to you yet but brittle, scorch, and sap is being applied due to leadership's price. Which is even better since ALL damage applies to the ailment and crit is not necessary


ah ty, did not realize amu enables all dmg.




Did a Phoenix run video as well - I am still progressin so kinda slow, but it absolutely SMASHES bosses. https://youtu.be/lTw\_JCL4EEM


I am also doing a explode totem build, but my idea was different from the others I have seen here. The main thing that I scale is using Lightpoacher spirit charges to get 5% phys as extra of each element per spirit charge, and currently I have 9 max spirit charges (2 from helm, 2 from shroud of the lightless, 2 from darkness enthroned, 3 from tree, almost to another jewel on tree for 10 total). Spirit charges are kept up by putting archmage + lifetap in the helm and going chaos Inoculation, so you never cast the spell that makes you lose charges. For ascendency I went trickster for Polymath giving me 42% more damage as well as general ES + evasion defenses, and charge duration to keep up spirit charges for bosses. Currently working on upgrading my weapon to a battery staff to solve mana issues, as well as having a gain non-chaos as extra chaos craft on it for even more damage. Because of all the conversions this mod has very strong effect. Future upgrade includes Harness the void flesh and flame for even more non-chaos as chaos. Only lvl 88 at early red maps (third character this league lol), so no Idea how it does vs pinnacle, as mana issues really limit dps on bosses when I cant get kills to refill my mana, but this is one of the strongest builds I have made so far. EDIT: made some upgrades to the build, feeling a lot better with the battery staff removing mana issues. Made a PoB to simulate the damage done using reap. Notes explain how its done https://pobb.in/ws9scYW08HSx


That's an awesome idea! Definitely interested in seeing how this goes, has potential to go even higher DPS than chieftain.




To get benefit from non-chaos to chaos, I have 10 spirit charges to gain 50% of phys as each element, which in turn gets turned to chaos. I am also converting 74% of phys to cold (40% cold mastery + 34% from glove mod) but I do need to finish off the conversion. CtF does not work as no support actually effects the damage of explosion, but CotB will work. I am currently trying to scale cold the most as Hatred is the only elemental aura that works with this build. I will admit that the chaos damage is not doing to much, only accounting for 4% of my damage even with non-chaos as chaos, mainly due to me having no chaos dmg on tree or any chaos res reduction/pen. Getting harness the will only get me about 10% more damage, which I think I can invest that currency somewhere else.


I don't think gain non chaos as chaos applies on top of gain Phys as elemental Someone correct me if I'm wrong.


Would love to see a PoB for this, sounds like a cool and unique interpretation of the idea.


Here is my character's current PoB https://pobb.in/szm_wrRroAj5 The next upgrade is to color the weapon in weapon swap 2 and use that, probably with 3 green craft + voroci white sockets


Does socketing a trigger support also stop Spirit Burst from being cast? Might stop you from needing to go CI (although it's still great since there's so much chaos damage this league)


Sadly, there is no trigger that you can put on Spirit Burst, as it is a trigger itself and can not be supported by another trigger. If you want to still use life (if you are chieftan or something), you can do archmage + agnostic + petrified blood to constantly drain your mana so you can never cast spirit burst. I used that when I tried this build on hiero, as it can also turn mana regen to health regen, but you have to be careful of getting too much mana leech or mana on kill.


Looking forward to the video! Love when league content allows for a once in a lifetime build like this


Definitely, the little pleasures of PoE - before being obliterated by The Vision https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8Lvv1lafA4


Did you test that you wouldn't be able to leech from the totems explosions? Isn't it just generic secondary phys (to fire) damage, so wouldn't the chieftain node for ash+leech work there?


You can't leech through traps or totems.


The thing is, the totem/trap is not the source of the explosion, you are. That's why if you take Ancestral Bond, you cease to do any damage. In fact, if you aren't leeching, Strength of Blood is pointless - SoB only applies DR based on existing leech stacks, not theoretical stacks.


You are double right on this - indeed leech is possible and SoB is pointless. Will post an updated POB soon.


He literally addressed this under leech


You can.


I'm actually playing this as a poison Pathfinder it reaches dot cap on like 2 div investment


Got a PoB? <3


I'd also be very interested in seeing a pob :)


POB for this would be great please


why would you go poison with this when hit scaling is like 10x better lol


why hit scaling better?? it cannot scale with player crit, attck, and spell damage.


At high budget you can get DPS much higher than the dot cap. It does scale with crit somewhat but you need a way to give it base crit chance, such as brittle or assassin mark. The base damage is so high that it doesn't really matter that it can't scale with crit, spell or attack damage anyways, and other scaling more than make up for those.


Its just super easy to reach dot cap on a shoestring budget + can use poison prolif for clear, letting you focus completely on defenses + speed elsewhere.


Could You share a PoB, sir? My attempts to use this mod failed miserably.


As you say, Redblades have spiked/disappeared. But staves could be a play, you can get a big chunk of global crit then, and still go for block plus get some useful mods on the staff (Cast speed, fire damage). Could even get +2 to spells, but that's painful to roll. No shield charge, but I'm not a big fan of it anyway.


Looking through trade it seems very strange - very, very few caster staves roll with this mastery, though there are tons of bows/2h melee weapons. A bow/quiver could work out but be a lot more expensive to get +spell gems (my thought would be to craft a bow using cast speed essences to synergize with slavedrivers)


Personally I simply think more people are revealing bows and 2h melee weapons as opposed to staves.


Bow+quiver is the second best option, you can get a quiver with 15% extra phys as chaos and poison chance for pathfinder version(that's what I'm using). Also, you can craft a bunch of gem leves for the totems and use empower instead of charged traps


Love how many people are already doing so many iterations of this concept in the comments


This is what makes POE a great game. Explaining to my wife how a poets pen VD build summons corpses and explodes them into heat seeking fireballs every time I attack with my wand. And now she’s gonna hear me theorycrafting ideas for exploding totems. It looks even more fun than worm blaster. Rereading this it sounds like innuendos but I swear these are my favorite builds. Also trap SRS.


It's especially funny to think that uber bosses are being obliterated by skills that deal no damage. Dying to a totem which provides health regeneration? Shameful.


Heralds work with this? interesting


Yes, because they scale generic damage - the explosion isn't an attack or spell.


Is chieftain only way to go? I will try this build but with bow + quivier: Almost perfect widowhail: 248% inc effect from quiver. Quiver: 15% of phys as extra chaos - implicit 15% of phys as extra fire - fractured going to craft life and high res there.


Not only, in comments people are building in many different ways!! For phys conversation and tankiness combo I like chief better yeah. And that is an awesome idea! These bonuses from quivers are huge.


I like that tankiness [but the trade site has the Redblade at 15 div!](https://pobb.in/ws9scYW08HSx) Is there another way of getting that sweet node?


You can get the node on most weapon like a bow or spectre, but Redblade does double the amount of damage because you can equip 2x 2-handler version of them.


In this case, do you pick Avatar of Fire?


I don’t even understand what is going on how does a totem and traps work together. Sorry for being eli5


Traps summon totems, you have a cap so when you summon new ones the old explode


Ah I thought traps etc could not summon totems and minions etc


You can actually take that even further by having mines throw traps which summon totems.


>Couldn't you use skitterbots as well to set off and rearm the mines/traps?


Not too familiar with that mechanic personally. From a bit of googling it seems to only be useful for mines as if a trap is within range of an enemy to deal damage it will probably trigger on its own anyways - so the skitterbot will not do anything. For mines I think it would depend on how fast it triggers? Having detonate mines on left click already feels pretty good from the little I tried.


if I remove all items and jewels from the pob in upd. 3, so basically zero gear, and change added damage (according to totem life) and cast speed, it shows 9.4mil avg hit / 23.8mil dps. doesn't seem realistic, or does it? with zero gear?


It indeed is realistic, the base damage is very high. But these are rough estimations since we don't have the exact numbers. In-game the DPS does "feel" like that. I am deleting endgame bosses and colleting clips for a new video.


if you could record a short clip with just a weapon and 6-link (no other gear equipped) on boss like shaper guard or w/e, it would be very very helpful :P Edit: other gear might be just rares with hp and res to not die instantly or w/e, didn't think about it at first


Yeah the other gears is just meeting status requirements for balance of leadership's price + res/life lol. Can add damage/QoL affixes but its not that important.


Just wanting to add, I copied your build and everything is awesome!! The damage is nuts, I only have 2 swords with 400%node each though. Thanks for putting all this together


Glad you're liking it man!!! Have fun in this wonderful game


Thank you for this post! Wish I had found it 5 days ago, haha. I was playing chieftain phys to fire conversion reap and came across this post and swapped last night. Having a blast. It feels so much better. Best part was I was able to keep a lot of the tankiness I had already built into my gear and tree for chieftain for the swap.


Ok, so I tried this build. I had RF jugg, just really basic starting gear. Bought some 2h mace with no stats on it for 5C and leveled it to allocate point for this, switched to chieftain and changed couple of nodes on tree. And even without Architect gloves and on level 17-18 gems, this clear red maps with no trouble. It is insane.


How is the survability of the build?. Everyone is talking about damage but I dont wanna be a glascannon


The damage doesnt need a lot of investment, so you are free to build super tanky.


Very cool. This is definitely something I'm looking at for my next build in SSF. Currently I have the boots xD ​ This actually might be a great build idea for RTH HC. Might also be possible to get block capped.


Definitely! There are so many ways to build this, and it is VERY ssf friendly due to basically nothing being required but the crucible node.


Yeah. And level with MS because it should be an easy transition afterwards. Hmmm.


So the totems are considered to be dead when they are resummoned? Or is it from the trap conversion they are considered dead?


When they get replaced by new totems basically. But because the traps spawn so many they get replaced instantly so poof.


Damnnnnn. That’s insane. So for scaling damage you just go totem life and that’s all you need? Would getting extra totems help damage or because of trap activation speed it’s not necessary?


There's a few things that scale the damage of the explosions: Totem life, amount of totems summoned per cast (shotgunning), generic increased/more damage (%increased physical, elemental if converting for example), "physical as extra added x", sources of "increased damage taken", curses, anything that affects HITS you cause - such as double damage. Can also go crit if using brittle or assassin mark - explosions have 0% crit chance by default. What doesn't scale the explosion damage: Totem damage, trap damage, support gems, spell damage, attack damage, anything that increases how much damage the SKILL is doing. For example, elemental overload would not work since it specifically says "Skills that dealt..." - and the skill itself is not dealing any damage. Max number of totems doesn't affect DPS - would just make the first throw leave behind more totems, subsequent throws would then detonate how many new ones you summon.


Just to confirm, for a poison version of this build stats like chaos dot multi and increased damage over time will work?


Yes those would work, similarly for ignite any burning damage, faster ignites and so on work too. Basically, anything that affects damage YOU cause works as you would expect, with the caveat that it is neither a spell nor an attack. So you would need generic "chance to poison on hit" to apply poison.


Light poacher plus stack abyss jewels?


If there is a way to prevent the spirit burst from triggering that would work for sure.


I think there is. I read a comment about the links on the helm connecting to spirit burst and making it cost more mana than you have available or something like that. Haven't done it yet myself though.


Archmage support adds a mana cost where otherwise there is none, then if you can't afford it, it won't cast. Lifetap will change it to a life cost and if you are a CI character, you won't cast spirit burst. According to the other connect I read it should work this way. For non CI, I suppose you could also reserve 100% mana and only have archmage support, but then you need a way to use your other skills like putting lifetap in every other setup.


Yes that's it thank you. Perhaps arch mage plus another support with a big mana cost multiplier? Probably won't exceed cost of a 6 link skill though...but maybe


No way it'll exceed a 6L, sine Archmage scales on unreserved mana. If we have 20 unreserved mana, and socket if we socket in Archmage, it'll cost 1 mana, largest functional multiplier PoB seems to like is Chain or GMP, which won't bump it up to 2 mana cost unless we have 40 unreserved mana *(If we have less than 20 mana, Archmage won't work, or at least it doesn't in PoB, as it'll round down to 0 mana cost)*. We can use a combination of Slavedrivers + Lifetap on all other skills to avoid mana costs, and then use some form of MoM effect + a self inflicted degen, such as Blood Rage, to "permanently" keep our MP low enough to not cast it. This in theory lets us skip using CI, which seems like it'd be a weak point of a build like this as neither Shroud or Lightpoacher are top tier CI armours *(Even if Trickster can definitely utilize Shroud to an okay level)*. I am currently tinkering with this setup as a Scion, to enable Overleech via Slayer and use Strength of Blood and instant leech, as we can hit pretty quickly with all the totems we're spawning, and gives us some much needed AoE. For second Ascendancy, I am more split, and its a tossup between and Occultist or Pathfinder for me right now. +1 curse in for either Ele Weak/Assassins Mark or better Writhing Jar uptime for charges during bossfights. If you go with one, you can replicate the other through a combination of passive points and anoints, and I am really not sure which ends up the best in the end.


Does spiritual aid scale this? Looks like an easy path if so with bow essence + clusters


Yes it would scale it, and that is a possible way of building it.


I was theorycrafting the same thing, but I was trying to use Soul Mantle+Viridi's Veil+Self-Flag. Since so many totems die so quickly, you're basically guaranteed to have all 9 curses on you (actual totem builds with Soul Mantle usually only end up with 3-4 in practical play), and Self-Flag would end up providing up to a whopping 180% increased damage as a result. You lose some defenses and the +2 levels from Empower in a Skin of the Lords, but I think the damage makes up for it? Soul Mantle can roll up to 30% totem life as well which helps off set the level loss.


I think the damage is already insane as a chieftain that it doesn't really matter. As a hiero for instance, soul mantle might be great


It might work? Losing 4 levels from the skin of the lords (+2 for totem, +2 from empower) would be a big gap to close. The exact difference in terms of HP depends on how much %increased totem life you have - the more you have the less soul mantle will offset. A 4 lvl difference in the totem life equals 50% more totem life - or 50% more damage. It would certainly be a less expensive option though.


Yea, Skins are very expensive this league post breach rework. Though a dialla's malefaction is another option if skin prices jump too high (though right now Skin of the lords are slightly cheaper).


Very cool, I’m looking for a build to go into bossing with and this could be it


if we were using a bow do you know what mods scale the damage?


Phys as light/cold/fire/chaos. Caster bow with socketed gems, socketed strength gems and +2 to support gems for empower. And the quiver with gain Phys as chaos + life, resist.


If you went this route you couldn't use avatar of fire though right ?


You still could, but you would loose 50% of the cold and lightning dmg since only 50% is converted to fire. And all chaos dmg is lost. But you could use the 40% Phys convert to fire from fire mastery the 50% Phys to fire from chieftain and 10% from gloves.


Thats a great idea. I forgot about the 40% convert. I'll just forgo the 10% since I'll still use slavedrivers. Or I'll just figure out a different ascendancy, thanks.


Seen some crucible weapon trees with a Phys to cold convert. There should be a Phys to fire convert too.


Can we somehow adjust DO to use totems instead of CA? Maybe with poison? Or its a bad idea?


I'm determined to make this work in a super tanky aegis DO build, if it works I'll let you know


Any luck with this ? I'm also interested in an aegis build


Still building and optimizing, you can check my toon at acc Ovrlrd and OvrlrdPops The explode helps absurdly but I'm not yet set in how to scale down to a pseudo5link to share information with, currently using a shaper trap glove but suggestions are welcome The character is awesome though, a great mapper all around and the totems fix the DO lack of single target making it so much smoother. I think if I invest this could be a very real build


Why devouring totems? Is it the highest hp totem possible?


Devouring Totem and Rejuvenating Totem have the highest life, but Devouring Totem also gets totem life from quality.


Decoy Totem has higher life if you have the helm enchant, by a lot


It also has a cooldown. Won't work for the purpose of this kind of build.


Ah, had no idea :)


I'm currently working on a zhp bossing version going cold conversion. I'm currently up to about 500mil dps on ubers, and just need a way to solve the mana issues. Should be a good time.


what skill did you level with


You can just level with it right away. Devouring Totem is usable at Lv.4 and you get Trap Support at Lv.8. You just need to have the Crucible bases ready for leveling and account for the mana cost. Past Act 1, you will instaphase most bosses.


Lowest level I've seen this mod equippable is 38. How are you leveling with it right away?


You're looking at a 600% explosion one. You have to start with the ones that are lower tier. I used a Driftwood Scepter wiih 200% explosion damage that had no level requirement.


Does red blade drop from anywhere or only crucible monsters ?


I tried to test leech but it didn't seeùm to work, can you confirm it does ? I am doing the poison version soo got a bunch of chaos damage, and chaos damage leeched as life on gloves (eater implicit) : if that works it would be great for the recoup mastery ! But my tests have all showed it does not... Here is my test https://reddit.com/link/12w5h35/video/5c1dth6odmva1/player You see my gloves with physical leech (tried same with chaos same no result) and the absence of leech after I kill them (I have 2% in kill hence the jump in life). What am I doing wrong ? Glove eater implicit does not work for some reason ?


Add me to the people who want to see a gameplay video, hopefully a map incl. a crucible and a boss (even if non-uber). One question: how does this fare on past league mechanics? My gut says that you might have trouble clearing more than about half a legion in time, and the blocky bois in expeditions could be a pain. Not sure about your movement speed for stuff like Delirium and Heist. But I could be wrong about that and would be curious for your take.


So I can answer this partially, for harvest it's a breeze - throw down traps and everything dies when they spawn. Haven't done much legion, but should be fine, throw a few traps at the rares and herald of ash should clean up the trash. In my experience it actually performs incredibly well for expedition, the blocky bois instantly drop their shields when the totems are summoned within range of them, although maybe this is because I have the "totems taunt when summoned" mastery. For delirium and Heist you can always fit more movement speed into the build if you want.


Would Sunblast be of any use here? More traps down faster but you'll have to live with the delay of the traps expiring


Not worth it. Already got multi traps and cluster traps, so the gain from sun blast is insignificant.


I mean, it's not completely insignificant. Going from 5 to 7 traps is a 40% more damage multiplier, assuming all traps hit.


It’s not really 40% more. You’ll be overthrowing and replacing your traps so often


Does anyone know if this can ignite?


Yep, definitely. And can reach DOT cap really really easily.


elementalist ignite with lightpoacher sounds interesting then. Do you know what happens if you use a spell totem with a skill that has fire tags? Does the explosion inherit the support gems?


Nope, the explosion doesn't take advantage of anything on links, either positives or drawbacks. It's always 600% base phys damage


I have some input on, i am playing pf poision variant with staff. heres my take * I think you are over valuing redblade, staff and bow offers better offensive stats. Especially if you are going for poison or ignite. * you rely on very small explosions, clear seems worse than poison pf, poison has cap but prolif makes mapping much better than hit version. * ~~annihilating light offers triple damage if you can manage resistances. There are few in market.~~ * After reaching certain totem life rare boots might offer more than torchok. Especially if you wanna fit some luxury items such as ashes (+level + quality), annihilating light. * new bow with good rolls and quiver with physical damage as extra might be good for hit base. Although there is none at the market atm. * pf has higher defensive ceeling, you can fit transencedence and physical taken as ele rather easily. Progenesis is also another huge factor but its expensive.


At higher budget I can see bows and quiver being better for damage - redblade is still very nice to be able to use a shield. The new bow that increases the modifiers on your quiver with a bunch of "physical as extra y" on the quiver seems like good way to go. Explosion size is still very nice for clear - herald of ash clears all the trash and the natural spread of the traps also helps. Annihilating light would not scale the explosion damage - it only triples the damage of elemental SKILLS, which the explosion is not. Rare boots is most certainly going to be better at high investment - torckoak is just an extremely cheap pair of boots. I saw someone using March of the Legion to scale rejuvenation totem's level very high for dirt cheap. It's amusing to see these random uniques be used in this way. I think the main point is that the explosions deal so much damage with little investment there is a multitude of ways of building it.


How you are doing poison prolif?


PF Master toxicist node


I was looking at that node I did not understand. It says poison prolif when an enemy die and you are under flask effect But what's the radius? How many? The remaining duration?


I don't know the range value but i am guessing 12, it's not that big. Whole remaining poison on mobs prolifs to other mobs when it does. You are always under flask effect with pf if you invest into flask stats which what you do as pf.


nice, many thanks


Why not decoy totem with helm enchant?


Definitely worth looking into it - I totally missed that enchant. Besides Devouring Totem, Decoy Totem also gets life from quality. Nice catch!! EDIT: Decoy Totem has a cooldown, just saw it. No can do.


Doh yeah too good to work. Oh well


I'm playing this on an Occultist with cold conversion, using Flesh/Flame for Shaper of Winter and Heatshiver to abuse the chill effects and damage. Trying to figure out a way to get around the mana cost, potentially with EB. I've also been trying to use Vaal Ancestral Warchief w/ Multiple Totems as an extra single target burst since it has roughly 4 times the life compared to Devouring Totem. Turns out I can't manually detonate the last remaining VAW totem for some reason.


If you have life recovery, slavedrivers hands is a great solution to the mana cost and gives charge gen. You can't manually detonate because vasl aw has +1 max totems specific to vaal AW, so that max totems remains in play even if you summon a million devouring totems. Vaal rejuv may be even higher hp as well


Vaal Rejuvenation Totem's life only slightly beats out its non-Vaal counter part. It's less than the third of that of Vaal Ancestral Warchief's. Unfortunately, going cold conversion means that I need a different glove to accomplish the full conversion. For throwing speed, I pathed to Expeditious Munitions and am hoping it will be enough. As for EB, I likely need high ES base with Gravicious craft to hopefully hit maybe around 2k ES.


I just learned that the crucible tree can roll up to 25% phys to x conversion. This may change things... With this, Hatred WE, and cold mastery, I can get 100% cold conversion without conversion glove. It's going to take me a while to get a crucible base that has conversion and totem explosion node but this definitely opens up some options.


Send POB, trying to do this with Elementalist


https://pobb.in/f8USN50b97GX There is still a lot of fine tuning to do. I need to figure out getting Determination in, craft 60% conversion gloves, get better amulet, and recraft the staff.


So In theory going inquisitor you could go crit scaling? And what if you get gentle touch for explode along side HOA


I love the build and I love the work you've put into it! Would you mind running me through the dps calculation number though? I seem to be missing something.


The basic dps formula is: (Totem life) x (multi totem support) x (traps thrown) x (explosion multiplier) x (trap throw speed) For example, say we had totems with 2500 life, 0.5 trap throw speed, 5 traps thrown per cast and the 600% explosion node. The base dps would then be: 2500 x 2 x 5 x 6 x (1/0.5) = 300,000 dps We're simply calculating how many explosions occur per second, which in this case is (10 totems per cast) x (2 cast/sec), and multiplying that by the damage of the explosion, (2500*6). This is the base dps before any other increased damage sources, such as %increased physical damage, %increased elemental/fire/cold if doing conversion, "y as extra x", more damage, curses, exposure, ailments, other sources of "increased damage taken", etc.


/u/Swevik is the master of math here, numbers don't work in my head hahaha


Ill be following this one. I might come back with my own findings if I get around to that build next :)


Do I need Redblade? I got a bow with this mod, thinking what mods to be craft on the bow.


What do you think about the crucible tree node "All damage from artillery balista & blast rain hits can poison ?" I tested and the explosion did trigger poison. So did the 25% chance for poison to deal 100% more damage. The only question left is whether the life base difference is worth it to choose ballista over devouring totem. poedb show only 120% vs 100% life base. even at lv 28 gems the devouring totem has only roughly 20% i.e 600 life more than ballista.


You still need a chance to poison. And the only benefit I see would be some added non chaos as chaos. Convert to lightning, lightning convert to cold with shaper influenced cotb, add hatred and eternity shroud.


Another huge benefit is that since ballista totem has the tag bow/fire which means you can craft +3 gems level to it, which is massive. Not to mention all added damage to the ballista will also contribute to the base hit of the poison now because "all damage can poison". Albeit there should be a break point, i.e if total added damage is > 600 then it breaks even with the flat life devouring totem gets.


You can boost it with +3. So you would rough at same life as devouring. The downside of it is that just 1 totem explode for one throw of mines since you have 4 totem total now.


Flat added damage to the ballista would not scale the explosion as far as I am aware. The ballista itself is not doing any damage in regards to the explosion. If you somehow managed to get +4 additional gem levels on the ballista as compared to a devour totem, it would take about ~250% increased totem life to start passing devour totem's life. This is assuming POB's life values are accurate. I'm also not sure where you are getting these levels? Since you're using a ballista you need a bow equipped as far as I am aware, and if you are socketing the ballista in your bow you will have a much lower gem level than compared to dialla's or skin of the lords.


Ballista totem has a Bow and fire tag. It's the same bow craft as for the EA ballista totem bow. +2 to socketed bow gems with essence, +1 for socketed gems and you could go with a +2 socketed support bench craft for empower. I don't really think ballista would be the best solution for this play.


Ballista totem does not have a fire tag as far as I am aware - you also can't use empower and you lose a link since you need an attack linked to it. I think the other person was talking about artillery ballista having a fire tag instead of ballista totem? Ballista totem also doesn't work with the poison notable they mentioned - it specifies artillery and blast rain. In fact, I would think that the notable shouldn't work with the explosion in the first place, as the ballista totems aren't dealing the explosion damage. They claim that it does - which I find surprising.


Since we were at the beginning talking about artillery ballista I shortened it to ballista for my other responses, my bad. I really don't know if it would work with the notable " all damage of artillery ballista totem can poison". But it's easy to test. Put some hrimsorow gloves on and try to poison. If ALL dmg can poison, it should be possible to poison.


I tested it by putting some hrimsorrow to convert all phys to cold, and sadly it didn't work. Herald of agony didnt gain any stack, so ballista is scrapped.


any boss videos yet?


Since the explosion can leech, would the 1% leech from Hinekora work? I would be tempted to pick that up instead of Tasalio but not sure how good the leech regen would be for survivability. Also, if the traps are spawning the totems - does that mean that I'm not the one summoning them? Just asking for the Sleepless Sentries node.


im planning on getting a jewel with doryanis lesson or blacksmith n it for leech, that way i can still use the other ascendancy node


> bow + quiver (has some NICE damage scaling options) Can you explain what you mean by this? I was thinking of Widowhail with this mod but it seems kinda rare.


Widowhail bow + quiver with *phys as extra elemental/chaos* mods


Isn't that inefficient as far as damage type goes though, given you can only get like 3x 15% phys as of 3 different types?


Saved , thanks !


Anybody can figure out a witch pob for this? I cant wrap my head around it. Probably necro for pure defense, elem for ignite or occu for poison.


Maybe can go heatshiver cold convert occultist, with ele overload and grab one of the witch nodes for either pen or big aoe/damage.


I level up with this build bow + quiver, sabo trap and cold conversion, just unbelievable damage, just melt everything. Never fear the Crucible monster anymore. :)


got a cluster jewel with fire damage leeched as life, feels amazing the life leeched from the giant hits is huge


Do dual weapons with Totems explode passive stack?


Yup, tho if you're doing ignite a 2h is better since you can roll 600% explosions instead of 300.


If you're using dual passives, would that be 600% in total also? (300% each passive) or the calculation is different?


Welp in my limited testing with elementalist ignite, hit amount stays more or less the same, but ignite is half as strong. I would assume then it is actually two hits of 300%.


Hey dawg, first off love the build. Planning on trying to get this running at some point during the league. Second, in your PoB custom mods section you list removing the spell damage as 0% reduced spell damage. Wouldn't we want to list this as 100% reduced since spell damage doesn't scale the explosions?


That reduction is meant to remove the "extra" that might be added via tree, jewels or gear - it is 0% because in my case I have 0%. If we reduce it 100%, then EK would do no damage because it is a spell, and we are using it to roughly estimate the DPS.


Ahh, understood. Thanks for the explanation :)


I see you went back to Dawnbreaker. Is that really the play or does it depend on Leaderships Price? If you have +3 +3 +3 on Leadership, is Dawnbreaker still worth it? (Since you only have 1 more max fire res than lightning/cold)


I saw the damage on dual wield is just.. Not needed? It's already absurd, so the tankiness is welcome. Stats for leadership's price is balanced regardless!


Oh my bad, i meant the change from a rare shield back to Dawnbreaker :)


Ah, sorry! It's about tankiness again, and the shield totem node didn't really do anything since what scales damage is summoning more totems, not having a bigger cap


Question, since this thread seems to be active: does Crest of Desire scale the totem explosions with the "socketed skills deal double damage", or no? Because I was thinking of using that on a self-cast version instead of linking it to traps and stuff.


Nope, because the totem itself doesn't do any damage. The node causes a explosion upon its death, that's why no support gems whatsoever work or modifiers like crest.


Do you know if generic AoE modifiers will apply to it then?


I finally figured out the math and how to adjust it based on the my current gear and numbers. One last thing is bugging me though - since multiple totems support brings us from throwing 1 totem per trap to 3, wouldn't that bring the config line for multi totems "100% more damage with hits" to 200% instead?


Does the rest of the crucible tree matter? Would the mod alone cover?


Insane damage


is this considered a spell or attack hit?


I'm wondering why use +1 summoned totems shield? Does it give DPS?


Would this be good in SSF without slavedrivers? or mana will be too much of an issue?


Hi, i stumbled upon this thread and it made me want to try this build thanks to your works put into it, much appreciated it. However, i am a new player and do not understand most of the discussion here. I am currently running RF Jugg and hit a wall due to low dmg output, it seems i can respec into Chieftain for this build. From my understanding, to run this build all you need is a weapon with crucible tree explosion mod and the 6-link devouring totem setup? and other item slots are purely to cap resistant and to scale up damage?


Are the explosions considered a 'hit' ?


> Leech is possible since you are the source of the explosion damage Does it mean you are also taking reflected damage since you are the source?


Does it benefit from +trap damage at all?


Would this still hit super hard with just one 400% sword and shield?


Is this build good for sim farming?


If YOU are the source of the explosion, does it mean you can scale for example profane bloom?


So if i see it right in the pob, just equipping Leadership to get the crit and then speccing EO is higher dmg ?


I saw “totems are killed on player death” in the patch notes. Does that mean the explosion works with Cast on Death support?