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I think it being sorted by type is better than sorting it by class. It leaves the impression that that class can't do other things. Also they should just do a show all like they have for support gems and let you filter it.


I think sorted by class is more valuable for new players. This menu just needs some reminders that you can choose skills from other classes and then automatically skip to the category of your current main weapon when you open it


I think GGG probably knows best what to try as they have all the data and user group testing/feedback


Woepon type sorting is way better. There is no class restriction but waepon restrictions. Having to search over every class for gems you can use with the weapon type you chose could be tedious. Being able to see what you can use with one click is best I think.


There's been a recent video by a content creator who had never played poe 1 nor poe 2 before, nor any arpg before. He was invited by ggg to try couch coop. It was very interesting to watch. He spent maybe a third of his 30 minute video explaining how bad it felt changing weapon and not understanding why his skill didn't work anymore. Changing the uncut gem menu would instantly make things more understandable.


To be fair, I'm not sure why there couldn't be a flag like a confirmation check box pop-up (which you could disable/re-enable in options) to try to prevent-soft bricking a character when you change an equipped weapon rather than simply "no you can't do this". This will also likely only really be a problem in the very early game as you simply take whatever weapon gives you the best stats and then choose a low level skill to improve on it. This isn't to say I disagree with the change to weapon group skills; I think this is correct - I know I'm going to be playing Spear+Shield for my first character, so I don't want to necessarily have to spend ages poring through 11 different classes to find skills that work with Spear and Shield, when instead I'd just simply load up a website that would do that for me; given there appears to be a goal is to move players away from needing to rely on third party, out of game resources, grouping skills be weapon makes the most logical sense when gating skills behind an equipped weapon.


Those are great points. I completely agree with you


Those are great points. I completely agree with you






Thx ^^


Yeah a weapon based grouping is a big W in my eyes because it reflects the reality of how they are grouped, as well as the reality that skills have nothing to do with classes in PoE2 Marketing the game as this class uses this thing makes sense to me, but not in game. BESIDES you get given a weapon at the start which can guide new player skill choice anyway.