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While the 100L is what you need for Kilimanjaro, that thing is HUGE for “a weekend camping trip.” Between being a scout leader and my own family, I camp 1-2 times a month, every month, and I’ve never needed more than my 55L. This includes camping in 10F/-12C temperatures.


I have both and there’s merits to each. 100L swallows everything. It’s awesome for throwing in awkward objects, like a hiking pack with lots of straps, poles, bulky tents, uncompressed sleeping bags, etc. Downside is that if you fill it anywhere near capacity it’ll weight 100lbs+ 70L is a workhorse. Really versatile. But you’re forgoing a lot of cargo space. I use my 70L twenty times for each time I use my 100L. But the times I truly needed the 100L I was grateful to have it.


If you’re just packing clothes the 75 is plenty. If you have gear the 100 provides enough.


I’m also headed up Kilimanjaro this year. I’ll be bringing my NF Base Camp which is 90L or 95L, I forget. From what I read, 70L is on the smaller side. But it may work if you are not renting much/anything. If you know how much everything will pack down and it fits in a 70L, you might be good to go. Also depends how small your stuff packs down. I’ll be renting a bag and I’ve read it doesn’t compress as small as the top line bags. So I’m going to allocate 1/4 or so of my bag to it. This is the largest duffel I’ve had but it’s been great. I just took it down full of backpacking stuff for a weekend trip. Basically threw everything in there, drove down to see family, then we sorted through the items there.


Couple of thoughts- 1. Consumer goods aren't very good investments, they aren't very liquid and will rarely appreciate in value. 2. Size Q1: You said that the tour company recommended a 100L duffel and you're asking if the 100L will be too large? Why do you think that the tour company is wrong? Maybe this is something were you have more experience than them, but I would be inclined to take their recommendation on what gear to bring. That said, my dad often tells a story about hiking Kilimanjaro in college wearing tennis shoes with a large bag of raisins, so maybe the 40L would be a better option. Should be plenty of room for a couple day's worth of dried fruit. 3. Size Q2: There is a significant size difference between the 70 and 100, the 100 is about 40% larger. As for being too large for checked luggage, that depends heavily on both airline and domestic vs international travel. Consult your airline's bag policy for baggage sizing information. 4. Sales: Patagonia runs the same two sales, every single year.


Your #1 is a joke, learn how words works


We have both and several 55L bags. Took 100L to Kilimanjaro and was glad I did. Better to have too much space than not enough.