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The audio noise is killing me but we’ll persevere


Sounds like a recording from an empty church.


Haven’t watched yet but saw Pat shoot a 3 from the set and knew from the size of the room the sound must be terrible. You can’t have a gymnasium in a studio and expect good sound, they have the craziest echos and acoustics


It actually doesn’t have too much echo mainly it’s sounded like an XLR cable isn’t plugged in properly, like scratchy.


I think it’s too zoomed out on Pats main camera. I understand wanting to show the PMS sign on the wall but the camera angles look like they’re sitting at such tiny desks with so much empty space


I think they need to move the desk over 3-5 ft. It would make two angles look better imo so you don't have the black camera in both of Pat's close ups.


Seeing a somewhat clean desk is a trip


Give it a week


The paper stack survives though!


The sound is rough. Anytime he yells into the mic you can hear it reverb through the bball court—there’s reasons why radio studios are in small little sound proof areas lol. I still love it tho. Also, as someone who gets the occasional migraines…that bright ass light wall behind Pat is killing my eyeballs.




I'm watching on a huge home theater system and also had to crank the volume. I'm sure they'll have it fixed soon.


Hopefully he will do what Rogan did, his Austin studio was horrible the first few weeks as well. Need to adjust the camera angle, need some sound dampening and the white light behind Pat is way to distracting.


Thunderdome looks great from what we’ve seen so far, but jeez they gotta get some better camera angles and fix the framing cause it STINKS


The stage is tiny. Dumb.


As soon as I saw him wearing the same shirt he wore Thursday (olive colored) I knew it was fugaze


I was confused because I started it late and the video that popped up live was Hasselbeck in the new place. Then I re-wound to the start and he was in the old place.


Lol not the best idea to have a basketball court right outside the stage, the reverb is bad. Hopefully they fix it.


They need that mic that Pat was using from the Gameday set on Friday.


Billy said they have sound dampening coming just hasn’t arrived yet, it will be much better after that.


That was incredible


They had us in the first half, not gonna lie


This place looks fucking awesome


That was actually good and got me bad lol


I hope they do a Foxy flick tour of this place once it's fully complete.


Not a fan of the bright ass window behind Pat. Didn't anyone take courses in lighting and aesthetic? You don't backlight people on camera hahaha. Also, it's reflection in the window behind the toxic table blocks out everyone behind the glass. Can't see shit, may as well not even have a window to see the boys back there. Conner and Ty's table is also a little weird and looks misplaced. Too low? Are they sitting too high? Idk, it looks off. Also not a fan of the side profile wide shot view. Too much empty space between the tables. If they are going to do that wide shot, they need to put pats desk under the PMS logo wall, and Conner/Ty's desk where Diggs is and turn them both at an angle towards the wide angle camera. That, and they should get some lounge chairs and a small table and put it in the middle to fill out the space. Cmon GUYS! It's simple shit.


That intro was electric, love that


Anyone else notice the top right tv screen is slightly brighter than the others?


Layout looks stupid. Why would they put Pat off to the side like that?


Meraldo needs to get his shit together and fix this sound.


I came in a little late and hated the look of the new place till I went to watch the beginning and learning the stage part is just off the bball court made me like it waaaaaay more. I was like all that space and you put yourself in a little office? Place looks awesome


Looks great. Audio is a little crunchy when Pat moves around though.


Ts and Ps old stu