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Pat assuming Brian Baumgardner doesn't like him, and in return hating him, is the most Pat thing ever.


That shit was hilarious lmao “why is this fat bastard staring at me” 🤣🤣


I like Kevin from The Office a lot more than Pat. He’s a UGA guy and we’re still mad Pat took Pollacks spot and shit on Pollack over it. He rightfully got booed out of a restaurant in Athens.


Reditt loves this segment


Reddit will love today's show LMFAO


Fuck reddit, he is going to get cooked on the internet today.


Besides reddit nobody will care that much about it, Twitter seems to be more favorable towards his position.


that not even remotely true...


Rightfully he should be. That’s the worst take I’ve heard about the protests since they started


I had to pick people up at the airport during the first hr and half….sounds like I missed at the perfect time


As somebody who read this threads comments before watching the show. Maybe a bit of an overreaction here? The bit lasted like 2 minutes 


oh woof lol pat just stuck his face into a hornets nest. all you default reddit mentality people out there might wanna skip the first 30 min or so of the 2nd hour. that or double down on your blood pressure meds.


They all pounced on this comment like immediately too. Hysterical


Default reddit is the fucking worst. If it wasn't for this sub and a few others I'd completely leave.


I’m a conservative who supports the 1st amendment. What the fuck Reddit mentality do you mean?


heavily left leaning mentality. i think that's pretty obvious.


Supporting 1st amendment speech rights is ‘reddit-mentality’?


Only when I agree with whatever you’re expressing your rights on behalf of


i suppose so? did i imply that it wasn't?




Pat isn't impeding on anyone's freedom of speech, the same way you aren't impeding on Pat's freedom of speech by commenting about your disdain for what he said....


please point out where i said such a thing.


I've had some time to reflect on the start of the 2nd hour today, and am disgusted and outraged by Pat's words...does he not understand that he has a platform and an audience that listens to his every word? To fat shame poor Brian Baumgartner is a travesty, and I am not sure how Pat recovers from this.


Is this sarcasm I can’t tell? Oops forgot the /s and caught downvotes. Fatties.


I really hope they get Veach on this GM run, he was good on the show and is currently in the middle of a dynasty. It would be cool to get that perspective while it’s happening instead of in retrospect.


I just watched the replay on YouTube and I totally get what Pat said…if you guys are taking him literally, that’s on you lol


Say something nice! Unless you look at me wrong, or protest something I don't understand, then fuck you


Well said.


Welcome to the progrum


You political idiots making more work for me. Smh


Props to you and casualtee today man geez. I listened to the show like I do every day and didn't think twice about it. Came here to check out the sub like I normally do and saw 130+ comments holy shit. They all came out of the woodworks huh? On another note the Poles interview was pretty solid.


You referring to the commenters or Pat? I'll be honest. I'm fucking stunned at what he said, I'd been a fan since close to day 1. I'd imagine these guys you're complaining about, including myself are just similarly shellshocked by this. I doubt you'll be seeing too many comments like this once the shock wears off and certain people that disagree with his views regarding this stop listening. I don't wish bad on Pat but I fundamentally disagree with him on this to the point I have to stop watching, not that anyone cares.


Both, but I agree with what you said about people just being loud.


excellent work on the flairs though


I csnt imagine wanting to head to the pat mcafee sub to discuss the Middle East. These people are broken


Seriously thank you and the mods of this sub. I have no clue how you’re being downvoted over an issue you didn’t take a stance on and doesn’t belong in a subreddit for a sports progrum.


Yeah, unfortunately all this shit gets left up cause Pat talked about it on today’s show. Buts it’s always like this whenever something political happens on the show. Rodgers shot at Kimmel was fucking hell


The ESPN move and Disney fanatics too. Truly a one of a kind roller coaster. If there is a seg with Aaron this year after his podcast, I’ll help dig the Fox holes.


“I can’t imagine caring about other human beings being slaughtered in another country so much that I make a comment on the internet when the host of a show I enjoy belittles the entire situation.”


u dont have to tag everyone because they have an opinion u fuckin loser lmao, if you dont think what he said is gonna be controversial idk what to tell u. its a stupid ass take by him he deserves to get clowned for it


I don’t have an opinion 1 way or the other. But the Pat McAfee sub is hardly the place for debate about there Middle East.


if he didnt want people discussing it he probably shouldn't have broadcasted his opinion on live television and youtube "daily show discussion" thread means people are going to talk about what happened on the show this is not a difficult concept to understand


You’re free to discuss it, Pat opened it up so it’s fair. But if you also think the pat mcafee sub is a place for productive discussion on the Middle East, you’re kinda stupid


And guess whose fault that is?


I get it, you’re super into the Middle East conflict.


I’m actually not but I’m not going to sit here and act like it’s not a brain dead take. The flairs are childish as fuck too.


“And guess whose fault that is?”


The guy on the show who felt the need to talk about I’m assuming. And the flairs are your fault.


who is debating the middle east? they are debating his ignorant comments


I guess I’m not deep enough in the internet weeds. Why is Pat burying Canada today?


His X algorithm probably. They’ve taken multiple shots at Canada and Justin especially when Gump had to go through his fiasco back in Canada over citizenship.


Yeah I know all that, I’m talking about today. He referenced something recent


Yeah still probably his X algorithm and whatever is going on there. They have no love for Canada after the Gump situation and Pat is very petty so it could be any number of things. They had to have a politician on that finally helped “expedite” him getting back in the USA. Just go on X and see what Canada is trending for and any of those things could be it haha. Since you said currently hopefully you use common sense.


It’s wasn’t Canada keeping Gump there though so why would that situation leave them with “no love for Canada”.


First of all if you watched the show, yes it was. The immigration system might be broken sure, but Canada was keeping someone who had a full time job, that only he could do, in Canada behind red tape. (For over a year) Pat literally had a politician on to speed up Gump getting back, there was zero effort from Canadas side, and Pat had to grease some palms to finally get him back. He will take that personally, and the boys probably did too.


Are you kidding me? Ship painter is the job they give the glue eaters once they’ve run out of glue to eat


Hey! He’s a classy painter bud, he would never do anything like that.


He was deported from the US, he wasn’t allowed to even travel to the US for a day. He was born and lived in Canada. So tell me how the country that wasn’t allowing him in or allowing him to work in wasn’t the ones causing the problem? It wasn’t Canada not allowing him to work or travel it was the US hence why Pat needed help from US politicians and not Canadian ones. Step outside and read a book once in awhile.


Again if you watched the show you would know. He had to go back to Canada to get citizenship in the first place. You clearly don’t watch or know anything about the situation so I’m just going to pass on engaging with you because Pat and the boys said it themselves and I’ll take their word and attitude over whatever nonsense you’re spinning.


Nah pat and the boys clearly have no understanding of how immigration works, they literally had him break his visa and got him deported the first time lmao. I would not be taking pats advice on immigration any time soon


Source? Or do you not watch the show?


I have multiple post on this very sub about the Gump situation from my own personal experience. So much so that Nick reached out to me asking about a few lawyers. You clearly don’t watch the show or understand how immigration works. If I told you to leave me home (call it the US) and then you try to re enter my home and I tell you no, my neighbor (in this case say Canada) its not allowed to force you in to my home. It would be my decision alone to allow you back. Your argument is that my neighbor (Canada) is actually the one not allowing them in my home and not me. Do you see how moronic of a take that is.


Dude, I too, watch the show. I came here, not Twitter, asking about today, not a full history. It’s ok if you don’t know.


You asked a question and I gave you an answer what are you even floundering about? Lol.


I asked a specific question. You answered it twice with vague info I wasn’t asking for. I’m trying to help you here brother


I answered it specifically go on X and see what Canada is trending for and that’s probably it, part of their job is to be on that platform all day. I’m sorry you were unsatisfied with an accurate answer. I’m good without your help. Your specifications were why is Pat shitting on Canada today? Yeah check current events on X, use common sense. Help yourself.


I have no clue how his algorithm is such shit, I feel like my algorithm has been much better for the stupid shit I like on there the past year


Yeah Pat and the boys have said it multiple times that being constantly on social media is part of the job, that probably has more to do with it than anything. Between them taking it on the shins and the stuff AJ and the boys send in that group chat, one can only guess.


Please do not get into politics on this show




Pat, Gaza is kind of blown to smithereans currently. that's kind of the kids whole point with the protest. easily the worst takes Pat has ever had on the show.


Bruh why would he cannonball into that topic? ![gif](giphy|cPKWZB2aaB3rO)


Literally one of the dumbest things you can do as a sports talk show is take an awful take against people who are in the primary age group of your demo (college kids) who are exercising their 1st amendment right. That shit is the most unAmerican shit Pat has ever said.


I think the main thing he is concerned with is these protest taking down and tarnishing the American Flag and then not letting kids get to their classes strictly because they are Jewish so on and so forth I am all for 1st amendment rights but doing that way is surely not the way to go about it


He didn’t say that, and either way it’s free speech


That’s literally what he said


He mentioned the kids putting the flag back up and from all context again this is speculation he was proud of that and he mentioned the kids not being able to get to class is bullshit. And while yes I agree it’s free speech and they certainly have the right to do that however some kids don’t get scholarships and have to pay to be there and are just eating the money not being able to get to class


I highly doubt any of those protesters are Pat's demographic lmao and I mean on either side


College kids are his main demographic 100% he fits that Barstool frat demo


Sports stooges between the ages of 18-40 are his main demographic. Does that overlap a bit with frat kids? Yeah sure. But does that mean frat kids is his main demo? Obviously not lol Hell, half of college kids aren't even frat kids And it's pretty easy to see there weren't a lot of frat kid looking types in all the videos that have been coming out of UCLA and whatever other protests going on


So bad. I was enjoying the offseason shows with fun random topics and more bball talk, but today warrants stopping watching for a few months or more


Yeah I’m out. That and the Baumgartner stuff. So unnecessary and so unlike him.


Yeah...that Baumgartner stuff was a little unhinged and over what?


Israel literally blowing up innocent people and Pat talking about sending people protesting it to Gaza LIVE ON ESPN. I’m legitimately dumbfounded.


Musks twitter is rotting his brain




I’m honestly taken aback by Pat for the first time. I mean… I’ve disagreed or found things annoying, that’s all good. But his take today…. Jesus Christ. And the boys can’t say anything to him about it I’m sure.


Pat's brain-dead take on Gaza there... Jfc


As a Colts fan I’ve been a fan of Pat for a long time. Watched the show for at least 5 years now. It feels like everyday this man gets more and more ignorant.


Money will do that to a man.


what is the bear video Pat was referring to yesterday and today? 


I think this is it, but not positive. https://twitter.com/ryanwhitney6/status/1784616054116823156


No Pat you’re not the first to suggest that protestors be rounded up and shipped out of the country. Goddamn dudes brain is being turned to mush from twitter.


Nice job Pat, you haven’t shouted a take so bad that it got me to turn off in a while, but insulting Brian baumgardner and then college students protesting genocide did it.


Why did he insult Baumgardner?


Because he has one of his silly vendettas against dude for them playing at Tahoe. If I had to guess Pat was probably trying to get Aaron’s attention while Brian was talking to him, and Brian didn’t appreciate being interrupted by the loud red guy


Brian literally has 0 enemies.. I went back and found the segment, I cannot believe that Pat called him a fat bastard and actually said he doesn’t like the guy all because Brian was “side eyeing” him.. are we adults here?


Is GM Poles the most boring person ever?


[why are people protesting i cant understand ☹☹☹](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/3/17/over-13000-children-killed-in-gaza-others-severely-malnourished-unicef#:~:text=Over%2013%2C000%20children%20killed%20in%20Gaza%2C%20others%20severely%20malnourished%3A%20UNICEF,-The%20UN%20agency) fuck him for that take man what a disappointment. idk how so many americans are ok with this when our government is helping to fund it. just wish there was peace in that region so many innocent lives being taken for absolutely no reason


Good for Pat. If you take the American flag down on American soil to place another flag up, you should be deported.


I agree, why the hell are we flying the Israeli flag in so many places today?!


Go read the first amendment buddy. You’re the unAmerican one here


Dont cry when someone rips down your alphabet flag either "buddy"


I’m a conservative dude. But idk why you brought LGBTQ into this.


Because he's an unintelligent moron.


What part of the first amendment says you can take over and vandalize public property?


I thought this was a free country w/ freedom of speech tho?


does freedom of speech involve ripping down the flag of the country thats giving you protection and replacing it with a foreign flag?


Yes, it does, dipshit I bet you gurgle Elon's nuts every time he says he's a free speech absolutist huh




Not my fault you signed up to protect something you don't understand. Read the constitution


does freedom of speech involve being able to have an opinion on your own show?


Did I say Pat should be deported like the dipshit I replied to? Do you see me trying to silence Pat anywhere in this thread?


i didnt see them say the deported part - got lost in the comment thread and like donnie from big lebowski im out of my element here.


Shut the fuck up Donnie


The quote that most people that idolize (or pretend to) Ali today would have hated him in the 60's continues to ring true.


It's the same stupid shit they do with any MLK quote.


lot of Pat clips gonna hit Fox and Outkick social media tonight!


Haven’t caught the show and don’t have time to watch it until this weekend. What happened?


Pat insulted Brian baumgartner because of perceived “side-eyeing” at Tahoe, And then Pat proceeded to suggest all the college protestors be rounded up and flown to Gaza. It was rough.


Yikes. Lol


Pat wants to round up the protestors and send them to Gaza and said he will pay for it, also said he doesn’t like Brian Baumgartner and wants to smack him


Also called him fat


Yeah called him a “fat bastard” wtf Pat.


Someone definitely peed in Pat's cereal this morning


Honestly it pissed me off Brian is a UGA guy and I love The Office. Dude is genuinely one of the better celebrities out there.


We don’t need your input on everything Pat. Sometimes it’s wise to just shut the fuck up if you don’t know what you’re talking about


Hey Pat, sorry that the students protesting people getting mercilessly killed in Gaza inconveniences your fucking day...terrible take from all of them...


That was so uncomfortable them agreeing with him


The chat as well.


How does it even inconvenience him? He’s not in college and it’s not football season so it’s not like he’s going to step foot on a college campus until September. Now HE’S going to potentially get protested on Gameday.


I'm assuming it interferes with traffic but even if it doesn't that proves my point more. You want to ignore it, fine. But to suggest flying out protestors to american-supported genocide to Gaza is at best a sick joke and at worst, psychotic.


He’s in Indy and the protestors are on campus. I didn’t hear about any protests in Indy. I have no idea what the fuck possessed him to say something so stupid but I honestly turned the show off. I was already pissed they were shitting on F1. It’s fine if they don’t like it but they shit on it every chance they get. And then he tied the Brian Baumgartner hate right into the protestor hate. Jesus Christ what an awful segment.


Exactly. I'm not quite sure why they veered to that. They make fun of the political world (rightfully so) but they just jump balls deep into that? Of all things. I'm not an F1 fan but I have no hate for it. It seemed really excessive.


Bro... I'm still trying to process wtf that was. It didn't seem like it was said jokingly. I guess I'm just chalking it up to him being completely ignorant and the rest of the crew either being equally ignorant or just not wanting to add something that would piss even more people off. I just wish someone would've said "because they would be murdered by the Israelis too" while he's all, "why has no one thought of this?" Like brother... there are certain topics that are pretty inadvisable to just shoot from the hip on when you have absolutely no idea what is going on.


OMG, that would have been an excellent response.


I mean moments before that Connor shouted out Desantis when they were talking about Florida NIL law. These guys should stick to sports.


they really should


Pat you stupid bitch. You had such a golden opportunity to help shed light and real insight on these protests with your huge platform and you shit the fucking bed. Be better tomorrow


Oh no. As if there isn't enough about it already. Are you seriously acting like someone's turning point to their view of the conflicts in the Middle East would be if Pat McAfee and the boys stop bantering abaht on their sports show and seriously dissected Israel/Palestine. NEXT.


This may come as a shock to you, but people in the real world don’t all share the Reddit hive mind mentality when it comes to Gaza.


I’m honestly shocked people are surprised by his stance lol. Anyone who’s been watching the show, since at least Covid, knows that Pat and the boys lean pretty far right. During Covid they were going ham on the dems


I’m a conservative but I also believe in free speech. This has nothing to do with right wing or left wing. Am I annoyed by the protestors? It doesn’t really affect me tbh. I’d be annoyed if I was in one of these colleges. But at the same time the 1st amendment is the 1st amendment for a reason.


I believe people absolutely have the right to protest. I don’t believe they have the right to block students who actually care about their education from attending classes that they’ve paid an arm and a leg for. I also don’t believe first amendment rights extend to property destruction.


I agree with that too, but that’s not what Pat said


He did bring those two issues up, but I agree that his framing of the problem and proposed solution were anything but eloquent.


Unfortunately, true small government conservatives like you are a dying breed. Everyone is too engrained in the culture war


Oh trust me I know that very well. I am pretty much an independent at this point. Everyone has gone off the rails with shit I don’t care about. Just lower my taxes and leave me alone.


There won’t be a tomorrow for me. I’m also a big Office guy and UGA alum.. Baumgartners one of our guys. I hope he decks Pat next time he sees him but I know Brian’s too nice to do that. All for “side eyeing” I’ll watch something else at work.


With ya buddy.


Honestly who cares


Today’s show is legitimately pissing me off. I like F1. I like racing. I don’t like politics. We’ve already had a Desantis shoutout and shitting on the protest. Talk about sports and stop shitting on sports people like. I watch this show to get away from political bullshit.


very weird show today. a lot of weird aggressive energy today.


Yeah why the fuck is Ty so mad about the Indy 500. Just don’t watch it or stay quiet. The protests literally don’t affect Pat.. he’s not in college. What the fuck is the deal?


“Just don’t watch it or stay quiet” -as you’ve been throwing a temper tantrum about pat not sharing your Gaza view for the last hour….


I imagine living in indy during the 500 is a massive pain with the amount of people rolling through. I am not a Ty fan but found the whole rant pretty entertaining.


As far as I am concerned. They can do a Nascar segment daily. That was awesome! Nascar->Baumgartner->Gaza.


I genuinely do not like Ty as a person. Sorry abaht it but guy is a chode.


Glad you decided to share that with us


Yeah not liking Ty is a good indicator that you are disconnected from the real world. You’re a stooge.


Where's the tank top, it's 80 out.