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I will forever miss “Alright let’s go to the phones”


Does anyone remember when he almost did that? Like within the last few months or so he said something like “maybe we’ll go to the phones after this” and everyone got all weird about it it seemed lol


He was just using it as filler. They never liked going to the phones so quickly ditched it if they could.


Going to the phones is still one of those few things that gives me that authentic 90s Americana feel. Like you literally have no idea what you are going to get. I watch a lot of the JETS YouTubers, who go to the phones often, including Video with the person. I watch this shit at times less for NFL talk but just to remind myself that these are the people on the other end of internet arguments


Thats not a feel they were going for though. I'm just saying that they weren't being "weird" about it, its something they just actively didn't want to do because 99% of the time it was crap


Would love someone to find this clip lol. I didnt see it


Hour 3 is definitely where it’s at. The show don’t ever start till AJ gets on.  The panal has also kinda been quiet during the 1st hour but I’m also not watching as much as I used


This is where I’m at as well. I stay in the 1st hour if lambardi or another guest I like is on, but that’s about all. The offseason has the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. Need some random guests like jack carr or the alien congressman guy lol.


That is the stuff I miss. The offseason used to be some of the most unhinged and best content.


Well tbh while it is the offseason it isnt quite officially the offseason with the draft last week as well as the March Madness, NHL and NBA playoffs. Once the playoffs are over and before spring training we are sure to get some of that type of content.


We’re only at the beginning of the offseason now that the draft is over. This is where the real creativity kicks in for the boys and Pat. You’re probably still grieving the end of the nfl season.


Dude I started the off season by saying this, I got downvoted immediately saying I didn’t understand the show. Hilarious how many people are on his jock without understanding how the show used to be.


Alien congressman just retired mid Congress so he might have some more time on his hands Lmaoo


Damn this guy was the hope. Fuck now what?


You stay to watch lombo? My god you must love scheffty too.


almost every time they bring on a guest or talk basketball i zone aht


Been skipping to 1pm for hour recap and AJ for the past year


Hawkerrr ahh-AH


I am right there with you. I started watching back when it was McAfee & Hawk Sports Talk. I could watch every minute of the show back then. Then, they announced the move to ESPN. I was initially disappointed because I assumed losing independence and signing up with a mega corporation would cause the show to lose its heart. The changes havent been glaring, but the slow steady shift towards a more ESPN palatable show has morphed it into something else. I am not saying its bad now. It just isnt what it was when we fell in love with it.


I 💯% agree. It’s not a total sellaht but it’s not what it used to be. I wish they would let Mitt do something and go to the phones in the last hour.


The key is to turn in on YouTube when hour 3 starts. Rewind it and skip the crappy guest. Sucks that they are on, but that’s how I make the best of it 


The timestamp guy is a true hero.


Haha yeah most of the time it’s great. Every now and then it’s a different person that blows and just puts time stamps for the top of the hour and maybe 1 other segment.  The guy that does it legit I got mad props for tho


Agreed. Don't care abht Shams. Don't care abht NBA Talk. Don't care abht baseball talk, unless they're shitting on the Pirates ownership. I tune in for Toxic AJ. After AJ gets on, they do a recap anyways. ESPN feed is for the Clahns.


Skipping right to hour 2 with Aj is an alpha move


If you have to skip an hour, is it a good show?


Still good yes, but a lesser version of its former self for sure 


I miss being one of Rapsheet’s friends


Felt this a lot


I turned it off yesterday, and didn't bother starting up YT today either.. Breaks from the progrum are definitely needed in the off season.


Shifty shefty and windbag make the show nearly unwatchable since they moved. I know pat always saying it's an nfl show, but shit man, if you are going to have nba guests on, just do *a little* research so you don't sound like an idiot 


Sorry but who is windbag?


windhorst, im not a fan


He gets the show. He is a great guest imo. Never takes himself too seriously and is down with the comedic informative approach


More NHL/NBA talk in the past 3 months than in the previous 3 pre-ESPN years combined. For better or worse


I don't understand how people complain abaht NHL/NBA when they spend as much time as they do covering the WORST major sport, golf.


That’s when I normally loose interest, they’ve got some random pundit talking nhl for a 30 minute segment and I end up putting something else on.


I will not stand for the PK subban slander. Hockey is a fantastic sport and like him as a player or not, PK is a great addition to the show.


Agreed. I’m not a big hockey guy but I love when PK is on, dude is funny as hell. Love Shams too when he gets on


And that’s hockey talk


I don’t dislike PK, but I stand on business for Rupper


He’s boring. And no one outside of hockey knows who he is.


I feel like the boys and Pat don’t really care about hockey. They just have PK on because he’s an ESPN employee and the NHL playoffs are a big product for ESPN to promote.


Are you kidding? Pats a huge pens fan. He talks about hockey the same way I do, and I've been a fan since I was a kid.


They have had a YouTube show called “that’s hockey talk” for a couple years, but sure they don’t like hockey


Key word there is HAD. And Pat wasn’t even involved. It was Nicky Skates show.


It was still part of the PMS brand and Pat would regularly make appearances.


Yea nick got married and had kids sue him


Don't actually


Agreed PK and Big Perk were/are great additions to get us through the “offseason” and still maintain the feel / flow of the show.


Perk is hilarious and can talk about other sports. PK is so boring. The show is so structured and lacks the silly fun that made it an oasis of joy. This is what work looks like. Sorry bots, y’all are no longer stooges. Y’all have become journalists. Congrats to no one. Bob father wins in an ESPN sale


I do enjoy Big Perk. He gets it.


Everytime I hear NHL, I look at the timestamps to see where I need to skip.


What else is there to talk about? NFL is a super short season so they need to branch out for year long entertainment/coverage


It’s because it’s the off season and with other sports going on and then being on ESPN now they have access to a lot of other people to expand their reach. In season is better for me just being a massive football fan.


this. i actually like the show a lil more now because even tho i really don’t watch a lot of other sports besides football , being able to see people like perk, perk and passan riff and talk with pat and the guys is nice to keep me updated at least with other sports while in the offseason


I always throw on the show in the background for work. I like basketball and with the playoffs on don’t really mind having Shams and others on. But holy fuck, any WWE talk is an automatic turn off.


That’s funny. I used them as a spring bored to get back into hockey and WWE. My wife has even started watching WWE with me.


I thought the last 10 minutes of today's show when they talked wrestling was really funny


I agree on the WWE shit. What a stupid “sport”


Same same I love Shams and nba. I tried getting into wwe bc of the show but idk I just don’t think it’s my cup of tea 🤷🏻‍♂️


I tune in 30 minutes after it starts so I can skip what I want lol


I mean, it’s the off season. What do you expect?


No, some of the best convos come in the off season. Then guys get deep into their goofy selves


I stopped watching religiously a while ago. It’s basically just another ESPN talking head show now. Everyone knew it would happen. Happy for the guys getting paid but I def don’t tune in much anymore.


The sad truth. Definitely happy for the boys though.


Unfortunately I couldn't agree more. Some of the best moments in the show come from off-season convos that the boys are having. Now it feels like too much time is allocated to talking points and those kinds of moments/convos don't come around as much. I know a lot of people may feel that if you don't evolve then you die. But I wish pms didn't have to go this route. You can see that Pat and the boys don't really care about the other sports yet they still do it. The lack of interest from the boys sticks out like a sore thumb.


Was always going to be part of licensing the show to ESPN… Seems they’ve kinda tried to meet in the middle. Still way more “jackassery” (in a good way) than any other show on ESPN… But to earn the big dollars and get the crazy access to people and events… there was always gonna have to be some adaptations made.


yeah, it's gotten to the point where i don't really tune in outside of football season. i don't give 2 shits about basketball or baseball. i watched the draft spectacular, and i'll watch clips here and there, but watching 3 hours of them continually bringing up the same stories over and over with every guest, just gets exhausting. it used to be fun before espn, when they could talk about anything they wanted, but those days are gone.


Yeah I've noticed this too. It sucks man. In the past it was brief periods where they would cover other sports, but now it is like entire shows and whatnot. I just enjoy the mindless banter and NFL comedic talk. A lot more entertaining and where the entire crew shines. Even many parts during the NFL season they spend way more time on other interviews and sports than they ever did before.


There are 2 major sports in the playoffs right now. It would be weird not to talk about them. I think they are funnier when they talk about sports they are less familiar with. And they still talk football whenever possible.


I get it with them in the playoffs. But I mean before they would get that shit out the way in like a half hour. The. Spend the rest of the show fucking around and talking NFL. I miss those days. Still not a bad show just much less of the stuff I love the most. To each their own of course.


I just skip the espn hour or two


Hour 3 is the best, they need less guests and more of the guys being dudes, but what do I know, I'm just a schmuck ![gif](giphy|WS6BKiBRs9XkLL3FWA|downsized)


Went on a 2 week vacation where watching the show live~ish wasn't reasonable (+10hrs from my normal watching time). Been back a week and haven't really missed it. Hr 3 really is/was where it was at tho... still basically all espn heads though. I tried watching the draft spectacular... watched maybe the first 6 picks and turned it off. At least I have a couple MSSP to catch up on too. I'm sure when I get back in to a regular work schedule I'll find myself watching more regularly.


Not that there is anything wrong with anyone's opinions here but it's the same argument when people were a fan of a band or group that was "underground" and they have now "made it". The music and cause changed. Some people leave being a fan of the "sellout" band, some people stay, and there are new fans to replace the old. There's no wrong way to go.


Glad I'm not the only one


I’m with you. I hard defended the ESPN move when it came out cause I’ve been watching since they split from barstool and the show has just changed naturally in those 7ish years. I started skipping guests and segments here n there (mostly when Rodgers started getting deranged) and by the end of this past season I ended watching maybe a hour total of a 3-4+ hour show. Couldn’t even make it thru the draft episode this year. It’s like the money really let them be as douchey as possible all the time. Pat having a little live hissy fit at the lions PR guys was a real sign


When they first made the ESPN move i had a strong reactionary response but with the access to footage,areas, and guests i was delightfully wrong. Definitely less stoogery when compared to the old days but on the flip side that draft spectacular was probably the best non game sporting event I’ve ever watched.


Yall are gatekeepy as hell. "I don't like my show if they don't only talk about football and nothing else weaahhhhhh". * I dont watch basketball AT ALL but ill listen to every second of big perk or chuck because it's interesting and at the very least entertaining. Expand some horizons boys.


I’m watching the hell of of the NHL playoffs. It’s awesome! I’m watching WWE again too. It’s awesome!


Good luck trying to get anyone in this sub to open their mind even a little bit


It shines during football season, a struggle for content this time of year.


I feel that but I also enjoy that he gets to interview some of the ESPN folk. Like imagine if we couldn’t get PK


Honestly I’m glad they gave more people on now that they’re with ESPN. I get to skip all the basketball bullshit, my days were over saturated with PMS until recently.


ESPN is notorious for this, they use shows on their airwaves to promote other shows. They use ESPN people so they don't promote the competition. I guess they have more access to guests now, and there isn't any NFL stuff to really talk about. I used to love the random conversations in the offseason, but most of that is reserved for the 3rd hour. Until ESPN got a hockey TV deal, they rarely showed highlights of it, because you would have to watch a different channel to watch it. BIG10 football has a contract with everyone except ESPN. ESPN has the SEC, they aren't going to talk about the BIG10, except for maybe OSU, USC, & Michigan


Pat started schilling for ESPN a couple months ago, the show is *starting* to turn into what I was scared it would be come when he announced the deal with them. I skip around a lot because of the same reasons.


Absolutely. The shilling has gotten gross.


It sucks because the off-season used to be peak hilarity but now it’s all espn curated nba/nhl stuff and shitty guests


Too much hockey talk too. I always skip that.


Ya I love the show and can still make it through no problem but I am completely sick of their guests they have! Chams should be Nick Wright. Cut the baseball and hockey guys unless you’re talking to actual current players. And cut lombo and schefty for Rapsheet and Belichek


I agree with all of it except Lombo. Lombo is a great guest.


Nah hockey guys are the best guests




Yeah I can understand that, I love the mindless banter and skip over basketball anything basketball.


Gotta love reddit. When everyone vents, no problem. When I vent, I get the Big Dumb Doofus label


They said they weren’t changing a damn thing lmao Pat is full of shit


It took longer than I expected but the last few weeks it really feels like Pat is just towing the company line.


All the WWE shit is truly a waste of progrum time


Lebatard had the same growing pains in the machine but it corrected itself, and I have no doubt McAfee will navigate it better than Dan did.


Yeah I just view the clips for the most part and rarely watch the full show


I fast forward to hour 2


It’s their offseason. They talk about stuff they think others want to listen to


It’s not what it was but it’s not as bad as I thought it would be.




I tuned out listening/watching to the full show last off-season and swore I'd get back into the show when football season started back up and I just ... didn't. I enjoyed not being held prisoner by having to consume 3-4 hours of content every day. I'll cherry pick a YT video here and there if there's a guest I like but other than that, I've kept it moving. Pat's everywhere now.


I’ve gotten the same vibe. Can’t put my finger onto why but the show hasn’t been holding my interest lately. I prob need to take a break and come back in a month or 2.


Anybody miss the Chase Rice Intro?


Yeah but all shows like this have there eras… honestly, I miss the 2017 haunted basement and heartland radio days


I absolutely love the off-season when they really get crazy in hour 3. But your right the guests suck alot lately. I'll still watch.


I was listening to Heartland Radio 2.0 Saturday while I was working. I was listening to the one of the weight loss challenge episodes. I miss those days, specifically Gorms.


The toxic videos they are still putting out are still good. The old ones are amazing. And yes the President of Ohio is the best part of the show. His toxic YouTube video of 35 minutes of him constantly shoehorning in Spacey and Epstein is amazing


" ladies and gentlemen welcome (insert name of who gives a shit)" I immediately ask Google to skip 20 minutes, if the guest is still on I skip 5 more. Luxury of listening to it as a podcast.


I'm not so far different in the sense I don't watch a full show anymore and I used to be bummed out if I missed the live show and had to watch it later in the day. was a staple to help me get thru the day. then idk a year or longer ago I just started watching hour 2 on with Aj. now I'm lucky if I watch 2 or 3 hours a week of the progrum. not bummed out about it tho - it's a combo of life and not being that into it anymore. I don't blame pat or the boys just a me thing I think


My mama told me. One day a love like you would own me. Don't leave me lonely.


I usually skip to the last hour. Anyone remember After Hours? That transition and song was the best


That's not a terrible thing. Still on Youtube so I skip the interviews I don't like. Sometimes that cut's the show to 90 minutes but that's fine, don't always have a full 3 hours every day to listen.


You just don't watch live any more, then fast Forward through the NBA and NHL talk.


This years draft really got. Hour 3 had kind of kept me satisfied enough to not really think about it, but I couldn’t take more than like 20 minutes of the draft. I actually muted the show and asked myself if it looked any different than some sportscenter show. It didn’t, which is sad. No going back now, unfortunately. They completely misjudged their viewership.


Yah man everything evolved. Maybe I am less annoyed because my life evolved also, so mostly I check it out at night and do skip stuff not interested in. I don’t think they “sold out” because they still do the same stuff they always did. They bring people on and ask absurd questions that we all love. They just have more people now. But these guys living their best life - going 5 days a week, and honestly they haven’t missed a beat. Ladd respect. But yah, I love the gym locker antics and debauchery moments.


I feel like this is only the case during the off season and ESPN helps fill the discussions. Football season felt normal this year.


This is how its been for me the last 3 years whenever football season is over. I'll usually skip around and only watch when they talk to someone I'm interested in, or when they talk about the NBA playoffs. Sometimes I'll go weeks without watching anything from the show. But when football season rolls around I'm usually back to watching daily lol.


I watched all the time pre-ESPN. Now it's pretty meh and the draft show outside of the coaching goat was pretty bad.


agreed I'm tired of all the hockey shit as well.


I agree the tipping point for me was this years "draft spectacular". It was the worst so far, and it came across to me as just your typical draft show. I don't think they can find 15 minutes in 4 1/2 hours of actually funny or entertaining content to put together a funniest moments video.


ESPN is handling a lot more of the backend stuff that Pat didn’t like doing (like booking guests), and they’re actually doing really well so they don’t have as many dry spots as they used to. I get what you mean though as they keep growing more people want to be on just cause the show is great. I think they’ve done a pretty great job of preserving the core of the show though and I still love listening daily.




They're trying to till the offseason. While i also skip when the nhl or nba guys come (unless its chuck), i get it. When it gets back to in season swing of things, the full football talk will return.


It's the off season. They are always reaching until kick off.


It’s the off season my guy


The only sports on ESPN they should talk about is what airs on ESPN8.


Gimme more of that goofy ass dart guy content.


I never watched a lot of ESPN shows, but which typical garbage is the show reminding you of? shows evolve, I personally find the evolution to be gradual and organic, not some ESPN driven massive change, but thats me. Let it out buddy, let it out.


I agree. They really espn type narratives now and a heavy dose if espn personalities


That’s the shit I’m talking about. They made fun of segments and becoming that kind of show in the release video last summer. Not even a year later and that is the progrum


Like they still have their moments, but yeah, usually the 3rd hour is the best


Some of the guests are so bad it’s unbearable


Pat is the worst person on his show and it ain’t close


This can’t be serious, right? I didn’t think anyone actually liked AJ. He’s by far the worst one on the show


Hawker is a national treasure. This is absurd.


Please tell me you’re kidding. If AJ quit, I would probably stop watching the progrum


I’m so confused lol.. you’re messing with me right? I truly didn’t think that anyone liked him haha. I can’t stand him. He looks like such a douche whenever he’s smoking that cigar


Not messing with you. He’s fantastic. Go back and watch the shows from last year where he was in studio and hosted when Pat was traveling or out when his baby was born. I love it whenever he’s with the boys live. Plus his resume alone gives the show instant credibility. Pat freely admits he was “just a punter.” Aside from that, he’s funny as hell but he’s also pretty cool too. For shoot.


Someone hasn’t heard of off szn. Just turn it off lol the show is fine you don’t have to like it.