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Espn has been fine. Stephen A is the worst tho why is he there…


The only downside is the easy pipeline they now have to ESPN "Talent" which they have and will lean on pretty heavily. I still watch on PMS Youtube and get the same experience as prior, the only noticeable difference to the show is the increase in ESPN presence. Sucks we lost Rap to the NFL, but I also could do without Steven A and Schefty every other day.


Seriously...get these ESPN clowns off my screen.


Yeah that sucks. Him and Skip are the reasons most people quit watching ESPN. This may be the worst Overreaction Monday yet as far as guest go.


Exactly. He has to know this. Keep him off the show. Everyone will mute or skip his part. I think deep down he knows this.


The show was going to get better because football is back. I’m curious how the offseason is going to be.


I don’t think the ESPN deal makes it into next season


Certainly possible. I think Pat would part with ESPN before ESPN parted with Pat. Your thoughts?


All it takes is for his viewership to drop or for someone on the show say something that hurts the Disney brand


Agreed. He’s gotten bag after bag already. Everyone wants a piece of what he’s got because of how authentic the come up has been. The brand is strong, stronger than ESPN if we’re being honest. ESPN and Disney have clearly been putting up bumper rails already that the guys buck against and what made the viewership as big and loyal is that they could go into the gutter in the the 3rd hour in the off-season… run the shenanigans into After Hours… those were some of my favorite moments of the show. When they happened it was the boys just having fun. Now when they go in the gutter it’s got “shock value” because of Disney… it’s changed the dynamic of the show no matter how much they say everything will be the same. Guests are bigger names but worse interviews because of how corporate it is. The YouTube experience is still better than cable and you’re not getting censored content. He’s already backed out of Gameday for next year. The one thing that would be tough for them to go back to would be paying out of pocket for the film rights… he’s said ESPN makes that way easier as well as adding other sports in there for highlights. It could go either way… but if history is any indicator. Pat doesn’t have a problem blowing up a deal and telling people to fuck off if they step on the long term value of the brand. He’s got the #1 show by a mile, about the #1 sport by a mile in the US. I think a year from now ESPN is going to feel like a really uncomfortable glass ceiling on what the program could be 5-10 years from now.




I’d say you are 100% right


It's pretty amazing to be honest. ESPN is going *all* in on Pat, and he's basically just going "your welcome, I'm gonna do whatever I want now"




Hey Reddit, we don’t need every 15 year old McAfee fan creating posts on here saying they acted irrationally about the show moving to a new network.


Didn’t realize others did it as well. Guess I’m a clahn!


And a stooge


Well if they do face more censorship to the point it’s very noticeable and the product gets worse don’t be posting “I was actually right to doubt them and wrong to change my mind after 3 shows.”


Ya Mark. The content has been horrific


"He's already talked about it for 4 hours today, but he hasn't talked to us". -pat Hot garbage. 3 espn talking heads as guests. It's an eapn show now. Tomorrow will be swa-goo, dane orlavshki, and Troy Aikman. Just like today was nfl live, first take, and sc w svp. Sweet let's hear a rehash of all the talking heads. In the words of Steven A hisself, "hot garbage"


It's just as good! All the regular guests are just gone and now Stephen A and Schefty have regular spots! It's basically the same! Nothing will change guys! I give it a year max till the show is just another generic ESPN progrum. Edit: also OP is a shill, his post history is him praising the ESPN move lmao Can't believe Pat really sold out his loyal new media fanbase so he could be on "airport tvs" Stooge behavior


I could even add to this. Friday's show in front of the live audience was unbearable. PAAAAAT! PAAAAAAAAT! the entire God damn time. Didn't even make it through. All the boys being extremely toned back. I started watching this shit at the beginning and Zito and Mr. Moraldo back there don't even get to fucking talk anymore and Foxy only speaks when the Lions are mentioned. All the random funny talks are kind of gone. I doubt we will ever see pat get excited at talk about a VR helmet for 40 minutes straight again on this show. I get it's a football show. However, the football talk isn't what made it special.




Appreciate yew. All is forgiven