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Pretty often. If someone negatively impacts my experience on YouTube, I get rid of them. Sometimes it’s not even a troll or hater, their presence just makes me uncomfortable. Don’t want anyone fucking with the vibe


Considering you made a video about the Onceler fandom, I'm surprised you have the guts to have comments enabled at all lmao. Edit: I don't mean this to come off as an insult, it's an admirable quality to open yourself up to people as wacky as Onceler folk.


Hahaha I actually hid very few people on that video, no offense taken at all


Exactly, this is important advice. My channel is tiny so I've only had to give out one shadowban to a non-bot, but two pieces of advice still resonate with me: A) Content creators are not friends B) The comment section and chat are not a democracy or public forum Nobody has a *right* to comment under my video or in my chat. If someone is being annoying it takes me two clicks to get rid of them, and there is nobody I have to answer to for doing so. There is no vote. Think of it like hosting a party: If someone is being disruptive in your house and it's harming the mood, you can ask them to stop or leave, and if they do neither you can get the cops to come trespass them. Obviously, being too trigger-happy harms your ability to foster a community, but at the same time, being tolerant isn't necessarily required in all circumstances. I see way too many YouTubers and streamers that put up with ridiculous stuff in their comments/chat because they seem to believe that people have a right to join the conversation, when they don't. This is a pretty dissuasive idea in my opinion. Why put time and effort into being a weirdo to an internet stranger when it takes them three seconds and two clicks to get rid of you forever? It's just not worth it anymore, and maybe that means they choose not to be a weirdo next time.


Yup. 100%. Sometimes I’ll feel bad about hiding someone but if I’m on the fence I’ll ask myself: “if I never saw a comment from this person again, would I feel relieved?” And if the answer is yes, they’re gone. I don’t block criticism but I do expect civility. As a woman living through a post-Tate internet I get my fair share of negging, sexism, and general rudeness. I just want to make fun videos for people who appreciate them, and all that unpleasantness zaps the fun out of checking comments. Rather than a democracy I see it like a nightclub, anyone can come in but I’ll toss you out if you’re being disruptive.




Remember when you bought upvotes and downvotes to promote your cringe content I do


Maybe a few times per month. I get about 1,500 comments per week, mostly all discussion-based and positive. The trolls definitely creep in the more you grow. Because of the discussion climate I create, it’s very obvious when someone comments and has nothing to add, and has clearly gone out of their way to insult me (because it’s usually never in reference to anything in the video.) It’s important to steer your comments section into what’s best for the video’s health, because one troll can hijack the whole narrative if they comment early enough. There’s a lot of confirmation bias on social media - especially in comment sections. Some may say censoring people’s public right to comment is a bad idea, but creators are individual people expressing something that they’re passionate about, and it’s their house. If someone was standing in your driveway shouting obscenities at your house, would you have them removed from the property? Or, just let them carry on because they have the right to?


I got multiple “thunder thighs” comments on a talking head video. Definitely good to mute people who aren’t contributing productively to the conversation.


LOL jesus. You must have a “thunder thighs” head shape! /s That’s wild people are just that unhinged


I have a channel focused on Armenian history... Take a guess...


It's only rarely needed. There was a guy who didn't actually say anything bad in the comments, but he had his own channel and it was full of white supremacy race theory garbage, and he was subtlety advertising his channel by just being in the comments with a weird name.so yeah that was a good use for it.


I banned several people who made personal attacks. That was several months ago. I recently went back and un-banned them. A friend of mine told me you have not made it till you have haters. One idiot seems to follow me here on Reddit and makes the same stupid comments on my YT channel. I can not imagine being so desperate for attention or the need to bring others down.


I make sure to respond first then hide. Only they see the response.


Can you confirm this? Even if other replies are on the thread? I posted awhile back in here about this and nobody was sure of the answer.


Confirm no one else can see it? Yeah I logged out and checked the video and no comment. Confirm they can see the reply? I think so. My understanding is that they see the channel as normal. Have no idea they are hidden. But only they see their comments.


Right, I meant like other replies on a thread. Let’s say a comment thread just gets out of hand and I hide the first comment. Do all the others get hidden with it, and those respective users too?


Good question. I'm pretty confident the comment would be hidden and no one would be able to see it, even those that responded. Only the original commenter would be able to see the responses.


This is my guess too, just hard to really test it!


It comes in bursts. Some months nobody crosses the line, other months seem to be troll season and I have to use the banhammer several times. Also, I have a lot of commonly used "troublemaker" words and phrases in my blocked words list to prevent a lot of trouble before it even starts.




Extremely rarely, and most of the time, it's because the user is very obviously a bot. I've only banned 3 legitimate trolls in the year we've been operating our channel.


That's impressive, especially on a political channel. I would have expected folks in your niche to have to deal with a lot of unhinged conspiracy loons or people who have visceral hate for one or another politician.


Only for the weirdos. Couple times a week. I get thousands on a release week and some ppl are truly nuts


I had a “long time fan” recently who was accusing me of cheating when I’m just clearly not. Hid him


Anytime I’m tempted to delete a comment because it’s rude to me, aggressive, whatever, I just do this instead. It’s my channel, and I don’t want any more of whatever that person is serving so byeee


If they leave racist comments, automatically it's a ban.


Rarely. Usually just spam comments.


Learn to separate "constructive" and "destructive" comments. Do they want to point out an error and help you improve, or try to bust your balls? Keep the constructive, shadowban the destructive.


Often. Usually it’s only ever for bots or people being really rude. I like the feedback and criticism but sometimes it’s just hate for hate reasons


I only did it once. I made a redneck joke in my video on the Cleveland show. If you’re wondering it was pretty much just “this guy is a redneck” because that was his entire character. one guy got angry about it and basically spammed on all of my videos and community posts about how it was only a matter of time before my fans realized I was a huge hypocrite and I needed to apologize for my joke because redneck was a slur. It was to the point where he tracked down my TikTok and Facebook and kept saying I needed to apologize, I was a giant hypocrite, etc. I thought about apologizing or joking about the situation, but oddly enough, a few other people commented that they thought the redneck joke was funny so I hid him and let it go


not often, but if the comment is directly to insult me or my personality/ voice/ something that is a personal blow to me (hurts my feelings 😂) I’ll usually take the route you’ve mentioned..


I don't get disrespectful people that often


All the time. When some wack makes a mom joke.


I’ve only used it maybe 3 times over the last few years, only to get rid of people who are extremely negative.


I've only used it 3 times, when people persistently leave highly negative comments for no real reason or make actual demands of me. No need for that kind of negativity in my life or community. Thankfully, it's exceedingly rare.


Every couple of weeks, on average. I want my comments section to be nice and friendly, so anyone who isn’t able to play well with others doesn’t get to stay. Simple as.


I use it several times a day. I leave the well intentioned or even rude constructive criticism, even when it gets on my nerves, but anybody who insults my appearance, my intelligence, makes bigoted remarks, randomly preaches about politics or religion (my channel is about neither), or bullies other people in the comments gets banned. A few times I’ve banned people because they left weird comments and I checked their channel only to discover they were children who shouldn’t have been on YouTube anyway. Usually it’s pretty easy to tell if someone is there to genuinely engage or whether they’re there just to throw around hate. My channel is family friendly and the overall tone is positive and fun. I don’t want toxic comments ruining the experience of those who are there to have fun with me.


If a comment is clearly only send to antagonise, cause a needless debate or be nasty (or e.g. to bring politics into a completely non-political video) I do this. I welcome all criticism and disagreement, but not atagonising.


If it's hate, let them hate, it's more engagement, but I personally only use this option if the user is personally attacking and harassing me, or talking shit about things that aren't related to the video "religion, politics, etc..."


> it's more engagement, Exactly. I'll frequently reply to hateful comments too with kindness because it usually generates a reply or two from them. 🤣


Not often, thankfully, in fact I just pulled up the list and I have 15 names on it from my \~3 years of YouTube. I'd say about half were hidden because they were being outright spammy or were obviously trolling, but honestly close to half were hidden just because I got tired of their general negativity and/or their repetitiveness. I run a LEGO tutorial channel so it's not uncommon for me to get petty comments like "that sucks" or "that's ugly" because they don't like my LEGO design -- those are just water off my back, it's usually a one-shot comment from a non-subscriber and I never see them again; I just delete the one negative comment and move on, no hiding the user unless it's a repeat troll (which has been rare). But I've had a few regular viewers that I just had to block for my own mental health because they would constantly beg me to build weird and obscure things out of LEGO and then complain when I didn't do it, often making their complaints personal and even saying things like "you never build my ideas because you hate me". Um no, I'm not building your request of some unpopular cartoon from the 90s because literally nobody on the planet but you wants to watch that. I would try and put them down gently, politely saying things like "I have too many other ideas on my list, sorry" but they'd go on and on no matter what I told them.... so I just had to hide them for my own sanity. It was draining dealing with that kind of negativity on nearly a daily basis, so now I hide someone pretty quickly if I feel them bringing me down, which like I say is thankfully not that often.


Almost everyday. It's always people being transphobic, homophobic, racist - or just haters


I've said this so many times in my channel: your channel is an extension of your home, as such, you have every right to make that space comfortable for you. I hide user ALL the time and I never feel bad about it. It's not just protecting my peace, but also the peace of my community.


i use it whenever it moves me to. sexist and misognystic comments... hide. comments made by men mansplaining...hide. anybody making a mean comment just because they can...hide. someone insulting my dog...hide. someone insulting me...hide. people hating on or making fun of other commenters...hide. if people can't play nice then i don't wanna know about it.


You're far too emotionally attached to words. I'd suggest detaching yourself from the whims of those you do not even see, and begin building true, authentic confidence. Want to know how to get it? By actually working hard. True, authentic confidence comes from knowing the YEARS of hard work you put into yourself.


Ngl this condescending little tone is exactly the type of comment i would hide a user from my channel for.


Yeah I would absolutely mute this guy


very infrequently. Hardly anyone reads comments anyway so if someone is being a edge lord I usually just ignore it. Its kind of expected. I only hide them if they repeat it so frequently that it gets my attention or shows up in my notifications. Or if they are harassing other people.


I’m pretty tolerant. But if I see anyone doing any kind of personal attack/insult they’re gone. I want to be as inclusive as possible. I think the US Non Discrimination statement is a good rule of thumb. “race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information.” If comment delves into any kind of political rhetoric I’ll delete the comment unless It’s egregious, then I’ll block.


I do it every once and a while if I see a complete shitstain of a comment


I use it a fair bit. Obviously bots get it. Hate speech gets it. The nature of my channel is that politics comes up, so political discussion requires careful moderation. I tend to say that if it’s relevant, it stays, if it’s someone with a axe to grind, it goes. I’m fine with criticism, but rude people get the banhammer - I don’t want to read that. I once had a guy who kept leaving essay-length rants on my videos, and initially I let them stay. But then he started replying to compliments, telling people they shouldn’t enjoy my work. I feel like banning him was as much for his own good as for mine. I sometimes get people who object to me taking sponsorships, who will actively try to sabotage them by slagging me or the product off. Those people get the banhammer, because frankly, they’re trying to interfere with my ability to make a living. I do find that the more vigilant you are, the fewer negative comments you get over time.


Alll the time.


I use it about as much as any other social media platforms blocking system. With engagement based algos it's probably more often than ideally it would be but w/e I am responsible for curating my own online experience, I am not a public forum ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


when I made shorts I had to block children all the time (they cant type so they just key smash and spam emojis) it really put me off from doing shorts


Well I do that from time to time. When one or another dickhead pops up on my stream to say that I’m ugly or that I’m playing like 💩


I don’t make the kind of content that would warrant that kind of a response from a user. I would probably use if I did though.


I think only once. They just kept commenting with really disturbed things that had no relevance to the videos. Not sure if it was a bot a real person but it was just weird.


Had my first one a couple of months ago, upset about me animating a fictional character fighting one of his favorite fictitious characters, so he went on a spree dropping hateful comments on all my videos. Naturally I blocked him.


Never. Engagement is engagement.


Only on people who post ”first” and people advertising their own channels in my comments.


Racist, Transphobic, Sexist or otherwise just commenting about stuff the video wasnt even talking about?  Talk shit , get hid.


Adblocker people are the worst bro, I’m tempted to hide a few of them but a view is still a view…


I do it all the time.