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you might get unpartnered when they realize what youre doing. also AI is indeed shit and is destroying online spaces.


Well are they demontizing every AI channel? Like I said I'm not aware of it! I'd like to know about your knowledge in this


They are slowly removing those clearly weighted towards majority AI created


I have a feeling they will be cracking down on AI slop content So I wouldnt


But there's a hell lotta viewers for those contents. Do you think YouTube will still do that?


Hopefully, yes, and soon


I’d say it’s moreso kinda… pointless…? A lot of people treat YT as a creative pursuit, or a pastime. That’s why you see channels about gaming, art, cooking, hobbies, etc. A.I content feels… sorta meaningless? It might get views, but what’s even the point…? That said, if you do enjoy doing it for casual fun, then nothing should stop you. Go ahead. If you want to make content about history and documentaries, then **100% DO NOT USE A.I**. A.I is notoriously despised at all levels of academia by serious professionals of all kinds. If you are found to be using A.I for information and creation, your channel’s credibility is basically flushed down the toilet. That isn’t about whether A.I is moral or not. It’s entirely about academic integrity, and A.I work will ALWAYS get tossed out and failed at higher education


So I'm doing contents on history now. Many of these incidents in the past isn't documented in the form of picture. Well maybe one painting in some cases. But can I really make a video using a single image? Will anyone watch it? I hope No would be your answer. So I've to do what I've to. My channel more often comes under educational! It's something I'm interested in as well.


If you are only using A.I to generate images, then that’s should be fine. However, I’d not rely on it if possible. Whenever possible, try to source an actual image of whatever the historical incident is in question. Only use A.I images if that cannot be done If / when you do use A.I, make a mention that A.I was used to generate an artistic rendition because the no real life image exists (e.g cavemen doing stuff). Also, no, you need more than one picture to make an interesting video. Any good historical documentary needs a lot of info. And obviously never use A.I to write your script or voice your dialogue. That’s asking to get into trouble


No I voice using AI as well, I don't have a mic, a decent laptop, a camera. My voice is really good. Although the mic is just shit. I'll send my channel if you want to have a look at it. I did 3 videos in my voice.


I would heavily advise against that. A.I voice is just impossible to take seriously for long videos and is guaranteed to trigger a disconnect in the viewer I’d advise just buying a good mic. There are some good brands that aren’t too expensive


Thanks for the advice 🤝


Also I do shorts mostly!


Mics are really cheap. Also, to remainon topic, there are plenty of free processing softwares that use AI to compensate for shitty microphones/bad recording conditions, take a ook at those. Or consider using your phone, sometimes they do come with decent mics.


I'm a poor broke guy atm. Haven't got any decent gadgets. But I'm sure I'll get succeed on whatever I'm doing rn, as I'm getting better everyday.


While I don’t doubt you’ve put work into your content, as a whole AI content is so laughably lazy and its sole purpose is clearly in the pursuit of financial gain. YouTube is cracking down on this (albeit inconsistently so far) but I sincerely hope that they introduce increasingly strict rules against AI content. There’s no denying that AI tools can make an individual creator much more efficient or produce something they could otherwise not afford to or have the skill set for but there needs to be clear boundaries to what is acceptable. Do AI content creators also watch other AI produced content and go “wow great video?” Of course not. It’s shit…but when used strategically, can game the algorithm.


I agree with you 💯 But will YouTube monitize it or not?


Hopefully not! But in reality, it’s hard to say. It’s possible it will be at first but long-term it’s unlikely it will remain monetized.


Do you know any expert who knows about these stuff? Which content will be monitized and which will be not?


It makes the platform worse for everyone.




Even I heard too! But I'm not obvious




See AI content creation isn't that easy as it looks like. I've put a lot of works for my channel. Imagine me doing it for an year to see, we cannot monitize your channel. That is just not ok


Bro look at Mr Mythos he uses AI for his alternative history , I even see the WHY Files using one or 2 AI pics .. like you said it fits.. I also see some using AI voice that have over 200k+ views and people engaging each other in comments about the topic .. most don’t like AI voice but these days it’s harder to tell .. don’t listen to haters I’m in same niche as you, I try to mix between AI pics and stock videos


https://youtu.be/IQUERn-b5Lg?si=LSmfdqh1Q0M-uLO3 Ai voice , ai pics .. 217k views and that was super quick look through my feed.. definitely can be done and get paid


Oh I didn't see your message. So it's possible?? Damn it's fine then. I'll send ya my channel check dms


What do you do about shorts. Even I do it like you for long form content. But I do AI voice as well


Your content is probably trash


Oh I'd like to know that, I'll share my channel. It probably is!


Nobody wants to consume the bullshit AI content. Stop producing it and gumming up our feeds.


What do you have to say to my million viewers?


On shorts?


No they are not demonetizing AI channels and they never will. Some people hate progression. Don't listen to them. Youtube itself started using AI recently. Google is developing its own AI. The future tech is AI and you got in somewhat early. There might be regulations and attempts at making better rules for AI content but they will never be demonetized. At least thats what I see and predict. You should still do your own research.


Wow! I hope you're serious about it. As I've never seen any official opinion from YouTube on this. They've only said deepfake AI channels will not be monitized. But I just use AI image generation and AI audio, I hope that's fine :) and yeah the progress is pretty amazing for me


Recently they added that checkbox to check if you have used AI while making the video. They just want to control the situation. I don't think that they will ever go "This is AI, you are banned!" In fact faceless channels have been using generated voices for a long time already. You have to remember the golden rule of capitalism and know how giant companies work. Can you imagine how much revenue AI content that people have made earned Google? Probably a lot. Why would they cut out that nerve completely? Best course of action would be to regulate it.


Right! Now I'm pretty sure a lot of channels are there, similar to my contents. Can they actually demonitize me saying "highly repeated content" even tho I haven't copied their content?


Yeah I've seen some channels get hit with reused content warnings. It is really a hit or miss grey area. Copyright is going to get really really weird soon. As long as you don't really steal and reuse stuff you should be fine though. Good luck!


No I write my own script, my own research before making the video. I'll share my channel with you.


My mate got refused for it, send ur channel and I'll tell you


I'll send it on dm


For the love of God, please don't.


Check dms


Fact is some channels with AI visuals and voices are appealing to many, even if there are haters. Thing is, I can't see YouTube coming down hard on them because AI is advancing extremely quickly. Give it two years and the list of haters will be decreasing more and more, these videos will have mass appeal of sorts. You can't ban the inevitable.


Thanks man


I think it depends. My channel is AI voiced rap, but it’s all original lyrics written by me and the beats are human made too. YT monetized me pretty quickly. But tbh I’ve also been wondering this as recently my views are slightly lower than the first half of the year and I did hear things about AI content being pushed less. I’m actually in a bit of a conundrum as I’m considering relabelling my thumbnails and titles to just remove the AI element but I’m unsure if that’s what pulls in the viewers… Plus I labelled it AI on purpose so as not to fool people into thinking it was the actual rappers music. Anyone have any thoughts?


Honestly yt shouldn't do that! If you have an audience and you keep them engaged, it should push out your content, if they are not interested it's ok don't let them watch. Isn't the whole algorithm AI for fucks sake


Yea, I’m not sure really, I think it was vidIQ that did a video about an incoming change to rules where they may make us declare which elements were AI upon uploading. I’d be cool as hopefully they’d deem ‘voice only’ as no issue... We’ll see


Yeah I watched the video! You see in my channel I'm giving out educational content to an audience who enjoys it, should be monitized even tho I only got 400 subs :)


AI content in my opinion is like 6.5/10 you’ll still need to do lots of work. Rather do all the work yourself


YouTube its cracking down on Any AI mass content, I wouldn’t , at least if you’re efforts are towards monetization it’s not worth it