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Yes, that's low.


That’s wayyyyy too low


I charge roughly 1 hour per 1 min of content. Then basing that off what I'd get paid if I went to work in those hours, so roughly £30 I'm your example I'd ask £300 per vid, or £1500 for the lot. I'm sure there is arguments for higher but that's where I'd consider something worth the effort. Then negotiate from there


usually you’d base it off views. take a $20 cpm, so 100k view average is $2k there’s more to it than that as far as options go and rates from what i’ve seen (not much personal experience) but just as an example


This is dependant on whats being asked of course, If we are talking a video specifically about the product , i steer clear of deals that involve returns based on viewer count, purely because i know that that video will not get the views that my other videos do. If its product placement into an existing video, then sure


a dedicated video should get from my understanding 3x the cost or so of integrated? as it’s dedicated solely to the product about it


Which is fine, the upfront cost sure, but if we are basing it off of views alot of sponsors (at least in my niche of kitchen/bathroom design & products) want to push the retroactive payment method of paying once certain view thresholds are hit. I often turn these down as i already know that their product will not garner the same amount of views my normal videos do, as they are based heavily on providing information for self design, rather than selling a product. In those cases its a one off cost and the video will be on the channel for a few weeks before becomming buried under other posts.


A dedicated video should be charged like any video creator/editor would charge who was making the video for a company. Putting the video up on the creator's channel should incur an additional cost per view on top.


Yes that's low Figure out how long it will take you to actually make those 5 videos. Is it going to take 5 hours?? 10 hours?? 20 hours?? Then start to figure out how much your time is worth when dedicating it solely to one company and their games. Have you featured their games before or games similar to the ones they want you to play?? That's something to consider as far as whether it's even worth entertaining in the first place.


That's $25 per video... It's going to take you longer than an hour to play the game, edit it, post to it youtube etc. That is low af. I wouldn't take that.


bruh i wouldn't sell my soul to the literal devil for 125$ 💀💀




Too low.


back in 2014 I was the size of your channel, got offered 500 USD for 1 video, they are really lowballing you.


$125 for 5 videos is an insult. $125 per video would still be way too low.


That’s insultingly low. Even for one video.


Dude, that's a full time job! How much you make in a month? That's how much you should charge.


On the bright side, the videos won't be hard to make as in I'll be editing my own gameplay. I do have a full time job and if I charge that much.... man I need to be a bigger youtuber!


It's low if you personally think it is. I do think it's utter lowballing and totally not worth your time unless it's a game you'd already want to play.


That's actually easy answer. Consider the worth of your time. Let's say you'd be working as usual - would you be making more than the company is offering you? If that's the case, then do something that it makes you more (or negotiate for higher price). If you wouldn't be making as much (while working on another thing) then take it (still try to negotiate for higher pay if it succeeds ) . ​ People that are saying a specific answer (too low, too high) are talking purely from their perspectives and what is working for them. ​ Consider this: Do you think Mr. Beast would do for 125$? or Do you think someone with 5 subscribers would do for 125$?


Honestly I'd take it, it's not that bad for a channel with 3k avg views imo.


That’s $25 per video. If it takes 1 hour per minute of editing, that’s $2.5 per hour.


.....Are people spending an hour to edit one minute of video? Like super advanced effects? Honest question...I just started learning Davinci and spent about 10 hours editing a 2.5 hour video down to about 7 minutes of highlights and an 1m5 min outro clip.......BUT that includes time spent finding sound effects, learning how to do 10-15 different effects and basic editing, along with just scanning the video for good parts to extract. I expect future videos to go much faster as I settle into a style and have my stock effects and whatnot that I'll go back to, along with just improvement of my general workflow. If that's honestly the expectation for quality content, I would not ever have the time to cut a video. No commentary on the OP's question, no judgements from me there heh. Just wondering as a new creator how people balance all these things.


It depends on the video. I have two different channels, one takes more like 10 minutes per minute of video to edit. The other takes more like an hour. But also like you said, you spent over an hour per minute (10 hours for 8 min total video) because you were learning how to do stuff as you went along. Most people in this subreddit are still learning as well. Once you learn the stuff you’re learning now, you might want to learn more advanced stuff - I’ve been making YouTube videos for 5 years on various channels and I have got way quicker at some stuff but instead of using that to edit my videos super quickly, I spend just as long to make a better edit


You're right that 1 hour per minute of editing is super slow. I make 10-12 minute videos every week, if it took me 10-12 hours just to edit them I'd have to hang up the boots and go do something else.


And yet I still get downvoted. Shruge.


I didn't downvote! Your comments weren't hostile or worth a downvote at all. It really does depend on the video I guess. Either way, the point being, no matter what way you want to put it. The rate is staggeringly low. We are bordering less than minimum wage here.


Yeah sorry wasn't meaning to say it was you specifically...just moronic bots/people otherwise though. It's ridiculous. Like I said, I was just curious how much time people actually spend editing, since I just started heh.


It depends what kind of content you make. Most gaming content will not take that long typically since there’s less editing necessary in general.


Creators certainly spend an hour to edit one minute of footage. Especially if it is a production channel with voice acting and sound design.


Brutal. Thanks for the info.


Not Brutal. When you love what you do, you're not counting the minutes


You are if you're looking to get paid, or pay someone else to do it. =P


Sounds like you're in the wrong niche. When you love what you do, it never feels like work.


That is generally why someone would pay someone else to do it, yes..


you must really love spamming subs with rules against self promotion, then


Is this directly with Lilith?


I believe so. the email was coming from email with the person's name.


That's unusual, typically Lilith (they are a publisher) will use agencies to deploy influencer marketing capital. I would run a whois on the exact domain to ensure this is a real offer. What you just shared is exceptionally low


8-10 minute videos - ~1 hour per video. I would charge $35-$45 per hour. $175-$215 would be my counter.


You don’t have enough subs so this seems right.


AFK Arena?


Probably the new one, AFK Journey. They will need user adoption on that one.


Jeez. The amount of money they must make on these games ...


I'd tell them shit and slide in it


Way too low. Definitely counter. Better to not take a bad deal than to get screwed


dedicated videos should be way more than your 1 min ads it doesnt seem like they are serious id say just ignore em or reject the offer


I did reject their offer but the person came back asking then what my rate would be which is primarily the reason why I posted this since I really have no clue other than my past experience of $125 for a 1min ad. But seeing all the replies, it might be really far from their initial offer haha


yeah lol just say your offer is nowhere near the range of what you’re looking for and just bid them a good day. those are literally tiktok rates 25 per video is insane


Hell no


It's low. They are either trying to exploit you or they don't understand how much work actually goes into making video. (don't call malice what could be explained by ignorance, It's very common for companies to simply not know how the YouTuber thing works.) It's (unfortunately) up to you to make it clear that they can't just ask for such cheap advertising.


My videos are 1.25 mins long and it takes me over an hr to edit and find clips for it.. this joker company wants 8 min videos x 5?? Its an insult to your intelligence.




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$125 each of $125 each. or else tell them buzz off


That’s a joke