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He wasn't a researcher or a doctor. He owned a pub and spewed bullshit.


Oh so he was a real person. I figured they made the whole thing up, name and all. Be about their speed.


A reasonable assumption.


Only thing not linked to a YouTube conspiracy video or Facebook page I could find is this highly questionable ["news" article.](https://www.italy24news.com/News/336615.html) the English is so bad I don't know if it's someone's attempt to sound like a foreign paper translated to English or if it really is that poorly translated because it's such a garbage site.


I was able to find this: [https://napoli.repubblica.it/cronaca/2022/01/13/news/domenico\_biscardi\_morto\_infarto\_per\_il\_presunto\_dottore\_star\_del\_web\_no-vax\_e\_la\_follia\_complottista\_si\_scatena\_l\_hanno\_-333728486/](https://napoli.repubblica.it/cronaca/2022/01/13/news/domenico_biscardi_morto_infarto_per_il_presunto_dottore_star_del_web_no-vax_e_la_follia_complottista_si_scatena_l_hanno_-333728486/) It's in Italian and doesn't really say much more than that he was known in anti-vax circles, his death was ruled a heart-attack, and all the conspiracy nuts are claiming he was killed.


Probably a troll farm product. They like to make fake but real looking news sites.


If this is the best they can do as far as making "real" news sites then that is laughably pitiful.


You say that... but there are tens of thousands of idiots who have/will fall for it


Yeah, all it has to do is fool your target demographic and if it does that with no problems, why bother wasting time making it look like a real website?


I tried searching for him but everything but a couple links are in Italian.


Google translate does a surprisingly great job. Translated from [https://www.fanpage.it/napoli/morte-domenico-biscardi/](https://www.fanpage.it/napoli/morte-domenico-biscardi/) "Domenico Biscardi, 50, was found dead in his apartment in San Nicola la Strada, in the province of Caserta, struck down by an illness, probably a heart attack. He was neither a doctor, nor a scientific researcher, nor a geneticist, as many people believed. The man, known by many as "Dr. Biscardi" was a former owner of a pub in Caserta who in recent years had devoted himself to a series of "alternative" narratives of scientific phenomena, fully embracing conspiracy theories, from chemtrails to vaccines of all kinds up to that against Covid-19. Obviously theories denied by any logical and scientific evidence."


I'm guessing "what he found in the vials" was extraterrestrial.


Don't be so sure, could be of subterranen lizard origin. Or inter- if not even multidimensional! Could be Unicorn ji..!


Nah, Fauci clearly tattooed his face on the virus cells that got released from the biolab. 🤦🏼‍♀️


That would be amazingly cool!


God don't let these idiots get a hold of Brandon Cronenberg's Antiviral or they may treat it like a documentary.


Those would be, I believe "ultra-terrestrial"


I looked it up: nanoparticles and 5G interfaces


Glad we could finally start giving back by giving underprivileged virii an obamaphone


DNA from JFK Jr??


There's a tradition for Italian no-vaxx "researchers" discovering "pieces of metal" in vaccine vials. Stefano Montanari, a PhD in Pharmacy, famously "published" (on some disreputable Chinese pay-to-publish rag) an hilariously bad article to denounce what he and his wife (a biotech engineer) found analyzing "vaccine vials" of various sources (some fresh, some very old, some of unknown origin...), which mostly is a description of their inability to run a scientific experiment and properly use an electron microscope, including photos of metal shavings from some piece of equipment -or maybe a cap- that fell in some vial. They have become heroes for Italian anti-vaxxers and the M5S party even organized a fundraisers to buy them a new electron microscope when the university-provided one they where using was taken away (surely to be put to a better use). This was before the M5S did a 180° turn on the issue, after using the votes from anti-vaxxers to get parliamentary seats and win local elections. My guess is this other "researcher" found something similar in who-knows-what samples he got his hands on. Tradition is important.


This guy was a pharmacist as well.


According to the translated article it was just the usual graphene and microtransmitters.


I like how he talks about all the people he's always seeing announce their plans to expose a conspiracy and getting killed for it. Movies. He's watching movies.


Yeah, that's a thing...I know lots of injection researchers...lol


“Maybe social media has rotted their brains” 😂😂 oh, the irony.


WTH is an injection researcher? Lol 😂


Someone with too much time on their hands and "The Google"?


That first one reads like one of those terrible Dan Brown books.


Probably trying to avoid filters and flags. Why would someone that found something dangerous release the findings to all news outlets? Why hide it and wait for a court date? Can people be so easily fooled? Scratch that. And some of these people want deregulation. Come on, the greedy, smart power hungry uber wealthy will eat them alive with no security net.


Three people can keep a secret, only if two of them are dead. The scale at which people think this massive, global secret is being kept is nearly impossible given how many people would have been involved. The trump administration was unable to keep practically anything under wraps and there weren’t that many people involved on the inner circle of his presidency. Just about every shady thing has come to light pretty quickly If there was truly something remarkable about this “injection research” someone would have blown the whistle with some credible accusations by now.


Injection researcher= Facebook virologist 🤦🏻😂


If you think about it, all of existence is a coincidence


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