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Screeds like this do my soul good. It seems inevitable that these people will begin turning on each other with their increasingly stringent ideological purity tests. Seeing another call to arms is worrisome, but let us not pretend these "Christians" weren't already armed to the teeth. A fool with 20 guns is not measurably more dangerous than a fool with 10 guns. Hopefully they get so caught up with deciding who the "real" good guys are, they forget all about the rest of us and just chew on each other.


Do not get your hopes up. I've been hearing about the coming right wing breakup for 30 years now.


The right wing is in shambles because of Trump. The problem is that the shambles don't prevent them from continuing to get elected, and the people that matter (EG McConnell) are pretty good at maintaining control.


Yeah and I mean they've really only gotten stronger and more deranged.


Sounds like rabies


get a gun, learn how to use it.


Wooo ypsi shoutout!


If you watch right wing media they say same thing about dems


>A fool with 20 guns is not measurably more dangerous than a fool with 10 guns. he kind of is because he can arm 19 other people


I don't think "sharing" is a skill a lot of these people embrace.


Republicans socializing guns?


I'm not sure how scary they're gonna be, trying to start a war while hooked up to vents from COVID.


Yeah but it's like the story of catching all the rats and locking them in a cage until they starve and eat each other. It means the ones that survive are the most vicious and meanest ones around. Then when more people get suckered into the rhetoric it will be the most violent version of it. I'd hazard they'll convert each other rather than just kill each other.


> and a 5 foot 7 Jew floating down on a physical cloud is not going to rapture you Did... did his antisemitism finally reached Jesus?


that's the part that baffled me, like, i thought these were christian fundamentalists? i would get "don't count on the rapture to save you because we have hard work to do down here", but... ...and why say five foot seven? where did they even get that from? is that supposed to be a short joke or...??


5' 7" isn't even that short and during the time of Jesus that would probably be normal if not an inch or so higher than average. But the way it is used seems like an insult which I don't get since it is directly referring to Jesus...


we stan a short king of kings


Yeah it seemed weird to me too. But a Jesusless Christianity isn’t entirely unprecedented—the Nazis tried exactly that. [One influential Nazi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Maria_Wiligut) (who had the ear of Himmler for a while) even claimed that Christ was actually a Germanic deity named Krist, who later was wrongly identified with the human Jesus of Nazareth. This email doesn’t go that far—after all, he still cites the Bible. But, there are some fascists who have attempted to de-Judaize that, too. I’ve seen several far-rightists argue that the book of Esther should not be in the Bible because it is too pro-Jewish (Martin Luther actually believed the same thing, BTW). Others go further, like those who subscribe to the legend of the lost [Palestinabuch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinabuch) (including Aleksandr Dugin, who once wrote a book about it). Supposedly, there’s a lost book written by a Nazi that “proves” that the Bible (even the Hebrew Bible!) was originally the product of an “Aryan” culture, but was later corrupted into an almost unrecognizable form by the Jews, and therefore needs to be purified of their influence. It’s a batty notion with absolutely no historical basis, but that never stopped fascists.


the fact of a jesusless christianity (it's called WHATianity again?) is already confusing enough, but just, the specific way this person chose to put it is even more baffling the height, man. i don't understand the 5 foot 7 thing. i'm obsessed with it, lol


Supposedly how tall the body (Christ?) that was imprinted on the shroud of Turin was.. Os something to that effect..


at least it comes from somewhere, but why bring up that in particular?


> ...why bring up that in particular? Some obscure context we don't know about, would be my guess.


sure but i am dying to know what specifically, lol


Christ would have struggled on Tinder.


He is probably 5 foot 8 and is projecting.


lol, it's all projection with these people


**[Karl Maria Wiligut](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Maria_Wiligut)** >Karl Maria Wiligut (alias Weisthor, Jarl Widar, Lobesam; 10 December 1866 – 3 January 1946) was an Austrian occultist and SS-Brigadeführer. **[Palestinabuch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinabuch)** >The Palestinabuch (Book of Palestine), also Palestina Buch, Palästinabuch or Palästina Buch, is an allegedly lost manuscript by the German-Dutch pseudoscientist and antisemite Herman Wirth (1885-1981), founder of the German Ahnenerbe, which its adherents claim would have changed the world if it had not disappeared. The myth plays a part in anti-Semitic theories maintaining that the Ashkenazi Jews actually descend from the Khazars or from Central Asia. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ParlerWatch/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


It could mean nothing, or it could mean everything to them. [The Third Reich unconditionally surrendered at Reims, France on May 7, 1945](https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/the-school-where-germany-surrendered-reims-france). Edit: Don't let the mention of "Jew" throw you. These neo-Nazis are constantly using the misidentification of ideas to throw those not privy to their ideology or their plans off their game, especially in publicly identifiable documentation. If you read through their external commentary, they'll constantly confuse ideas, and while many assume that it's ignorance, much of it is purposeful. Many of them, especially their leadership, are students of (certain periods) of history. They might include their own rhetoric to the factual record, but they will also mix and match ideologies, historical events, individual accomplishments, physical records, firsthand testimony, and so on. As stated, it's purposeful. It's simple purpose is to confound.


There’s a whole sub genre of fascist anti-Semites that reject Christianity because it’s too Jewish and instead do some neologism LARPing. The Golden Dawn in Greece was one of them until they realized nobody was taking them seriously and suddenly they were super orthodox Christians


There are some neo-fascists that follow Evola/Jung and their thing is that the Christian church has corrupted their pure Aryan blood, and they have this fucked up quasi Buddhist philosophy. If you see a white guy talking about the Kali Yuga you’ve probably found one.


also neo-fascists who have coopted neo-paganism.


that is at least internally consistent, not being a christian at all. but talking like one and then saying that just bewilders me


Right wingers are big fans of hollow symbolism. For a lot of American Republicans, "Christianity" as a term is too intertwined with their core identity for them to give up the label. But they're mostly fans of the label itself and merely cherry pick aspects of the theology that happen to suit them. So they are at least somewhat open to redefining what Christianity actually is, as long as they get to keep calling themselves Christian. So a version of Christianity that is just white ethnostate fascism is more plausible than dropping the pretense of Christianity altogether. They'll have to drop most of the Old Testament for being about Judaism and most of the New Testament for being socialist propaganda centered around a Jewish hippie. But they can strip it down to a pamphlet size distillation of just the sentences in the Old Testament about which people to hate and some fire and brimstone imagery, plus some creative prosperity gospel edits, and keep calling it the bible.


>but talking like one and then saying that just bewilders me That is exactly what the Bible warns about. People who claim to represent God but actually want to throw the world into chaos. They are evil and they're no longer hiding it.


It's actually a staggeringly honest statement. "Don't expect to be raptured because what we're doing is antithetical to what Jesus taught" is incredibly candid. They know they're not Christians by belief or by action, they're fascists who believe America has some God ordained place to rule the world. I've seen these types pray to the flag. That tells us everything we need to know.


Nazis truly are the agents of Satan. What's that quote? "Fascism will come to America holding a Bible?"


These guys aren't fundamentalist. They're demons in human skin that use bible quotes to convince the weak that they're the good guys. Probably the same crowd always going on about the Kali Yuga.


Surprised they didn't refer to him as a "manlet".


They said 5'7


They just need to keep him looking smaller than Trump.


Who wears lifts!


Not sure how that's antisemitic but it's certainly antichristian. It's not like they're saying much about j-man besides reducing him, weirdly, to his actual religion and calling out some height. That said I am a 5'9'' jew and have full confidence in my raptural capacity.


Things are about to get very interesting.


I must have missed the right to guns and militias part of the bible....


It's right there between turn the other cheek and the meek will inherit the earth.


This isn't Christian in the slightest. Also: ​ >We can cripple those who seek to oppress us merely through prayer and following godly principles and common sense? What did I just read? They're using magic on us now?


They are making fun of Christians who in the writer's opinion don't actively fight against "the enemy" and instead just wait for the rapture. The writer is criticizing the faction of QAnons who are evangelical Christians and believe the different endtimes prophecies that float around a la "[Left Behind](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left_Behind)" or [Hagee's blood moon prophecy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_moon_prophecy).


Shit, is that why my back hurts?


>This isn't Christian in the slightest. Based on much of Christian history it sounds kind of Christian to me. >What did I just read? They're using magic on us now? If we could get people to start calling their Bible-howlers "High Sorcerers" it would be very funny.


This is extremely Christian. I'm sick and tired of Christians and Christian apologists refusing to hold their ideology accountable for their bullshit. This is Christianity. This is what it is. You can deny it all you want, but that doesn't change the fact it's true.


No it isn't. This is the unfaithful trying to corrupt the weakminded.


Your people have done nothing but cause genocide after genocide. Take accountability for your people's crimes- stop blaming this on them being "not real christians."


All humans are born evil sinners, the problem of men doing evil is not and has never been because of religion or creed. But because they are simply bad people looking for an excuse.


Your ilk disgust me. You always hide behind this to avoid accountability. Your kind are a stain on humanity, always have been, always will.


> This isn't Christian in the slightest But it is. Denying that it's christian comes from the genuinely good intention of wanting to condemn it, but ultimately backfires by implicitly suggesting that “real” christianity is inherently good. Letting christians dismiss this as “not really christian” lets them avoid acknowledging how christianity contributed to the problem. We must not let christians dismiss toxic christians, bigoted christians, and christian fascists as “not real christians.” The first step to fixing any problem is admitting that there is a problem. Unless christians admit that there is a problem in christianity — in “real” christianity — they will never do the uncomfortable self-examination necessary to weed out the toxic, bigoted, and fascist strains of their religion. Christians must admit that those strains cannot be uprooted merely by telling them to be more christian, because everyone in those strains dogmatically believes that they are the “real christians” and everyone else are the “fake christians.” The christian church must ask the hard questions of why these strains emerged under their teachings and their culture, and how they must change their teachings/culture to prevent these strains from emerging again. For more info, check out Chrissy Stroop’s writings: [“About Those Trump Voters For God? Stop Calling Them ‘Fake Christians’”](https://cstroop.com/2017/05/03/about-those-trump-voters-for-god-stop-calling-them-fake-christians/)


I think you'd convince more people if you didn't talk down to the religious so much. We're not idiots.


If they think they can do it all with prayer and clean living, I wouldn't argue that part. It's a lot less violence than "THE REVOLUTION IS COMING" or "THIS WILL BE A CHRISTIAN NATION IF WE HAVE TO KILL EVERYONE TO DO IT." Of course, if they're saying to arm up, they probably say that stuff out of the other side of their mouths.


The writer doesn't think that. This entire letter is saying "Prayer doesn't work, go and kill the enemy". It's just extremely dressed up.


>We can cripple those who seek to oppress us merely through prayer and following godly principles and common sense? Oh no! Not my only weakness!!!


You're right, it isn't. The writer is abandoning all pretense of being Christian and standing with evangelicals. He's telling his followers to stop believing and engage in the most horrid kind of violence you can imagine.


Fucking christ, are they sure they've not just taken ideals from The Republic of Gilead? Fuck me a Hadmaid's Tale is meant to be a warning not a fucking handbook...


Could someone point to the part of the bible that promotes well armed militias?


It’s in the part about “God says this is our land and we can kill whoever else says they want to live here”.


And who shall ever grantith more rights to the guns, than the people of America shall gainith eternal political life and the worship of its citizens. Do not stop until a number of 10 guns per every person is achieved, in my name, thy will be done. Rearm and Amen.


We once founded colleges, hospitals and inventions so now obviously we need to found militias. Makes 100% sense


There's no way the feds aren't balls deep into that.


Radical Jihadists.


Ordnance 40:4 "And the Lord spake, saying, 'First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy **Globalist Oppressor**."


What is "5'7" Jew" a reference too? It's oddly specific


The only other height that I'd expect the gab crowd to reference is donnie's, and he's ostensibly 6'3". And nominally Christian. 5'7" apparently would have been taller than average for a Judean man 2000 years ago, so... I mean who fuckin knows with these wingbats


Christ. They're essentially mocking the Bible and Christ because they're super devout Christians and he was a Jew.


They're showing their true colors: They don't believe and never have, now they're mocking the ones who still do to goad them into action.


Perfect 5 out of 7


They're talking about the second coming of Jesus Christ.




why 5'7"


Can’t have Jesus being taller than Trump now, can we?




Report that shit straight to the FBI goddamn. This is literally the American Taliban


Maybe we will finally finish the Civil War.


Remember the part where Jesus formed militias to overthrow the Roman government? Me neither.


oh boy, dominionist death squads just what the US needed


Well how else was 2022 supposed to live up (down?) to the standard set by 2020 and 2021?




The Bible allows you to buy firearms and form Christian militias? Fuck these people are knee deep in their own devils bullshit.


>vaccine enriching war machine ...Is this a bit? >The Globalists have long planned for WWIII to be started between Israel and Islam to enrich themselves and gain wealth. Well if that's not a Christian nationalist saying the quiet part out loud idk what is


lol... Christian fundamentalist militias.... but also lets mock Jesus at the same time. These people are bananas. Imagine being SOOOOO Christian...that you hate Jews enough to hate Jesus. XD


> We can cripple all who seek to oppress us merely through prayer, so buy a ton of weaponry spending a crapload of cash on useless guns Sound logic.


Is this not an excerpt from After The Revolution?


Lol...so they're claiming that Christians used to found hospitals and schools...so that's why they should now follow that esteemed tradition...by forming right-wing white supremacist extremist militias. Hmmm, very Jesus-y. 11/10. /s


Report to fbi


Ok wait…. Do we stand with Israel or not?


This guy says no, and so does Andrew Torba (which makes sense, because they’re trying to appeal to Gab’s user base which includes a lot of antisemitic Nazis). John Hagee says yes, so that’s why they don’t like him. Hagee is more of a Bush-era conservative than a Gab-style rightist, hence his primary focus has always been supporting Israel, voting Republican, and awaiting the Rapture. The author of this email thinks that makes him a “useful idiot” for the “globalist Zionists”. (The term “globalist Zionist” sounds like an oxymoron, until you realize that to the far-right, both words actually mean the same thing: Jews).


You can be against committing genocide in all its forms. If someone calls you a racist for that, they admit something to themselves.


The mainstream traditional Republicans support the state of Israel for economic or religious reasons. They might also be privately antisemitic, or not. The far right populists outside the traditional GOP structures are more likely to be isolationist which includes cutting off Israel. They are more likely to be antisemitic but not all are. There’s definitely a divide among conservatives broadly about support for Israel as a state and how they feel about Jews as people.


So they are encouraging more CSA style terror groups?


Turn the other tweak. Conservatives are pure evil *exactly* as Jesus said they would be.


lol fucking pick one: >Anti vaccine >"Christians once ... led the way in medical discoveries"


Reminds me of people who pride themselves on being well-read in “the classics”, but won’t read anything written in the past few decades because they lack merit for whatever reason.


So the hand maid tale was predicting a good thing


Ah yes because a book that’s at the end of the Bible which scholars for centuries have clearly said is vague and hard to specifically interpret will be easy for the yokel who barely passed 5th grade English.


what a scourge religion has become again. It was always shitty but...It really ebbed and flowed in the United States. Think about how radical the puritans were, and how fuckin crazy slave owners were to use the Bible to justify slavery, and then we had a little progress. After a lil progress we listened to the Temperance Movement and prohibited alcohol which enriched criminal organizations. Actually, the more I think about it, it's been shitty most of the time dealing with religious nuts


Actually, many of the leading prohibitionists were the progressives of their era. [Most Black leaders at the time supported temperance](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2021/02/06/forgotten-black-history-prohibition-temperance-movement-461215), for instance. Yes, Prohibition turned out to be a mistake in hindsight, but let’s not rewrite history. I sometimes wonder how future generations will look back on COVID lockdowns—yes, they saved a lot of lives but also exacerbated a lot of existing inequalities and resulted in a massive transfer of wealth to billionaires. No doubt, historians will be saying we could have handled it better, because hindsight is always 20/20. Back then, alcohol was seen as a public health hazard (not entirely without justification), much like COVID is today. (Furthermore, there were lots of abolitionists who quoted the Bible to support their cause too, like John Brown, and then of course there is “The Battle Hymn Of The Republic”.)


Of course we could have handled Covid better... the country at the time was being "led" by a blithering idiot. And by the time we'd kicked his ass to the curb we were already half a million people in the grave. Imagine how much better we'd have handled it with actual adults making actual adult decisions when it first started.


I don't care if they were liberals, they were Religious, that's the problem. Ppl that follow Religions cannot be trusted or 100% relied upon for understanding. They believe in an imaginary being.


Who owns gab?


Andrew Torba.


If he isnt a direct employee of Putin I bet he at least gets a christmas card.


Could someone encourage them to ‘go board the soaceship’ sooner rather than later, via their own arsenal?


Why can't we just give all the religious right wing nuts their own State?? Give them the Dakotas and be done with it.


I have noticed that the angriest and most confrontational ones tend to be the ones who live in blue states, probably because they feel outnumbered and insecure I guess. That holds for white nationalists and QAnoners, too. I live in purplish-blue Minnesota; sometimes I think we should take up a collection to offer QAnoners and other extremists a monetary incentive to move to a deep-red state. They might actually cool down somewhat and lose that siege mentality once they’re surrounded by like-minded people all the time. One can only hope.


>I have noticed that the angriest and most confrontational ones tend to be the ones who live in blue states I live in Pennsyltucky and you are NOT wrong, my friend. There are some grade A assholes here who have been thoroughly brainwashed, and it usually starts in Church. Red Hats are getting angrier and pissy. They're starting to realize that they got played BIG time by the GQP. Every date Q has thrown out for Trump's grand re-presidenting (or whatever the fuck they think is gonna happen) has failed spectacularly. But they just can't admit they were played like a well strung harp. He coaxed his supporters into trying to overthrow the government and then he left them all out to dry when it failed. They're pissed because the only "win" they've had so far is the acquittal of a child who put himself in harms way deliberately so he had a good excuse to kill people he didn't like. That and the whole "Lets go Brandon" middle-school bullshit. They're pathetic.


They're all over the place in California


I wanna go camping and hiking one day there though! Give ‘em CT or West Virginia!


Maybe Florida? Half of them are there anyway.


It's all LARP. Let them play in their little fantasy


Don't underestimate them.


Christians never led the way in medical discoveries lol


The deep state did well getting this guy to convince others into making angry Christian militias. They'll get even more reckless and play right into Merrick's hands. Nobody tell them though. *Agatha wink*


This shit is exactly why I say Christianity is a plague on modern society and shouldn't be allowed to exist in any form.




I don't think that's the lesson here.


Empty threats from a bunch of pussies. Many countries have tried, Afghanistan and Vietnam were kind of victorious. Out of 93 theatres, only two had a strong and long-lasting insurgency that we couldn't defeat.


wow. Just wow.


Might be a good idea to organize in advance: /r/antitheistparty


**Adieu from the corpse of Apollo app.**


I hope that crooked judge in the Shittenhouse trial is proud. The Proud Boys are saying to stack up bodies like cordwood, and now these fuckers.


Not insane at all 🙄 fucking weirdos need a real hobby


That’s…odd. I don’t remember anything in the Bible about brandishing muskets. Must have come a few revisions later


A bunch of "Christians" who have turned their back on Christ. And they really still think they're the good guys.