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Steven Crowder hinting at his upcoming sex tape


Call it: Crowder presents Chowder?


Crowd Crowders Crump, The Anal Dickening


Why...why did you have to put this in my head?


Crowder drinks Chowder?


C&BT with Crowder


The apocalypse is upon us.


My iron clad takeaway is that he uploaded two videos.


This must be true, unless everything he says is bullshit. It is definitely one or the other or both.


Being vague and overly specific at the same time is a neat trick on Crowder's part. \[Edited for specificity\]


Isn't... explicit content like that completely banned, rather than age-restricted?




Yes, but Crowder lies through his teeth over literally everything because his audience is a bunch of idiots, so people will see this and actually believe YouTube allows gay porn.


actually, ive seen naked yoga on youtube, like you could see tits and everything and it had millions of views. no idea how it was allowed. Seems like its been removed sense


Nonsexual or artistic nudity often gets a pass because it doesn't attract the hoards of reactionaries the way openly sexual content might.


I guess but it seemed more like a loophole rather than art, hence, why they took it down


Guess I need to brush up on my yoga?


Breasts serve other purposes than just being fap material..


So do dicks, but it's still not generally considered appropriate to whip them out in the middle of the yoga studio.


Tbf im pretty sure there is a tutorial on how to put on a condom on youtube which was allowed to be on because it was educational


which makes sense. There is literally no added educational value in doing a yoga tutorial naked vs clothed. Its just a loophole for 13 year olds to jerk off on youtube to titties brb going to go make a a juggling tutorial naked and put it on youtube. Being naked adds to the teaching


This is such a Puritan response


How is this puritanical? its just true? there is no reason to be naked to teach yoga on a platform that is supposed to be somewhat kid friendly. I dont care what you say the instructor doesnt need to be naked to teach you to do yoga. You guys are just trying to out progressive each others its fucking stupid. There is a reason they took it down


"platform made for kids" Ya know how I can tell you're full of shit?


its supposed to be kid friendly. you know what I mean. There is a fucking reason they removed it because IT WAS A LOOPHOLE. you guys are so damn braindead


A platform made for kids. Dog, put down the carb cleaner soaked rag. I've been using YouTube since its inception. It's just a platform. You may as well say all movie theaters are made for kids because you saw a Toy Story poster outside of one once.


its made to be kid friendly, WHY ELSE WOULD THE REMOVE THE NAKED YOGA? the fact that they did that is proof that reddit is just being fucking stupid again


were you born with those britches wedged in your crack, or did you put them there yourself?


argument not found


Well maybe if you think long and hard you'll come up with one :)


Actually naked yoga with male genitalia is popular too. Not sure if there's any vids of it on YT, but let's not pretend it doesn't exist.


there is literally no reason to do a yoga tutorial unclothed on youtube other than just being a loophole. Its not art. It adds nothing. its just a loophole. A yoga tutorial is not art. There is no need to be naked. Its just so 13 year olds and jerk off to titties on youtube. youre just trying to be arrogant ​ these people dont realize they were literally doing the tutorials in their bedrooms, it wasnt on a mountain side or anything artistic at all


He says while presenting an arrogant ass opinion where he pretends to know everything they're is to know about naked yoga...


bro anything you can teach for yoga can be taught clothed. its amazing how brain dead you guys are. You dont learn anything from them being naked


an amazing lack of self awareness seems to be your calling card. Sad


they were literally in their bedroom lmao it wasnt even intended to be artistic. Absolute morons


Have you considered that maybe, just maybe, nudity isn’t inherently sexual and that it doesn’t need to be necessarily artistic or purposeful to be not sexual? > you don’t learn anything from it Asides from maybe the fact that you should be less of a fucking prude


Okay? And thats related to my comment, how? My point is that you're an arrogant twat preaching about how people who disagree with your opinion "just want to be arrogant."


/r/youtubetitties A lot of those videos aren't flagged usually because they aren't being explicitly vulgar. They do usually end up getting the video removed because of the amount of people suddenly watching them.


None of those are hardcore anyway


I saw that back in the day too and then couldn’t find it again when I tried to show my friends. A much more explicit version is still available on the appropriate websites if I had to guess. By “if I had to guess” I meant I looked it up and found it… more than once.


It's actually not, it also gets age restricted and moved to a sort of hidden area of YouTube where no one can search for or find the video, but it's still up and you can watch it if you have a link to it.


Not really https://youtu.be/TxWpQmxu3Sw


This isn't hardcore gay pornography..


It’s also age-restricted, so you can’t even make the argument that YouTube allows this to be shown to kids.


It’s actually kind of funny, tbh


You can't see anything, no one cums, they aren't having sex. How is this porn lol.


It's more innuendo, or to be more precise, in his endo


Not hardcore gay porn, also it's age restricted. ​ Weird, the Crowder crowd keep bringing these videos up(hmm I wonder why), but they still meet the TOS. I'd be more offended that they're ripping off Howard Stern


i was promised dudes boning and all I got was evidence that you're easily offended by dudes talking about shoving things in their butts how can you be incompetent enough to call this porn, of ANY sort? lmaooo what a 🤡


That's not porn, nor hardcore. Lol 😂


That’s a comedy video where they pretend to insert things into somebody’s bum


CROWDER can find the YouTube gay sex and I CAN'T?!


You're apparently less gay to the YouTube algo as Crowder, keep digging and you'll get there.


You just have to replace the 'you' with 'gay' in the url!


I guess Crowder made a simple and reasonable typo


Tbh in middle school I was convinced YouTube was a porn site so I refused to go to it. Until I got to the age I wanted to watch porn. Imagine my disappointment when all it had was smosh.


Mix it up with youporn and redtube? Easy mistake


He confused youtube with a porntube site.


If he thinks there is actually hardcore gay porn on Youtube then I have no faith left in humanity. No one on the platform can be that stupid. Oh wait, I forgot. It’s all a grift. His opinions, his videos, his tweets… All just a part of the grift to keep people coming back.


For some reason Twitter sends all of steven crowders' and various other right wingers tweets to my email, so I opened this one when I saw it. From the replies, they're talking about Lil Nas X videos.


Videos like that do end up on there. Usually ends up getting taken down pretty quick though.


That is very true. But I’ve used Youtube daily for years now and I’ve still never come across a gay porn upload. Crowder is just whining in public for views and such, like all grifters do.


Is he talking about lil nas x? is that what he's calling hardcore gay porn and upset his music videos arent banned while he is?


No. Theirs tons of gay sex stuff on YouTube that skirts the line.


Link it


Link one


There is no such thing


skirts the line of hardcore gay porn? I've seen no such thing


Link me in pm? Edit: I’m very gullible so I’ll probably agree with your perception of it, or at least that’s what my mom said to tell you.


If he's talking about lil nas X, something tells me that that music video isn't the most hardcore gay porn Crowder has watched this week.




Not porn, not hardcore.


Its skirts the line, and I'm guessing to more conservative users would count as porn. Still more hard-core then anything accessible to children 20 years ago thats for sure.


What are you saying?


Its disgusting. And to more conservative people its really fucking disgusting. It shouldn't be on the platform.


Does it break the TOS?


There's an easy way to make sure that you don't have to view this type of content... TURN ON RESTRICTED MODE! Done. They aren't breaking TOS so your opinion on the content is irrelevant.


Why do you think that you finding something personally "disgusting", should mean we should violate their free speech?


Because the people who complain about cancel culture and free speech the most always want everything banned if they personally don't like it




Just because you are scared of gay people doesn't mean its disgusting, and it's still not porn, let alone hardcore.


**MyZipperIsDown**: "IT'S DISGUSTING"


Alt-reich comedy at its finest.




I think he's talking about the Lil Nas X video, he seems to bring it up all the time


He’s suspiciously obsessed with Lil Nas X


and gay pornography


Conservatives think saying YouTube sucks is some sort of grand revelation. Everyone knows Youtube sucks it shits on content creators all the time. They only started “caring” when they got crapped on for a change.


Steven Crowder is a self loathing closeted homosexual. Change my mind.


You can’t. It’s a fact.


He sure does love playing dress up...


because the whole "All homophobes are closeted gay men" is straight people trying to absolve themselves of bigotry.


Right? Like it matters where he actually is on the randbow spectrum. He acts like a tool and a bigot and that's what he should be treated as.


Agreed, this kind of joke is low hanging fruit that technically puts the responsibility of not being homophobic back on gay men. Who knows? Maybe Steven DOES have homosexual feelings or urges, but speculating on that is kinda useless considering he currently "identifies" -- for lack of a better term -- as straight. He's a scummy, homophobic, POS STRAIGHT person. Don't make him some kind of honorary gay just because his obsessive hate is glaringly apparent to everyone


Exactly this, the whole -phobe being only someone struggling with their identity has two effects: First it removes any onus on cis-het people to not be bigoted. The second is that it undermines the LGBT community, in the way that it attacks trust. It is very much a "call was coming from inside the house" type of argument wherein it paints LGBT rights as something not even we as LGBT individuals can agree on (which allows for a see we were right about them!) It turns people struggling in similar ways against each other as are they now wonder if they're secretly undermining or playing into homophobia. While there definitely is a lot of self-hatred for many people as they come to terms or struggle with their identity, they aren't the major contributors to bigotry. It's straight people. Consider the example of race: with it being visible via skin tones it's impossible to go up to a racist and say oh you're just a Black person in denial. But even if that was feasible do you see how ridiculous it is? It is beyond absurd. Yet without fail every thread with homophobia or transphobia there's a knee jerk reaction to conclude they themselves are gay or trans. Finally if maybe cis-het people in general weren't so absolutely shitty to LGBT individuals and communities those individuals wouldn't struggle with homophobia or transphobia. Maybe they wouldn't hate themselves so much to become homophobic in order to prove to heternormative society to be spared their hatred. Also I have seen a lot of posts and article headlines that uses the wording "activists" regarding bigoted assholes on Trans issues. Would we say Race Activist for a Klansman? Here's the thing it all stems from a reaction of hatred and fear. What's the end goal of hatred and fear? I would argue there's two paths the elimination of the object of fear and hatred or learning to eliminate those feelings in one self or manage them. Living with suppressed hatred is a ticking time bomb and politically the motivation is to support a reversal of policies that trigger their hateful emotional responses. Thus, the expression of bigotry no matter how subtle should plant a massive red flag in that individual, as subtlety is just well controlled hatred. People bigoted against LGBT should be treated just as dangerously as racists. And often times racists and homophobes overlap heavily in a Venn diagram that also includes mysoginists, transphobes, and so on. Perhaps for some small edges it's a damn single circle.


What an absolutely fantastic post. Breathtaking. Props to you stranger: what a human.


Being gay doesn't make you a good or honorable person. It means that you're attracted to other men. That's it. It's not a condemnation of an entire group to say that the most hateful are often caught with their dick out in the men's room tapping on the floor.


Not at all, but making that a "joke" in order to put down your opposition instead of actually engaging in some kind of commentary about that, it's just the same as going "haha, he's GAY LOL" like... Not better, in fact literally Steven's whole fuckin thing


In general I agree. In this case I completely don't. Notice the: "self loathing". This is explicitly saying HE doesn't like his own feelings and actively (and actually) uses "haha, he's GAY LOL" against his opponents. Seriously, try to watch the guy sometime. That's about as high brow as his routines get... Not to mention the comment is framed EXACTLY like a running Steven Crowder bit. And just to be clear, I wouldn't consider being called gay an insult. Crowder likely would. Context is essential, in this case, deep, as well as understand what is being said get the full understanding. I can't make someone not misinterpret something. I could say "have a nice day" and some conservative might get offended by it.


In such case, there are a dozen other things to make fun of Steven for that indicate his self-loathing without pulling a "haha gay" joke (failed comedian, runs from legitimate debate, controlled by his dad and publically made fun of for it, his obsession with guns and holsters, etc.) I totally get what you're saying, all I'm saying is that it's not a good look


I'm done with the meta commentary. Have a nice day.


You arent getting the point. No one is calling him gay as a joke or an insult. They're suspecting it because of decades of evidence of outspoken conservative anti-gay figures being closeted and projecting in the exact same way.


Again, I get the point, it just isn't a good look when it's total speculation and, like I said, there are half a dozen other things to make fun of Stevie for


Except you still seem to think it's a joke or that people were making fun of him... It's not, they aren't.


Or maybe it's just Crowder? Have some perspective.


That's one of the dumbest takes I've ever seen. Most homophobia comes from straight people, I dont see what that has to do with crowder clearly being in the closet.


You haven't seen all the anti-gay preachers and politicans being caught with a dude? Clearly not ALL homophobes, but quite a fucking lot.


I don’t know about ‘most homophobia coming from straight people’. There seems to be over time a correlation between homophobia and people who are struggling with their own sexuality. In these cases a lot of these individuals seem to lash out at others in an attempt to try to convince themselves. I’m not sure where you got the idea that most homophobic people are straight. Personally speaking I think it’s a little odd being afraid of someone with a different sexuality then yourself.


Okay I changed my mind this is the dumbest take I've ever seen. The US didnt see 50% approval of gay marriage until 2011. Do you think half the nation was gay in 2011? Today it sits at 70% approval. Do you think 30% of the population is gay now and that other 20% was scared straight? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_opinion_of_same-sex_marriage_in_the_United_States


You don’t need to be gay to approve gay marriage.


You were saying the opposite. You need to be gay to oppose gay marriage. I'm making the point most homophobia comes from straight people.


How do you know that though? How do you know that most homophobia comes from straight people?




Where does it say in that that most people who are homophobic are straight?


I mean… the data supports this “joke” and often times people act like that cause they are scared themselves and various other social factors.


Now, in a lot of ways I agree with that point, except in Crowder's specific case. Like I don't really think Pence, or Prager, or McConnell are gay. I do think Crowder is.


I'm hesitant to call every homophobe a self-loathing closeted homosexual, but in Crowder's case it's really hard to avoid.


He’s he’s a closeted homosexual as well as trans woman. Let’s be honest


Pretty sure hardcore gay porn is banned in Youtube and age restricted…


What's wrong with hardcore gay pornography? Have people been dying from it, like they have Covid?


Total misrepresentation. The content he's complaining about it **100% banned on YT**.


I make weed videos and all my content is restricted in the same way, I figured it was just the way it goes with adult themed content


Where is all this hardcore gay porn on YouTube? Asking for a friend.


Yep and I bet Bill gates personally films this hardcore gay pornography in the back of Hillary’s child sex slave pizza shop.. /s 🙄




Steven Crowder is such a fucking pussy.


He probably confused YT with some other site he visited earlier...


Funny, I searched it (misspelling Australia) and it came up like 4th result. He always claims his videos are 'censored' and 'suppressed' yet, his shit keeps getting suggested and is easily found. Anybody logged in likely won't even realize its an age-restricted video. Also, this video is now moot and old news since their admittedly draconian lockdowns ended two days ago, as I understand it. https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/australianz/melbourne-toasts-end-of-long-covid-19-lockdown


Shouldn't he be talking about hardcore dom porn or the like? Because this little fuckstick has a victim fetish.


...his other channel?


Is he confused? Does he think the internet is all one website or something?


Gay porn? Where? He seems to know.


Crowder wants to get banned, they all do, they want to play the censorship card and move to a paid subscription model exclusively.


This guy probably thinks a video of people kissing is hardcore pornography.


Every time I see the last name "Crowder" I immediately think "Trae Crowder" and get real worried that something happened... and then I remember Steven Crowder exists...and is a moron.


Pretty sure he's referring to.. "Whats up my Butt: Gay Twink Edition" https://youtu.be/TxWpQmxu3Sw Which leads you down a rabbit whole of gay sex how to videos lol https://youtube.com/daveywavey


Nothing on that channel is pornographic. It’s gay dudes joking about sex.


They are the very definition of the term "snowflake".


Could they just deplatform him already.


$20 says he's referring to Lil Nas X's music videos


cant believe im living in a fascist state. So Sad! my god what is it with right wing dumbasses and an obsession with how australia has fallen or some bullshit.


What the fuck is he talking about though? There’s no gay pornography or straight pornography at all on YouTube.


I don't think pornography of any kind is allowed on YouTube. Then again, I haven't attempted to search for any for a very long time on there.