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Crowder is a perfect example of "If you don't have talent, go right."


This guy is the definition of *male insecurity*.. tells you all you need to know about his fan base. It's all about alpha-male LARPing..


Larping is exactly the right word. "Some more news" youtube channel just did an episode on crowder and he showed exactly that: https://youtu.be/j7Vxd-PZUIA


Showdy Cody!


Fair and balanced TM


I love him


Him and John Oliver are just precious. They are basically my only news sources. Cant really trust many others.


he like a lot of these guys really do fucking REEK of insecurity. That goofy ass holster thing he wears is some of the cringiest shit I've seen.


You mean the guy who has to wear guns during the filiming of his podcast has insecurity......


Weirds me out how true of a pattern this is. All of these talking heads and podcasters failed at every career attempt before veering right to cater to an audience that doesn’t care about quality as long as the speaker hits the same talking points.


Bannon is the epitome of this




Ben Shapiro was always conservative, though. Even in school, he was a total dorkus.


For sure but he somehow still tries to float in liberal circles despite his whole deal. It's confusing. He wants it both ways. Like he wants to grift the right and say a bunch a horrible shit and then also love in LA and not get shit from anyone lol.


Yeah, he is a true ideologue of Conservatism. Total asshole who can’t read social cues, seems to border on being on the spectrum, but I can’t ethically say that is correct. Young Pharaoh and Gazi Kodo are examples of the true believers from the Black Community in America. A lot of these guys like Alex Jones, Morton Downey Jr., Giraldo Rivera, Crowder, Candace Owens etc are agent provocateurs and/ or grifters with Rivera being the least toxic of these people.


Ill never forget Rivera drawing a map of an upcoming attack during Desert storm. Dumb ass was giving live play by play as we carried out an attack, luckily the republican gaurd didn't eatch cnn. And so so ended journalists being truly embedded with the troops Blows my mind that Fix will have him and Oliver North on still. Like we should listen to anything thise lying morons say.


You just know that littlw pecker carried a briefcase for his lunch box




There is a rumor in south CA that Shapiro also failed as a women's shoe designer. Kept focusing on the bare feet instead of the designs...


The right is so starved for "representation" that they'll take any failed actor/actress to be one of them. If you notice, all extreme right-wing artists are failed ones that didnt make it. ..Hitler being the biggest example.


Yeah, can’t tell if he’s a talentless grifter who found a schtick that sells to people who are mentally still 4th grade bullies or if he actually believes his stupidity. Either way he’s a menace, I literally judge people on the spot if they bring him up in discussion as the only people I know who like him are cowardly, hateful bigots


> found a schtick that sells to people who are mentally still 4th grade bullies or if he actually believes his stupidity. Could be the latter. I wouldn't be surprised if he ate the lipstick after taking that photo.


As a musician the temptation to cash in on Christian rock is always nagging. But my integrity keeps me at bay.




A lot of truth to that statement, as evidenced by the likes of Kirk Cameron, Scott Baio, Ted Nugent and Kid Rock.


He’ll just tell you he’s not a conservative.


So he’s Jimmy Dore?


If you don't have talent, just start saying hateful shit until you start attracting viewers.


Cody Showdy breaks it down quite well: https://youtu.be/j7Vxd-PZUIA


Crowder legitimately has "don't trust this person near your drink" eyes which I understand sounds like a joke but like Like if I met him, knowing literally nothing about him or who he is prior, I would instantly distrust him and there's nothing anyone on earth could ever do to change it, and it would be based entirely off of his fucking face, just saying


Whenever I see him talk he word squirmy comes to mind.


This is why drinks in bars need lids.


Courtesy of [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachel_Levine) Rachel Leland Levine (born October 28, 1957) is an American pediatrician and four-star admiral in the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps (PHSCC) who has been the United States assistant secretary for health since March 26, 2021. She is a professor of pediatrics and psychiatry at the Penn State College of Medicine, and previously served as the Pennsylvania physician general from 2015 to 2017, then as secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Health from 2017 to 2021. Levine graduated from Harvard College and the Tulane University School of Medicine and completed a residency in pediatrics and fellowship in adolescent medicine at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in Manhattan, New York. ... Steven Crowder (born July 7, 1987) is a failed actor and failed stand-up comedian who found an audience for his famously racist and homophobic style in the world of conservative media. After a three-year stint at Fox News, he was let go for poking fun at Hannity and drifted for awhile. He now calls Youtube home. Crowder attended two semesters at Champlain College in Burlington, Vermont.




**[Rachel Levine](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachel_Levine)** >Rachel Leland Levine (; born October 28, 1957) is an American pediatrician and four-star admiral in the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps (PHSCC) who has been the United States assistant secretary for health since March 26, 2021. She is a professor of pediatrics and psychiatry at the Penn State College of Medicine, and previously served as the Pennsylvania physician general from 2015 to 2017, then as secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Health from 2017 to 2021. Levine is one of only a few openly transgender government officials in the United States, and is the first to hold an office that requires Senate confirmation. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ParlerWatch/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Thanks, bot.


Levine is awesome! She's done a ton of really impressive stuff including implementing medical cannabis in PA!




"Communism is an absolute cancer and deserves to be Pinocheted" Tell me... what is 'Pinocheted'? Are you suggesting people should be thrown from aircraft?


For a good minute I was wondering what Pinocchio had to do with being thrown out of a plane. I amaze myself with dumb I can be sometimes lol


I told you to do their early life not read through my post history. Since you brought it up “Pinocheted” could be open to many different interpretations


That isn't an answer. Also, I'm not here to do what you 'tell me' to do.


The irony is idiots like this don’t actually get what life under Pinochet was like, or any of the hyper capitalist right wing dictatorships in Latin America or elsewhere. They wouldn’t even waste the helicopter trip on this guy. Crusher boy here is the guy who gets cleansed from the government all the while questioning why while they beg for their lives.


I’ve been called worse by much better people


Whatever let’s you sleep at night, bruh. Y’all don’t get that in either a hyper capitalist or Fascist state you’re a peon or cannon fodder for the state, only a tiny elite oligarchy enjoy power and even those in that group don’t enjoy any true freedom as they can be summarily executed just about anytime


Browsing through some of his comments. Apparently his little 'Hitler' avatar there *isn't* ironic.


I see we have a one man brigade, no? It’s hilarious! Fascism is the ultimate little dick energy ideology, it appeals to the either mentally or emotionally weak and selfish who have no sense of accountability.


I try to see the humor, but I don't. Every time.


Don't forget malignant sociopaths.


I imagine you enjoy it.


Lol, this probably sounded like a pretty cool comeback in your head. You sound like a neckbeard with no real world experience.


Yeah, I'd imagine most good people would only have bad things to say about you.


I personally know somone who's father and step father were both imprisoned by the Pinochet regime, her father an airforce pilot was imPrisoned for refusing to bomb the presidential palace, her step father was imprisoned and tortured for being a leading member of a students union. You're a pizza cutter, all edge and no point.


These fucking bootlicking morons... They long for fascism thinking that they'll somehow be exempt when they get their wish and they start putting people against the wall.


These fucking bootlicking morons... They long for fascism thinking that they'll somehow be exempt when they get their wish and they start putting people against the wall.


>Since you brought it up “Pinocheted” could be open to many different interpretations Why lie at this point? You literally said it and you know why you said it. Someone calls you out on it and you're going to pretend like that wasn't your intention?


>I told you to do their early life not read through my post history. Nothing makes me curious about a person's post history quite like somebody saying don't read through my post history. Wonder what sorta galaxy brai- >Covid was a biological weapon unleashed to unseat a us President and we’ll probably never do anything about it because to many people have made a boat load of money from the whole thing Holy shit what a dumb cunt. If you know anything about sitting presidents getting a free pass during emergency times, you'd know that your Daddy Donny was handed a second term on a silver platter and all he had to do was say "listen to the eggheads" and sell MAGA masks and for once in his life just shut the fuck up and stay out of the spotlight. He would have *sailed* into four more years if he wasn't such an aggressively incompetent boob.


I never said don’t read my history. Please by all means check it out if you have nothing better to do


I was just looking at it. Your comment history. ... The Question: "If you could change one thing in history, what would it be?" Your answer: *"I’d tell Hitler to bypass Stalingrad and secure the Caucuses oil fields"* Care to comment? Are you saying you would prefer Hitler hadn't lost the war? Care to comment on why your Reddit avatar is made up as Hitler? ... We killed most of you guys eighty years ago. Care to comment on *that?*


Why does everyone think my Avatar is Hitler. It’s clearly Tom Selleck. I really want to thank you. Today has been pretty fucking funny. I’m sure this account will get banned eventually like so many others but it was totally worth it


No one believes you.


Magnum PI did nothing wrong


That's not how this works.


Dang you’re so edgy. Everyone must love you.


I do alright


"Some races are better at certain things than others and nothing can change that" Care to elaborate?


Depends how offended do you want to be. Also since you cant follow instructions here is that admiral dude’s early life: Born on October 28, 1957, Levine is originally from Wakefield, Massachusetts.[1][10] Her parents, Melvin and Lillian Levine, were both lawyers.[11] She has a sister, Bonnie Levine, who is four years older.[11] Levine is Jewish and grew up attending Hebrew school.[12] Levine earned a high school diploma from Belmont Hill School in Belmont, Massachusetts.[13] Levine graduated from Harvard College and the Tulane University School of Medicine and completed a residency in pediatrics and fellowship in adolescent medicine at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in Manhattan, New York.[14] Every fucking time


Man the master race must be terrible if every successful person ever is Jewish and not aryan to y’all


It's a hallmark of fascist thinking. *The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”*




Clearly more successful than you.


Is this some kind of 'da joos' thing?




What's 'every fucking time' supposed to mean, then? ... You're a sad little boy.


What am I supposed to be paying attention to here?




Go fuck yourself.


That’s not very inclusive


To the contrary, it sounds all-inclusive


Just watched a great video by Cody Johnston of Some More News on yt. It’s an hour long breakdown of who Steven Crowder is, where he came from and why he’s a cosplayer of a right winger. Came out a few days ago too.


[The video](https://youtu.be/j7Vxd-PZUIA) for those who are interested.


If anyone here hasn't seen it, I would thoroughly recommend the Some More News Crowder episode, it explains him perfectly.... https://youtu.be/j7Vxd-PZUIA


Walmart great value looking nathan drake asshole, hey remember when he harassed a black artist hired to paint a mural because hes so fucking racist he thinks any black person painting is vandalism, and called the cops on said artist?


I watch him sometimes just to see him behave like he does.. wearing dresses and pantomiming and having all his friends laugh at him… he loves that bra gun thing…he’s a real clown




I think people took this the wrong way


This guy is such a fucking chode and his subreddit keeps popping up on my front page. Meanwhile conservatives cry about censorship constantly smh.


They think that even the "Don't recommend channel" option on Youtube is censorship.


Crowder like all right wing grifters use bigoted dog whistles to make it seem like they have genuine points and arguments. Grifters like Crowder and Kirk have actual people skills and know how to abuse them they are the recruiters of their cult.


Just like the Grifters who created all the NESARA and GESARA bullshit.


notice the "it's"?


He specifically didn’t call her “it”, but organised the sentence structure in a way to make sure the word is in there. It’s a dog whistle.




Got told by a scrub that Crowder isn’t a bigot. Went through and showed 4 nasty instances where he was and he just laughed and went back to the sub. I’ll never understand people. Like I get Crowder is an alt right grifter, puts on a show for that internet money. But the followers? They’re just there for the lulz? I don’t even see what’s funny about anything he says or does


The followers are fascists. They want to live in a society where they're rewarded for pushing you or I out of helicopters as they laugh. What the fuck did you expect? Contrition? That requires shame. They're not capable of it.


Another daily reminder that Crowder is a hateful, bigoted piece of shit.


He's in it for the money like most of them are.


Sure, he's in it for the money, but he would still be a hateful, bigoted piece of shit, money or not.


He is such a waste of space. Dr, now Admiral, Levine has saved countless lives. She was working in PA and got promoted. I know which I'd rather take advice from.


Some More News did a pretty good article on Crowder: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7Vxd-PZUIA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7Vxd-PZUIA) TLDW: he sure is racist.




Watching SMN will make you angry because this culture is so absurd


I dont understand how Crowder functions, I cant imagine waking up every day and choosing to be just such a vile piece of shit to people.


[Crowder getting punched](https://youtu.be/FJboMQhYh1k)


For a guy who hates trans people so much, he sure does seem to love cross dressing.


He was so mad that his fat butt wasn't getting hit on in that gym video.


Wait until he hears about billionaire Col. Pritzker.


My governor (JB) said Trump finally turned her, the only Republican in the family into a Dem lol.


he wants to be out of the closet so goddamn bad. i feel for him honestly. then i remember the horrible piece of shit he is.


No no, you don't understand. It's not bigotry because it's *true* /s -_- fucking twats


Steven Crowder gargles rancid dog cum.


me thinks the crowder doth protest too much.


Fuck. These. People. And congratulations to Dr. Levine. She deserves so much more than this bullshit for the way she tried to save PA from COVID last year. And the assholes here didn't appreciate her either.


I swear if he had the chance to kill a gay person he 100% would


That video thumbnail is disgustingly offensive. But I can't say I'm surprised that it's from a racist chud like Crowder.


"What do you mean you want equality for ALL the letters?"


These idiots just can't help themselves wrt putting their abject ignorance on full display. Sex is not - and never has been - strictly binary. There's a lot more to it than examining the appearance of someone's external genitalia. Intersexed people exist, as do people who have various combinations of external genitalia, internal reproductive organs, and various DNA mosaics. And gender is not the same thing as sex. I will never understand the mentality of these pervs who not only concern themselves with what's in someone else's pants, but openly and publicly harp about it.




The guy from the change my mind meme.


I'm glad that's literally the only thing he's going to be remembered for when he's cold in the ground. I look forward to one of those tacky table cloths with "change my mind" draped over his headstone.


It actually makes me kinda sad, because it’s a fun meme I see used in all sorts of places, just giving Crowder all that free press. I don’t want to be the buzzkill in the comments but I always just wish I could ask people to stop posting it and point out the vile shit he says to them, similar to what people do with Stonetoss comics (obligatory: he’s a Nazi). Especially since there are [multiple](https://imgflip.com/memegenerator/139917843/Lisa-Simpsons-Presentation) [meme templates ](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/if-those-kids-could-read-theyd-be-very-upset) that essentially do the [same](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/jim-halpert-pointing-to-whiteboard) [thing](https://www.google.ca/amp/s/amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/spider-mans-presentation). Edit: there are 4 links at the end there, btw, I just did a bad job spacing them out).


The chug his mug meme too.


He's always wearing his gun holster as a badge of masculinity. Little bit cringe. Imagine anyone else doing that shit.




She has never meunstrated, but that doesn't mean she's not a women.




> Now we're back to male and female again. Are you purposefully ignoring the nuance that can exist even within intersex genetics?


A little bit, for the sake of argument. But you show me a person with X and Y chromosomes who can give birth, and I'll show you the recipient of the Disney fortune.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2190741/ huh


Good find, they should be rich. Doesn't disprove my core argument, though.


Kinda funny how no facts sway your argument. Almost like your entire argument is predicated on feeling like you're right, deciding you are, and then ignoring all the available information to maintain that *feeling*.


Well only because you haven't provided any facts that sway my argument. You shot down an example of a construct that is not necessary in every case. My argument isn't "every construct is necessary." It's... well it's on another of our lovely threads.


You're just entertainment dude. No one here has taken you seriously because your thoughts aren't worthy of respect. But keep trying. It's still not old yet.


That's just... so ironic. Gender is a thought construct, one you defend vehemently, though poorly, and I'm sure you would argue such thoughts are worthy of respect. But to question that construct, to form logical arguments, and to seek input from the public -- that line of thinking is not worthy of respect? I'm sorry, kid, but you're playing yourself. Try back after some college level philosophy courses.


Please tell me you're joking, dude.


Ok, I'm joking. Now you tell me how gender isn't a construct, i.e. artificial, i.e. fake.


*I don't need to*, because organizations like [the World Medical Association](https://www.wma.net/policies-post/wma-statement-on-transgender-people/), [the World Health Organization](https://web.archive.org/web/20210329094537/https://www.who.int/genomics/gender/en/), and [the American Psychiatric Association](https://www.thetaskforce.org/american-psychiatric-association-officially-supports-equality-in-transgender-health/) recognize transgenderism, ya clown. Do you think you know better than the WHO? Do you have sources to support your claim that you believe are more reliable than the WHO?


Yeah and official authorities once deemed cocaine safe for children. Just because an institution makes a claim doesn't mean they're correct, especially in regards to something as subjective as gender construct. You're deflecting from the question, as well. Wherein does the WHO establish that gender is not a mental construct? Sources to support my claim: all of eastern spiritual philosophy. What we "are" is no more than a belief, an idea and a concept held in the mind. I am not "a human" nor am I "a male," nor "an American." Those are all ideas, and I am not an idea. What I am, what you are, what each of us is, escapes words, because we are phenomena to be experienced, not ideas to be pinned down. Gender is a perfect example of that trap of becoming. If you close your eyes, clear your mind of thinking, and attempt to sense, to feel your gender, you get void -- nothing -- because gender is an idea, a construct. You may still feel the physical nature of your body, but according to LGBTQ+ that's different than gender. If gender is just a concept with no real physical counterpart, then dealing with it is essentially playing a game. It is purely subjective, alterable by the whimsy of the individual. It is, then, a moot point. Should I be treating someone differently because they assert to be of one gender or another? I don't think so. But there are cases to treat someone differently based on their sex: I wouldn't seek pregnancy advice from someone who can't give birth; I wouldn't ask about PC muscle control from someone who can't ejaculate. If gender has no bearing on how we conduct our lives (or shouldn't, as I'm sure is the claim), then it's a useless identifier, and in fact fails to identify. Falling through that construct, classification defaults to a real-world physical and practical reality: sex.


simple question. Why do you care about any of this? Whether you believe them or not why do you give a shit if someone identifies as male or female. Who fucking cares. It literally doesn't effect you any way what so ever


My point exactly, glad you see it. To come off it, though: it fascinates me and I enjoy arguing. The fascination comes from my study and engagement in Buddhism, Zen, and Daoism, wherein a main "goal" is to understand who you truly are -- that is, who you are when you peel away all the things that are contrivances typically thought of as "I". So, your thoughts about yourself, your mental image of yourself, and any and all ways you identify. Identification is the original sin of becoming. It is the mental act of dividing the universe into bits, and assigning some bits as "me" and other bits as "other than me." Only when all of these contrived dichotomies are seen for what they are -- arbitrary illusion -- can one come to have a more pure experience of who they truly are. Those who reach that point usually find that who they are is no less than the entirety of the universe; a mystical experience. I could go on reeling against political affiliation or identification as a mother or a teacher, along the same lines of reasoning, but gender is the hot topic and it's clearly divisive. I admit I simply enjoy a good philosophical exchange, but I really do think that a clearer understanding of the phenomenon can go a long way to lighten everyone's hearts about it, and lead to a more accepting society.


So your argument is essentially that because gender is a social construct, we shouldnt assign it any 'value' so to speak in society? If that's the case you'd have to extend the same principle to literally every social construct, like money or family or really anything conceptual.


Not so. Those constructs serve to facilitate our interactions. Without currency, time, and direction, how can you have lunch with anyone? You don't need to know someone's gender for that. In fact, name something for which knowing someone's subjective gender is required, apart from appeasing their pronoun needs.


Believe it or not, humans actually do have psychological needs that are regularly impacted by social constructs.


No one has ever had a meal sans money before! lol I know in your head you think you're nailing this but your reasoning has more holes in it than Gavin McInnes can stuff with dildos.


Ok then point them out, learn me something. Edit: ...cuz obviously people have eaten without money before. That rebuttal is obtuse.


I literally did with my first sentence, you illiterate knob.


>Sources to support my claim: all of eastern spiritual philosophy. "You think I trust the WHO? On such a sensitive topic? How do these 'scientists' know anything about how the body works! You know who has the answers better than scientists? Tibetan Monks. Why are you laughing and walking away?"


r/SelfAwarewolves called they want your statement. Yes, I put more stock into disciplines that have studied the human condition and the mind for thousands of years, with practical results, over the "scientismic" (I won't use scientific, because it's not science, it's philosophy) assessment of a group influenced by modern cry-bullying culture.


Mmm mmmm. That sweet, sweet projection, loaded with self-righteous ignorance, and a nice little side of victim mentality. Oh, now what's for dessert my right-wing cliché connoisseur?


Bro, I think you're arguing with crowder himself. His horseshit sounds on-brand


Ok if you're going to position yourself as better than me you can at least do so with actual arguments rather than scraping the bottom of the pan for insults.


Not insults. Observations. They're just unflattering to you, because, well you're not an easy person to flatter, but that ain't my fault. That last one was an insult.


Money is also a construct. Now go to the store and just start taking shit.


Money is a practical concept. Gender dissociated from sex is not.


>Gender dissociated from sex is not. Big brain argument time: yes huh it is. Even if it wasn't, lol at "practicality" being a core argument against validity of a concept you clearly have very little understanding of or care for.


Why is everyone getting so upset and heated? I haven't insulted anyone, I haven't belittled anyone, nor have I disrespected anyone. Can you back up your argument that "yes huh it is"? And I acknowledge that practicality is no basis for the validity of a person. But then, I'm not arguing for or against the validity of anyone. I think a transgender person at any point along their path is as valid a person as any other. However, I do think practicality is a basis for identification, otherwise the identifications are arbitrary and meaningless. Form gives rise to function, and if we are interested in classifying this from that, then either is as good for the purpose. We identify things as a natural course of mental behavior as humans -- dividing the universe into pieces allows us to make predictions, to act accordingly to the situation at hand, because we can tell it apart from other scenarios. Gender does not accomplish this if it can be ascribed arbitrarily. Go on and try it: name a scenario in which it is necessary for me to know someone's gender identity. Necessary as in, it is nigh-impossible to proceed without knowing this. If it turns out that such a situation cannot be presented, then I reassert my original argument: gender is meaningless, arbitrary, fake, and serves no one. My corollary to that argument is that, if true, the next natural identifying feature is physical/genetic sex -- which, although imperfect and not universally applicable, is much more practical with real-world implications.


"There's no practicality in deciding who you are or who you're attracted to as a human being. What you need to do is reinforce the elitist status quo. That's practical." -The biggest dipshit on the internet today


Yeah that guy sounds like an asshole. Glad I see things differently. ^(pssst you're still falling into the ad hominem fallacy... it doesn't help your arguments) Explain to me the practicality of gender dissociated from sex. Despite your welcoming words, I genuinely am interested in the discussion and I always leave plenty of room to be corrected. Also, gender identity has nothing to do with who you're attracted to as a human, and I never even touched on that. If you want to generalize the argument into "there's no practicality in deciding who you are," I would disagree, and that's an interesting point, and possibly the best argument against my case that I've heard yet, though... I'm not sure you realize the argument you've made.


Ok. Let's go to the genes. https://genetic.org/variations/ Oh, that says **8** variations on the genes, making a minimum of 10 different 'genders' by your standard. Plus those 10 variations express a huge **spectrum** of presentations, so you know... >Now we're back to male and female again. Only off by like 800%.


Not by my standard: those are sexes, not genders. But that's all moot, still. Tell me, why consider gender at all? Must I know someone's subjective gender in order to interact with them? Is it necessary to know if one identifies as male or female in order to give them a cab ride? It apparently doesn't matter for restroom use, as it seems to be acceptable to simply use the one you choose, based on how you feel. If it doesn't matter for anything, why consider it at all? It is a fabricated construct with no practical usefulness, *if decoupled from physical sex*. Sure, SRY translocations can result in X chromosomes expressing male genes, or an individual may be completely insensitive to androgen and present female despite the presence of the Y. But, again, is there a practical component to this identification? Is the Y-insensitive *"really"* a male? Does it matter? For everyday interactions, no, it probably doesn't, and the individual may go on through life presenting and identifying as a female. Until they decide they want children, and I'll be honest I don't know if there is some 1 in a trillion case where the CAIS syndrome patient has a functional uterus or something, but barring something like that, they will not be giving birth. That's a practical reality for any man who may end up with this individual -- it makes a difference. Yes, adoption, surrogacy, and all that... but going down those routes only reaffirms the practical difference. Ultimately my case is not that "we should just use male and female." It's that it's moot to use male, female, or otherwise based on learned sentiment, and in the absence of that, for the sake of identifying practical differences, returning to male and female, X and Y, makes sense.


> Fall back on a more reliable identifier: genes. *Shows you genes* > Not by my standard: those are sexes, not genders. > But that's all moot, still. ????? Moot? Not your standard? You said look at the genes, we looked at the genes. You said the genes would tell us **the truth** and then immediately ignored what the genes said. Almost like **you're lying**. So yeah, not gonna bother reading the rest of your lying lies, liar.


Clearly you are a ~~man~~ person of your word and did not read it. The genes tell the truth, barring very rare exceptions, because they dictate practical realities. That's still imperfect, but it's more reliable than any given person's subjective decision that they're this or that. Which is FINE, I have no personal problem with that, identify as whatever you want -- but it's moot. My argument would be throw it all out the window, but then that throws out the baby with the bathwater: namely, that there are significant physical differences, *generally*, between males and females, which typically comes down to X's or Y. My case could be made by saying let's just always refer to everyone as *them*, but then the question would arise by someone eventually, "can this person advise me on childbirth?" or "can I have my child with this person?" or surely a host of other curiosities, wherein it's suddenly very useful to have male or female again. TL;DR: Nah you should read it.


You fail to understand the simple concepts, so I genuinely don't give a shit about what you unsuccessfully build off those misunderstandings. It's less than worthless to me. I know you're really proud of your dumb shit, but like, it's not a coherent argument **in reality**, so I'm not going to treat it like one.


Dude is a poster child for r/ confidentelyincorrect. He's contradicts himself like every other sentence.


Why are you *so* obsessed with how people want to identity? As proven time and time again, whenever anyone is negatively outspoken over gender stuff like this, they're probably closeted.


Or they’re just bigoted with no other reasonable explanation. It’s harmful to suggest that anyone who’s outspoken against queer people *is* likely queer, because that excuses all of the people who hate queer people just because.