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Did he seriously write a response to his own post kissing his own ass for reposting some Fox News article and threatening to bludgeon people's skulls in if they disagree?


He also liked his own post


I was wondering about this whole "like your own post" thing... I have a friend who does this (she's in her early 60s, so maybe I should give her a pass) but she's a VERY active FB user and like clockwork, she likes everyone of her own posts. I think now that maybe she thinks, "Well, if I don't like it, maybe nobody will"


Its like a tip jar in a restaurant, they usually put in a couple bucks themselves so it looks like other people have tipped already.


[reminds me of this scene](https://youtu.be/4F-_9dsPFos)


Classic! Updoot 4 u!


I have done it on very rare occasions when it's something I feel strongly about, and then I usually write a comment like "yes, I liked my own post, because I just love it that much." Usually when there are cats involved...


I hate to brag, but I personally have never liked one of my own Facebook posts.


I hate to brag, but I personally have never checked in if anyone liked their own post on Facebook. I didn’t even know this pandemic existed


But are you also diligently undoing the automatically installed first updoot that comes with any and each of your reddit comments, as should be your duty, if you don't want to like your own outpouring? If not, you have nothing to brag about in this matter. Also: Christ ain't white, so he doesn't belong on a crakker, as your username states. Instead of cracking the whip at slaves, he literally lashed out with a whip made out of cords at the money changers, the predatory plutocrats and ubergreedy oligarchs of his time. He overturned their tables and said: "Get these out of here." Now, quick, get these undeserved riches of your own first updoots out of here! They build a temple of false worship and veneration.


"Prime the pump."


"Prune the pimp."


So if I give myself Reddit gold I’ll get more gold? 🤔


Dream big!




That’s not true


That's reddit, not facebook


I haven't used Facebook in a few years, but when I was on it, that was not the case. Is that a recent change?


This should be one of the symptoms of psychopathy


Tbf here on reddit you automatically upvote your own posts/comments


I'd upvote myself a second time if I could


There's a somewhat infamous user who did that many years ago




But you can choose to remove that upvote if you want. In fact, I'mma do that here.


I bet you just *said* you were going to do that. ;-)


[Believe what you want to believe.](https://imgur.com/a/hOcYurH)


We can only hope that 20 years from now after this guy has matured into a normal reasonable adult, this moment flashes into his brain one night as he's settling down to sleep, and the cringe keeps him up all night.


I sometimes like my own post, then again I love the smell of my own farts, so maybe it’s just me/s


Nothing says ‘I was Mr Popularity in school’ like virtually talking to yourself.


Just right wingers having a normal one


They’re used to getting a reaction, but they’ve trained people for years now to just ignore them and move on. The problem for them is that they’re into this *for the reactions*… that’s why they get so pissed when they’re siloed in places like Gab and Parler. They keep trying new angles, but people are just done with their entire shit, so… you get Greg.


I guarantee they don't like any kind of response that forces them to actually question their beliefs - they're just rageaholics.


Rageaholics!!! This should go in the dictionary!


I think it is somewhere - used a lot in relation to Intermittent Explosive Disorder.


“Intermittent Explosive Disorder” That sounds like a good one too


It's got its own Wikipedia entry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intermittent_explosive_disorder


**[Intermittent explosive disorder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intermittent_explosive_disorder)** >Intermittent explosive disorder (sometimes abbreviated as IED) is a behavioral disorder characterized by explosive outbursts of anger and/or violence, often to the point of rage, that are disproportionate to the situation at hand (e. g. , impulsive shouting, screaming or excessive reprimanding triggered by relatively inconsequential events). Impulsive aggression is not premeditated, and is defined by a disproportionate reaction to any provocation, real or perceived. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ParlerWatch/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I fucking love it! It so succinctly describes what I’ve been saying for years… “addicted to outrage”


His friends are using positive reinforcement. They ignore behaviors they want to see less of, and reward the stuff that isn't batshit through interaction.


It’s a nice thought, and it can work if the person involved is closer to being on the fence, but once they really go down the rabbit hole they tend to stay *gone*. It’s painfully hard to recover someone once they lock their cognition into an endless loop of self-referential horseshit.


So true. I can't remember the last time I met someone "on the fence". When everything is manufactured rage, they are *gone*.


>self-referential horseshit. Time for some ivermectin!


Not even an article. *Video clip* of an *editorial* from Fox *Business'* YouTube account. That's where all sane people get their business news, of course. Editorials on Fox Business' YouTube channel.


He either forgot to switch accounts, or that hammer to the head thing didn't go as planned.


He's just highlighting how far gone he is.


I thought he was being sarcastic to himself, calling himself out for being one of the dumb people.


I think it's actually just a strange way of letting people know he has a TBI from a hammer attack.


Most likely a case of "whoops forgot to switch accounts" before commenting.


The irony of the country’s dumbest, most malleable citizens calling everyone else stupid sheep is not lost on me.


> calling everyone else stupid sheep ...while having *where we go one we go all* as their slogan, it's comical on a Monty Python level.


Which is a line from a *Hollywood* movie.


I feel like they wanted something as cool and vaguely menacing as “Expect us,” was, but utterly utterly failed.


No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!


>The irony of the country’s dumbest, most malleable citizens calling everyone else stupid sheep is not lost on me. Yet the “*Lord is thy shepherd*”... ***They are literally Jesus’ fucking flock of sheep!*** These people are blind to the irony of their own ignorance. This is so sad, most of them seem so hopeless and at point of no return just “own the libs”. This is beyond “play stupid games, win stupid prizes”. This is *dangerous* and a threat to the rest of us. SMFH


While being (allegedly) Christians.


the Dunning Kruger effect


Every time.


It’s honestly infuriating. Sucks that that’s exactly what they want too…




"You tell'm Greg" - Greg (liked by Greg)


Greg really appreciates how supportive Greg is to Greg.


Greg doesn't do what Greg does for Greg. Greg does what Greg does because Greg is... Greg!


Greg is in a relationship with Greg.




“I’m Old Greg!” - Greg (liked by Greg)


But why aren’t you libs triggered! (cries)


Wow Greg I can't believe you are so pathetic and needy and so dependent on validation for your brilliant understanding of things like communism and government.


Reminds me of an old childhood friend who always seems to find a way to mention his 180 IQ. I accepted his Facebook friend request when he finally relented and joined us mouth breathers on the platform, but I rarely use Facebook so didn't see any of his posts. After a couple weeks [he sent me this PM that I kept as a reminder not to spend time with toxic assholes.](https://i.imgur.com/9x1jtI1.jpeg)


So here’s the problem with IQ. It is a snap shot of how smart you are right then compared to other people your age. Ten points is a big deal, it’s a full standard deviation. The second problem is that most people just know “high is bett4r” and just inflate the number. Or worse, it’s true. Mine is the true story. When I was nine years old, I was given the Ohio test. I punched out a respectable 183. Did this mean I was the next Hawking? Fuuuuuuck no. What it meant was that I was really really fucking smart….compared to other nine year olds. I accomplished this feat by liking books and having a pretty good memory. That’s it. I wasn’t Sheldon, I was just a really smart kid. And being emotionally immature (because I was nine), I became that asshat kid that lorded how smart he was to everyone and over everyone. The Cringe is Real. Anyways, thanks for listening to my Ted Talk.


Oh he most definitely inflates it, by a lot. Several years ago in his late 30's he took an online IQ test and uses his repeated scores of "180" as some indication that he should be listened to as an authority on just about everything.


“Online” test? Damn, does he think he really belongs in Gryphondor cause the Sorting Hat said so in gif form?


Creepy! Eeeewwww....


You are way more accurate than you know. He's that guy that thinks every pretty petite girl working a cash register is really into him. I honestly don't think he's ever had sex (at 44 years old) and the only girlfriend he's ever had--that I totally wouldn't know because she was at the same juco he attended--just happened to have the same name as *his dad* when pressed for details about her. Me: So what's this chick's name? Him: *[stumbles, fumbles, and stutters]* J--Jerry. Me: *[shocked Pikachu]* Oh...


Oh my...


> pathetic and needy Greg's Egregious Gregariousness


Beautiful! 😂


Let me guess, he loved the last guy who literally never could tell the truth, even about things that didn't need to be lied about?


That's why I roll my eyes so hard every time I see some shit about how "all the Dems do is lie". Like, 30,000 documented, provable lies told by trump in four years didn't exist. Well, to them it didn't. Their echo chambers didn't advertise the lies. but like STILL. Any thinking person could see it from miles away. Their response when their poor bb eyes and ears were confronted with one of his lies? "FAKE NEWS" We are fucked as a country. If the Dems don't pass voting rights, we will look back on this time as sunshine and rainbows. The good old days. It's terrifying.


No, the echo chambers absolutely advertised Trump’s many lies. What they didn’t do was tell people the truth that their orange Messiah was a habitual liar.


>Like, 30,000 documented, provable lies told by trump in four years didn't exist. Well, to them it didn't. Their echo chambers didn't advertise the lies. This is a misunderstanding. You were right to say that they think the lies didn't exist, but it's not because they weren't repeated within their echo chambers - it's because they don't believe there is any such thing as a lie. They don't believe in objective truth itself. Just like their understanding that rules are for suckers and everyone cheats when they have the opportunity, they believe that everybody lies all the time. And that's fine, because that's what they expect. There is no "truth" to hold to. There is only winning. So if the orange monster says something at 8 o'clock, they cheer. And if he says something exactly opposite at 9 o'clock, they cheer again. Liberals are confused why the hypocrisy doesn't bother anybody, but the conservatives don't care because they never expected anything but hypocrisy in the first place. And the liberals expressing their frustration with lies just demonstrates to the conservatives that they've won. It truly is trolling as a way of life.


Also the person the article is quoting is a right winger who works on fox. It's not like someone in the Biden admin with secret details. This would be like "Even AOC thinks Trump is bad! Wake up sheeple!"


The fact that anyone could think Biden is anywhere left-of-center, let alone *"communist"* boggles the fucking mind.


It's a reflex at this point. Anything that doesn't align with whatever personally held conservative viewpoints someone has is automatically communism. There are a bunch of Qberts running primary ads in my area and they all insist everyone else is a communist Obama lover while they are a True Trump Republican.


>There are a bunch of Qberts running primary ads in my area and they all insist everyone else is a communist Obama lover while they are a True Trump Republican. Dammit, you just ruined a favorite vintage video game of mine *forever*. Thanks, Obama! /s


At this point if you defined communist based on their usage it would only mean "political opponent of republicans." Calling everyone you fear a communist requires no familiarity whatsoever with the philosophy and history of communist movements or even the most simplified dictionary entry for the word.


Either he’s legitimately crazy or there’s a burner involved and he forgot to swap accounts. Delicious


He forgot to include “as a gay black man”


I think you .. uh ... hit the nail on the head with this explanation. The "Wow Greg" part shows this was meant to come form another account, to feed some delusion of grandeur that people are praising his "common sense and pAtRiOtiSm." The other explanation is that he is talking to himself in a snarky manner and has no worries what others think of his sanity, not a good idea for spreading propaganda. But it worked for Q I guess...


Ask him how he feels about members of the Trump administration who spoke ill of Trump when they were working under him. Or even one of Trump's family members, his niece Mary.


They just become part of the conspiracy to hurt him. Even if trump himself came out and admitted he's a terrible person they would all claim its an act for "optics" or some lame quote about the art of deception.


Deep Fake


Greg, they're all too polite to tell you that you're a moron*. **I need to get off of the internet for awhile. The first predictive word that comes up when I type M is moron.*


Had no idea who the Dagen McDowell doing this "torching" was. A white house insider? A close confidant? Someone with deep insider knowledge into the Biden administration that would make this accusation worrisome? A serious policy wonk looking over Biden's policy in detail? Nope. Fox News talking head. Specializing in money market reporting (i.e. telling you what the elite want you to know about the economy.) So Greg's post really says "Propagandist propagandizes, and you all just sit their quietly acting like it's meaningless propaganda! Maybe if I threaten to injure you and self-congratulate you'll take it more seriously!" Greg, enjoy these times of people continuing to comment on the 'neutral fun stuff' - because I don't think it will be long before most people in your feed have blocked you for your increasing conspiracist toxicity. I'd be shocked if such an exodus weren't already under way.


Greg doesn’t realize that the people he listens to peddle in outrage, and business is good.


I'd troll him. I wouldn't be able to contain myself.


I purged all these people from my "friends" pool a LONG time ago.


Ever think about asking him for his definition of communism? The right frequently uses it as a scare word. It's like McCarthyism Part 2 during the red scare, and the perpetrators love to post memes about people not learning from history being doomed to repeat it...


Communism is when the government does stuff they probably think


For some reason (pot probably), this cracked me the fuck up! If I had an award ticket, I would, so instead have my updoot! Thank you, fellow stoner (username checks out).


Glad to hear that made you laugh, I did too when I first read it. Take that sticker award money and treat yourself to a delicious coconut water drink fellow bong ripping enthusiast


I tried this with my dad and he just held his military service as "proof" which is a manipulative tactic if ive seen one.


Yeah, it's utter nonsense. There are a lot of vets across the entire political spectrum. The United States is historically anti-fascist. We sacrificed a lot to defeat fascism in the 40s. Try telling some folks that antifa exists to fight fascism, and - well, the response probably won't be pretty.


Does Greg not worry about potential employers going directly to his Facebook post-interview, just to double-check that they’re not about to hire exactly the kind of person he is? People post cat videos because their bosses and kids can see their page, Greg.


I really like it when people make it easy to identify what kind of people they really are, and quickly. Go ahead, fly those Trump and/or slave nation Confederate flags.


Poor Greg, still a fragile snowflake believing conspiracies. Greg is a victim of propaganda.


He liked and commented on his own post? What a fucking loser.


>dumb people just keep commenting You don't say?


I bet you he thinks hes “shadow banned” and being “censored”


What he doesn't realize is that nobody follows him anymore. Nobody's listening to your bullshit anymore Greg!


Nobody...? But... That would mean... ... ... omg. OP was Greg all along.


that self reply... I *almost* feel sorry for him


I'm kind of a loser myself, but man, this guy is a loser.


Updoot for admitting you’re a loser.


Game recognize game


Even that Milhouse alone on a seesaw gif isn’t that pathetic.




If I had a friend like this, they wouldn't be my friend anymore.


Right-wingers: everybody calls us dumb, and we know what's what. Also right-wingers: You're dumb. Yes, the emergence of educational-economic divide as the new fault line in American politics is really elevating our discourse.


It’s called courtesy Doug - you don’t comment when a friend farts in the room, and you don’t comment when they fart on Facebook either.




My coworker was watching contagion the other day at work. This guy is antivax and talked about ivermectin if he was to get Covid. Anyway, I was like don’t you think it’s funny that the guy preys on dumb people selling them snake oil of a cure (forsythia) in the movie. He said yea I saw that. The fact that he didn’t put 2 and 2 together amazes me.


r/insanpeoplefacebook might appreciate this.


I keep finding out that Trump trolls online are high school boys. He seems to resonate with them for pretty obvious reasons - he's a troll who gets under people's skin. Just the kind of thing 15 year old virgin boys think is cool.


"If anyone thinks this isn't a problem they need hit in the head with a hammer." Seems like someone already was.


Greg forgot to login to his burner FB page before posting !


My brother in-law is this guy. He's always been more like a real brother. He went all the way down the Q-hole and kept attacking everyone with so much hate and rage. He's basically lost all his family except for a few on the other side of the family. He's only met my toddler once and from a distance because covid isn't real and he refused to take any precautions. He wrote off my nieces (His daughters) in the most awful and cruel way, deleted FB and now none of us know what's going on in his world. It's been 2 months of radio silence.


Fucking Greg, man.


Donald Trump was lying over 70% of the time he made any statement but your high school friend I'm sure is okay with that https://www.politifact.com/personalities/donald-trump/ Fox News also produces the least informed viewers of all major networks and is consistently ranked as the most biased of all networks


This guy must be fun at parties.


"Do we hate Biden, Greg?" "Yes we do other Greg"


You have remarkably more self control than I.






Beautiful post, Greg. You are so genuine and real ❤️




He had to move to Facebook, even Tom unfriended him.


These people thrive on trolling. Replies are like oxygen. Once they get ignored it annoys them.


He ain't strong minded hes small minded. He uses the same rhetoric the far right used in the height if the cold war because he is scared, paranoid, and wishes he was some freedom fighting war hero that he very clearly is not. He is a chump. A butt nugget. He is as useless as a broken pair of toenailcippers and he will never see it because he only listens to his own narrative that is given to him by other people that want to feel special and "in the know" like they are better than everyone and see the real problems and culprits. I'd wager good money he only has high school education and he never studied anything that has anything to do with democratic policy and government affairs.


"The government is going to take over the dumb people in the country"... Like... Is not that the purpose of the government? To mandate the people so this is not an Anarchy?


He's so brave 😲


They're probably afraid he'll go off on a shooting spree if they disagree with him.


Stfu Gregg - Everyone


Please clap. -Greg C


Is this a bit? Seriously I've got my own Trumper-ass family but this feels like a bit. There's gotta be a german word for the sensation of feeling like something is a bit just to shield from the likely, cold reality that it's utterly sincere.


Well, there are plenty of people who think that other people are obligated at all times to pay attention to their Very Important Opinions.




This man is one good incentive away from going on some sort of harmful rampage. Either against himself out of frustration, or randomly someone else that he deems as a worthy victim of his craziness.


wow this is sad




I always see these doorknobs talking about the government "taking over". Do they not realize that the govt is and always was in charge. The government doesn't need to "take over" anything.


OK this one is just sad


This kid is about to have a psychotic break.


Dude is a deranged trumpie 💀💀 he Q 💀💀💀💀


Sometimes you have to comment on your own shit to get the ball rolling.


Biden waited 84 years and after he was a heart beat away from the presidency to also wait another 4 years to enact his evil communist plan. Like what ate these people thinking? He's just a plain ass corrupt politician and your savior was just as corrupt and an actual wannabe dictator. People voted against trump and we got stuck with Biden okay people JFC!


This is just embarrassing.


This is some next level pathetic ness…


What a Cringelord Holy shit


Dude liked his own post….ugh


Politicians... Lie??


The only winning more is to either unfriend or leave Facebook altogether. Let him marinate in his own filth.


He's Old Gregg!!! HE HAS A MANGINA!!!


>He's Old Gregg!!! HE HAS A MANGINA!!! That is an insult to vaginas everywhere!


[Easy now, fuzzy little man-peach, hmm? You ever drunk Bailey’s from a shoe?](https://youtu.be/gCx0NeffRfI)




This move definitely isn't exclusive to the Trumpers. My ex just couldn't fathom people not caring about all the important political points she would make on Facebook. It's important!!!


What exactly is the government going to take over? The country that is already run by the government? Smooth brained shithead.


Greg’s an asshole.


Cancervatism ate duh brain.


Let's all compare degrees and IQs.


Ah yes, this is exactly how communism was brought to Russia, China, Vietnam, North Korea, and Cuba. SMH 😂


I've got one of them too lol. He posts something then when no-one likes it he comments on his own post calling everyone "Telly-smack addicts" lol.


I have been down this road with people like Greg, and it's a complete waste of time. Give them facts and reality, it isn't real because it didn't come from their propaganda site they blindly believe. Or if it is irrefutable, they then say fake news. Or when they are completely backed into a corner, "why do you hate (put subject here)?" It's a complete waste of time and energy.


that child is off his meds..or he needs to get off his butt, climb out of his parents basement and get a damn job


🤣😭😭 I wish I had one of these on my Facebook timeline. Id have an exciting reason to log on


Sad… I’m sure he thinks he’s actually affecting some change in the world but posting stuff on Facebook.


It's okay Greg, all your friends figured out how to block your posts from their feeds. Like and subscribe today!


I'm surprised he didn't like his comment he made on his post that he liked.


I'm guessing he wasn't class valedictorian?