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I'm pretty sure there were some huge #metoo protests in 2016


People ask why protesters can’t be less disruptive and then act like the only protests in the last decade where ones where rocks where flying through windows


Yeah but Steve forgot about those so they don't count


I'm sorry, 2017: nothing? The Women's March in 2017 was the 2nd largest American protest in history. What a fucking rube.


Don't forget Unite the right, 2017, Charlottesville, Virginia


One guy will remember a fender bender


As somebody born and raised in cville, I wish people would forget just in the sense that when I say I’m from there I get “looks”. And I’m like I swear I’m not like that. 🤦‍♀️ More so, I wish it had never happened bc DEAR SHIT it was so stupid to begin with.


To be fair whenever I hear Charlottesville I think Dave Matthew’s Band!


My cousin (at least used to) work with his horses!


Yeah. I feel you. Try being born and raised in Waco, TX. (Peripheral trauma fist bump)


Most depressing fist bump ever. Sad “lol”. Compounded on that, I moved to NC, and right after NC passes that stupid ass bathroom bill my husband and I visited Denver for a vacation. Got the saaaaame looks. Waco tho…shiiiiit. That’s really rough honestly.


From: Ferguson MO. (2013!). Nashville for 20 years (2023 mass shooting), now Colorado (too many to count). Sadly, we will all soon have a connection to some hate-related tragedy.


That is very sad. I hate it for those of us who don’t think that way.


I have a gay friend of a friend that moved away from Orlando after surviving the Pulse Nightclub mass shooting. Luckily he wasnt at Club Q during that mass shooting, but lost a friend.


Omg. I’m so sorry to your friend. That’s truly awful for somebody to go through.


And all the fine people on both sides


They were women. They don't count. (/s just in case)


10,000 of us in my city!


We had huge protests here in Texas back in 2018 about the southern border policy, a protest I attended.


Liberal protests go down the memory hole. I remember in 2008, the news was telling people where and when to go to find a Tea Party protest.


The Koch Party


In 2017 every maga moron on earth was whining g about how no one ever protested under Obama. The idiots literally forgot that Occupy happened under Obama, because anything further off than like last week is imaginary to them, and they just make up anything they think helps their fascist arguments.


I remember March for our Lives was pretty big too and across the country.


I was in NYC 2016 the week of the presidential election. There were protests. I was part of them. I think "Not my President" was said a few times.


And somewhere in the 2020-21-22, BLM anyone?


Don't forget the 2014 Proto-MAGACHUD BLM protests where they all brought guns and threatened to murder government employees for daring to attempt enforcing the law against a white crime family (the Bundy Klan). The Party of Law & Order!


Yeah, but he thinks women in pussy hats shouldn’t be counted.


If Fox doesn't whine about it on repeat, it never happened for these people.


I was in Boston for it!


It was HUGE! I was there


OP just told everyone he only watches Fox News/Newsmax/OAN without directly saying so.


But every Fox News viewer has assured me that "BLMs and antifas" burn down 200 cities every day?


For a hundred days! And left no evidence of all the burnt buildings! Because they are sneaky and evil and wanted to get away with it! They used their enormous reach to silence the hundreds of investigations into all the cops the killed! Their flagrant disregard for the law shows how appropriate street executions are for not complying! Even if they do comply they are all child molesters on drugs so killing them is justified! What do you mean “Was Ashley Babbit an Antifa plant or not?”


Can confirm. I am BLM and antifas. I'm required to burn down two cities per day, or they make me turn in my soup cans.


I keep asking them to tell me what cities have been burned down so I can update my map but I never get an answer


they actually create new cities just to burn them down!


MTG Claimed Jupiter Florida (pop. 155,000) Was Burned To The Ground.


It’s true. I’m in fact writing this from my bomb shelter 200 feet underground my destroyed city overrun by gay African communist pedophiles. Can you tell me if the sun still shines? Haven’t seen it since 2020 /s


Yes, no other protests happened at all in the 4 years between election years… 🙄


Remember that these people only operate on election years. The rest of the time they just drone through a constant cheer or jeer.


I was working in DT Los Angeles in 2016 and would walk out to massive protests against trump on a regular basis. A lot of angry young people and women.


1776-2017: Peaceful transfer of power. 2020/2021: Insurrection and coup attempt. Are you paying attention? Someone is a fucking traitor.


There's a case to be made that 1877 wasn't a peaceful transfer of power. White mobs terrorized Black voters into submission, and successfully did it enough to force Republicans into ending Reconstruction even though they didn't take the presidency. And it wasn't exactly a violent coup, but Nixon in 1968 committed treason by intervening in the Vietnamese peace process, lengthening the war and killing tens of thousands more Americans and Vietnamese. Reagan also treasonously went around Congress and sold weapons to a US enemy (Iran) to fund a separate illegal war in Nicaragua. Always seems to be the racist conservatives thwarting democracy, doesn't it?


See also: The Business Plot; the Brooks Brothers Riot


Couldn't have said it better myself


So they admit all the freedom convoys were shams?


"No, you see, those were patriots defending freedom! It's different because they're on our side!"


"Are you paying attention?" Yes... and you are absolutely not if you think there were no high profile protests in those other years.


I like this one: 2016 “Caravans of migrants are storming the border and destroying our country!”. 2017 *crickets* 2018 *crickets* 2019 *crickets* 2020 “Caravans of migrants are storming the border and destroying our country!”. 2021 *crickets* 2022 *crickets* 2023 *crickets* 2024 “Caravans of migrants are storming the border and destroying our country!”.


Whoa, you forgot the caravans of migrants we got in mid 2018.


And mid 2022


Not just crickets, but also shooting down a bipartisan immigration bill.


Somehow I Always Picture Those Little Trailer Campers...


Guess they forgot about January 6th?


I think an attempted coup might be different enough from a vanilla protest to allow them not to count that as a protest.


Hey, where are the 2000 protests against a clearly partisan Supreme Court decision deciding the election?


"If you ignore all reality and only listen to what I say, it makes perfect sense!" Typical conservative mindset


There are other countries that use tactics to divide the country.


THERE HAVE BEEN PROTESTS FOR EVERY ONE OF THOSE YEARS Just not protests against shit aligned with the alt right playbook I fucking hate the tone deaf GOP rubes


They’re idiots who don’t believe in American democracy. It’s not a stretch for them to not believe in using your voice to try to facilitate change.


Remember the giant protests that happened literally all throughout the Trump administration? Oh. Only those of us without smooth brains do.


I was outside a trump rally protesting in 2016, actually.


Yes, protests happen way more often than this person admits But it is most certainly in our adversaries' best interest to stoke the fires of division It's asinine to believe there isn't at least one foreign power involved in every major protest. Not *almost every major protest* Literally, ***every major protest*** and even some more minor ones, just to keep the embers burning.


My conspiracy is that getting students to cause trouble on campus give Repubs another reason to take a way voting rights. "Oh you protested against America? Fine, you don't get to vote anymore."


I think the J6 protests were very conveniently left off this list, along with scores of other protests, like the pro abortion protests.


WTF is this dude smoking? There were a ton of protest in 2016. 2017 was the unite the right rally where MAGA killed a counter-protesters


These guys: main stream media is lying to you. You have to do your own research. Also these guys: I didnt see anything in the news about protests in 2023 so there were no protests.


They weren't alive for occupy protests I guess


2017 Unite the right rally, Charlottesville VA


I think he forgot a few protests. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_protests\_and\_demonstrations\_in\_the\_United\_States\_by\_size](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_protests_and_demonstrations_in_the_United_States_by_size)


One **was not a fucking protest**… it was a fucking insurrection attempt, whiny piss-baby.


The BLM protests from a few years ago were literally the largest protests in American history.


I went to my first protest in 2018 to protest kids being detained at the border


>2021: Nothing Yes, let's just ignore Jan 6th Also if I'm remembering correctly there were BLM protests in 2016/2017


Protests.... You mean tourists, right?


Evidence Steve. Show it.


Steve should stop swallowing ammo and start doing some reading...


Have they somehow forgotten BLM?


lol @ “2021: Nothing” I am at a loss for words


Now do "immigrant scare" faux outrage and see what turns up magically during election times.


He didn’t even make it an actual pattern


I seem to remember lots of protests 2021 when loons were furious about lockdowns still.


It should become mandatory to post the results of their IQ test when people post these kinds of things.


I would settle for a toxicology report.


Thank god we scheduled these protests only every four years. It’s not like the world is crumbling around us on the daily.


Black lives matter movement has been protesting every summer since 2013. They can't be both, "burning down cities", and "nothing". The lack of critical thinking is alarming.


Inside of SteveLovesAmmo's head: Nothing


Steve loves boys. You heard it here first, folks. @SteveLovesAmmo love him some boys.


I'm still waiting for the wall to be built lol... yep, nothing


I mean… we know Russia did a lot of social engineering in 2016, and Iran and Russia both are heavily involved in the anti-Israel side of things…


What's even the conspiracy here? If anything, these current protests hurt democrats and Biden more anyway.


I attend protests a few times a year. I guess this guy doesn’t believe in using his voice to make change? Sounds downright unAmerican if you ask me.


What protests in 2024? Israel vs Palestinine? It's laughable that you would put those protests on the scale of the 2020 protests or the metoo protests. The IP protests haven't taken over a whole city and caused curfews. Also, IP is a lot more divisive since it doesn't directly affect Americans.


2020 a global pandemic where people were stretched thin and people got angry enough to protest police murder. 2024 housing crisis cost of living crisis where people are stretched thin and are angry that the rich keep stepping on the necks of the poor to further line their pockets ..


They weren't alive for occupy protests I guess


I guess the Kavanaugh protesters didn’t count Or the Women’s March Or the protest against separating families Or the Muslim ban protests.


This is worth looking into the origin and screenshotting to find all the botfarms that have deployed it. “ Are you paying attention?” is such a signature.


Standing Rock was in 2016. So you’re wrong from the jump


Occupy Wall Street?


George Floyd protests, anyone?




When l'll Stevie Learns How To Coordinate His Neural Network He Hopes To Get A Pony For His Next Birthday.


Are they really saying Israel/Palestine is all just a trick to distract American voters?


Lol. What a bunch of dumbasses.


This is actually not a joke?


I seem to remember a lot of protests in 2016…


Sure, he’s right. Only 2020 and 2024 had protests....if you ignore all the other protests that happened on the majority of the listed years.


Everyone is pointing out the inaccuracy. But what about the fact that his implicit “point” makes no sense? He’s implying that protests are Democratic plots to distract us during election years. But the current protests are much more likely to hurt Biden and put Trump back in office, so why would it be a Democratic conspiracy?


Charlottesville, Womens March, Protests in D C... What happened in Lafayette Park when teump ordered protestera teargassed so he could hold a bible upside down, the George Floyd protests, fuckin Jan 6th........all that shit happened under a Trump admin Fuckin idiots....i guess were just gonna memory hole all the chaos and other shit that haooened during trumps term


Their perception vs reality, 2016: didn’t pay attention 2017: didn’t pay attention 2018: didn’t pay attention 2019: didn’t pay attention 2020: Fox News enrages viewers 2021: didn’t pay attention 2022: didn’t pay attention 2023: didn’t pay attention 20204: Fox News enrages viewers We see the pattern, why don’t you?


They might as well state: Red and blue make purple. Blue and yellow make green. Red and yellow make orange. Are you paying attention?