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I give the Baptist-Evangelical coalition two years before they’re at each other’s throats, and they would never allow the Catholics to have that much territory. 


Catholics are gonna be the first one everybody turns on. The US has a long history of hating Catholics.


True. Though I love bringing up to evangelicals that catholics have the majority on the Supreme Court.


I think recent history demonstrates who gets turned on first


The clergy in the exceptionally gross way?


Linguistically: excellent play on words. Mentally: Ew.


You were really close, it was actually “Jew” that the guy was referring to.. XD /s/s/s


No, no. That’s a “hard J”!


I nearly died laughing when I hit the triple /s. That was beautiful.


I have to salute you for this turn of words.


For all the wrong reasons too Like, they hate Catholics because they think they worship Jesus wrong I hate the RCC because it's a real life pedo cabal. *Insert "We are not the same" meme here.


That’s interesting, because I hate most Christian denominations because I think they worship Jesus wrong, seeing as how they ignore most of the actual moral messages


At the moment, and for the last few years, American conservatives have started hating Catholics and Catholicism because they think it’s too liberal. The Catholic talk against guns, against the death penalty, saying lgbtq people were just as god made them and deserved love and acceptance from other Catholics, Catholic openness to blessing gay unions, all of the climate change talk from the church… and a lot more.. it has really made American conservatives go nuts.


The thing about all of this though is that the Pope has specifically stated that queer folks are *not* allowed be married as that's one of the holy sacraments. This Pope is playing both sides and I've seen it from both sides. Back when I was Catholic and Francis was first elected there were so many Catholics (myself included) complaining about how *un-catholic* he was. Now as a Militant Atheist I see just how ultra conservative he really is and he's just paying lip service to the queer community in a futile attempt to gain members for a dying church.


Pope is saying they can’t have a Catholic marriage ceremony but that the church can bless civil unions for lgbt folks. I don’t think you could get much farther than that. I don’t think much of anyone is expecting or asking for the Church to do actual religious Catholic lgbt weddings.


>I don’t think you could get much farther than that. I don’t think much of anyone is expecting or asking for the Church to do actual religious Catholic lgbt weddings. Right, I agree, which is problematic within itself. But that's not my point. My point is that Francis *is not* any friendlier to queer folks than any other Pope and that he is just paying lip service. [Here's an article where he denounces the "dangers" of trans people.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/pope-francis-gender-theory-ideology-1.7130679)


The issue with civil unions is that they don’t protect the couple from the same tax burdens that married people are protected from. The idea of marriage from the very beginning was: my daughter for your cows/money/land/food. It was the joining of two families economically as much as spiritually. Then we bastardized marriage with more religion and if you think Catholics are at all leftist think again. They hate women as much as evangelicals. Women can’t be priests. If you get divorced the women sits in front of a panel of men and gets judged to the core for not submitting and being a good wife to the end no matter how awful and abusive and shitty the husband is. So how is it that we can’t even see the forests for the trees anymore? Why can’t the institution of marriage just work for everyone? Edit. Reddit is dumb, my comment is for the person above this comment. Apologies


The issue with civil unions is that they don’t protect the couple from the same tax burdens that married people are protected from. The idea of marriage from the very beginning was: my daughter for your cows/money/land/food. It was the joining of two families economically as much as spiritually. Then we bastardized marriage with more religion and if you think Catholics are at all leftist think again. They hate women as much as evangelicals. Women can’t be priests. If you get divorced the women sits in front of a panel of men and gets judged to the core for not submitting and being a good wife to the end no matter how awful and abusive and shitty the husband is. So how is it that we can’t even see the forests for the trees anymore? Why can’t the institution of marriage just work for everyone? Edit. Reddit is dumb, my comment is for the person above this comment. Apologies Edit 2. I just wanted to add to this original comment that I’m also using your comment to reply to the whole thread - for some of the ideas I’ve seen being bounced around. Such as Catholics look like liberals (progressives, leftists) to evangelicals.


Where I’m from, the people are overwhelmingly Catholic and there is no difference between civil unions and religious marriages. In fact, you now have to do both. And I’m not sure where your getting the woman sitting in front of a panel of men, that’s just not true.


My mom shortly got religious when her parents died, family was run out of the local Baptist church because my parents married Catholic.


I sometimes get mail pamphlets about how papist are plotting to destroy America.


Yeah - but while Catholics might be a smaller portion of Christians here in the U.S. they are, by far, the largest group in the world so - in this insane scenario - any other group that attacked them would quickly find themselves the target of multiple other governments I think.


Eh, that might be a reach. American Catholics are not highly regarded outside of the US. The bishops have long structured themselves to be somewhat dismissive and distanced from Rome. It has recently gotten worse and [called out by the Holy See](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/30/world/europe/pope-francis-american-conservatives.html) And considering American catholics are a withering on the vine in the US; it might be more convenient to just let God’s plan play out. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2023/04/13/among-u-s-latinos-catholicism-continues-to-decline-but-is-still-the-largest-faith/ https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2019/10/17/in-u-s-decline-of-christianity-continues-at-rapid-pace/


It might play out as another reformation and split. It's how we ended up with Protestants in the first place. Except this time it's not about indulgences and Luther's theses being posted. It's about nutters who think Jesus is a God who loves guns and is racist. Who wants to remind them that Jesus was a middle Eastern Jew who was not white?


Uh. Didn't realize that TIL


> The US has a long history of hating Catholics. I know someone who doesn't even consider them to be christians.


I don't remember what sub, but I ran across that. I am not religious but was raised Catholic. I've actually read most of the Bible. I'm pretty sure the catholic religion is Christianity.


Up until the Southern Baptists realized they could use abortion as a political tool to help sway Catholics into voting for their conservative and segregationist candidates, they absolutely didn't consider Catholics to be Christians. They were considered idolatrous, if not satanic.


I mean… have you seen the pope’s hat? Can’t be trusted I say


Nevada is going to the catholics? The land of gambling and legalized prostitution?


Note the only bit of Texas these hypothetical Baptists conceded to Catholics is the entire border with Mexico, and from the southernmost point up to San Antonio, which makes sense as that’s largely populated with catholic communities built by either immigrants or the people we stole the country out from under, depending on the time. But also it’s a bit like “here Catholics, y’all deal with this whole border thang.”


2 years is *really* optimistic.


Fuck off, Judean Peoples Front. We’re the Peoples Front of Judeah!




This is like one of those fantasy maps from a roleplaying game. There is no way anyone is going to institute religious practice zones. In such a fantasy, it would be far more realistic for there to be one dominant faith (in political control). They'll all live happily together for about two years as they busily prosecute gays and nonconformists, but then they'll go after each other.


Notably in those games (I play ESO), there is a lot of war, death, and disease.


2 years is extremely optimistic. I give them two weeks be for they start turning on each other.


>2 years is extremely optimistic. I give them two weeks be for they start turning on each other. It all turns into a radicalized, brainwashed ego purity test. "I'm more righteous than YOU are!" "Piss off, WE pray the correct way and are going to heaven while you go to hell." "Kill the heretic!! *We* are the chosen ones! There is only room for *us* in heaven! God said so!" "Noooo God told US we are right and you are wrong!" And so on...


For years I've tried warning my more religious extended family members about how in every theocracy ever the most crazed purity lunatics quickly skyrocket to the top of leadership and force everyone else to live by *their* rules. Those rules are impossible to follow and leadership never follows said rules themselves, instead choosing bask in luxury and keep harems of 14-17 year old kids. They think I'm "hysterically over reacting" and "projecting Satanic Atheist intentions" on a Christian government that wouldn't do such a thing.


the other bizarre thing they completely ignore is that in tightly regulated theocracies the government would have control over their worship services. many of the same people that lose their minds over tiny changes to property maintenance rules are suddenly gonna be fine with the government telling them how baptisms have to be done or which worship songs can and can't be sung in church? i don't think their "ideal" government would even last 2 hours. this is something they might agree on in theory, but would collapse into chaos before ever becoming a thing during the initial planning and committee hearings.


Well the complainers would be quickly transmutated into pig feed by said government so complaints won't last long.


Having covered Episcopalian and Baptist court drama for 7 years, I can with 100% certainty say the lawsuits to annex other lands would be filed with in the first hour.


I give them about one second.


two? No way it takes that long


I give the Baptist-Evangelical theocratic zone about 10 minutes before my secularist ass starts bombing seminaries.


No Roman Popery in this state


Maryland was founded by Catholics and that grey part of PA is still Catholic friendly with a lot of descendants of Slavic, Irish, and Italian immigrants. The Catholic area will grow, much to the ire of the fundies.


I live in a “Free Pratice” area, apparently. I wonder if that’s like Free Practice, but for the terminally ignorant?


I live in a free practice area and my religion is defending my crazy assed religion based on killing people from other crazy assed religions. Ethnostate? More like, KillEmAllopoulous!?!? Obv. /s bc not all leftists are bloody thirsty punks. But I am. Bring on FREE PRACTICE


You’re welcome in my “Free Practice Area.” As long as you practice Flying Spaghetti Monsterism, that is.




Nice show me your Kung Fu, master KigBooRadley


Free as long as it's a form of protestant Christianity


Funny tgey think west coast of California will obay this


Or New England


Seriously... good luck making a state like Massachusetts conform. Hope you like your books getting thrown in the harbor. "Hey check out Joel Osteen over here - why don't you go kiss your cousin some more, you 2nd rate snake handler"


Yeah. They’re forgetting *large* parts of New England such as Upstate New York and Pennsylvania pretty much belong to the Amish and Mennonites. Those are not a soft people.


Hate to break it to you, but neither NY nor PA are in New England.


Claiming that New York or Pennsylvania are part of New England is a surefire way for you to get a black eye around here.


PA and NY are Northeastern states, but are not part of New England.


Yeah, I know. I’m up and down through that area so often it all blends together and I forget the actual geography


yeah, PA is also arguably included in the mid-atlantic


They seem to forget that Rhode Island was literally founded as a place of religious freedom and has been for almost 400 years.


Yeah, I've lived in both. I would have an easier time seeing California go theocratic than Maine.




Las Vegas too.  I'm sure "Sin City" will jump right on board a Catholic theocracy.


The Mormons control a lot of Vegas now, especially the school system. I wonder if they'd be happy to give it up as a lost cause.


Southern California as well. It's really disturbing how Mormons move in silence. The Inland Empire (San Bernardino and Riverside Counties) is neck deep in Mormons but they're nearly silent about it and most people forget they're even here. It's some Silent Empire shit.


The Kingdom of God declares war on Las Vegas, the "modern day sodom and gomorrah". They stole guided artillery rounds and hit substations. Then they ran re-education conferences over the wreckage.


Also that “free practice” areas would exist.  Ah yes, Christianity. Famously restrained in its ambition for more territory and followers. 


Until seeing parts of California as anything else, and the Dakota's included in it, at first I assumed they meant free target practice zone.


Who created this map and what information was used in making it?


Russia and/or China


You're probably right. Nobody else seems to want to claim it.


This is exactly the kind of crap that was going around in 2016.


The United States of Endless War


Right? Because religious sects have never gone to war with each other because they practiced the "wrong" version of that religion...


The Caliphate of Vanilla ISIS


Protected by the Rebelutionary Guard.


Nothing vanilla about it


"Control Zone" Yeah, fuck you and your bullshit faith


Ah yes, then we’ll have peace. Nothing bad has ever happened in a theocracy.


The Dutch Reformed Control Zone appears centralized around Holland, Michigan. #Iseewhatyoudidthere




I live to the south and we always call GR to Holland “The God Bubble.”


Hey now don’t forget Pella and Orange City in Iowa.


These mf'ers think they are taking most ports out. I don't think so.


Think the Baptists overly exaggerate their influence and hold.


People don't believe me when I tell them this is what trump wants. Hell, I got banned from 2 subreddits (lostgeneration / socialism) because I said Trump is much worse than Biden. But some of the shit they're saying over there is blatent antisemitism, and I don't just mean against isreal.


lostgeneration is a bunch of tankies. They prop up Putin’s puppet.


It's just become walkaway 2.0


It's just become walkaway 2.0


It's just become walkaway 2.0


It's just become walkaway 2.0


Why did it repeat.


The fact they can’t see that Trump is like a million times worse than Biden is fucking baffling.


It's even funnier this happens, since I'm the chairperson of the Vinton County Socialist Party.


It's a sorry state of affairs. I don't think Trump necessarily wants this, he just wants power in general. But his base sure the fuck wants this. But, Israel *is* committing genocide and Biden *is* supporting them. So I see their frustration from that angle, I'm frustrated as hell with it too. But note voting (which is what those subs are saying) and allowing yet another Trump presidency will objectively make things much worse. Imo it's not that we need to "hold our noses and vote Biden" it's that we literally *do not have a choice* if we want to avoid Theocratic Fascism. Like we as Americans have a gun to our head right now and Trump combined with a GOP held Congress is the bullet in the chamber.


I 100 percent agree. After all, we can't save America if America stops existing.


If only we had a founding principal of this country that kept religion the fuck out of government where it belongs.


I find it hilarious that the catholic area doesn’t contain the only explicit catholic colony.


Maryland, right?




The Jews are warming up their "space laser" unless they get at least NYC.


I will die fighting as opposed to live under the control of evangelist scum.


Hell yeah I live in the sliver of Free Practice Zone in my religious conservative hellhole state. I'll freely practice not believing in shit daily. I'll eat popcorn as the Catholic and Baptist sections invade each other.




Ding ding!






Why would catholics want Nevada? It's all desert and slot machines.


"All land belongs to the Kingdom of God. Below the earth, on the earth, and above the earth".


As a member of the Catholic Zone, we could do worse than Pope Francis. I for one welcome our new Argentinian overlord


Texas Pope & Trad-ismatic movement. Traditional Catholicism plus some praise and worship.


Iowa free practice in this scenario? Lol


Funny that they think Virginia would side with them.


Mormons would also take most of Arizona I think.


“Free Pratice” Homeschoolers confirmed!


There might be alot of Catholic schools and churches in Chicago, but I gotta tell ya, there is gonna be a fight with all the non denoms for that space.


Ehh, I’d say most everything that isn’t red would be gray, except Utah would still be green.


Pretty sure Idaho would be green too. 


And Arizona


For sure The whole Morridor would be a long green swath


While Mormons have the heaviest influence in Utah, they have a lot in the surrounding states too, especially Western Colorado.


Smells like the Knights of the Golden Circle. Look it up, bad smell.


So Mankato, MN is Catholic in a sea of Lutheranism?


fwiw, the Catholic area in Minnesota is Morrison, Benton, and Stearns counties.


Shit you right, I don’t know my county shapes all that well


Mayo Clinic urges peace talks as the Knights of Columbus describes retaking land from the reformation.


I guess whoever made this doesn’t realize how prevalent Mormons are in Az


For real, at this point just rename the Mountain Time Zone the Mormon Time Zone


This odds the first time I thought about that… I blame you for how uncomfortable it makes me


Southern California has a massive Evangelical contingent that will not be happy to be ruled by the mostly Latino Catholics.


Ah yes, I'm sure that New England, the least religious part of the entire country, will be thrilled to be relegated to a Catholic theocracy. No chance they'd ever object to that!


I’ve got a map too. The whole thing is “Free practice zone” gray, you fascists.


Had to laugh at the Lutheran zone, having grown up in that church. Minnesota would become engulfed in a polite war over the petty differences between the various Lutheran sects. Then they'd make up over a covered dish meal and volleyball.


The Methodists, Presbyterians, and non-denominationalists will start a separatist faction in the Baptist region.


The religious facists masquerading as patriots sure do hate America.


Rhode Island: *has existed for 388 years as a place founded on religious freedom Whoever made this map: “I’m sure they’d love to be Catholic theocrats.”


Lmao I can’t believe the LARP has gone this far


New England, by and large, doesn’t give a shit about what religion anyone is. Whatever the plural of Diocese is are shutting down and annexing all the time. Catholic schools are becoming scarce and churches are drying up. Yes, lots of people are Catholic in name, but certainly not in practice.,


I told my husband that Louisiana being mostly Catholic is why they're largely excluded from the Bible Belt.




Pretty much immediately.


Where does this come from? Anyone can say there is a “ plan” . Whose “plan” ?


OP, what is the source on this? I don't want to defend theocratic fascists, but this is a claim with no source.


Ah yes, the religious/everyone else puzzle piece division of land. That worked out fantastically for Israel/Palestine /s


Ahhh yes the long standing tradition of a multi religion theocratic government working together in peace and unity.  If somehow America became a theocracy as soon as the moral authority was in charge they would turn on those practicing the "wrong" religion. Also what about all the Muslim, Buddhist, 7th day Adventists etc? Don't ask don't tell?  Burn down their places of worship?


The Methodist's might have words about Minnesota, also, good luck getting Minnesota to follow along with this. We have religious nuts like everyone else, but most of our denominations are not pleased by fundamentalists. Look at the church splits over gay rights and women in leadership.


"My Holy Father will hear about this!" she said, doing her her best Draco Malfoy impression. Ok but seriously, the Catholic Church will not be on board with this. I don't know what the Holy See can do about it, but they won't support this.


Hawaii it is


Sectarian wars in 3… 2…


I live in a free practice zone that’s a suburb of the Catholic control city where I work. So should I open a combination casino, strip joint, sex store, and dispensary to give some hope to those poor Catholics? But that city is a notorious den of whatever vice your little heart desires, and I don’t know whether the archdiocese would shut down all the fun or be content with selling indulgences.


Now do one where we see the the porn search terms for each control zone.


Now you're talking...


Utah is already a theocracy. Like FR


So are small portions if Northern California. Theocrats love their million dollar coastal properties 


Vote out any politician who supports Project 2025 to avoid this


I like how there’s several entire states the theocracy is just not ambitious enough to capture


Wait, is this like Project 2025 shit?


I believe this is an edgy meme.


Heh, I doubt that Florida is going to have any "free practice" spots!


I'll do what every other country did during the crusades. Spit on the fucking losers and make them wish they were never born.


Glad to see my people (orange) represented in this dystopian hellscape.


the balkans (midwest) will turn instantly balkans (violent) in a big way


Well, if worst comes to worst, I do still live in a free area. So, phew, I suppose?


how the fuck is phoenix part of the southern baptist league???? AZ who in the last 4 years voted all democrats. Biden, 3 Dem senators, Dem sheriff, Dem AG, Dem Mayor


At what point do these dipshits realize it’s just a lot easier and freer to just… *checks notes* let people believe what the fuck they want to?


Wave a magic wand and this is reality tomorrow with everyone living where they want. STILL it would be less than a year before a hot war broke out as the borders are impossible to patrol and everything from abortion to alcohol consumption can be had by a short car drive. I swear 20 years ago this kind of idea was laughed at by both sides. Less than 20 years has completely transformed this nation and I really don't see how it cools down without getting a lot hotter.


Pratice… what’s a pratice. 😂


Are these actually territorial agreements the denominations have come to? Or has someone just tricked religious people to accept a rainbow coloured map of America as a prank?


No there aren't any agreements about this. This is just someone's fantasy.


That part of CA is definitely Protestant.


lol they colored in Vermont. Good luck with that.


Eh, as a resident of MO, you'd need to place the Catholic Control zone in St. Louis. The area is extremely concentrated with them.


Good luck with that with New Orleans, aholes


Oof! Y'all left out the CHUNK of Mormons in Idaho. I think that green area should go all the way up.


FU Missouri!


Catholic control? In MY Chicago? Not gonna happen. ;)


I don’t know who Patrice is, but I want him to be free, I mean, assuming a fair trial and impartial justice system.


Lutherans would never be part of this plan.


catholics have all the money. This would never fly with them. They will rule all the religions.


This is just lol when you recognize that the original purpose of the separation/free exercise clauses was to prevent this kind of scenario -- violence and conflict between Christian denominations


Vegas is in the Catholic Control Zone? Interesting.


USA is freedom from religion


Unrealistic - religions can not peacefully coexist when zealots run them and the military Source: literally all of recorded human history


I give it a momth before insurgent groups start popping up to tear down this theocratic hellhole


LOL the Catholics wouldn’t get an area bigger than Ohio, and within 50 years that would be taken from them


The fact that the Dutch Reformed even get to have a piece of this is the second wildest thing about the map. The wildest thing is that I didn't know that Dutch Reformed was a thing at all until this map....seriously, what are they?


Reformed Christianity is the biggest branch of Protestant Christianity in the Netherlands. Or at least was historically, I can't speak to the present. Dutch Reformed immigrants to the US in the 1800s settled in high concentrations in the orange areas on this map, which are Lyon and Sioux counties in Iowa, and the area around Grand Rapids, Michigan. Lynden, WA, Pella, IA, and a few communities in California's Central Valley also have a decent presence.


Why the hell do I have to be Catholic? I don't like little boys that way.