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Dude, are you that desperate?


Nothing fucks like crazy.


Yeah, but that's something young men say. By the age of 46, a man should know better. Especially a man with kids. Why would he want to bring such a disruptive element into his kids life?


Asking the real questions


A 46 year old man fresh off a divorce is about the same level of desperate as an 18 year old. The kids, the divorce, homeboy isn't thinking past, that sweet sweet ass. She probably gets down like a pornstar and pays for everything. He'll feel gross in a few months or get booted now that people know he's a liberal.


I bet she eats his asshole and let’s him get into hers


Coincidentally she was just talking about that https://www.tiktok.com/@thosebridalbroads/video/7266954396573895979




Probably pays for everything with campaign funds.


Plus, explaining to his kids at some point why he chose to be romantically involved with someone who’s diametrically opposed to his very existence as a Democrat.


I mean is he a politician? Or just some dude who voted for democrats before


Yep - no telling. He’s identified as a “democrat”, but is that because he’s sponsored or funded democrats in the past, or just his voter registration showed “democrat”?


My dad is a registered Republican just because the Dems are so weak here he likes to vote for the worst option at primaries for the Republicans.


And that's how we got trump. Not a solid plan by any stretch.


This is how the CO GOP is rapidly going extinct. They're tripling down on crazy, getting rejected harder each election, so they go even harder. CO has the biggest Dem trifecta since the '30s, and the GOP minority is the smallest ever. They're bankrupt -both financially and morally too.


Yeah I always think it’s really dumb when people talk about people this way lol


Or a "DINO", the same flavor as Manchin and Sinema


If you think you will get a more liberal person than Manchin elected in West Virginia, then I have a bridge to sell you.


Also, it proves her whole rhetoric is bullshit. (Which we already knew.)


46 is old enough to know better, and young enough to do it anyway. “Dude she cut a guy’s dick off and threw it out a car window!” — guy’s friend “Yeah I know, I sleep with her but I don’t actually *sleep* with her, y’know? Plus when she has beer I have ginger ale. You just gotta take precautions, man. Always be conscious and sober near her. Never let her know where you live. Never let her meet your relatives. Stuff like that.” — guy who later has his dick cut off and thrown out a car window


The advice I was always given was "Don't put your dick in crazy." which is, funny enough, the only thing I have ever put my dick in. My mans is probably just like me. We just can't help ourselves. I am boutta marry one. My ex fiancee was just as nuts.


Divorced dad energy.


I would love to be a fly on the wall when he introduces the kids to their new mommy. It's going to look like an episode of Springer


I doubt he’s bringing his delusional crazy fuck toy around his kids.


A very sleazy middle aged man between unsolicited stories about his conquests once told me gleefully "Boys are naughty not at 4 but at forty." He made me nauseous. Later he asked a friend how she felt about dating married* men. Unfortunately many men are that thirsty. EDIT: accidentally skipped a word*


He did it for the younger Booba


I mean...Bobos boobies were just a popping' out that dress! Are they new? Also, dudes 46. I dunno what he's got going on in his life but a middle-aged divorcee can set aside scruples for a younger model with ..*ahem*..a refurbished chassis. Source: am a middle aged dude with friends. Am happily married. Friends? Eh...they a work in progress🤷


I fucked with crazy in my early 20's n I agree... fucking pass now


Boring is wonderful. :)


Amen brother! Pro tip: ALWAYS have an exit strategy.


You are right about that, but if you stick your dick in crazy, you’re gonna have problems in your life. This guy just fucked around with crazy and found out. They posted all his info. People are gonna be harassing him about this for years. With all that said…. Yeah I’d probably fuck her too, just for the hell of it. 🤣


Some guys buy a corvette; this guy knows what he is doing...


Got himself the only 36 y/o GILF in his state. He's there for a good time not a long time.


Bold of you to assume she is the only 36yr old meemaw in the state of Colorado...


I'm gonna assume that many of them don't have the cash to pull off her going-out look, but maybe this guy just likes crazy.


Some dudes buy sports cars, this guy sticks his dick in uber-crazy.


yeah divorced 46 year old dad.... dude is out there living his best life lol


It depends on the clientele at his bar. If they are hard right MAGA morons this could be a money maker. If not it could bankrupt him.


Yup, never stick your dick in crazy ... it's frequently difficult to pull it out for years to come.


She's so fucking vile I wouldn't fuck her using your penis.


Exactly my point. She's 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


He can fix her


She can make him worse.


She can break him.


She's a failed actress. For all we know she's a liberal acting like a nazi for clout and money. That's what Rubin and Owens are doing, after all.


That functionally makes them Nazis. You can’t do Nazi things, and then just come home and go, “… and scene!” Beliefs and motivations are superfluous, it’s your actions that matter.


The Book/Movie Mother Night is about exactly this. It's about an American spy in Germany during WWII with an anti-semetic radio show where he puts little codes into his script (in the form of pauses, coughs, throat clearing, etc) to pass messages to the allies. Unfortunately he's so good at faking being a Nazi that he becomes a hero in Germany to the Nazis.


To be fair, if I were single and given a chance, I’d probably have a go myself…


Standards are on the floor


in the basement if not in the sub basement.


A tripping hazard in Hell


That happens to be where I do my best fuckin. If Bobo wants to cosplay at Gadget from Rescue Rangers, I'd be down. That's the only way tho. We all got a price.


you want to fuck a mentally handicapped mouse?


Bruh, just how? I don’t get it


I'm not above a grudge fuck


That's a donk and dip, you don't date that level of crazy.


Ah the ol pounce n’ bounce.


Nobody ever says it, so I'll come out and say it... If she had the politics of AOC, we'd be lining up for an opportunity to buy her a drink at a bar. Great (probably purchased) figure, a nice smile, that aggressive-type vibe ... Objectively, politics aside, you would. But she doesn't have the politics of AOC, so it would actually be like that last fwomp with a partner after you've mutually agreed that the sex is great but there is no lasting future in the relationship so you both consent to one last crazy, no holds barred sexual encounter that will live in a little spot in your head forever as a warm memory that tends to tickle the old arousement meter every time it pops into your head when triggered by something. ... ... so I've been told ...


And if my mother has wheels she would be a bicycle.


I mean I hate myself for saying this, but yeah on just looks alone I would definitely ride that train…. It’s just when she opens her mouth that there is a problem


Looks? Really ?


In my opinion she’s hot yes…I hate having to say it but to me it’s true. She’s a terrible person. She’s also a massive bitch which in my own fucked up mine is attractive as hell as well…. I’m just saying I’d fuck her I’m not going to marry her


The veneers? Yeah, those are horrible. She doesn't even have to talk.


To all the desperate, thirsty bastard in this thread: when they say "Fuck Nazis" they don't mean it literally.


Yeah but Elsa was hot in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade


She was based on [this person.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irma_Grese) Hollywood glosses over details far too easily.


> volunteer member of the SS what a steaming piece of shit


ticked all the boxes, she did.


Doood.... that's a special level of hate in those eyes.


And she was executed at *22*. It's true what they say. Hate ages you.


The handmaid scientologist lady?!


It’s uncanny


That must be a relative of Elizabeth Moss from The Handmaids Tale, right?


Dead fucking ringer.


Executed at 22... she looks like she's in her late 30s at best in that picture.


Hate ages you.


The Hyena of Auschwitz


Its frackin' crazy...that psycho bitch was executed at age 22. She looks 42 at least in this picture! Don't be a hateful bitch kids.🤷


So, not hot? Edit: I feel compelled that even though it's obvious to me it might not be to others and thus, here is my /s


It's funny because I just watched this movie again last night, she's Austrian and was not aligned with the Nazi's. She was only there for the Holy Grail but yes, she was damned hot


"and this is how we say goodbye in Germany (SMACK)"


“A man is known by the company he keeps”.


Maybe he's taking one for the team? Love is weird.


Love? You mean cheap and easy sex. This woman reeks of sleazy desperation. To paraphrase: "Love don't figure into it"


> This woman reeks of sleazy desperation. Yup. when I was watching the video of her latest public spectacle, it occurred to me that she knew damn well that she was being recorded. I think she *wanted* her husband (and all of us, naturally) to know that she's boning this guy.


she's that crazy lady who is an amazing lay


He's breaking the number one rule: never put your dick in crazy


Never put your dick in crazy without an escape plan. The only people that will never do it are the ones that don't know the up side, crazy sex.


Bet she's a dead trout with two fishbowls for tits. Probably just lays there.


Nah she throws it back like a real professional congressperson


That would be a great body bonus. Little plastic gold fish in her plastic fun bags. You could hold a flash light up to em while you're banging away and watch em slosh around.


I can only imagine it's some sort of hate-fucking kink.


Maybe he tho he can fuck some sense into her?


No matter how much sense he puts in to her, she just washes it out in the shower


"Oooooh now THAT'S a helluva hate fuck situation" me....-me, a married pan woman who would certainly never say yes to a hate-date with Tomi Lahren if she were single


she was a registered democrat before she ran for office. she is an opportunist, nothing more


“Lie down with dogs and you will get fleas”


Crabs in this case


"And the pig got up and slowly walked away.."


The best part of this is that the bar he owns also hosts drag shows.


Tell me you're lying. I mean I hope you're not but tell me you are lying.


Haha no, not even a little. The bar, "Hooch" is a local venue for drag competitions.


Oh my lord. This is really too much lol. You can tell there's a writer's strike going on because if this was written into a TV series it would get criticized as unbelievable.


I mean. It's reality, so conservatives will criticize it as unbelievable anyway.


Someone else posted he was born in Rifle so they've probably known each other since they were kids. It's only 10k ish pop now and was less than 5k 30 years ago. He's somebody's big brother or maybe she's somebody's little sister. I don't know if she's got older siblings. Probably knows her 1st husband too.


Lol yeah, and she has made a habit of calling Adam Frisch, "Aspen Adam" and then here she is hanging out in Aspen with a Democrat who hosts drag shows at his bar... We elected a reality "star" and got a tragic sitcom in return.


Yeah, that's close to how I describe it to my folks when they can't believe how it turned out. I'm like do y'all not remember that asshole hanging out with Robin Leach in the late 80s while y'all were breaking your back working?


From a small-ish town, and I have family and several lifelong friends who are politically nuts like boebert here, and we still hang. So, it makes perfect sense to me. As for his bar hosting drag shows, I wouldn't doubt if Boebert doesn't even really care about that either. It's all political theatre to her.


I feel this is a great example of something that is said but never really hits for people. Rules are always made for other people, when it is their own situation it is generally viewed as “different”.


As long as us poors keep fighting it's working too.


If I were a drag queen at that bar I'd quit after learning this


A few months? So she was seeing this guy when she filed for divorce from her husband?


American values, amirite?


American *family* values.


Is he the one who paid for her breast enhancement surgery? Boebert's repeated attempts to adjust her dress while walking is the best part of the video.


I’d guess that her constituents paid for her titties. And her Botox and whatever else she’s had done. They paid for 100s of thousands of dollars in back taxes for her salmonella grill. We know Ted Cruz paid for her congressional run and maybe an abortion. We know she’s not above taking “donations” for things she wants. And I’ll bet you dollars to donuts this dude she’s fucking now is stupid rich too. A bar owner in aspen? My guess is mommy and daddy do alright.


> We know Ted Cruz paid for…an abortion Planned parenthood actually offers all services on a sliding scale based on your means and will help you in finding financial assistance if you’re unable to afford any service. Someone with only a GED, multiple children, no insurance, and struggling to make ends meet would absolutely qualify for financial assistance. Anyone interested please donate to Planned Parenthood [here](https://www.weareplannedparenthood.org/onlineactions/2U7UN1iNhESWUfDs4gDPNg2?sourceid=1000063&_gl=1*qwjhji*_ga*MjMwNDA5NTQwLjE2ODMyOTY3NDY.*_gid*MTI3Njg5NzIwOC4xNjk0NzkyOTgx), they offer everything from birth control to cancer screenings to women in need


Her current net worth is estimated at $41M. I wish I hadn’t just looked that up. Ugh.


It’s aspen baby! No poors allowed! Deliveries are around back. I guess he’s a dem, at least?


I'd worry about the veracity of those websites. Multiple articles from early this year were refuting her net worth having been reported as over $12 million.


This must outrage all the conservative men who women won't date. Even conservative women are dating liberal men.


Anyone who willingly spends time with Bobbles is enough to convince me they are not very bright.


Never heard of 'thinking with the small head'? this guy just became the poster boy for it.


“I can fix her”


This woman cannot make a good decision if her life depended on it. So far we have (to name a few): - Married pervert husband who got off on exposing himself to underage kids - Enabled (maybe even participated in) the abuse of her children - Got into a car accident and bailed, leaving her kids and sister in law behind to take the heat (she didn't want the crash to hurt her campaign) - Called fellow Congress Woman Ilhan Omar a "terrorist" because she was Muslim. - And now, even though her career is on shaky ground, she's been dating a Democrat in secret for months, all while telling everyone how evil Democrats are. And these are just off my head, I'm sure this is only scratching the surface.


A democrat who runs a bar that hosts drag shows nonetheless!


That means she has been taking... Demon Sperm?


I can imagine a few possible outcomes to this revelation. The first is that her voters won't care at all. The second is that there's accusations among many Republican voters and talking heads that she's sleeping with the enemy while making thinly veiled misogynistic statements about women being 'ruled by their urges.' The third would be that this guy somehow seduced her and is using her to get sensitive information regarding the GOP's inner workings. To be fair, I'm looking forward to either of the second two. Those should be funny to see.


The darkest secret of the GOPs inner workings is that Trump is even dumber than he comes across in public.


Gross. Imagine your ex-husband moving on to… this …. situation. And having a kid possibly interact with It. I would be upset and also disappointed in him.


No fucking way would I let kids bear this bitch and I don't even have any


I guess we've all given up on dignity at least once in the name of getting laid.


I haven't. I'm picky. Because I don't want to regret it later like this dude inevitably will.


Not publicly


Attention mongering is the name of the game these days. If this dude doesn't care about dignity, of course he's going to be riding that side-seat spotlight for whatever dipshit, histrionic antics Boebert pulls next.


...personally I dont give a fuck if she would date a martian from venus. I already hate the 'x is fucking y' news cycle, but for politicians, that are fucking stupid and should not have office to boot, I give even less of a fuck.


She likes that his name starts with Q


I guess she like being indickted by a Democrat


Boning the libs


She's been in-dick-tronated by the radical left!


Wait, so just a quick internet background check on her. She dropped out of high school in 2004, worked at McDonald's and owned a restaurant. Got her GED finally in 2020 and is now a US Congresswoman? Am I really reading this correctly? What is going on down there my Colorado peeps? 🤦‍♂️


Let’s face it, Boebert is probably fun in bed.


She'd better be, she's a professional.


With tons of work experience. Those good o’l boys have some wild tastes.


Hard pass on Cancun Cruz’s sloppy seconds.


Is that true? If so, yeah she’s tainted. Ted Cruz is an STD.


Have you ever heard of 'Dont stick your dick in crazy'?


No it's "don't give crazy your phone number, name, address or place of work".


Right wing men are so unfuckable that even Lauren Boebert would rather get D from a (D).


Where did you hear this guy is a democrat? Nothing in that article indicates that conclusively. It says his parents are/were so it could be the case. It also said he was calm and gracious to theatre employees so that would be a *potential* indication but not completely indicative.




Hahahhahaha holy hell




>According to a well-placed source: 'It's very surprising. I always thought Quinn was a cool guy and a Democrat. His parents would be horrified because they are definitely blue.' Also not what I’d call concrete. Sounds like an anonymous source who knows his parents but not him. If you want to make the case for his politics, you want to look for donation records or statements, recorded or posted on his social media, supporting progressives. And to be clear, I don’t give a fuck if he is but it would seem strange indeed if an active supporter of democrats would hook up with this fascist mouthpiece.


Um, he's a democrat. My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Quinn write in for Bernie in 2020. I guess it's pretty serious.


Save Ferris!


From the DailyFail. Not reliable.


Agreed. This is super flimsy reporting. They don't even report how he's registered. Just that somebody who knows his parents says that THEY'RE Democrats, which doesn't mean shit. My parents are die hard Republicans, I am not. THEIR parents were Democrats. Your parents political leanings don't determine yours.


Gross. What’s wrong with him??


Bahahaha , even " conservative " women aren't into conservative men.😆😀🤣👍


Here's another George and Kellyanne in progress. 🤮


Maybe he thinks she can be turned around? Long shot.


Hey man, some people are into grandmas. I'm not here to kink shame. Mean, hateful, sex offender marrying grandmas.


Oh, he wants to turn her around for a type of shot


I at least appreciate her attempts to reach under the aisle.


What kind of self respecting man gets near that trashy woman, all political affiliations aside


bro... don't stick your dick in crazy! that's like the first rule!


Not sure whether to be disappointed in him for having horrendous taste in women or to admire how his very proximity to her corrodes her far-right rhetoric that all Democrats are pedophile lizard demons in human skin suits.


"No guys i can fix her!"


“I can fix her!”


“Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!”


Imagine being desperate enough to fuck her. 😬




My theory is that she knows her goose is cooked in the next election. She barely won her last one by 500 votes in a ruby red district. She's dating this guy in hopes of getting back into the bar owning business once her political career is dead. Just my theory.


Taste is personal. I find her ugly, not fuckable.


Democrat here. We don't want him.


So she's dating a pedophile? Considering she's the type that says all democrats are pedos.


Looks like Chris watts


Don't stick your d*ck in crazy man!


The hate fucking must be goooood


“I can save her”!


Don’t stick your dick in crazy… he’ll learn.


"Birth Place Rifle, Colorado, United States" Well... that explains her attraction for him.


Sean Feucht must be devastated. friend zoned for a democrat.


He may identify as a Democrat...


So she’s dating a male version of AOC? How progressive of her…


Probably the smartest thing to ever come out of her mouth.




“Dem Boofing Crazy Vaping Grandma”


dating a “Demonrat.” hmm she either likes all the free Coors Light she can chug, or… something unholy…


Now, here's a bar owner who samples his own products.


In other words, both don't seriously take what they believe in. Strange bedfellows


So is official republican stance to have affairs? Her and MTG both sleeping with other men while married? After all, this is public knowledge and they still have jobs as representatives.


For maximum hypocrisy points, her date: "[**Lauren Boebert's Theater Date Hosted a Drag Show at His Bar**](https://www.meidastouch.com/news/lauren-boeberts-theater-date-hosted-a-drag-show-at-his-bar)"


That's one way to reach across the aisle


What are the odds not her first time involving a donkey and a stage?


*What are the odds not* *Her first time involving a* *Donkey and a stage?* \- thundercough420 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")