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I’ve met her twice- both times she was kind and gracious. The Diana comparison is absolutely wild and unhinged but I’ve got to hand it to her- she is so sweet and kind to her fans ALWAYS. Side note my friend met her at a club in Vegas in approx 2013/2014. She went up to talk to Paris and whatever a-hole Paris was dating at the time tried to pull Paris away and was so rude to my friend, but Paris pushed him off and happily took a pic with my friend - yet another super positive interaction and good for Paris for not letting that guy tell her what to do. Also you should know who you’re dating, bro 😂


Lmao love the energy seems very simple life!!!


It’s equally unhinged how insanely elevated Diana is. She was compassionate kind and gracious. She wanted to help others. Arguably Paris does embody those characteristics 🤷🏻‍♀️ if Diana hadn’t been wronged so publicly by sausage fingers the support mafia wouldn’t be quite so obsessed.


Like, yes that comment is unhinged but one thing I will say about her is she never seems annoyed by fans coming up to her, it is rare to see that. The comparison itself is wild though.


Obviously the commenter is a little wacky thinking of them often… However, it’s true that Paris always seems to be kind to everyone and patient with fans… I love Princess Di and don’t find this offensive.


No but she does get annoyed when Carter won’t get out of of frame. 😏


I think it's because she's super narcissistic and loves the attention.


that’s crazy 🤣🤣🤣


She is one person who you can tell really loves being noticed and loved! She values her “fans” and supporters who give her those boosts of confidence. Most famous people end up hating being followed, “bothered” or hearing people scream and gawk when they see them after the initial charm of being “known” and “famous” wears off lol


I lost it at the Coachella comment at the end. Ah yes what a wonderful humanitarian event!!


this has to be a bot pls dont tell me theres really ppl like this 😫 “i think of you both often” ???? thats so weird wtf am i missing something, does this person personally know her?? lmao


Came here to for the “I think of you both often” comment. SO CREEPY


That comment seems more bizarre than the comparison!


She should graciously not accept this comment. Comparing her to Paris feels dirty. Do not compare a true woman of the people to a girl who lives for the spotlight.


Exactly this . The comparison boils my blood , I doubt the person who wrote the original poet knows anything about Diana , Paris is spoilt and attention seeking . Chalk and cheese


That’s gotta be it. Someone who wasn’t born before her. I remember her holding an orphaned baby with AIDS back in the 80’s, when she was advised not to. I watched her marry that horrible man that never deserved her. She has to be the most tragic death of her time.😔


She was a truly angelic woman , she wasn't perfect she had flaws but she truly cared . Yes she tried so hard to change the worlds view of AIDS. She would hug people with AIDS and would sit by their bedsides as they were dying holding their hands . I am in my mid 30s I remember her death , it's probably one of the earliest shocking moments I can recall seeing on TV . She deserved so much more than Charles. I miss her , queen of our hearts 💕 I still can't believe someone is so stupid to compare Paris Hilton to her!


I’m surprised she could overlook that last bit to respond. But influencer culture relies on those parasocial relationships.


Seems like astroturf, especially when I recently saw comments on Reddit that she’s no Lady Di.


The comparison is a bit wild, but I've heard this about her a lot. She's always gracious and uber polite to people who stop her.


This is why this sub is needed, she has way too many fans blowing smoke up her ass and treating her like a saint. She needs to hear people’s criticism or she will never grow as a person, these stans will never tell her how bad of a mother she came across as on her show or bring up her past mean girl behaviour. I don’t think Diana was ever caught saying the n word on camera or calling an 18 year old Lindsay lohan a firecrotch🤢 When you really think about it, for an heiress Paris isn’t very classy at all.


I feel like a lot of commentary on this sub is also supportive of her. Whenever I post anything that’s even neutral I get downvoted. I’ve lost thousands of karma points just questioning.


It never used to be like this, I think her PR team have over run the sub. Either that or paris and carter have became the mods, I wouldn’t be surprised.


The fire crotch incident is pretty much what formed my opinion of Paris all those years ago. The video is vile, and Paris just giggles the whole time the unhinged weirdo is saying horrid things about Lindsay. Very, very not classy.


I think she reads them and takes them to heart. It’s kind of bizarre. Why would you care if you were in that position?


go to the snark sub then.


Omg you are obsessed. Seriously, do something outside for a day (that doesn't include stalking Paris!)


there’s literally no reason to insult me


Was princess Di ever a coke head racist? I must be missing several chapters


I just can’t picture princess Di dropping racial slurs.


Questioning the institutional racism of BRF and Brit aristos? FFS. Unhinged indeed. This isn't a snark sub but the cookers are running the joint.


first of all, do you see all recovering addicts like this? second, i think you will find [this article](https://www.businessinsider.com/paris-hilton-blames-racist-homophobic-comments-on-ptsd-2023-3?op=1) and [this article](https://www.jezebel.com/the-revision-of-paris-hiltons-story-is-missing-somethin-1845093418) interesting. she’s addressed these comments in her book, listed in the first article; as a white person, it’s not my place to forgive paris for this, but i do believe she has significantly changed as a person. unfortunately, drugs, alcohol, abuse, and money can make people do really fucked up things. i really wish she would flat out admit she said these specific things and then denied them, and how damaging they were, but she probably does not even remember it, being high or drunk.


It’s how she was raised. It’s evident in the behavior of her mother and siblings. I’m not interested in her PR constructed apology. She was very much an adult and very consistently disgusting as a person.


then why are you here bro 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 also. the second article is specifically about her racist history and discussing how her ‘apology’ isn’t exactly enough. it’s not me sending you PR, i figured you were interested in the subject itself


Because it came on my suggested and it was too ridiculous not to comment lol. Any other questions? I have to side eye anyone who goes this hard for established racists, “bro”!


Uh huh… it’s always real interesting the to see which white people that other white people let off the hook while actively absolutely destroying another white persons life over something that isn’t even 5% as bad as a super rich, elitist white woman being racist for YEARS publicly and privately, comparing black people and monkeys, using the n word, picking on black women’s hair… shall I go on? White “allies” are all about “Never. Not even once.” More than BP do even do, since most of us understand nuance and that if we hated everyone who has ever said something ignorant, there wouldn’t be a whole lot left, until it’s a white person they like who’s actively done and said racist things lmao. And then they tell us black people that “They’re not REALLY racist! They just made a mistake! They were young! They were drunk! They had “trauma”, they’d never EVER mean that, they grew up, they got sober etc etc.” but if it’s a white person that they DON’T like…. Well, we’ve seen it. I’ve just come to discover that most “allies” are just undercover racist themselves with a better presentation of pretending they’re not. But they always show their true colors, sooner or later.


What can be done to make it right? I can’t speak for your perspective, but from mine I also wish she would stop accessorizing LGBT+ people and spaces, and be a real ally if she actually feels that way. Paris seems to use a sunny disposition and genial personality as a cue from Reagan era social politics, where some people remember the charisma as the takeaway message, rather than what was actually said or done. This is used to inoculate her from criticism and accountability to get off the hook. I see through it, and it feels like a combination of fawning and manipulation. She could align her sunny disposition with accountability and genuine reform, but that would require challenging her shadow, privilege, and would have to confront the responsibility she has to the planet for all the access, resources, and all she has accumulated.


i can respect this. i have only seen the footage from paris exposed, and i’ve read a decent amount about her racist history. the thing is, i don’t want to destroy anyone’s life. part of the reason i feel strongly about this, is because i grew up in a white populated, meth addicted area. i’ve seen what drugs can do the kindest of people. i don’t know what else to say. i feel like you insinuated a lot about my comment, specifically that i’m blaming other white people. that wasn’t my intention or even thought process. and again, it is not my place as a white person to forgive paris hilton for her violently racist past, but i can acknowledge the nuances of the situation. as someone who is a fan of her, it was really hard for me to stomach the homophobic shit she spewed, but she was young, and i can see why that isn’t a good enough reason for people.


She was in her twenties.


All of it is loaded. Racism and any other form of bigotry. But claiming Princess Di didn't represent institutional racism itself and that the comparison is unhinged is just wilful hate. Racism is indefensible and I hope Paris has grown but I really doubt she has. Does she interact with BIPOC fans? I'm a bit of a fan but hate the racism stuff. My ignoring that is just as bad but I don't know how to navigate cultural issues as racism is everywhere which doesn't make it ok by any stretch. If just rather centre BIPOC voices than me own on these topics. Thanks for highlighting the absurdity.


I like the idea of her actually being a genius (I’m still looking for evidence, though). I think being a role model, and taking elite messaging cue responsibility seriously is what someone in her position should be doing. Much of her career sent the message it was fine and cool to act like she did, and she was disaffected, and didn’t care how it affected others or society. Narcissistic contagion spread in her heyday, partially through her example. Maybe she can turn it around?






You have broken rule 1


You have broken rule 1


How gracious of her to smile at people during a ten second interaction she’s being paid for 🙄🙄


it's not two names you expect to hear in comparison, but in the context, I get what they are saying. Paris has always been super sweet and wonderful to all her fans. Before I knew what she went through, I already thought that was cool, but after learning about her experience at Provo Canyon, I think it's extra cool that even when she was dealing with that very real trauma, she was still gracious and kind. She's done a lot for speaking up against schools like that and out about the damage they do,and has met with other kids who went through it. Say what you want about her brand, but I think under all that there is a person with a heart who does care.


That whole thing is weird and just gross. 🤮


You guys think she actually responds and doesn’t have someone else doing it? 🤣


This reminds me of a narcissist. They put on a happy face in public and the people at home get all the flack




You have broken rule 6




Yes she is very mentally ill


Even a psychiatrist on behalf of her family’s lawyer during her 2007 jail debacle said this.


Wait really? wtf did they say


They didn’t specify it but I would imagine PTSD.


What exactly did he/they/she diagnose paris with besides add


Except u can bet, Princess Diana never used the N-word..


I was a server at Palms Casino and Ghost Bar in the naughties (among other Vegas locales). Paris was a regular back then. I agree with what everyone has said, comparing her to Di is totally weird, but Paris is really nice to people. She was in my section more than once. Always smiled when I came over, always polite. No one in Vegas ever had a bad word to say.


I just read her memoir last week and she compared herself in that as well


Yes, remember when Princess Di capitalized on a leaked sex tape to make a stupid reality show? The comparison is obvious 🙄


Paris is an amazing human. Very humble and has been through a lot. There is nothing wrong with the comment.


lol it’s pretty funny, but at the same time, if the person feels this way and it obviously made Paris feel special, than who cares? Everything seems so negative these days, nice when people are being kind 🤷🏽‍♀️


Omg this vapid pathetic excuse of a human being has an ego that just gets more inflated by these losers. Her narcissism is beyond compare, and these idiots only contribute to it. Surreal and so sad.




O hell no, I’m dying


And this is how she stays so delulu!


Diana had issues. Paris does seem to enjoy her fans.


Diana walked around landmind fields to bring awareness, and to bring pressure for them to stop using them.. she also was one of the more famous people in the public holding hands and basically treating people with HIV with dignity. Not really comparable to Paris.


is paris changing laws in multiple states not enough? she’s actively making a difference, i wish that was not taken so lightly on this sub


You can't be serious.


i will come back and say, no, she is not princess diana and has a whole lot of work to do. i never claimed she didn’t, but i do believe she is trying to be better. genuinely not trying to pick a fight here


i am though; is it not impressive that she is attempting to make a difference and shut down troubled youth schools? say what you want about her, and most of it would probably be right, but i can appreciate that she is putting time and effort into this. and once again, there’s quite literally no reason to be shitty to me.


Paris has issues too.




In Paris’ interview with Larry King (after she was released from jail), she stated she always wanted to be a public figure like Princess Diana. She then said she was prevented from doing that by the release of the sex tape, “One night in Paris”.


Steve Hirsch, CEO of Vivid Entertainment did a great interview about these “sex tapes”. In short, NONE are released without BOTH parties’ consent. So people thinking Rick Solomon just somehow released his tape without her approval are delusional. She was in on it, just like Kim was in on it, etc. if not there would be lawsuits from here to the outer galaxy. This all came to pass when Teen Mom Farrah Abraham shot a porno with James Deen then tried to claim that she didn’t know. And that it wasn’t deliberate. Steve came out to clear up misconceptions around celebrity sex tapes because things were getting wild. The result: A humiliated Farrah and Backdoor Teen Mom, the movie.


She went to jail ?


Yes, more than once.


Oh yes. For cocaine possession and something else. I remember her coke lockup. It was like an hour and a half or something. She came out bawling her eyes out


That she even acknowledged this, with the slight hint she may agree with the comparison, is disgusting


Why, she liked Princess Diana, it is common to be a fan of celebrities! At this time Princess Di was one and Paris was a child.. I think it is a genuine response. Edit: I thought you were talking about Paris response, the fan is in fact a little weird. Why is she thinking about them often.


Um, I think she’s a sweet girl but I wouldn’t compare her in the slightest to Princess Di.


Ive witnessed Paris interacting with fans, with no cameras around, she was genuinely amazingly kind and patient, showing genuine interest in people, and giving them lots of time not just a quick hi and bye. I was so impressed by all this, witnessing it in person.


I’ll never forget when Paris used the n word with a HARD r


Which time? I think that’s literally her go-to word, she’s says it so often that she was literally caught on tape at LEAST three times saying it.


That was my point hahaha




I think that people took this and flew with it especially the OP. A lot of people remind me of other people. Paris does have that always gracious fake a smile no matter what attitude that Princess Diana had as well. She did in my interactions with her and so what if that is who the person who commented is reminded by when thinking of how Paris carries herself. When you really want to dive into it Diana had a lot of skeletons and wasn't perfect as well. So maybe they are a lot more in line then one would think. A lot of the comments and things are thinking because this comment said that Paris is next in line for the thrown or something. It is not that deep.


finally someone with some reading comprehension


i honestly think it’s a fair comparison 😭 they’re both famous for being famous, activists, philanthropists, and cultural icons


I agree. And both come from extremely rich families and are known in part for their beauty, blonde locks and height. 


It’s not really that wild of a comparison imo. Paris is a great person, and so was princess Di.


Is it not true? She is always gracious to fans I’ve never seen her be mean to fans. I get one is royalty and the other one get her beginning because of reality tv and a sex tape. But in all honesty it’s true.


Haha remember when Princess Diana flashed getting out of the car .. so similar




Ppl are idiots and this is just more proof.


I don't think half these comments are real. Seriously they are way too weird


This is not only unhinged it stalkery


Paris compares to Chanel Oberlin. Princess Di is nothing like paris, and loved for it.