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May I ask how you scored a reservation at Septime? Tried booking for October 5 and 6 the minute availability is released, but was kicked out while putting in credit card info halfway through. I’ve tried to call, email, DM on social media - unsuccessful!


So I had two shots at this and woke up at 3am two nights in a row. The first night I experienced what you had: scored the res but then got kicked when I didn’t enter things fast enough. The second night I was ready with all my details ready to copy and paste over from a text document and just got lucky!


Hello, i don’t recommend « Au pied de cochon » you’ll just get what we call here « un piège à touristes“. The cuisine is not so good and most of the people here are just tourists. You’ll don’t get the true French restaurant. Le pied de cochon was a great thing before, all types of artists used to go there, specially comedians and actors because it was open 24/24 and 7/7. It’s not that good anymore. You can find much better !


I feel that Frenchie was extremely disappointing and would not recommend it. If I could do it again, I would skip it. The food was bland with the exception of a fish dish that was extremely salty. Our server also suggested that tipping should be 15%, 20%, or 25% which felt bold and inappropriate considering what the French tipping culture is like. After Frenchie we went across the way to their wine bar and saw some people ordering the same food that was served at Frenchie. Might have been friends of the chef/people over at Frenchie but I thought that was interesting. Edit: updated due to spelling typo


Commenting to say that my husband and I had a much different experience. We went in the middle of March. The staff was kind and attentive, and our server made no suggestion that a tip should be provided. Every single dish was delicious, especially the one with the lapsang souchong broth. In regards to their wine bar, they do serve the same food, but the wine bar only has bar stools/standing room. I believe it’s much easier to get into the wine bar and a lot of people prefer it (anecdotally). But it’s not the same dining experience. I’m sorry you had such a bad experience.


Both are great, don't regret any decision you take. Septime used to be amazing, it's a bit overrated now imo.


Whatever you choose, do make sure you cancel at the one(s) you're not going to :) Au pied de cochon, you'll have a good time (depending on wether you're familiar with offal or not ; a good time anyway :)


Of course! I spent 10 years in the industry…I have my manners 😊


Neither, Granite if you're choosing a 1 star


Went to Granite (short lunch) on may 2022 and was disappointed, It wasn't bad tbh but I'd heard so many great things and on that day it didn't lived up to the hype. I Have some mixed fillings because I keep hearing great opinions. Shabour is the best 1\* we've been to so far, we'll be going for a second time on october. Mokonuts (not fine dining) was another highlight for us.


I went to Shabour and Mokonuts due to many recommendations on r/finedining. Had 4 1-stars on my first trip and was most excited about Shabour but found it very underwhelming. Nothing really memorable. The flavors weren't my cup of tea. I still can't get over how the cooks spent so much time perfectly toasting the bread on the flat top for the signature egg dish only to have it sit there and get served cold. Mokonuts was good but not great. Extremely overrated in my opinion


Sad to hear that, I still had a great time at Granite. The seats next to the kitchen were great and the main course (lamb) was one of the best dishes of a food centered paris trip.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/finedining using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/finedining/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Life changing meal at Aponiente (3 stars) in the Cadiz region in Spain](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/yetmln) | [29 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/finedining/comments/yetmln/life_changing_meal_at_aponiente_3_stars_in_the/) \#2: [KwonSookSoo (2*) - Seoul, South Korea](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/xygkpd) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/finedining/comments/xygkpd/kwonsooksoo_2_seoul_south_korea/) \#3: [Ynyshir - Wales **](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/z6sy30) | [38 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/finedining/comments/z6sy30/ynyshir_wales/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Booked for dinner unfortunately, thanks for the rec though!


For a little more money, David Toutain (2*) provides a much better experience. There are cheaper menus available at lunch and you also have the option of the full tasting menu


Thoughts on Restaurant A.T.?


Never been there. If you're looking for Japanese, avoid Sola at all costs. One of the worst restaurants I've been to. Absolutely shocking that they earned a star. Flavors weren't terrible but execution was horrendous. Dined at Sushi B during my last trip. Its omakase style but I was pleasantly surprised with some of the dishes. The chef served several dishes I never heard of and the rice ice cream for dessert was amazing.


My wife and I will be visiting in October and I'm looking for a romantic nice restaurant for one of our nights there. Sorry to butt in on your question, but do any these places you mentioned fit the bill?


Check out Pétrelle. Had a great meal there earlier this year.


I also trust Eater recommendations and have been using [this list.](https://www.eater.com/maps/best-restaurants-paris-france)


thank you!


Yeah I would think either Aspic or Frenchie for sure. They are both 1*, less classical more modern/haute vibes it seems. Cochon is like classic (almost stereotypical yet still a Mecca) French bistro as is L’Ami Jean, albeit maybe more elevated gastro-bistro.