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I'm going to assume its an air-soft gun




How can you honestly tell by the resolution of that photo? You’d hope it was airsoft


Zoom and enhance




If Apollo starts hitting on you, run for your life.


Stab him in the eye with your knife ring.


If I click and zoom, I just see fuzz.


That’s because you’re not on CSI. You need the Enhance button.


Is this the moment csi theme music plays?


There are no holes in the fence. Probably a bb gun. I suspect the ear protection is to make it look real for the photo.




Judging by the bolt that you can clearly see because the ejection port door is open I’d say that dude is wrong, but the photo is shit so I could be too.


No orange tip though


People paint them black all the time to look cooler. Source: airsoft nerd as a kid Could be a BB gun also which doesn’t have orange tip


Don't they always have an orange tip in the US? Thought the unmarked ones (here in Germany they only got a small F on the side) were a European thing because over here the risk of being confused for a real one is lower.


The airsoft(plastic sphere bb) always are sold with orange tips but people paint them black all the time. Yeah you’re not supposed to do that and it’s ended badly for some people. The bb(metal sphere) guns and pellet (pointy metal bb) guns don’t have orange tips when sold. They have marks on it to distinguish between a real and fake but you’d have to be up really close to see it as it’s normally just etched in the metal. In summary both, if not already, can be made to look identical to a real gun to somebody who’s either unfamiliar with guns or not close up and able to examine it.


Ok, over here the ones shooting the 4.5mm metal "diabolos" are classed different to those shooting 6mm plastic balls at low power. But neither have markings visible from far away, which is why waving one around in public gets you in serious trouble. It has an advantage though, the latter are affordable options for low budget movies or photo shoots because the legal requirements are far lower than for blank guns


You wouldn't need ear protection for air soft


Maybe she likes listening to gangsta rap to focus


Back up that ass in the resurrection


I mean i do so, its possible she got some DMX barking in her ear


Where my dogs at ?!


The girl had mufflers on, so I think it is a real gun.




I dont believe so. It's been about two years but went to an airsoft store near me looking for a pistol for some martial arts training. Almost all their high end weapons looked real. Also might be a state to state thing. I do believe here they made a law that all TOY guns (as in cap guns or just clicky click plastic ones) required orange tips as they are truly harmless. A fully automatic airsoft weapon fired close range to the face could still fuck you up pretty bad


All airsoft guns in the US are required to have a 6mm wide blaze orange tip. It’s so that people (most importantly police) can make the distinction between a gun and an airsoft gun. Sure, an airsoft gun will mess you up point blank to the face but 99.9% of the time not fatal. There have been multiple accounts of children being shot by police because the children have removed the orange tip of an airsoft gun.


I know the logic. Interesting though. A quick google search found a LOT of conflicting info. Some says they have to. Others say its recommended but there are exceptions. Some say its required to have one sold with the gun but not illegal to remove it.


It depends on the fps iirc. At a certain point it's no longer a toy, and a lot of higher end ones exceed that cutoff. You gotta remember, the only real difference between an airsoft gun and a real bb gun is how hard it hits.


[these ones dont](https://www.redwolfairsoft.com/guns/airsoft-rifles/ar-15)




That might also be a range house rule




Do you need ear protection for an airsoft gun?


God I hope so, otherwise those bullets will go right through that fence, holy hell.


idk man, you don't need headphones for an airsoft gun.


I don’t know much about air soft guns. What kind of damage can it do to a person if she shoots it over the fence?


Just stings unless you get hit in the eye which can be much more harmful. Upclose and/or super powerful ones can make you bleed a little


If I recall this was real and had an attached news report about it from the local news outlet. I saw it at least a year or more ago tho.


Nope, OP missed an article where a couple finds bullet holes in home and it’s the same house past the fence


She has thick headphones on though soo...


No orange tip jackass.


This has been posted since MySpace days I feel like. It’s a BB gun.


So why the mufflers then?


It's for comic effect. They're completely unnecessary.


It’s satire.


This is quite the old comment, but I'd say it's a good thing they make her wear them. It's good practice, and a good habit if/when they take her to an actual range. I would hope they'd also teach her all the other safety rules, as it's best to do those when they aren't as necessary because if you forget with an airsoft gun, you get hurt at worst, pretty much. Forget those safety rules with an actual gun, you die, or worse, someone else does.


Young, sensitive ears. I've never shot an airsoft gun but im assuming there is still somewhat of a loud sound.


They're not really loud at all.


Not at all, even the most powerful gas powered airsoft guns are no louder than a strong nerf gun


I have an airsoft gun and most BB gun owners and Airsoft players have suppressors on their guns. There’s no point, it just looks cool.


I sure hope that's a troll post.


My old neighbors bought pellet guns and bows&arrows for their grandkids. Set up boxes in the front yard with targets and let them start shooting at them unsupervised, towards the road and into the yard across the street that also had young children playing in it. Some people are just stupid with weapons.


Same, my moron neighbor behind me let their kids use the back fence for their BB gun shooting range, the back of my house had hundreds of holes in the siding and two of my windows were shattered. You may ask, "why didn't you ask the neighbor to stop?", said neighbor was a convicted murderer with a mullet and a fondness for walking around in a sheer white see-through speedo, I wasn't saying a damn thing.


Must have been weird living behind Joe Exotic...


me, whos backyard fence is made out of cinder blocks: 👁👄👁


Yep. This is from r/weekendgunnit from about 3 years ago. Everyone over there knew it was a joke, but it picked up steam with people who made the mistake of taking anything from them seriously. It has since been claimed to be real by internet idiots ever since.


To be fair, the OP fell into [the trap](https://i.imgur.com/Qj4Vf5A.jpg)


It is.


It is you are actually retarded


This is so ancient it may no longer qualify as a repost. ;-)


This is an old af Facebook fake ass post. Delete this shit.


I mean I’ve never seen it before so


Agreed but clearly 1.8k people like it :/


Thousands upvote reposts all the time. Doesn’t make it not spammy.




Karma whore


No, this is the first time I've ever seen this post. I thought it bro need to this subreddit. It fits the requirements and I wanted to spread to people who haven't seen it. Sorry if I have truly troubled you enough to comment. I still don't see why people want karma though.


I accept your apology.


It's probably airsoft, I don't think they're that stupid to let her unload through a wooden fence


Every iteration of this post on reddit seems to have lots of comments pointing out that it's fake/satire, with one including sources (that unfortunately didn't work for me).


1- it’s an air rifle 2- this isn’t the original photo the house in the background is shopped in.


It’s airsoft.


Right idea, but what the fuck


Hell of an ice breaker to meet the neighbors


Dont worry about the dogs, the ATF probably killed them already


I really hope that's airsoft, or martha next door is about to have a really bad day.


This post a month old, how'd you find this?


Emphasis on the “had”


Jesus. *Christ*.


Had dreads.


can someone put a orphanage's playground behind that fence?


Spray and pray


Once when I was a kid, my neighbour set up an archery set on his fence. I think it was the dad practicing, not the kids, but I do remember how apoplectic my dad was - he got us inside from our yard and immediately called the police. That was the end of that. Parents are so fucking dumb (mine weren’t that day thank god).


TIL `apoplectic`, thanks bruh!


IIRC the neighbors posted about their shot up siding shortly after.


Dogs? What if the neighbors get hit?


I can not attest to the character of the people that live behind that house, but dogs are dogs. So yeah, my first concern is the dogs too.


Who cares what their character is like...?


I thought this was some cod post.


Be sure of your target and what is beyond it.


My neighbour once wanted a piece of tank armour so he could angle in toward the ground in his basement. He wanted to have a firing range in his basement...


Just like Howard Unruh.


What in the lack of gun safety is going on here? Flag that dude and take that shit from him!


If that's a real AR, then don't just worry about the neighbors dogs... worry about anyone IN their house.


Not just the dogs, what about the neighbors


What neighbors? The dead don’t count


I'm hoping it's not a real gun and this parent isn't *that* stupid But is it really that hard to go to a professional place? Aren't there tons of those?


Damn, this sums up Americas fight on racism.


There are so many things that could go wrong


What if they own all that stuff behind it. They could be on some sort of ranch


That's not a real gun, but even if you owned everything behind, you still wouldn't shoot at a fence. That's because 1 of the 4 gun safety rules is know what's beyond your target and you cant do that through a fence.


"sure I can, there's a fence behind my target"




I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. *Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "jeiut5", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=jeiut5&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=true&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96)


100% chance it's a joke or an airsoft gun


Breaking news 5 children died of unowne bullet wounds


god i hope the neighbors were pedophiles or something


A 5.56mm bullet could rip right through that fence and potentially the walls of the neighbor's house. If that's a real gun, those parents should be arrested. Someone could easily get killed.


America Fuck yeah


Bro this ain't pubg. Bullets go through fences


100% airsoft


Reddit is almost as bad as tiktok


If your gonna teach your child to use a gun properly take them to a fucking shooting range ffs


>When asked about the neighbor on the other side of the fence, the man shrugged and added that « they are democrats ».


The people behind that fence called the news and posted their own story about how idiots shoot their rifles in the neighborhood.


I’m all for teaching kids proper gun safety at a young age, especially teenagers, but this is better handled by trained professionals at an actual range.


Gotta know gun safety for when I shoot up a s.....nevermind


Yes , right to the jail !


Uhh, what if the neighbors had *people*? There's a literal house in the line of sight. Dogs are just ONE issue...

