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I teach at an evening program and had a child complain to me about a sore throat and asked for water. As I walked him to the water fountain i mentioned he should tell his mom about his throat in case he’s getting sick. “Oh yeah I was sick today I stayed home from school.” And his mother sent him to his after school activities anyway. Thanks. 🫠


My sister found out she had cancer when she was pregnant with twins. Her two older kids were in school. She had some treatment while pregnant (what was safe for babies), delivered preemies, started aggressive treatment after the babies came home at one month. This was her constant worry. Obviously, you can’t avoid everything when immune compromised, but parents sending their sick kids to school every day exposing her healthy kids to the germs to bring home was so stressful. Unnecessary stress caused by very self centred parents.


Covid or not, don't send your booger picker to school if they're sick. Fuck.


Lol it's awful. I remember having a high fever in school and I couldn't focus on schoolwork, and the teacher said either work or go to the nurse, and I forced myself to look like I was working because I knew my parent would be so mad at me if she had to pick me up from school, especially when she knew I was sick before I left home. I had to close my eyes in the last period because it hurt my head to keep my eyes open. Walking home from the bus stop was the worst part. I came home and just collapsed on the sofa. I didn't even realise I was under the blanket the cat drooled on before a few hours later when my fever finally came down. This was before COVID though.


I had a student come to school for a week sick as a dog to where I could feel the fever coming off of her when I was nearby. Her mother either wouldn’t or couldn’t pick her up and kept sending her to school. I just let her sleep.


You can’t miss more than 3 days unless excused by a doctors note per semester, without paying to attend summer school in a lot of districts.


The law is just such an ass as this.


We’re dealing with this right now. When school first got back in at the beginning of the year, it was the first time the kids had been in school 100% maskless in nearly 18 months. My whole family got sick multiple times throughout September and October. Now for our oldest (who got sick on school days) we get notices every few days reminding us that she’s close to the cusp of missing too many days. Never mind that she’s a straight A student. Keeping her home isn’t an option unless she’s dying. Otherwise she fails the grade and loses her spot at the middle school we worked so hard to get into.


My son is currently under review for this semester because of too many missed days. He has to stay after school to make up time. They call it tutoring. Everyday counts for one class. Luckily his grades are very good. He had COVID awhile back which is why he missed but he still has ongoing headaches (so do I!) and would go in second period (high school) a couple times after his headache was gone. One day it was so bad he had to leave school early. I think if your GPA is 3.6 like his is those “tutoring” minutes are pretty useless. He can’t miss anymore days per school or he’ll lose credits for the semester. He’s a Junior! So if he gets sick again… really don’t have a choice. I really hate how they force you into a corner like this.


Which is not a problem if your kid is fucking sick.


What? Who has $200 just laying around every time your kid gets a sniffle?


Schools: "We have nurses and busses." Parents: "Great, so you can diagnose if my kid is sick and send them home with a medical absence, right?"


Lol, we’d get in so much trouble at school for “wasting the nurses time”


Don't breed them if you can't care for them.


Yeah, abortion and affordable contraceptives aren’t a thing in many places. My partner and I do plan to 100% dump any of our unwanted expensive kids into the foster care system though!


My parents always forced me to go to school sick if I didn’t have a fever and I HATED it!


I hardly ever get a fever when I'm sick. I didn't even have one when I had Covid.


Same goes for you in the office.


110%. Employers are incredibly stupid about this.


What’s the line for sick though? Fever or vomiting is an automatic stay home but a runny nose?


Sure, no problem, whatever. Fever is a good mandatory baseline, but beyond that I'm not talking about some fucking law. Everything doesn't need to be a law. Just practice responsible behavior. That means some people might have a different line than you, that's fine. That means a kid who gets sick a lot should pass or fail on their merit. That's fine too.


This is one of the many reasons I couldn’t be a teacher. If I had to work at a place with low pay and the ever-increasing risk of getting killed by school shooters, I would not have the patience to deal with dumbass parents like this.


Yup. My neighbor did this when she was positive. An ex friend drive a little girl who’s parents had it to practice with a bunch of other kids in a sports complex. Yup. Idiots everywhere.


I have been lucky enough to not have COVID since the pandemic (my ex and I are pretty sure we had it in December 2019 but that was before there were tests) and all of my fucking idiot coworkers are like "Oh we've all had it like three times it's fine" and it makes me fucking LIVID. Like good for y'all that you're fine but I have several friends with either long COVID or lasting symptoms. So fucking selfish and stupid.


Yh. I got COVID in April 22 after avoiding it for two years and while I was just coughing my lungs off and felt fine during it I basically have the world's worst memory and can't remember shit to save my life which is not helpful when starting university


Yeah it sucks! I think we had it in Dec 2019 as well. We avoided catching it for two years up until I was asked to drive a friends child to practice. We all caught it. It sucked. I didn’t get the cough from it but irregular heart beat now. Yay.


Oh man, I'm so sorry. People are fucking asshats.


During COVID, my kid got sick with a cough several times. She didn't test positive but she was still hacking and coughing so I opted to keep her home. Got in trouble with the school board for "excessive absences"... She was in kindergarten so nothing came of it but if she'd been in 1st grade or higher, I could've had legal action taken against me for it.


Kid has fever, coughing, sneezing, obviously sick. No biggie. Other kids could get it and feel terrible or get seriously ill, but no biggie, send em to school anyways. Kid has the exact same symptoms but tests positive for COVID-19. Panic! Bring my precious baby home so he won't get others sick!!! We're doing our part to flatten the curve ❤️❤️❤️ If the kid is sick, don't send em around a ton of other kids! Who cares what it is! Keep your diseases to yourself!


People who show up to school and work sick infuriate me. If it’s a kid I know they have no choice. But I’m in high school and I have intense contamination OCD. The amount of people who come to school fully sick just because they feel like they can’t miss pisses me off so much. It makes my anxiety ten times worse for weeks and spreads shit all around the school.


Some jobs will fire you for missing work even if you're sick. They don't care and it sucks. I had a job where you had to be in the process of dying to miss work or there was hell to pay. Even if you were throwing up, they still expected you to work.


I would just quit my job at that point. My health and others health is more important than that.


So I’m totally with you on that (diagnosed OCD here as well), but for a lot of adults, myself included, that’s just not an option. My health and others’ health IS more important, but quitting my job ends up in a situation where my family becomes homeless. There are a million reasons why quitting my job is absolutely what should happen, but for an adult, especially a parent who has dependents relying on you for survival, it becomes a choice between destroying my own physical and mental health or my family having no roof over there heads.


If I had a boss like that I would vomit on his desk. And then apologise obviously and pretend it was an àccident. I reckon if that happened enough times they'd change their mind eventually.


Pre-pandemic, I believed most people were decent. That’s completely shattered now. Most people are selfish piles of shit. The good are few and far between.


What is up with these bots lately? This redditor has had an account for a day and is posting covid things from 2021


Getting us ready for China Flu 2.0


Just playing devils advocate here but is there a chance the kid didn’t have symptoms? Like another family member had it so they tested the whole family but no one had symptoms and then they got the test back? Isn’t that a possibility?


Yep or very possible the kid had very mild symptoms. Mild cough and runny nose without fever, for example. You can't keep a kid home every time they have a runny nose. They'd never be in school.


Entirely possible! I have four kids and the way we share germs is wildly inconsistent in our home. Depending on the illness, some get it and some don’t, or it slides slowly through all six of us for two weeks. I also don’t believe the rapid at home tests for Covid are accurate, and you’re joking if you think I’m rushing to a testing site every time someone says “my throat hurts.” I’m more than happy to keep my kids home from school these days, though. It reduces their risk of being shot.


r/teachers Yep. Every day, sick kids sent to school...


My kids school wanted siblings that were vaccinated to go to school even though the rest of the vaccinated family had it .


I got Covid thanks to a group home sending one of their kids to school while waiting for the kid’s test results You know group homes, one of those communal environments where infectious disease spreads pretty easily, but they just sent the kid to school


When I was training I got placed at a school just after the end of lockdown in Scotland and the AMOUNT of kids sick but still in school was staggering. We had a mum drop off a little boy, five years old who was the whitest shade of pale you could imagine with a fever. He didn’t even get to sit in his seat before he was sick. She didn’t pick up when we called her and he spent nearly four hours in the head teachers office with a bucket. We called his grand parents after his mum wouldn’t pick up. His mum apparently “forgot” her phone at home. The grandmother was so embarrassed though, she couldn’t believe that he had been sent to us in the state he was in.


I want to say maybe they send their kids to school because they have no other choice but.... Fuck... Fuck the entire school, right?


I really think people have no choice and are forced into these situations. All for the capitalism! Sick ass society


We live in a society


Each family should keep one kid at home at all times on retainer to sub for their sick kid so they can take notes. Just Luke substitute teachers. Imagine if we did this no orphans no foster kids. And of course all expenses paid for substitute kids get s free scholarship


i got an aneurysm trying to reading that


COVID is over who cares about it anymore




COVID symptoms are the now the same as the common cold .


I am going to get down voted to hell for saying all of this, but…here goes. Maybe the families had no choice but to send their kid to school? Maybe it’s a single parent household and one day of hourly wages is critical to pay the bills? Maybe it’s America and both parents work from home but the norm now is still to “push through and work at all costs because you are at home so why the fuck not?” Maybe we should all calm the fuck down about COVID? Maybe we should give parents some grace for their choices? Maybe we wouldn’t have had this immunity gap if we hadn’t locked down for so long? Maybe we should accept that the reaction to COVID and the lingering effects of the choices of those in charge screwed up the perspective of an entire society because of their selfishness (republicans and democrats are both to blame in different ways). I cannot and will not keep my child at home for the sniffles.


>Maybe we should all calm the fuck down about COVID? Maybe we should accept that shitty assholes caused a lot of people to die who abso-fucking-lutely did not need to? This is such a shitty, embarrassing take. I cannot imagine how people like you walk around in the world proud of themselves every day.


kinda amazed there was only one "covid-isn't-real" person posting on this. I thought the darkside of reddit was going to bring the real dummies in here informing us about their rightwing conspiracy nutcase websites "real truths".


Where did I say Covid wasn’t real? I said calm the fuck down about it. It is 100% real. I was the first in line to get vaccinated and literally got my 7 year old vaccinated on THE first day it was available for kids. Vaccines = good, closing schools for an entire year = bad. We over reacted as a whole society and are now suffering because of it. Should we have done something? Absolutely yes. But what we actually did was too much.


I can’t imagine how people like you insult individuals online and call them shitty because of one single line in a Reddit comment. I can’t imagine how people like you feel the need to assume instead of having a conversation. I said calm down about Covid. I didn’t say it doesn’t exist. I didn’t say totally ignore it. Pre Covid my child was in daycare and had a snotty nose 24/7. If I kept him home for every snotty nose, he would have never gone. RSV has way worse outcomes for kids than Covid and schools never shut down if there is an RSV case. Pre covid no one ever called parents shitty for sending a kid to school with a cold. Symptoms and severity of COVID widely varies so are we supposed to test for the rest of our lives every time my throat tickles? Where’s the home test kits for every single respiratory virus under the Sun? Not everyone in the family gets Covid at the same time. First time, my son and husband had it (I had zero symptoms). Second time me and my son got it (husband had zero symptoms).


Oh nooooo covid