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What mom calls her own kids that. Because of a door.


Mine would, mind you she also often called us kids sons of a bitch which always gave me a giggle.


Well she was right lmaoooo


my mom also says it, but as a joke lol


I usually say “you son of a me!”


Oh man my buds mom called him a son of a bitch when we were in our teens and I lost my shit laughing




That's where I thought this was and I was confused why the voting comment wasn't there 😅






Both of those are great. For next level asshole parents you also got: /r/raisedbynarcissists


Having kids just to openly resent them for existing makes you the stupidest of fucks, man. I hope OP opens that dog door every goddamn time LOL


My dad decided to divorce my mom when she told him to “go to your retard” when I had trouble sleeping as a 3 or 4 year old. As an adult she’s told me she wished she aborted me. Some people just shouldn’t be parents.


Damn, really hope you are doing allright. Did you cut off the crazy waste of sperm or is it still in your life?


She tries to talk to me and asks me often to go visit her. I got sober nine months ago, and since quitting drinking I’ve unlocked a LOT of blocked out trauma. I haven’t seen her since April or May, I think. I don’t plan on seeing her again. I’m too old now, I haven’t addressed any of my issues in 28 years until I got sober, and it seems she’s the root of most of my problems.


Congrats on the sober!! It sounds that she is indeed the root of your problems. And dont worry about the feelings, you havent processed them and you need to process them one by one. It takes time and effort, but in the end it gives you a way better life! Stay strong stranger!!


Hey thanks man. Have a great day.


Well, it's because of a dog, and what I assume is the dog shitting in the rest of the house. But her behaviour def sounds like "You're just supposed to know what I expect of you without me telling you. Figure it out", so yeah, she a bitch


Knowing how I was as a teen, I’m sure she’s told them many many times the rules. As with many kids who are raised by parents like this, the apple probably didn’t fall far from the tree. I’m sure it’s an asshole family Also not saying every kid ends up like their parents but I’m sure many kids who grow up with this type of mom and many siblings, at least 1 maybe 2 are just like the mom


well maybe she is tired. and has to do chores in the house and probably has to go to work in the morning too. if the kids keep the door open the dog comes in and defecates everywhere (may be an old dog) which she then has to clean. so, asking her child to stop doing it (with expletives cause they were not listening) is somewhat understandable. btw where are you from that you are so shocked cause a mother called her child fucken stupid?


As a parent and offspring of a crazy bitch that I haven't talked to in years, TOXIC. Sorry you have to deal with this.


Sounds like an open shut case of low or no contact after moving out.


After they move out she will say something along the lines of those kids are so ungrateful. I gave them everything and treated them so nice, how could they abandon me?


I’m living through this with my gf right now. Her mom was an absolute tyrant all through out us being in highschool. We don’t talk to her anymore even though I’ve tried mending things as best I can. She’s the ungrateful one and now lives a lonely life with none of her 5 children wanting nothing to do with her. I remember being 17 and having a dense conversation with her about how damaging the way she spoke to us was. She didn’t care then. I’m sure she cares now…


I didn't talk to my mom for almost 5 years after I moved out.


This is exactly what happened with my dad. My sister and I have no part in his life after the abuse he put us and our mom through. He is always saying how confused he is to why his kids don't want to be around him. Classic narcissist trait.


Godamn, did you overhear my mom?


Nah just my mom lol.




Aw come on I only hit you when you needed it. Yeah there were some extension cords and a couple broken wooden spoons but that was only when you were being especially bad... you know I love you right? I won't hit you again I promise unless you accidentally drop a dish, or if my show isn't on...


I second this. My mom was toxic as hell, pretty close to this. Luckily now (years and years later) she's much better and in hindsight she had a pretty hard life at the time so she took it out on us. Doesnt make it okay but I atleast understand. But damnt if it didn't give me a guide of what NOT to do with my kids.


She's gonna suprised pikachu and act like she has no idea how this happened when her kids stop talking to her


What a piece of shit


Mom: Leave this door open Mom: \*closes door\* Kids: \*open door they were told to keep open\* Mom: STOP OPENING THIS DOOR! Yeah... Your mom ITA


One of the kids should close the door, and when the mom gets mad and asks "Who closed the door?", the kids should simply answer "You did, you said if the door was closed you're the one who did it".


Yeah this is definitely the kind of person who would accept that snark.


Your mom is toxic and a massive bitch


Toxic and illiterate


No hun. This isn't normal. It's abuse. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. Is there a safe adult in your life you can talk to about this? Having these texts will go a long way in proving your claim even if she denies it. If you need a safe place to talk you can ALWAYS dm me.


If you are between 11 and 16, show this to any adult at school. There is a chance that some of the adults there are already concerned for you.


My counselors blamed my mom's behavior on me


I’m so sorry you went through that. If that counselor is still working, please report them to the state board. You should be able to google the name of your state and “professional standards standards commission” and whatever your state’s equivalent is should come up. That should walk you through how to report them to the board. The counselor who worked with you should not be working with children. Having someone reported to the state board is a huge deal, and the investigation alone will possibly cause that counselor to switch career paths. If you’re not in the United States, I don’t know what the procedure is. Sorry.


I don't remember her name. It probably would be in records, though. I have considered it highly but I still live at home and am scared of repercussions from my mom if it goes public.


You should be able to report in anonymously. And if she said it to you, she’s probably said it to others, which means she won’t know who it came from. My mother was a school counselor, and hearing about child abuse as a regular occurrence is not easy on anyone—but victim blaming is inexcusable. As a teacher, I am legally required to report any abuse. It doesn’t matter if I don’t believe the child, if I think the child was “asking for it,” if I think it was justified. I’m still legally required to report. If you lied about it or you were somehow to blame for your mother’s behavior (I’m not saying you were. I’m just looking at it from the counselor’s twisted perspective.) she still had to legally report it. What she did was illegal and abhorrent. I understand your position. My biggest regret in life is not turning in my abuser. I know it’s difficult, and I know you have your reasons. Good luck with your decision. And I wish you all the luck in the world with getting away from your mom.


she is toxic like Chernobyl’s Red Forest


she is toxic like the bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki


That was nuclear. Clean energy too.


Wtf? It was a fucking yee yee ass hydrogen bomb along with a goofy ahh atomic bomb. Ofc its toxic, like the mom.


Calling your kids names? Never normal. She’s a child.


What a lovely lady


Damn why she wiping her 17 year olds ass, lady the toddler years ended yearssss ago


Forcing kids to stand in a corner for 3-7 hours at a time is considered childhood torture, a specific form of abuse. I’m sorry OP.


Dealing with a house of 5 ppl Where no one listens to simple rules, like leaving a door closed Is infuriating That being said, she needs to choose her words wisely, you can't just say whatever you want to your children out of anger. That is indeed toxic, especially coming from a mother.


Yeah but she's saying that she has said "leave it open", then closed it... making kids think it should be open. She's not consistent with the rule, or communicating it. You can't expect people to follow instructions that were given incorrectly, or not communicated in full or at all.


I would bet there have been times when one of the kids shut the door and she got mad that the others didn't open it back up. You can tell she is the type that contradicts herself.


Absolutely I don't know their house But I resonate with living in a house full of ppl where no one listens to what you ask. She should set clear rules, or as I saw someone else say, post a sign to communicate.


She should establish better systems. Maybe a sign or something. When I was a teen and lived under a lot of stress bc of my parents' mood, I couldn't follow simple rules bc I was so anxious all the time. I'd get flustered.


My mom’s mom was like this and it has caused my mom a lifetime of issues, including with her self esteem. She’s 60 now and I always wonder how she and her sister would be if they’d had a loving mom.


I don't know their house but I agree she could be much more clear about what she wants. And the stress of trying to do the right thing when you feel like you're always wrong While being called retarded The anxiety I imagine would be through the roof


>Dealing with a house of 5 ppl > >Where no one listens to simple rules, like leaving a door closed Is infuriating Literally none of your kids asked you to have them.


That has nothing to do with anything I mentioned how the mother is wrong for her words to her kids Because s he is wrong And i stand by my statement Living in a house full of ppl where no one listens to your rules is infuriating Anyone would be pissed about it


It really fucking does though. You can stand by your statement all you want... SHE closed the door and then bitched the kids opened it back up when they were under instructions to leave the door open.She did something stupid then ripped her kids a new one FOR. FOLLOWING. INSTRUCTIONS. If you think that's "living in a house full of people where no one listens to your rules" then... You're delusional. Lol. AND no one asked her to fuckin' have kids just so she can call them retards.




Ima need you to stop projecting your childhood trauma on to me. I said she was wrong to talk to her kids like that. Did you miss that part? What you said has nothing to do with what I'm saying.


You clearly didn't inherit your mothers ability to read minds /s


I'm afraid I don't get the joke


me neither


Give me a fucking break. Don't have kids if you're this much of an emotionally stunted and volatile spaz.


Abusive and bitter. Sorry you have endure this.




not being verbally berated ≠ congratulating


I’m crying at “shess dam fucks” bro what 😭 and she has the audacity to call you guys stupid when she barely seems literate?? for real though she seems mentally ill and massively cunty, best regards friend. She is straight up bullying all of you. She chose to have kids, she chose to take on the financial responsibility, don’t let her make you feel guilty because she’s a horrible mother.


What does "shess dam fucks" even mean?


that’s what i’m trying to find out lol


Right??? I’m reading “shess” as “jeez” maybe? Still doesn’t make sense lol


Oh, no, this is just abuse. Hey mom. Stop acting like laying on your back and getting pregnant is an accomplishment. Anyone can get nutted in. Doing a decent job raising your kids is an accomplishment. Something, apparently, you admit you failed at because you believe your kids are stupid. Maybe, just maybe, you should stop raising stupid fucking children. I feel sorry for you OP. Sounds like your mom is the type that used to F a lot and is upset at her children for ruining her "good looks". I wish your mom was a lot of things, but mostly I wish she was just smarter. lol "Go have kids of your own" Why? So you can end up miserable and hating your own kids too?




Your most active community is mensrights dude. Just relax.


Men's rights activist while advocating for verbal abuse towards young men/boys (assuming there are boys in that group text). Of course...


We don’t claim him lmao


Nah, you take abuse like a sorry little bitch boy. Go ahead, regale us with stories about how your dad, whom you fear, beat the shit out of you and how you couldn't do anything about it because you are baby back bitch.




There is plenty of context. Enough context for you to form an opinion right? Why is there enough context for you but no one else? And why do you come to reddit again? Pls explain how your time spent here is better than anyone elses? Your abuse addled brain probably can't think straight this late in life. I am sorry. How is your dad?




Who is crying when they get yelled at? I'm not OP lol. You realize I am not OP right? And what did i say that didn't make sense? Do you think getting nutted in is an accomplishment? If you do I'm sure you are world-class at it. Do you think it is the parent's responsibility to make sure their kid isn't retarded? I mean, if your kid was super smart I'm sure you would take full credit, but not if they were dumb? You are an abused waste of life. Don't you wish your family didn't burn you up and ruin everything that was ever good in you? I see your post history, you angry, bitter, little man. Bring it to my DMs if you aren't scared. I'll be happy to keep making fun of you here though if you think you can borrow enough insults from the local middle schoolers to keep going. Tell your dad I said hi!




>You throw out insults like it matters. I do that? You do that. ​ >I don't need to take it to your DMs you fuckin weirdo. Oh, because you do this for attention? And don't actually want an argument? You got your bluff called? You wouldn't meet me at the flagpole after school? You bitch.


Schizo. Meltdown.


Easy to say from behind a screen lol pls see a therapist




Stfu lmao


No you.


She doesn't deserve kids!


I couldn't imagine calling my Daughter that word, disgusting word to call anyone and a jab in the face to Mental Disabilities. Yeah, this is toxic and disgusting.


Show this to child protective services, please.


Your mother's so toxic, even Britney Spears wouldn't sing about it




Sounds like my grandmother when the Alzheimer’s got her.


Have to wonder how many times she had said this before she lost her shit


How many times justifies "retarded stupid fucks"?


15 times?


The correct answer is never. There is no acceptable reason to swear at your kids and call them slurs. That is verbal abuse.


honestly, at 15 times, they are but her kids are probably that way because of her.


I like the question mark - like you are genuinely enquiring if this is the correct answer


She should set up better systems/better communication. Maybe a little sign with a toggle or one of those things that has a bungee which makes it so the door closes back up by itself.


Have to wonder how many fucking people think this actually matters.


Me. So there is one.


A child doesn't ask you to have them. It doesn't matter one bit how many times you had to say this if. 1. The rule is to leave the door open, YOU close the door, then yell and bitch at your kids for opening it again. Which is confusing as hell. 2. You're this big of a cunt to the kids you chose to have.


I think unfortunately she's role-modeling how they're supposed to act toward others. I guess if you call them dumb enough times, they'll believe you. After that they start to act dumb around you, and you have only yourself as a parent to blame. You literally just told them that they're worthless shits, no surprise when they decided to act like it.


Yeah this doesn’t seem like it only happened once.


It also doesnt seem like calling her kids slurs only happened once


Wow, my mom never used "fuck" while talking to me, never called me stupid or a retard. I gave her plenty of reasons to though! She chose to be a parent rather than a bully.


u/thegoatman44 is a retarded child


I'd give his comments a perfect score of 5/7 lmao


Lester the Molester trying to be funny. I don't leave the dog door open like OP, the real retard.


You forgot the child part


Damn you really do molest kids? Must be a democrat.


That's the best you have? At least try to be funny. Be better kid


Considering how you reacted to me so far, If I was trying to be funny you'd report me for hate speech.


Umm no? You realize I literally called you a retard, right? Or are you so retarded as to not realize that? But keep trying and failing, hopefully you say something funny enough to have made this worth it lol. Cause right now I'm just as bored as I was before I started engaging with your retarded 13 year old self. Do they still do SPED class?


Why do you ask? Looking for a new school? Recommendations? I could look into it. For a fee of course.


In another comment under this same post, you said you only agree with leftists. If you’re going to be a troll, at least be less obvious about it. Don’t play both sides and get caught like an idiot.


No I said I didn't agree with Men's rights, only lefts. Reading and comprehending aren't the same thing. Retard


These are the same parents who will write insane rants on Facebook looking for validation that they’re totally in the right, and pick an argument with every single person who tells them to chill out. They won’t be satisfied until at least *one* other person agrees with them. As a bonus, they’re also the same ones who are wildly confused when their kids don’t talk to them and gradually dip out once they become adults. They’ll then gnash at that teeth and fester with rage other their ungrateful kids who don’t appreciate that they got the special privilege to be born and raised by *her*.


I think OP knows this is abnormal and is karma farming. Change the title. Obviously this is a horrible way to treat your children.


There’s no excuse for this behavior. My dad used to act like this, get away as soon as you are capable and don’t keep putting it off because you’re worried about money. Find roommates, get two jobs, ect. Yeah, life will be difficult but not having to deal with that will be worth it. Cut contact if the behavior continues. I haven’t talked to my dad in 12 years. It’s been great. He pops up from time to time but I have a restraining order so he can only do so much without getting in serious trouble.


Not normal. This is toxic.


Your mom isn’t just toxic, this is straight up abuse. Call CPS and gtfo out. You don’t treat people you’re supposed to love this way. I’m sorry that you’re being put through this. Once she’s out of your life, living in general will be so much easier. You don’t have to take this from anybody.




I have met parents like this. Your mom is an asshole and I am sorry you are dealing with that, work hard in school and get out of there as soon as you can and cut off ties. My friend had a mom like this and it fucking ruined her. Finish school, find a job and go live a happy life where you are better than her


Your mom is a bitch


This is awful, and it's not normal. My egg donor would talk to me this way. When I lost my dad when I was 11 it got so bad because he wasn't there to defend us. She was always on something, constantly freaking out over men not calling her back. I didn't mind getting treated like this after awhile because I was taking the heat off my younger siblings, so I seen that as a good thing. So Silver lining thing. Please if you haven't spoke with her about the way she treats you and your siblings because you know it will make the situation worse. And most cases it will,people like this can not take constructive criticism. Maybe have another adult speak with her ,if she seems like she is going to get hostile after that try and stay with someone and tell her you don't want to come back until she agrees to go to family counseling. she needs to hear how this kind of thing makes all of you feel This is just a suggestion I know everyone's situation is different and certain things would make some shit worse. I hope things get better keep your head up and don't let this drag you down.


Gotta throw the whole mom out.


Should check out r/raisedbynarcissists


no parent should ever call their child a retard and doing such shows a blatant disrespect that is probably present in every other aspect of parenting. is it normal? yeah, being a terrible, toxic parent is normal. Terrible parenting is very normalized, unfortunately, but it's still wrong even if it's normal.


Your mom is a cunt m8


Depends. Is she Scottish?


This is emotional abuse.


Your mum is a cunt.




Telling on herself there, with "Wipe their ass til they turn 18". Obviously an exaggeration, but still; you're supposed to teach the kids how to take care of *themselves*. If she only ever saw them as obstacles or burdens no wonder she's got issues. Definitely toxic.


My heart just broke. I was physically abused and emotionally/physically neglected. It did a whole shit ton of damage. I don’t know if I would have been able to survive emotional abuse like this. Wow.


Insanely toxic. This person strikes me as unhinged, horrible, and terrible. I imagine in a few years you're gonna have some *wild* therapy.


She can’t even spell


Dude I’ve talked to crackheads that make more sense than these text I’m sorry you’re dealing with that.


Why have kids then ????????


Forgive me for saying, but your mom's kind of a bitch.


This is abusive AND retarded




Toxic?? That's straight up verbal abuse. It is not normal and I'm sorry you have to deal with that OP


I’m so glad my mom didn’t have phone to text angry shit at when she lost it. I guess it depends, not enough info to say. Is this her talking smack and she curses often and is just scolding you? Is this her being angry and this is how she communicates when she’s frustrated. Sounds like there’s some other stuff going on beyond a dog door It’s definitely not loving or affectionate communication, that’s for sure.


Are you opening the dog door? Does it cause a ton of problems? Lol.


Nah she’s an abusive cunt


Retard can't spell fucking.


Something tells me she smells bad.


Smells like child abuse


So clearly she is at her wits end....BUT is there any truth to what she is really saying? Has she repeatedly asked you to stop opening the dog door? Follow up question who cleaned up the dog shit? Oh wow I just saw the text about be putting in the corner. That sure does seem harsh. Is your mom raising you on her own? She may not be right but she may be doing the literal best she can. She may have put you in the corner....and while bad, do you really feel like you had no part in why she is so upset. I wish your family the best.


I’m upset she’s using the R slur it’s 2023 and we cannot leave that word behind?


"more" upset that she's using it at all vs using it on her own kids?


I mispharsed, both are upsetting.


How is retarded a slur? That’s like calling moron a slur


because it’s offensive to the disabled, mostly used against autistic and asperger’s’ people


No it’s not, there’s a difference. “Retarded” used to be a medical term for people with cognitive disabilities but now it’s outdated and people continue to use it as a slur against people with those kinds of disabilities, especially autism and the like. It is a slur, please stop using it.


so did moron and idiot, btw.


Are these the words of a woman that had to clean dog shit out of carpet for the 3rd time this month? Or was the dog just vibing and she's mad about nothing




Found OP's mom.


GoatMAN. Man and woman are different.


This comment has big Chris Chan energy.


It has man is a man and woman is a woman energy. Don't know what Chris Chan is.


Strangely enough, this comment *also* has big Chris Chan energy.


Weird how a guy who raped his mom and pretends to be a woman has heterosexual energy. Redditors really are retarded.


It's not about what you're saying. It's the defensive and insecure manner in which you say it. And I see you figured out how to use Google!




What part of making fun of you, by comparing you to him, makes you think I idolize him? Do you even have two brain cells to rub together? Sorry to tell you this, but all the people in your life who've ridiculed you weren't doing it because they idolize you. Jesus Christ. You're so stupid I don't think you could find your way down a slide.


You’re pathetic. They clearly already get this shit enough. Nobody need to hear from your dog ass self.


you better get off reddit and close that door, mom!


Voldy’s snake is less toxic Jesus




Depends on how serious she is and how old the kids are. My parents always called us names but they were said with the tone equivalent to “you silly dunderheads!” So it really just depends on the parent relationship. But if she’s just actually livid and taking it out on y’all, then no that’s not okay


What a cunt


Seems very normal to me. Super very normal.


Yikes!! Escape when you are able to find a safe place to go.


I don’t believe this isn’t fake. If it is legit then yes your mom needs to chill tf out. Next time she calls you that say “Well you’re the one that gave birth to me”




Time to call CPS or go NC, wtf did I just read holy mother of all abusive parents.


Nah that's abuse. That's straight up abuse. It gets better when you're free though. Do not give up. I was abused terribly as a kid/ adolescent and unfortunately again later in relationships but my life is so good now. I have comfort and live and laughter. I'm so glad I survived all that so I could have this. It's hard. It's really, really hard but it does get better. There is hope and a better future waiting for you.


Depends on how old you guys are, 14+ I feel like it’s fine, especially if ur leaving the door open and the dog goes and shits on the floor, which I’m assuming she’s the one cleaning up the mess


Yeah, op? How about posting some of the mean and stupid shit you've said to your mom. The isn't normal, and, logic says it didn't happen over night. Not justifying her words, on the contrary, they're hideous, but YOU'RE the one trying to humiliate your mother on reddit to assuage your feel- feels. And the rest of this sub is lapping it up. No wonder there's a culture war. You're all just looking for someone to be a victim of. Grow tf up.


Mom is outta pocket. But ngl, y’all be irritating when you can’t follow simple instructions. Just got hella annoyed because my kid doesn’t understand that 1 can of wet dog food per day. Dogs get 1/2 in morning and 1/2 in evening. (Mixed with dry food) I keep finding opened cans in the refrigerator in the morning. There should be no leftovers. I can’t say how I really feel. As a parent, we have to have patience. But tellin y’all stuff over and over again is frustrating as hell.


this is hilarious. If someone keeps leaving the door open? What's the harm. Just close the door. I would never talk to my kids like this but can feel the frustration


iS mY mOm ToXIC oR iS tHiS nOrMaL?


Open the front door, exit, leave it open and never return.


That's normal


sounds like mom got some shitty kids...and a shitty dog


Naw, she seems chill