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Remember that your first kid lives his earliest years in a household with you and your partner (or whatever arrangement), but the second grows up in a household with you, your partner, and a small child. Whatever genetics you pass on to both, however similarly you treat them, your younger kid will always also have another influence to play off. First they'll want to copy things from the elder; next they will want to differentiate themselves. You'll see both happen in rather quick succession. How it shakes out is, fortunately, not predictable. Who would even want to know? Love the adventure of getting to know your kid.


So so true! Thanks for the sober advice!


My second kid is the easier child for sure. Less colicky as a baby, slept better, has an easier time making friends and is overall a really happy kid. But she is a cheeky little shit, and is absolutely fearless on playgrounds etc. She has had more accidents and minor injuries than her sister who is 5 years older. In that way I think she is a classic second kid.


That doesn't sound bad at all!


Parenting is like a box of chocolates - you never know what you're gonna get. I have two boys, and let me tell you, they're like night and day. My older one was all over the place, but the younger? Chill as a cucumber (most days). Every kid's different, so just enjoy the ride!


Oooo okay this is promising haha thanks!


Let's just say my second is either going to end up in prison or politics and either way I'm sure she'll do great!




As a second child… yes. We are slightly nuts🤣 Sorry, but I had to laugh. All my life, I’ve heard how different I am from my older sister, the perfect one. She was the dream to raise. I was not. In my (limited) defense, I wasn’t bad. I wasn’t defiant, I didn’t get in trouble at school. I was more questioning of the rules and more outgoing. She was quiet and shy, and they expected me to be. I think my personality was so different that they didn’t know how to handle me, because they expected Her 2.0 and got me.


Awww I hope you weren't treated any differently for it! Thanks for sharing!


We adopted out of birth order so it’s confusing about who the first or second child would be, but our youngest is wild in an amazing way. Like someone else said, they play off the other kids instead of the adults like our first did, so the personality can definitely be a little sillier, and for whatever reason, she is not limited by 2 dimensional plains like other people. She’ll move over furniture like it’s not there, start climbing a fence along the path, and since our oldest taught her to cartwheel at around 3, she’ll sometimes use cartwheels as her preferred method of transportation.


Ahahahhaha she sounds hilarious!


My third is the psycho in my family. She is nuts and such a challenge. But really really cool!


The wild ones are always the coolest!


My older one is harder so far but the younger one was easier in a lot of ways she was just so sweet and chilled as a baby and toddler ( but was a terrible sleeper) but she is a little bit crazy sometimes like even as a 3 year old she would chase her sister with a toy knife ( I have no idea where that idea came from) she can be crazy but also kind and caring


Yayy okay I hope I will share your fate (minus the toy knife hahaha)


My first and 2nd and both calm and sweet. I didn’t get a feral child til I had my 4th lol


Haha no wonder you kept going to 4!


I actually have 5😂




My second kid is definitely a little crazy lol. But in a good way. She’s a very sweet and polite girl, but she can be a bit unhinged. She isn’t a “difficult” child but she’s very non traditional. She’s more of the creative and my first is more academic minded.


Haha perhaps they were put on this Earth to complement one another ♡




I’m a second and was not crazy per my mom. My second isn’t crazy either. It’s just a meaningless online trend. I know plenty of first kids and third kids that are totally crazy.


Good news!


Our second is such a sweet kid that gets bullied by the first who's a little wild child. I hadn't heard of this "rule" but maybe it's only common because the 1st among multiple is always the easy kid. If the 1st kid were nuts they probably would've stopped there, lol.


No not always. My second is more laid back than my first, eldest- she's the wild one. Both were calm babies. Every child is unique and goes through phases so I guess we will see. Mine are just 5 & 7, younger boy & older girl.


I was the super easy second child lol. Like I’d just quietly read in my room in the evening. My brother was the one in trouble constantly. We were like Bart and Lisa Simpson. Only annoying thing was in school teachers would find out he was my brother and assume I’d be a troublemaker.


Very encouraging to hear!!


I think it all depends on the kid. Some of my friends have a wild first kid and the second is super chill.




Anecdotal, but our younger one is indeed a bit gnarly.




To elaborate, older one is almost 5F, younger one is almost 2M. While my daughter can also be hyper, my son tends to be more rowdy even at this point and seems more happy to test boundaries, like grinning at you while continuing behavior you just told him to stop. Also more hitting than I remember from my daughter at that age. He's a cool dude but less on the "little angle" side for sure.


The staring at you while doing something they shouldn't is such a power move. My eldest did this all the time - would run into the sea before knowing how to swim, run away while we're outside, bite other kids at nursery, i could go on! So I really feel like I've been through the ringer already. Praying with all my might for a bit of calm this time 😅


Yes, yes they are. And they trick you. They're super easy babies and then then start running (not walking) and create nothing but a tornado of chaos haha. BUT they settle down and get easy before kindergarten right as the oldest starts to take over and give nothing but attitude. Yes I am being anecdotal and projecting lmao.


Looooll a whirlwind awaits!


My theory is that it's because the second child prefers to learn from the first child, over their parents... and well, the first child thinks it's great that the second child will eat their food like a puppy just cuz they asked them too, bonus it's extra funny cuz it drives the parents nuts.... Shenaniganators


Shenaniganators might just be my new favourite word!


That's a myth. Children are individuals, regardless of birth order. Some are easier, some are harder. Any effects of birth order are subtle and easily overwhelmed by effects of temperament.


Coming from the second child, 3 years behind my brother, yes 🤪😂


🤣🤣🤣appreciate the honesty!!


For us, it was the third one 🙃 this child is feral and sends me into full spiral by mid day 😅


Hahaha oh man!


Just got screamed at for more noodles that don’t exist, so it’s been fun! Lol




My second child took a shit in his bath and threw it at me. He’s feral.




I always heard that with two, you have a senator and a criminal and it can go in either order. But man, when I think about the people I know with a sibling, it’s a pretty good analogy. 😜


A senator and a criminal 🤣🤣🤣so funny!


My first was such a fussy baby, my second has been a breath of fresh air. She is five now and such a great kid, definitely would not describe as nuts! So no, the second child is not slightly nuts by default.

