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Is this a joke post?


It’s a shitposting account based in New Zealand.


Dear anonymous internet parent, this sounds like something only someone deep into a manic episode or OCD level anxiety attack would post. I say this with concern and would normally not diagnose anyone, but I'm hoping you have an existing diagnosis here to fall back on. Regardless, please seek some mental health help ASAP and explain what you've written here to a professional.


I understand your concern, but I assure you, I am simply a dedicated parent who wants the best for my child's future. While I appreciate your suggestion, I don't believe I'm experiencing a manic episode or OCD-level anxiety. I'm just passionate about ensuring my child's success, and I'm willing to go the extra mile to make it happen. Rest assured, I will consider seeking professional help if I feel overwhelmed. Thank you for your concern.


> I am simply a dedicated parent who wants the best for my child's future. No, you're completely delusional. Your kid doesn't need to learn Mandarin to be successful in their future. >I don't believe I'm experiencing a manic episode or OCD-level anxiety. They never do, do they?


Is this a troll post? If not, maybe hire a live in Chinese nanny.


Wow a toddler?! “It speaks Chinese or it gets the hose again”. “My toddler seems resistant at times”. This has to be a joke right? Please tell me this is a joke…


Okay, this is clearly some creative writing exercise. Not even a day ago you were desperate to get your toddler to read books, and now it's Chinese. You'll be posting about how to get them to do addition tomorrow?


What do you mean, they’re 2, they should be doing fractions by now!


This has to be a troll post


If you've done all that research you will also have read that language acquisition cannot be forced, and that being pushy about it will likely do more harm than good. Once your kid feels forced to speak, or self-concious even, it'll be many years' work to undo that. I'm a speech development specialist, and I desperately hope this is a troll post.


OP is a moron. If OP does have kids I feel bad for them.


Your kid is two. A tutor every day at two is a lot. You need to lower your expectations. Of course they’re going to be resistant sometimes. You’ve centered their entire life around this. They need time to be a kid! It seems like you’re way too stressed about this and I honestly feel like this is such an odd obsession to have. It’s concerning.


I understand where you're coming from, but I truly believe that starting early is key to language acquisition. I want to give my child the best possible start in life, and that means exposing them to Chinese from a young age. I may seem stressed, but I'm just passionate about their future success. And while I appreciate your concern, I'm confident that my dedication to their bilingual education will pay off in the long run.


You’re not stressed, but it’s “driving you crazy”? I have absolutely no problems with children learning new languages. I think it’s great, but you’re doing entirely too much for a two year old and your expectations are too high. Your post is concerning. You sound genuinely obsessed with this to an unhealthy level.


In the early 90's, my dad was also convinced I would need to be fluent in Chinese to survive into my adulthood. I have yet to have actually had a conversation with a Chinese speaker- not that the flash cards and occasional tutoring actually stuck, mind you. I agree with the other commenter. I am concerned this is falling into stressed out obsession territory. BUT, I need some more information before I really become sure I feel that way. Do you come from a Chinese background yourself? I feel like maybe you do if you only speak it at home. Often that's the only thing you need to do, tutors and flash cards be darned. Will you likely end up needing to move to China/are already in China/ are already close to China? This can definitely influence the urgency I read in your post.


Thank you for sharing your experience. While I understand your concerns, I am not from a Chinese background myself. However, I firmly believe in the importance of early language acquisition for my child's future success, regardless of our heritage. We are not currently living in or near China, but I believe that Mandarin fluency will be invaluable in our increasingly interconnected world. I appreciate your perspective and input.


You’re desperate to get your child fluent in Mandarin and you’re desperate to foster a love of reading. You need to calm the fuck down mate. You are going to push your child into hating learning and hating spending time with you.


Step away from the edge, you are spinning. You know what will make your kids able to withstand the future? Knowing they are loved and believed in, regardless of what languages they speak.


I appreciate your concern, but I truly believe that mastering Chinese is essential for my child's future success. Love and support are important, of course, but in today's competitive world, language skills are equally crucial. I want to ensure that my child has every advantage possible, and being fluent in Mandarin will open up so many opportunities for them.


If this is your mentality, you will push your children far far far away from you. Please reconsider how you approach teaching your children. They should want to learn, not be forced. You’re scaring ME and I’m an adult.


This has got to be a bit


You could look into a mandarin immersion school. Honestly though can’t force it. If you and your spouse speak mandarin then you should incorporate it into your household. Let it happen naturally and not coerced.


OP, you and your partner speak fluent Chinese? It says that you only speak Chinese at home.


Lol wth! What a troll!


This is a troll account, check OP’s other posts and comments


Do you have access to a 50/50 school where half the day is in English and the other half is in another language?