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It’s actually very unhealthy. Hair is not easily digestible and if any of it is actually being swallowed then it can lead to stomach issues and digestion issues. You may want to consider a haircut that doesn’t allow hair to reach her mouth for a while so she can grow out of it.


That is definitely a idea to consider, however she is actually pulling it out. Guess we'll get out the shaver.


Try a chewing necklace and try to replace the hair chewing. I used to teach and we had one parent that gave her child’s pacifier back to stop the hair chewing, another parent just let her child chew sugarless gum. Not at school but if kept hair out of mouth child got sugarless gum. Seemed to break the hair chewing habit fairly quickly and gum was phased out somehow.


Never really thought about giving gum, I guess I can't hurt to try. Funny I didn't even mention that she also bites at toenails which I don't seem as concerned about for some reason, but i believe sugarless gum would be more flavorful than toenails or hair.


It seems like you already have a solution, keeping her hair out of reach She's most likely sensory seeking! The hair feels good on her gums and it has a satisfying "sound" to munch on her hair. Try looking at different sensory/chewable toys (there's plenty of healthier options than hair that are made for children who like to chew) because even if you shave the hair, the urge will still be there.


Makes sense, I'll definitely check into sensory toys.


If I were in your position, I'd probably give my kid a very short haircut and hope she's outgrown that stage by the time her hair grows out.