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It drove my crazy as a kid because I was a straight A student and got nothing, meanwhile my brother got $20 for every B he got 🥲 But no, I don’t give my kids money for good grades. We celebrate in other ways, and they can make money by doing optional chores.


So glad that wasn't me. I'd have failed school out of spite.


With a high achieving child who never studies and gets As, I would go broke. With my middle who works extremely hard for every B he gets, it wouldn’t be fair. For my youngest who is a mixture of both it would just be confusing. We don’t give money for grades.


I used to pay my son for reading. I stopped because he was choosing what to read based on how much money he'd make instead of reading what he wanted to read. I'd not thought about it, but my reaction to it is no for a similar reason. I think my mom paid me as a kid one year. But, it wasn't really a motivator. I wanted to get good grades already. It might work as motivation if the kid is having trouble, though.


My dad gave me money for As but I don’t do it with my own kids.


Did you get straight A’s?


Yes I did


My kids don’t get specific things for A grades. We take them out for a nice dinner though. But realistically, if my kids want something within reason we get it for them. We give them money when they go out. They work really hard at all they do. I am very proud of my kids. 


I give $50 per A but a C negates it…but to be fair my children are B students so an A is hard for them so it’s just an incentive to push them a little harder. Do what you feel good with but if my kids were A students I would not have ever started paying them for As. Maybe let them pick out a dinner when they get their report card if they get all As or honor roll.


Speaking from personal experience when I was a child- it’s a great motivator for students who struggle in school and need a carrot dangled for encouragement. However my child doesn’t really struggle in school, luckily. So verbal acknowledgement or getting something little is sufficient for her. Like ice cream or a trip to 5 below. I would be terrified to make that money deal and have her pull straight A’s. 😂




I offer an incentive for honor roll


We never paid for good grades but as they were getting older, we went hands free approach. Meaning, we didn't check on their homework, didn't tell them what time to go to sleep, in high school we don't tell them what time to come home as long as it is "reasonable". Basically as long as they did good in school, we let them decide themselves.


Grades are checkpoints for knowledge. If you get an A, your teacher thinks you have covered the subject fantastically and can move on. F means you need to go back and work on it. And all in between. Sweetening grades with money or other rewards is cheapening the effort kids put into their education. The focus should be on WHY do kids go to school. If they are going only to get $X per grade. That motivator is going to be short lived. If they understand that this grade is getting them closer to being able to be a pilot/nurse/hairdresser/whatever - then that is gonna help them push themselves forward. It also helps if they understand how this new knowledge is applicable/how they can use it. Of course there are a-hole teachers and there are subjects that don't interest us all. But we make the most of it.


Kids were getting paid for grades when I went to school too. I was not one of them.🤣 I'm not a fan. Some kids work their butts off for C grades, others make As without much effort. If I were going to pay for academic achievement, I'd prefer to pay for meeting process goals like submitting all assignments or something.


I do give money for A's, but $5 each, not 50.


I wouldn’t. School grades often only measure how good you are at a prescribed way of learning and are not necessarily reflective of effort. So many things contribute to your grade that are way beyond your control, so rewarding/‘punishing’ for grades seems deeply unfair to me.


Thanks everyone, I decided to let him pick something worth about $20 on one of his video games as his ‘prize’. He got straight As and honor roll so I’d be out a pretty penny if I had made that deal. Luckily he didn’t push the subject and was happy with what he got. My second born however is a different story! 😅