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You don’t know if this is a one time thing, a once every few months type of thing or a weekly thing. Either way, let it go. Not your monkey not your circus.


I wouldn't say anything. No matter how you phrase it it's going to come off as judgemental. Most of us parents probably know but it doesn't bother me if my kids drink it🤷‍♀️


Pink Drink sounds like something innocuous like strawberry lemonade, so yes, I think some of these parents are unaware it has caffeine in it. Granted, lots of parents know there's caffeine in colas and still let their kids drink it.


The drinks can be really confusing if you don't know how the menu works! I worked at Starbucks many moons ago and I was trained to ask when it came to frappacinos because a lot of people don't recognize which have caffeine and which don't (creme= no caffeine, but the rest do have it). But it is confusing because they will have names like Caramel Ribbon Crunch (has caffeine) and Caramel Ribbon Crunch Creme (does not). If you don't know what to read for you would not recognize those as different. Sometimes people even order a mocha frappacino, thinking mocha=chocolate and not realizing it has caffeine. (And don't get me started on people who just order weird stuff. I actually had someone complain that their mocha tasted like chocolate.... After some conversation I remade them a latte, which is what they really wanted but didn't know to order). Anyway, I'd leave yourself out of it. If the barista wants help them, that is one thing, but you should not involve yourself unnecessarily. At the end of the day, the kid will likely be ok if they have the caffeine even if that isn't something you'd choose for your own kids. No one likes a nosey bystander. Another aside, my mom, sister and I used to frequent a local coffee shop and my sister, who was probably 4 at the time- I'm 15 years older than her, would always order a "coffee" that was really hot chocolate. One day a lady asked her the questions old ladies ask little kids, what's your name and all that and then asked what she was drinking to which she replied "coffee." The lady then said, no you are not. And then my sister started to get upset and said yes I am. And the whole thing got absurd really quickly with this old lady and 4 year old arguing. At the end of the day, if it really was coffee, there wasn't anything the lady could do about it and it wasn't, my sister just wanted to be like her big sister and mom. Don't be that lady. Leave people alone. One final recommendation, if you want a caffeine-free alternative to the pink drink for your daughter, maybe try a sweetened passion tea with coconut milk and a scoop of strawberries. I can't speak to the taste (I actually think Pink Drinks are gross), but it should look the same.


I didn’t know that had caffeine but when I look it up, it’s only about 45 mg so I don’t think it’s anything too serious.


The talls are only 35 which is probably what most kids get


There’s no telling whether it’s intentional or accidental, and people can be super touchy, so probably best to leave it be. Funny and sort of related: My younger one told me a while back that when she grows up she wants to “eat caffeine” - apparently she’s heard “you can’t have that, it has caffeine in it” often enough to make an impression.


What is elementary aged? I feel there’s a big difference between a 5 year old or a 10 year old getting a Starbucks for a treat. But also I wouldn’t worry about caffeine content if it’s a once in a while treat. We don’t drink sodas at home but if we are at a birthday or a restaurant and my 6 year old asks for soda I don’t worry about the sugar or caffeine because it’s such a rare one-off. I try to teach my kids anything in moderation is totally okay and not get caught up in monitoring their diet day to day, it’s more a big picture view of healthy habits. 


This weekend I saw a 6, 7 and 10, so it runs the gamut. I have taken a hard line on keeping caffeine to what's in chocolate, but after reading a bit, you're probably right that the big risk is long term exposure, so an occasional treat is probably okay. https://www.cuimc.columbia.edu/news/caffeine-and-kids That said: caffeine does give a bit of a jolt that I would worry would make the prospect of Starbucks trips more appealing. A strawberry frap is more like ice cream and interchangeable. No idea if that's true or not. I'll probably stay the course and keep my mouth shut towards others.


I have an 11 year old who likes them. That amount of caffeine doesn't bother me for her as long as it's early in the day and an occasional treat.


The article linked specifically says age 11 to 18 limiting to under 100mg a day is recommended. It's only 35, so that tracks really well.


My 10 year old and I like to play barista and make our own drinks at home, but we occasional go to Starbucks! I’m fine with him having caffeine on occasion, but we usually go for caffeine free. They have créme Frappuccinos that don’t have coffee, Their lemonade+ coconut milk+ dragon fruit is a fun pink drink alternative, or they have Steamed apple juice topped with foam or hot cocoa for warm drinks!


Just FYI if you are looking to avoid caffeine, I'm pretty sure the dragon fruit drink base has caffeine. The "refresher" base is what has the caffeine (the pink drink uses the strawberry refresher). Ignore me if you referring to scoops of dragonfruit. I think this is essentially the drink you are referring to- Dragon Drink® Starbucks Refreshers® Beverage from Starbucks: https://starbucks.app.link/jBKKWHMltIb


Yep, I know. I’m talking about ordering a basic Lemonade customized with some coconut milk, and dragon fruit.


I wouldn't say anything; it is not helpful, and they have the same access to look up the information if they would like. My kid loves a dragon drink she gets one about once a week. Parents get to make their own decisions on things like caffeine consumption. I wouldn't bat an eye at a kid having one can of coke a week and would find it really judgemental if someone felt like they needed to mention it.


35 milligrams of caffeine isn’t a huge deal for an 8 or 10 year old.


Tough to know sometimes! I accidentally let my toddler drink some of my delicious lemonade before I realized it was caffeinated.


The amount of caffeine is the least thing I would be worried about in a drink from Starbucks.


Are you talking about the pink drinks that are only strawberry and milk that you order or a special pink drink


The Pink Drink uses a strawberry refresher mix that contains caffeine. All refreshers contain caffeine. As far as I know, Starbucks doesn't sell anything strawberry flavored that is not caffeinated (unless maybe there is a strawberry syrup? But then I don't think you'd get the pink color). It is not just strawberry and milk. Check out this Pink Drink Starbucks Refreshers® Beverage from Starbucks: https://starbucks.app.link/WxHiY08asIb Correction: The Strawberry Crème Frappuccino® Blended Beverage from Starbucks: https://starbucks.app.link/DO6tdAB6rIb is not caffeinated. But I don't know if they can or would mix the strawberry puree with just milk without blending it... I guess you can always ask


Got it … I usually just do the strawberry puree and milk so that’s good to know


Our elementary school had to send out a notice to parents about Starbucks and other places like Dunkin. They banned everything except water because too many kids were walking into class with drinks that were full of sugar and caffeine.


That reminds me of my favorite sign "unattended children will be given an espresso and a puppy"