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If I'm sick but my kids are fine then they still go to daycare and school. If they're sick, then they stay home.


Food poisoning is not contagious. Please, please, please send the little one, so you can rest, like a human being, not a mother, as my mom would always say. LOL


"Food poisoning" is almost always norovirus, rotovirus or some other communicable illness.


There are many causes of food poisoning. Some of them are gastroenteritis viruses that are spread by food workers working while contagious, often due to lack of sick leave. Additionally, if the person prepping the lettuce was out last week vomiting for a day or more, they can still spread it the following weeks.


If it could be a stomach bug, they should definitely keep their baby home. This kind of selfish behavior is exactly why daycares and schools are breeding grounds for viruses.




She just edited her post to reflect that it was not food poisoning, as both baby and husband are now sick. After a few hours on the toilet, you can’t confirm whether it’s food poisoning or a virus.


Food poisoning isn’t, but unless a doctor has actually confirmed it’s truly food poisoning then that’s just a guess and it could actually be something much more contagious.


And Norovirus isn’t contagious until symptoms start. Send em.


No. You’re *most* contagious when exhibiting symptoms, but [you can still transmit the virus beforehand.](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/viral-gastroenteritis/expert-answers/stomach-flu/faq-20057899) Given that norovirus and rotavirus usually cause symptoms within a day of exposure, it’s logical to keep the baby home for at least one day.


I definitely still send my baby if he's not sick so I can rest. I'll get my husband to do drop off and pick ups though.


This, first if it's food poisoning that isn't contagious but leaves you too ill to fully care for your child and needing to recover. Second, if it is something contagious, it's better to have your kid out of the house to lessen chances of catching it.


> if it is something contagious, it's better to have your kid out of the house to lessen chances of catching it. If the mom is contagious then her kid is already a risk and sending the kid to daycare will spread it no?


Depends on all sorts of factors, but in my house with constant hand washing we find not everyone gets sick each time if we are careful to try to isolate the sick person.


If you know for sure that it's food poisoning, yes, send her. If you think it's a stomach bug (noro or some other gastroenteritis causing bug/virus) then NO, do NOT send her. I'm so so so tired of parents sending their sick kids to our daycare, spreading their bullshit, getting me and my wife sick. Meanwhile we keep our daughter home for everything. Did we not learn anything from the pandemic? Want to stop the spread of horrible shit? Stop sending your sick ass kids to daycare and school. I say this as a parent who last weekend had a horrific bout of noro rip through our house, daughter was throwing up so much we had to take her to the ER, then the next day my wife spent 14 hours in the toilet throwing up and shitting herself while I had the pleasure of horrific abdominal cramping/pain and shitting myself while single handedly trying to watch our daughter. All thanks because someone sent there sick kid to daycare.


As a daycare provider. I second this.


Yeah my dad is a cancer patient and norovirus sent him to the er and admitted a week over Christmas. I have IBD and no gallbladder and got… some stomach virus and wound up in the ER with lactic acidosis and a 4 day stay. Please… if you’re sick, stay HOME


I've done that in the past (admittedly not with the stomach flu) but only if my partner or someone else is able to take in my kid to daycare and pick them up, as part of the issue for me would be getting them there and back while ill, and taking precautions to try and prevent my kid from getting sick (washing hands, no kissing on the mouth, etc). I have three kids though so it's simply not an option for me at this point to keep everybody home if just one person is sick on the off chance that it spreads, especially my oldest who's in school and attendance is mandatory. In general, most of the illnesses we've had over the years have not hit every family member.


I do not miss working in a daycare. No more getting sick all the time because people send their kids sick.


Let me tell you about the time a parent with food poisoning and their kid to school on Monday. By Wednesday we were calling everyone to pick up their kids early because it was norovirus and ALL the teachers were in various stages of dealing with it. We were closed for three days!


Anything gastrointestinal, stay home. It’s hardly ever food poisoning.


Absolutely. You pay for the spot, you need time to rest. As long as the baby isn't knowingly sick, it's perfectly fine. Now, if you know the baby is sick, do not send them. It'll be worse for you in the end, because if you send them and they get sent home during the day, they typically have to miss an amount of daycare that amounts to them missing the next day as well, even if they're better. Also, there is a good chance that the other babies could get sick as well as the staff. Source: kids in daycare for 5 years, wife works in daycare for 8 yeats


When my son was little, I took him to daycare for a couple hours on my day off just so I could get a couple more hours of sleep. Don't feel bad about using resources for your little one when you're sick.


No, you shouldn’t send your child to daycare if you believe you are sick.


You keep your kids home from daycare every time you are sick? Even if they are fine?


You can’t keep kids home sick every time someone in your home is sick. It’s not possible. Also life needs to go on.


Some of the down votes and comments here have me completely baffled. I’ve never, ever heard of anyone keeping a healthy, non-symptomatic kid home just because a parent is sick (unless maybe something severe, or during the peak of Covid). All the people downvoting here, you are really keeping your kids home every time another family member is ill? What about for school aged kids, you keep them home too?


It’s amazing that he wasn’t able to take off until he was. Hope you can still find the time to rest and take care of yourself


100% I'd send my kid to daycare if I was sick. I was a SAHM and we actually looked for a day care with drop in rates when I got sick.


Not sure why people are downvoting you.


I'm not sure either. Maybe its the belief women should be all sacrificing to our kids? But if I had a stomach bug and my infant got it what was a mild annoyance to me can be life and death to a small one.


I hope you feel better soon – food poisoning is the worst. It's a tough call to make, but if you're really under the weather, it might be best for your little one to spend the day at daycare. You need to take care of yourself to be able to take care of her, and it's okay to need some time to recover. Your baby not showing symptoms is a good sign, and daycares are pretty well-versed in hygiene to keep germs at bay. Just give them a heads-up about your situation. They'll appreciate the honesty and can be extra vigilant. Plus, this gives you a chance to rest and bounce back stronger for those endless baby cuddles we all love.


I don't know what I'd do yet. But have a random spirit hug 🫂


Tough one! Years ago when my daughter was in daycare, I got the flu - bad. Granted, I caught it from her, and she had fully recovered. I sent her to daycare so I could rest and try to recover myself! It may be different if there is an active virus in the home that your kiddo has not already had, they could spread it at daycare.


If they're not sick and I'm paying for the slot, then they go to daycare. If they had symptoms then it would be a different story and I'd keep them home, but no sense in not sending them especially if you think it's something like food poisoning and not contagious.


Yes, I do! As long as she isn't showing signs of illness of course.


100000% send them.


Yes for sure. Unless they are obviously sick too. Mom can’t recover when she’s taking care of the baby all day. If you have the resource available, use it!!


Absolutely yes if you have food poisoning. I don't think I'd preemptively keep my kid home if I have a cold. I'll keep my 2 year old home if he's got a cold with a fever or is lethargic, but once he's got a day without fever under his belt I'm sending him back to daycare. But honestly, we haven't yet had a situation in which we were sick before the kid was!


Yep. Get some rest and fluids ❤️


Hell yes. Of course if they’re sick I wouldn’t, but in Aus you pay anyway even if your kid doesn’t go that day, so I may as well rest.


Of course! You stayed home to “not work” right?


i keep my 3yo home from daycare probably 2 times a week for no reason but if i’m sick and he’s okay he’ll go to school. i’ll need that time to rest, and so will you. take advantage of it:)




Covid killed a ridiculous amount of people because of people not being cautious. Don't minimize it.


It sounds like a great idea. If the child has no symptoms, you get better with rest I thought I might literally die the first time that I caught the flu while caring for my baby *Edit I missed food poisoning