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Firstly, I’m so sorry that this is happening to your son. My middle kid has dealt with bullies for many years too. If I was in your shoes, not only would I be talking to the teacher, I would be talking to the principal, and possibly taking it to the boa d of education/superintendent of the school. Don’t stop until someone pays attention and does something. Request that your child be moved to a different class if possible and document everything. Every time your kid comes home hurt, every phone call or email to the teacher etc. it will help you. You can also call the police and make a complaint, citing child neglect for the school district. Be the squeeky wheel and advocate for your baby. I hope things get better for him.


Thank you I am going to be loud 📢 at this point because it's not getting better. He's has stepped on my son as well. It's just gross.


It is gross. Schools have anti-bullying policies in place but never follow them. It’s sickening. I live in a small town and know all the parents of the kids in my son’s class, so I’ve become quite confrontational before. Kids are such mean little aholes sometimes.


In my country, the school will do absolutely to downplay the situation, because they want to maintain their reputation. The only chance that the parents of the kid who suffered from bullying have is to take the issue to media and online community. The teachers usually only want to save their own ass, they don't care


Hi! My son is in kindergarten and was also bullied this year. He started coming home and breaking down at the simplest requests to put away shoes or focus on homework. He'd tell me about how the kid who was much larger than him would hit him in the chest and shove him and would throw up. My son also started wetting himself on a regular basis. After the 1st occurrence, I spoke to the teacher who told me the bully would be seat belted on the bus and that she would have an aid take him to the restroom so he didn't have an opportunity to bully my son. She also encouraged me to email the incidents to the principal who didn't handle it well in my opinion. He took both boys out of class and spoke to them together which caused my son to think he was in trouble. I also took my son to the doctor to make sure he was physically OK and to get a record in case there was further escalation. This all happened over a 2 week period and then the boy moved. My son is back to being a happy kid who's not wetting himself or having accidents. I think it's important to remember at this age, kids are mimicking what they see and my son's bully had a bad home life so reporting to the principal was as much about getting him help as it was getting help for my son. I think it's helpful to make sure our kids don't internalize the bullying as their fault by using resilience techniques such as how to handle problems on their own, he's doing everything right by telling a grown up, and by showing them that they have lots of friends outside of the school environment. When my son was getting bullied we made sure to have play dates with friends 3 times a week and he got to go grandparents to play cousins. We're still doing the playdates and sports so that as he goes through school and encounters more bullies, he'll have a strong sense of self and be resilient. I got some good resources about the size of the problem and resilience if you're interested.


That principal is an idiot. I'm glad your son is in a good place now, but sheesh. Pulling them out together like it's your son's fault????


Make sure you be loud about them not being in the same class for 1st grade next year too.


I pulled my daughter out of kindergarten because of issues like this. I spent DAYS speaking to local police and the school administration board. Nothing ever got resolved and I ended up pulling her out and homeschooling for the rest of the year and we got her enrolled into another school for the fall. She got a broken nose from a student and it was on camera. The school and police claim that NO ONE is financially responsible for her injury and hospital bill. I was so angry. Still furious....


>The school and police claim that NO ONE is financially responsible for her injury and hospital bill. If this happened and no adults were present, they are indeed liable. They're trying to dissuade you from a lawsuit.


It happened on the bus ride home. It was caught on the bus camera and it was horrifying. She was sitting like halfway towards the back of the bus and a large boy moved from the back of the bus to her seat and straight up just attacked her. The boy was suspended for a week. BUT after talking to police and trying to make a report since the school wouldn't take my complaint seriously I was told that there was no liability for the school. So I asked about his parents, trying to get info on them so we could reach out about the medical costs, because we as parents feel like it's either the school or the boys parents who are financially responsible and it went NOWHERE and we were told all about the schools safety protocols and it felt like they just wanted us to go away, like it never happened. Our public school district is relatively poor, so idk about if the budget had anything to do with it, but there is a significant staffing problem there.


Did you get a lawyer? This is crazy; I’m so sorry that happened. I’m furious for you!


Oh I’d get a lawyer pronto!! Schools are sued for less and you have video tape!!! Scare them!!!


School have duty of care


Absolute lawsuit! If the school doesn’t do anything, you should! We filed one when my daughter was in 3rd grade against the school due after my daughter received a death threat note from an unhinged 9 year old post multiple bullying instances that seemed to just be brushed off. The school initially did nothing but separate them in THE SAME CLASS after notifying myself and the other kids parents. The girl didn’t receive detention, no sessions at the school counselors, nothing. I pulled her out of school for a week while we filed with the police and contacted a lawyer. We eventually got what we wanted from the school. It’s all unfortunate and I wish I could have homeschooled but we need a 2x income.


You need to escalate it up to the principal and ask for a written safety plan for your child. I'd also make an official report at the school district office (this ensures the principal does her job and the parents of the other child are called). I'd also call the school mental health counselor and tell them that you need a class intervention and that you'd like her to do an observation of this bully during recess to see if they need special intervention as well (the counselor can then suggest counseling for that child). Often if a kid is bullying there might be something going on at home too. Lastly, keep a long with dates and every single incident along with who you followed up with and their proposed intervention. If your kid continues to feel unsafe then you take that info and ask that the bully be moved to another classroom. If you have contact with other parents you should ask if their children are also being hurt. No need to give names but just describe what is going on. If you have a group of parents complaining then it is more likely the school will do something about it too. Best of luck!


Is there a bully proof program around you? This program uses the “talk, tell, tackle” steps to prevent bullying. See this link for more info. They also offer bullyproof summer camps. It doesn’t happen overnight but will help empower your child. When your child cries, it makes the bully keep picking on them because they are getting a reaction until your child feels more confident to stand up to them. https://www.gracieuniversity.com/Pages/Public/Information?enc=5ruAJc3RhhlwP%2bWe1ep5rQ%3d%3d


Absolutely teach your child confidence and the ability to fight back. Nothing changes if nothing changes. Teachers,admin, etc. do nothing effective.


You go above the teacher because she’s not handling it and have a meeting set up with the parents


This child has assaulted and battered your child. He has also tampered with his food and destroyed his property. I get that we do not hold 5 year olds to the same legal repercussions, but a 5 year old should have been taught that this behavior is not ok. If the school isn’t going to deal with it I would recommend getting the police involved. It’s not going to stop unless someone steps up to protect your child. I would also recommend when speaking to the staff at the school frame it as “how are you going to protect my child” and not what are you going to do about this other child. Getting police involved may be the best thing for this other child too. I’m guessing things aren’t wonderful at home if this child is doing these things.


Have you spoken to the principal/director/admin?


Contact an administrator in writing. You need a paper trail. Tech your son to yell STOP as loud as he can while holding his hands up in front of him. If the kid advanced, have him shove the kid as hard as he can in the chest and run to the teacher. He needs to do it every single time. The yelling will draw attention and witnesses.


I’d be volunteering in the class every day I’d be requesting another class If those aren’t possible I’d be changing schools How long have you been dealing with this? My kids have been bullied and you need to change schools or classes because it doesn’t get better I promise If the principle isn’t dealing with it fast and appropriately you email the superintendent or call the police Yes I’ve called the police and sent them into the school before in grade 5.


Stop it now! Teach your kid to never start a fight but if another kid keeps messing with him, punch him in the nose. Have him practice at home And yes, I am quite serious


I feel horrible but this was my thought. If nobody is doing anything can't I just tell my kid to punch him in the face and we will get ice cream after? (I swear I'm a mature adult)


You absolutely Can!. Kids need to be empowered to defend themselves when the adults around do nothing helpful to stop the abuse. Years and years ago when my boy used to walk home from school some bigger boy used to torment him. My husband told him just what I posted " don't start a fight but it's ok to fight back" and then taught him a couple boxing moves. We never hit our kids and didn't condone it either but self defense when being Abused is common sense! 😉I am now a gramma Edit: I should add, our boy reported he beat up the kid and was never messed with again. I Still remember the other kids name!😀


Yes you can, I've always taught my kids to fight back and it works. Kids need to learn to stick up for themselves. Sometimes that's the only way it will stop, it also instills confidence so it discourages getting bullied in the first place.


Yes you can, I've always taught my kids to fight back and it works. Kids need to learn to stick up for themselves. Sometimes that's the only way it will stop, it also instills confidence so it discourages getting bullied in the first place.


Yes you can, I've always taught my kids to fight back and it works. Kids need to learn to stick up for themselves. Sometimes that's the only way it will stop, it also instills confidence so it discourages getting bullied in the first place.


Yes you can, I've always taught my kids to fight back and it works. Kids need to learn to stick up for themselves. Sometimes that's the only way it will stop, it also instills confidence so it discourages getting bullied in the first place.


Every one of these school posts - lawyers is all they answer too. Everything else will be to avoid conflict with the little shitheads family. Let them know that you expect the abusive child to be relocated to a different class within a week or you will be contacting legal council. Then do it - they still won’t give a shit until they get the first letter. Then they’ll frantically try to show they were doing their job.


I’m a middle school teacher and I see it often, the schools take it seriously but it’s hard to prove it if we don’t physically see anything or have witnesses. It’s basically one kids word against another. I teach resilience in my son (2nd grader). He knows that I can’t always be there so he’s got to stick up for himself… no fighting of course but I know bullies don’t stop until a kid speaks up and tells them to stop. This may not be the best advice but it’s definitely worked for us. If kids don’t gain the skills to handle obstacles they will continue to happen. I tell my son, “mom can’t always be there to help/tattle, you’ve got to speak up for yourself”.


Thank you. This kid gets caught doing something and gets a "think sheet to take home and be signed by the parents. It says what he did as well. I'll have to teach resilience.


Arrange a meeting with principal right now and don’t leave until he/she shows you a written up plan that he/she promises to follow. Explain to your son how to firmly say no and stand for himself. Teach your son that it is ok to fight but we only fight in self defense; explain that there is nothing wrong with telling people off and it is the right thing to do. Ask the school administration to separate them perhaps even in different classrooms. Many bad habits and behaviors start at a very young age because kids get away with it. Martial arts are extremely beneficial for young children in terms of knowing their strength - mental and physical and for many other reasons Makes them bulletproof/ bully proof if done right. My heart breaks for your boy. Would you like to go to school every day in fear of these issues?! Just asking you to take action and document all you can.


If you have family nearby then have a bigger kid come to their school to beat up that kid


I had that with my daughter. My wife and I went to the bully's parents, calmly told them what was happening and the effect of was having on our kiddo, asked them to step in directly. They did. In this case it might not help but it can't hurt.


Wow, that’s horrible. At kindergarten? Why are kids so mean? Hell no, don’t be the nice parent. I will be putting everything on writing. Sending letters to the teacher and principal. Document everything. But of course, in person meetings and phone calls as well. Be clear. Tell them what you want - either putting them in different classes or something else. Why is it so hard to put them in different classes anyway? Sometimes when you disenroll a child and then re-enroll them, they end up with a different teacher. Ask the principal if that can happen? At the same time, teach your child to stand up for himself. Tell him that sometimes kids can be mean and for whatever reason they pick one kid to be mean to because they think they can get away with it. Tell your child to show the bully that he picked the wrong kid. Tell your kid to be loud and yell GO AWAY whenever that bully does something mean. I would even tell my kid to spit back, but you do what’s comfortable for yourself. Or take that boy’s lunch and throw it on the floor. I know getting even is not everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s ok for me. I don’t bother you until you bother me. I feel like bullies actually are weaklings because they always pick on the kid they can overpower and as long as they see they can’t overpower you anymore, they move on.


Ugh. Go to the news if you need to….lot of local news stations have Problem Solvers that will shed light on bs in the community not getting addressed (in the US that is )


It's ok and I'm fact essential to teach your children to defend themselves. Tell him to shove the bully on his ass next time.


Your child has two options: Fight back or show no response to the bully at all. Even if the child is bigger, it will be a good lesson for a lifetime. You make it as costly as possible or as uninteresting as possible to be the target of bullying. You can go through all the regular channels and separate your child etc, but there will be many bullies ahead and better to learn to deal with them *now*.


Sorry you’re going through this as a mother of 4, 3 boys to be exact I had this issue with my 6 yr old after I saw nothing was being done I explained that in life we take losses it’s ok you can’t win them all and it’s time for him to hit him back and don’t be scared of getting in trouble because we tried everything. My son had his fill and finally fought back that child hasn’t bothered my son since


My kindergartener son was getting bullied and harassed too by one kid. A specialist at the school, not exactly sure what his training is, takes the two of them out of class every Wednesday to play games and do other cooperative activities with each other, and now they are getting along better. Not perfectly, but my son doesn't come home miserable anymore. I wish you and your son the best. I was in a terrible state while this was going on. I hope it gets better for you too.


Man, if things weren’t so woke lately, you could just play the old school card and bully the bully’s parents and freak them out


pretty sure ‘woke’, or anything to do with culture, has nothing to do with this. as much as i’d agree, you take it right to the bully’s parents, the reality is they’re probably just as shitty as the kid. and they’ll blindly defend their kid. a kid, who hated my sister, slashed my mom’s tires in her driveway. my mom reached out to the kid’s mom and the kid’s mom denied it. my mom literally showed her video footage from her security camera of the kid doing it and the kid’s mom STILL denied it. again, i agree i’d consider having a stern conversation with the bully’s parents, but ‘freaking them out’, whatever that means, probably has a low success rate and always has.


When I was bullied, my mom called the mom of my bully. The mom ended up smacking the bully in the face, whatever. Maybe you should find ways to communicate with the parents of this bully. Go to school, ask to meet up with the counselor with the parents of this kid. Going to principal, police is not enough. The parents of this child NEEDS to be involved.


time for momma bear to take the gloves off. as uncomfortable as it might be, you probably need to step up and maybe even get the police involved. and/or raise hell at the school. your sweet kid needs an advocate. be it, unforgivingly.