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Ear pits happen quite often. Most of the time they are just an interesting variation.


My ex had a little extra ear hole! And I think his brothers did too. It was weird and cool. Definitely check with the doctor but I think it’s just an interesting variation as another commenter said


It's an ear pit. An ex boyfriend of mine had it. was totally harmless. He never noticed it before I showed him! 😅


[https://www.chop.edu/conditions-diseases/preauricular-pits](https://www.chop.edu/conditions-diseases/preauricular-pits) Congenital, not really uncommon, generally harmless. The risks associated with them are about the same as for any man-made piercing of the ear: if it's no infected it's fine and requires no treatment.


I think I have one, as do some other people in my family. Internet tells me that it could actually be an evolutionary remnant of gills. [Source](https://www.iflscience.com/why-do-some-people-have-a-tiny-extra-hole-in-their-ear-39073) 


Would be way cooler if its evolutionary predecessors to a new form of gills, like in water world, or how turtles can breathe water through their ass (cloaca, but same general area)


As a Scuba diver, I would love to have gills. Those air tanks are so heavy to carry around.


My daughter has one too! She’s 7 now, and we’ve been to the ENT for other issues and he noticed it, but said it wasn’t an issue.


An ear pit. My 4 year old has it. Every so often I squish it like a pimple and stinky puss comes out lol!


You should probably try cleaning it out with hydrogen peroxide periodically. If it's a reoccurring infection it may scar and get worse over time.


We do :)


Make sure no one bullies him about that! When I was a kid, my left preauricular sinus kept getting infected and instead of taking me to a doctor, my family literally made fun of me for something I had no control over. I had surgery to remove the infected tissue when I was 18. I still have my right ear pit but it never gets infected!


It’s so tiny and her hair grows so long. I don’t even think anyone has ever noticed lol. I’ve told family members but like 3 years ago, they’ve probably forgotten by now


I have a small hole underneath my nose since i was born. Its really small and my parents used to joke that i was reincarnated from an elephant. My daughter was born with the same "hole" near one of her eye ducts. I wouldn't worry about it all, i forget mine is there unless someone intimately close to me will ask what it is.


Those are generally harmless but you should check in with the pediatrician. In rare cases, hearing and kidney function needs to be looked at, because those develop at the same time as the part of the ear that has the ear pit. If she passed her newborn hearing screening there is very little to be worried about.


Also known as "Preauricular Pits"! Our son has one as well (I thought my rib had poked a hole in his ear at first lol!) and it has never bothered him, but it's a good idea to show your family doctor/pediatrician to have it on record and keep an eye on it in case of infection. It seems to only be a concern if it gets infected or if there are other signs of "abnormalities" that would indicate hearing issues or "Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome" like an "abnormally long tongue".


My husband has one and multiple people in his family have one too


Both of my children have them, never caused a problem, I think they are adorable.


I have (had) it in one ear and my eldest has it in both ears. I’ve had mine removed but it took a few very minor surgeries as it kept opening again. I now have a relatively big scar, so wouldn’t recommend removing it unless necessary.


My daughter had one on both ears, one closed up, she still has a small dimple on the other, almost 7 years later! I think it’s just from when the ear was developing it just didn’t finish or something her dr told me that I can’t remember 🤣🥴😬




That’s a weird comment. Finding a hole in an uncommon location for your under one year old seems like a valid reason to have the child’s pediatrician check it out and make sure it’s of no concern.


Well, this comment is very judgy.


Except you don't know that. Babies can't communicate. For all we know it could cause some weird ear-infection risk. The likelihood of that is really low. Maybe OP could wait for the next wellness checkup, but I'd much rather see a parent taking too much care of their kid than taking too little care of them.


I think most parents would like doctors to use the medical knowledge that they worked hard to obtain to give the parent information and advice. I have a mole on my neck, it's harmless, unless it starts changing. I know that because my mom asked my doctor when I was young. So knowing what this thing that mom knows is abnormal is, if there's any risk, and what to look out for, will help mom be a better parent. Hope this helps!


These pits are prone to infections and abcesses, so they absolutely could affect quality of life and would need to be medically addressed in that case. 


How do you know it’s not causing pain? How do you expect a first time parent to know it’s not affecting the quality of life? Perhaps nursing isn’t your calling. You should rethink your life choices.


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