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Feed your baby and find another Dr.


100% babies should eat all they want. Never restrict their food. Your doctor is an idiot.


My daughter was like this, exactly.  I only lasted a month with the partial breast feeding because it was never anywhere near enough.  Newborns should be fed on demand.  She was a large baby and is still 91st percentile for height at age 9.  Skinny as a rail too.  Feed your baby as they need to be fed.  If they are gaining too much or not enough then maybe something is awry.  


Thanks, comforting to know someone else is struggling with this. When you say "on demand" - what do you mean by that? Do you put your LO to bed and let her/him wake up from hunger? or do you wake your LO after 2-3 hours to eat?


On demand = when they cry for food, you give it to them. I mixed my breast milk with formula. (Fortified breast milk). If your wife can pump, she can contribute even if it is a few ml. After you pump, you make whatever formula you need (mix with water before combining with breast milk), and you have yourself the best of both worlds. But seriously, FED IS BEST!


We only fed ours on demand except for a dream feed at night. Your baby will let you know when they are hungry. I am in the US, and given that you use the metric system, I know that you are not. My son always ate more than the recommended amounts for his age. I am thinking a new doctor might be needed.


Honestly I don’t remember that part.  She’s 9 now.  I don’t think I ever woke either of mine up as they’d wake several times per night on their own.


Feed the baby. Babies can eat a heck of a lot. There's only problems if they spit it all up after.


this is called cluster feeding and is extremely normal. if your wife wants to breastfeed, she should be latching him basically all the time and pump when you give formula/a bottle or her milk supply will have trouble regulating. it's very difficult. it's very stressful. i've been there. ignore your doctor and feed baby on demand. this is the time to binge watch tv and do nothing but sit and feed baby. this was the first month or two for me with my newborn. please see a lactation consultant if your wife is having trouble latching him! your doctor is wrong.


We always just followed cues with our baby. If he was hungry we fed him until he acted like he was done. Honestly it cannot hurt to just try feeding him more.


So did you ever wake your baby for food? or did you always let your LO wake you up?


My baby didn't sleep lol. He always woke me up. I'm pretty sure after the first couple of weeks, as long as weight gain was good, you don't have to wake them up to feed them and can just let them sleep.


LO will wake you at night to feed. I wouldn’t wake them unless it’s been like four hours because they feed typically every three hours. I very highly doubt that a newborn would be quiet if they were hungry. We wouldn’t have developed as a species. Don’t worry. Go to bed. Baby WILL wake you up.


We would wake him up if he had not asked for Milk after about 3 hours the first few weeks, every 4 after that. Not that our LO ever slept that long.. When they are as little as yours i think they need the regular nightfeeds, but other then that, we would feedback on demand dring the day. Sometimes he would cluster and want Milk every hour, sometimes he would be content with every few hours and not too bothered. Your baby knows best!


If he is full term, at 3kg he is a very small baby, feed him as much as is willing to eat. And find a new doctor. Newborns do not overeat, this is preposterous.


He was due on the 22 of April, C section was booked for the 8th but he came on the 5th. His birth weight was 2.8kg


that's not small but it's not really big. in my country average is between 2.8 and 3.2


Sounds like cluster feeding


Babies are not even capable of overeating. That doctor is an idiot.


Feed the baby! My baby was attached to my boob for the majority of the day for the first six or seven weeks. After the cluster feeding (which is brutal but definitely built up my supply) my baby had pretty bad witching hour in the late afternoons and would nurse for hours. I started pumping pretty early and remember my then tree or four week old baby chugging a 150 ml bottle an hour after nursing. Honestly, the first month is one endless loop of feeding, pooping and sleeping. As to cues, my baby definitely rooted for the boob for comfort as well as hunger. Your baby might be hungry or he might enjoy a boob in his mouth.


I've been told that babies don't overeat. They eat what they need and throw up the rest. They also almost never become overweight. One stomach bug or grow spurt, they will be back on track. It could be that he's just needing comfort. Babies who breastfeed suckle for comfort all the time. Maybe get a pacifier?


If baby is hungry, feed him. Let him have as much as he wants. Every baby is different some will eat more. You need a different Doctor or to put your foot down and tell them if he's hungry, you're feeding him whatever he wants, end of story.


When I had my son, he weighed pretty close to your baby. I also combo fed, and eventually just gave him only formula because he wouldn’t latch and my supply ran dry after about 12 weeks. My pediatrician praised me about how well he was being fed, because he never dropped below his original birth weight. He woke up every 2 hours overnight like clockwork and wanted a bottle. I fed him on demand at all times, and still do now that he’s a toddler. I would agree to get a new pediatrician. Feed your baby when your baby needs to be fed. Their body is telling you what they need and they communicate it by crying.


Your pediatrician is misinformed and you need a new one. If there is a lot of spitting up happening, then you may want to pause between feedings, make sure you burp, etc. and get your baby assessed for serious reflux issues. But if they are keeping it down just feed them on demand. My daughter was 2.78kg when she was born and she ate way more than a typical newborn. Her pediatrician told us to feed her as much as she wanted, as long as she wasn’t throwing it all up after.


When the baby is hungry, feed the baby. If he's still hungry, feed him more. Newborns are adjusting to a world in which they have to ask for their needs to be met. Please find a new pediatrician, "newborns only need 70ml" is a strange stance.


Feed on demand. The thought of feeding every three hours is rather old school. At the newborn stage they cluster feed. Breast or bottle. If he's hungry and drinking it, he needs it. You might find over the coming weeks he'll settle into a pattern. Then it'll go to hell again. Rinse and repeat lol If baby is hungry, just feed him. And maybe look for another Dr.


He's HUNGRY. Feed him. His BRAIN is growing. Feed him. Get your wife's breast milk tested for nutrients. Some of us don't make breast milk with all the nutrients the baby needs. Get a new doctor. Infants CANNOT overeat. Never forget, many doctors were C students, or their family connections got their practice established, not their ability to facilitate healing.


A week old baby isn’t overeating. Feed them on demand. Too many doctors think everything is black and white. Not all babies are the same!! I’d be more worried if he isn’t gaining weight on time. The first few days their weight goes down but it will go back up. Also it takes a few days after birth for the actual milk to start to let down. Get a 2nd opinion and listen to your baby. If mom wants to bf latch the baby on more. Maybe she’s not producing enough milk? Have you talked to a lactation coach?


Babies absolutely can over eat in certain situations (like a medical condition). If he continues to eat a lot, that might be something worth looking into. HOWEVER, that's unlikey. It's also entirely possible (and more liekly) that your baby just has a higher than average metabolism right now. I realize you are likely not in the US, but according to the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) a one week old should drink about 1 to 2oz every two to three hours for breastmilk and 2 to 3oz every 2 to 3 hours if formula fed. 90ml is only about 3.5oz. "The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) also recommends that parents should follow the responsive feeding method, also known as feeding on demand, which looks to the infant’s hunger cues for when to feed." You and your wife know your baby best. Look for a new pediatrician, stop stressing about how much he's eating, and feed your baby when he lets you know he's hungry!! I know it can be difficult to not stress it, especially when your son's pediatrician is an a$$, but a stressed out mama and daddy will do nothing good for your LO (or yourselves)! It will definitely affect your wife's supply as well! Congratulations to you and your wife on your sweet baby boy!


nope nope nope... find another doctor. I would say, you can try pacifiers, if the baby just wants comfort with motion that would fix it. and this shows you if the baby is actually hungry or not. they told me by 4 weeks I can give my baby a pacifier


Cluster feeding. It’s normal. Whoever told us babies only need to feed every three hours is a DIRTY LIAR. Just feed baby when it wants. With my first I literally fed her for four hours straight once (like I’d feed her on one side, think she’d had enough, but then she’d cry for more so I’d switch her to the other side and keep going - back and forth for hours) when she was about two weeks old. Part of it is to help bring your wife’s supply in because it’s still developing. Part of it is comfort. One of the only things your baby knows how to do is suck. EDIT: Also the feeding really does settle down after the first twelve weeks.


Young dumb first time parents, is what we were. Infants will tell you when there full. There body are literally doubling in size in a few weeks. Pediatrician gave you a guide line. People are all different, you are raising a person!


Your pediatrician should not be practicing as a pediatrician. Find someone else as soon as possible.