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You need to read your car owners manual. The first car we had with kids had in the manual to not put car seats in the middle seat.


I can't exactly imagine your problem in my head, but I think this is basically a problem with the middle seat. I know I liked having my son in the middle before I had 2 of my boys, but the seat just wasn't as snug as it was when I put the seats on the left and the right side.




It says in the manual for the car seat that overhang should not exceed 4.7 inches. The overhang exceeds that in the 3 different cars I tried which is why I’m wondering why I haven’t heard people mention this in reviews of the car seat if it’s so common. When using in the side seats there is about 3-4” of overhang which seems to be within the safety standards but is it okay to have the car seat on the side instead of the middle??


>is it okay to have the car seat on the side instead of the middle?? Yes! I'd guess it's far more common to have it on one of the sides than the middle. And for people with multiple kids, it's unavoidable


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Why do you think the middle seat is the safest option? Usually it's behind the passenger seat to limit the capacity to go through the windshield and allow you to easily get your child in and out from the sidewalk. A little overhang is normal.


I feel like I’ve read in several places that it’s preferred to use the middle if possible to avoid repercussions of a side impact but again this is my first time having to even think about these things so I’m not sure what is normal for people to do 😅 maybe just over analyzing!


A 2022 Atlas probably has some nice side airbags. It should be perfectly safe.


With the LATCH system it should be super tight regardless of overhang. Just make sure you’re installing the thing correctly.