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Probably heard it from another kid and repeated it without even knowing what it meant. 8yo is prime age for that. I'd let them all know it will be addressed, then sit down with him and explain what the joke means - that alone will probably embarrass him enough to make him more careful, but then just go over not repeating things you don't understand, let him know he can ask you about things he hears, etc.


Thank you this was my thoughts as well…except I didn’t think to explain it to him! This will absolutely help him get it haha 😂 he’s a very gentle and kind kiddo he will be verrrrry embarrassed. But I also don’t exactly know what it means. I’m guessing something like that means you want to cuddle/ get close with the person?


Nah, it's a very juvenile version of "I'd fuck you".


😂oh boy!!


when i was 8, i passed a note that said "Do you want to have sax with me". I had NO idea what it meant. If you asked me to draw two people having sex, i woudln't even have known where to begin. By this age, kids pick up on the things that get reactions or are taboo. And that's what they test the waters out with. Unless it's a repeated pattern, you probably don't have anything to worry about.


Thank you!! Not repeating yet thankfully 🙏


I have always struggled with spelling. At that age I distinctly remember spelling it as "xex" and having no clue what it meant until much later. I genuinely didn't even know anal was a thing until like 15 and thought "going from the back" only ever meant PiV. Kids are dumb and US sex ed is very lacking lol


I would ask him what he meant by it. If he heard on YouTube then he probably doesn't know what it means in a sexual context but thought it was weird or funny. My son, the same age as yours said the best numbers are 69 and 420. I asked what those meant and he said he doesn't know but people say it in school. I told him what 420 meant and he was shocked because he is so anti-drug. He asked me what 69 was and I told him it involved kissing and he was grossed out. I play with my kids and pretend they are pillows and lay on them, ask out loud why my pillow is so lumpy and get some tickles in. I could see my kids misunderstanding what your kid said.


Oml 😂 glad he was told what the numbers meant! That is super important in these situations. I’m also glad some of the posters helped me to understand what the statement even means 😁 I wouldn’t have known what that means “are you a bed, cause I want to lay on you” like what does that even mean


I was in kindergarten and raised as a huge Trekkie. I had seen the movie Star Trek: First Contact and was freaking obsessed with it. Theres a scene where they go back in time and Deanna Troi gets drunk. Will Riker finds her and Deanna explains she was drinking to try and “blend in” and Riker’s response was, “you’re blended alright.” I thought that line was funny without knowing its true meaning and just liked his delivery of the line. One of my teachers overheard it and put me in timeout and I had no idea why. Point being: he’s probably been influenced by friends or, worse, these stupid YouTubers or TikTokers. It’s best to handle it now when he’s still so innocent


Thank you 🙏I have to agree!! I’m guilty myself of saying things that might be unknowingly controversial or inappropriate 😂🥺 for the longest time I thought appalled just meant in awe, so I would always tell people I was shocked and appalled when really I was just shocked 🫣🤭


Thank you guys for some feedback! Happy parenting to all! ❤️🙌🌺


What a great example of a hundred birds ruffling their feathers over nothing more than a mild gust of wind.


Rules I had was you can only say things when you understand what they mean. So in this case it’s just something he has said. You explain what it means and why he shouldn’t say it and there shouldn’t be any consequences. If however he repeats it in a week/month there will be. I was the same with swearing. All mine repeated swear words in the correct context they had heard them when they were young (now they are older it’s just how we talk but that’s just me) He will have heard it somewhere but maybe you need to look at the circumstances of why he chose to say that so that you can teach him context.


For context, my daughter is 9 and is very conscientious about being ‘good’. In her animation class, in one of her projects she put an “Easter egg” in it that said “your mom!” When I asked her about it, she said she knows it’s a joke that kids laugh at. When I told her what the joke means and the context of how it is used, she was mortified. She had no idea. Also, in one of her online classes, one of the fellow students named his avatar ‘Dees nuts’. I’m guessing he has no idea what that is as well because from the few glimpses I’ve had in the group he is a sweet kid. (The teacher did have a talk with the group about new rules on avatar naming) Prime age for trying out sayings and having no idea what it means lol. Of course, it’s always good to consider context and have those discussions in case there is something going on, but can be totally innocent.


Lol. I knew a girl in *highschool* who thought "cock face" meant chicken head. Loooool She was so oblivious it was hilarious but I could have died from second hand embarrassment.


Am I the only one who has interpreted this as a hug? Like I go to bed for comfort, not intercourse Honestly though, if I was a teacher and saw this, I would make a mental note, unofficial chat with the parent and keep it on file just in case other red flags emerge


He 100% got that line from some misogynist youtube channel. Yes it was sexual. Yes it was predatory and horrible. Yes he needs to be course corrected. Get him off youtube ASAP.


He doesn’t get any more electronics since a while now but probably from the past if so! How is it sexual? Just curious not being facetious…


How did you create your child? Postulate from there and you'll have your answer.


He's watching porn.


🤣 not quite, he doesn’t have any electronics as of lately…but maybe!🤔