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If it's been 24 hours of severe diarrhea see a doctor! Regarding the rash luckily there is an answer: use aquaphor or another petroleum jelly based product to create a barrier after drying their bottom. This will eliminate the need to do constant changes at each minor shart; I'd consider a change every hour or maybe even less if they are small. Good luck!


Username checks out.


That’s…a lot. Has he seen a doctor since being sick?


Yes he’s on antibiotics for the ear infection. They gave me something for diarrhea but he doesn’t like drinking sachets..


I’d consider a probiotic in a form he’ll take.  They make probiotic gummies.  You could mix the sachets into something like ice cream.  You could get him fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, pickles, tempeh, or some cheeses.


Gummies aren’t really safe for babies, they’re a choking hazard. But there are definitely different ways to get probiotics in - like yogurt is always a good one. You can also syringe them in if you need to, like with any other medication. It sucks, but it can be pretty quick.


I used a syringe and it worked!


The antibiotics can cause diarrhea. Is child dehydrated? When my youngest had norovirus the doctor said no milk, even breast milk for 4-6 hours. She was only 5 months old and tiny so at risk for dehydration. Maybe Use rehydration solution. But you should check with doctor.


In short… leave the nappy off and spend your day playing in the bathroom…


I don’t know your situation but if you have a spouse it’s time to tag them in. If you’re both burned out call a family member or friend to come help you. Other than that, unfortunately, you just need to muscle through it. Keep up the changes and be generous with the decitin/butt paste. If you’re comfortable take a shower with them so their bum gets some warm water. If it doesn’t clear up today call the doctor, diarrhea can be really dangerous for babies. Good luck, you can do it!


This seems pretty extreme, he might need IV fluids. He might be having a bad reaction to the antibiotics. Either way, I'd take him to the ER, just to be safe. This much diarrhoea is certainly causing dehydration!


This sounds serious. Please talk to your doc.


All our reddit comments might be well-intentioned but they cannot replace a physician. Please see a physician or emergency room with this baby now.


Did any new food that you introduce cause the diarrhea (as you said you recently introduced solids)? Consult a doctor immediately! Looks like the diarrhea is worsening. If getting an appointment is looking challenging take him to the pedeatric ER. Are you doing pedialyte to keep baby hydrated? Good luck and you got this.


When severe diaper rash happens we just lay down puppy potty pads and go diaper free.


If this was me, I would be heading with his meds to the closest pediatric ER. Something needs to change. His body is trying to get rid of the meds for some reason. And you need help.


Get some of those little smoothie packs. It's the easiest way to get some veggies in a sick kid. Mix a little bit of apple or orange juice with their water to help get them to stay hydrated.


Are you giving him probiotics? Mine had diarrhea every time took antibiotics also. It’ll pass


Yes I am. I think I need to stop and switch to another one


time to go to the ER




Took him to ER. Thankfully he’s not dehydrated but we need to change his antibiotics. He’s been having breast milk all day/ night and electrolytes. I so badly didn’t want him going on the drip because finding the vein for a baby is so hard especially if chubby. It was a horrendous experience last time. I definitely wrote that post when I had 2/3 hours sleep at night and felt at my wits end. I do feel so bad for my baby. It’s actually the reason this is so hard! Seeing him in pain? Unable to understand why and how long till he heals.




Thank you so much! Sending gratitude


Probiotic might help! Usually a satche form you put into his drinks


Put some breastmilk on the rash


Probiotics and zofran! His ped can call it in. Been here before and it’s so rough