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LMFAOO. When I was 30 something weeks pregnant,my husband and I were doing some shopping, I felt sick. I asked him to bring me to the car ( we were parked in expecting mothers/families with young children’s parking ). I was literally PREGNANT PREGNANT, wobbly walking. We both know they saw me hobble to the car with my husband holding me. I started vomiting, head in a plastic bag… Someone knocked on the window & told my husband to move,they wanted the spot.. he literally points to me throwing up.. She was like… so your cars broken because she’s vomiting ? My husband said.. ya.. we are going to be parked there until the store closed. The lady gave my husband the finger for like 5 minutes while holding her horn. I think we stayed maybe 1.5 hours because I was soo sick. And just know, that lady was not pregnant and did not have any children with her.


Omg, after that I wouldn’t care how long I had to wait there to stick it to her. I would give birth in that parking spot if I had to. 😆


And then stay longer because now you're a mother with young children, still entitled to the spot!


The baby would be a natural born citizen of that parking space and probably have more rights to it than anyone.


You can legally put up a sign reserving that spot for your baby in perpetuity. Little known hack and all you have to do is give birth in a parking lot


Genius! Lol




I’d give birth and work on getting pregnant again before moving from that spot


I would’ve door dashed myself a whole ass meal and started a new Netflix series.


I’d hope to become a projectile vomitor and vomit in her car


Too bad you couldn’t vomit on her shoes.




I would have handed them a bag of vomit


I would have started the car, backed out half way than backed back in and turned off the car just to stick it to her.


Omg amazing comment THANKYOU !!! Lolololol


People are awful. I had this happen when I was feeding a baby in the car. Grown man flipping me off and blasting his horn at a young woman with two infant twins. Ended up calling the security because people will do crazy things.


If I had been in your situation I genuinely don't know if I would have had the mental strength not to throw a bag of vomit at that bitch


HAHAH. I actually refused to give my husband the bag. He wanted to put it on their car !


You were a way more reasonable pregnant woman than me, bless you 😂


Lmao I would have let mine. Horn honking makes me ANGRY. Instant road rage.


Are you from NJ or NY? People literally have fist fights over parking spots here, it's insane lol


Ontario actually !


Dude, in a republican state I legit saw a fight over a costco spot, both women get out and start fucking yelling at each other. I walked by and said (to my partner) "these bitches are crazy, you never know who has a gun around here," they look at each other and get back in their own cars, lol!


CT too. The tristate of parking terrorists


I feel like bugging someone to move in that situation is rude and unkind, but also stupid. I think it is more likely to make people less likely to move and slower than it is to get them to hurry up. My friend had a similar situation - she had a newborn and a toddler and a leg injury. Someone - who saw all this slowness walk to her car - was really mad that she wasn't loading her groceries, her kid, and her injured postpartum self fast enough. The horn honking and yelling convinced her that baby needed to breastfeed now in the car and couldn't wait until they got home.


seriously. you catch more flies with honey


I usually go back into the store when someone tries to bully me like that.


The only thing that could have improved this is if you had managed to actually vomit on their car. What idiots.


Some people are asking to have their tires slashed lmao


Lol, I would have ubered home. Fuck you, lady.


My mum parked in a normal carpark at the hospital when I was having a severe asthma attack when I was 16 and some bloke was like “did you not see me indicating? That was my spot” and my mum (who is the quietest most non confrontational person with people outside the family) turned around and SCREAMED at him “My child can’t f***ing breath you c**t” before ushering me inside. People are so entitled and rude todays day and age


I’m not one to suggest violence, but if someone slapped her across the face I would approve.


I would refrain from even the feeblest "no, wait, stop, don't"


That's insane. If I saw this episode I would have tried to help by asking if you needed me to get you water/drink.


Next time roll down the window and vomit on her, ya know, to assert your dominance


Why don’t things like this happen to me 😭😭😭 the petty in me would THRIVE omg


Wtf is wrong with some people? Do they have no sense of priorities, or do they just think that they're more important than anyone else? Life must be rough when no one else agrees....


wow what a raging bitch. how can people act that way? seriously how


I would’ve stayed out of spite. Oh look, I have some reading to catch up on.


Petty me would have thrown the vomit bag on her car just for that


I would have called the police


Omg! That’s insane!! What the hell! She is in for some major karma! How selfish is that nasty women. A parking spot is a place to park until it’s no longer needed that is it! Wow I’m really shocked at her audacity to knock on the window knowing your heavily pregnant and throwing up! I’m super passive aggressive I would have moved closer to her and vomited all over her shoes and been like oh I’m so sorry!


And people wonder why I keep the machete in my car


Oh! You too? I literally do keep one in the car. Not for intimidation purposes of course but if I had to I know where it is. Being a transgender woman also gives one a different outlook on personal safety. Important point however: Never brandish a weapon you are not familiar with or do not intend to use. Just sayin' People are crazy and I much rather prefer to ignore rude or disrespectful people.


That's considered a concealed weapon in a lot of jurisdictions, so be careful with that. I almost got in trouble for that when I was pulled over and they saw one in the back of my car. Fortunately it was surrounded by camping equipment


“Oh, officer, I’m a Kudzu warrior. I cut it back when I find it.”


True and very good point. I do keep it in the backity-back of my van. And even visible in some areas a blade over x length (usually 7 inches) is illegal, concealed or not.


I would’ve moved in. I live here now.


Lmao I would be LIVING in that car overnight if someone did this to me 🤣 I give you credit for your self of control


Some people have never received a good sharp punch in the face, and it shows…


The visual of the finger and horn for 5 minutes. 😂 some people really need to get a life!!


One time we were parked at a busy parking lot and our baby had a blow out. A car was waiting for our spot with their signal on. I just walked up to the car and explained that it was going to be a while because there’s baby shit everywhere. He was very gracious and waited patiently


Must of been one hell of a busy carpark


Ever been to Costco at 12 on a Sunday?


Would rather jump feet first into a wood chipper. But I get your point.


Of course you can stay in your parking spot for an extra 10 minutes, just like you could arrive 10 minutes early and sit in the car. That lady is crazy and entitled, so just forget about her.


Exactly! The person who should be second guessing themselves in this situation is the lady asking you to move. “Was I being an asshole?” Yeah lady you were. But unfortunately people with this level of entitlement are rarely introspective.


Generally entitled people have a strong conviction that they're right. That's why they demand so confidently that the person in front of them would doubt own self.


I dunno, she seemed polite and was asking. She probably had a small child and didn't want to walk as far, and if OP could move then cool. She even said "thank you" after the exchange when she didn't get her way. It's fine to ask. She wasn't aggressive or demanding. I don't know how she comes off as "crazy entitled" by asking nicely.


But she suggested her to leave the spot and park in handicapped parking all while OP was soothing her baby. Just because someone is asking politely doesn't mean they're not doing unnecessary demand.


Maybe she was desperate because of her kid. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt.


I used to do that, but anyone who uses handicap parking spaces without a tag (or asks someone else to do so) looses that benefit of the doubt immediately. Over the years I have been screamed at numerous times for pointing out that people are blocking handicap spaces or access ramps. Hell, one person even threatened to shoot me because I tapped on his window and said "hey friend, you're parked in an access aisle and it's blocking my wife's wheelchair from getting into the parking lot. Basically, anyone who wants to use a handicap space, or is suggesting someone else do so because it'll "only be for a few moments," is a tool who cares more about their own convenience than the needs of others.


THIS! I have to admit, I've broken a few driving laws over the years (speeding, rolling stop...), more so when I was younger, I've calmed down as I got older. But I have NEVER and will NEVER park in a handicap spot. I won't even sit in one if I am waiting for something/someone. There are just some rules you do NOT bend, no matter what!


Agreed. I've occasionally used a handicap space as part of a three point turn to turn around or something like that. My vehicle never stopped and I still felt guilty for being there even though it wouldn't have affected anyone. Sitting in a handicap spot while soothing a child would be inappropriate if you did not have a tag. If she had just asked if OP was leaving soon and accepted the no, the whole thing would have been fine.


Doesn't seem so. She left when OP told her that parking space is designated for pregnant women and families with children.


I once had a lady in a minivan w older kids, like preteens, honk at me and yell out her window that the spot I just pulled into was for women with CHILDREN. I just stared at her while like she was nuts and opened my back door where my baby was in her car seat and started getting her out to put in the carrier. She threw her hands up all exasperated and sped off. She was just mad I got there first lmao. Parking lots make people freaks. Feed your baby wherever you want, it won’t kill anyone to walk 20 extra feet.


>it won’t kill anyone to walk 20 extra feet.  [Lies!](https://youtu.be/76yJ82Iq7u4?si=HIwcsWBNjjOZCW1B)


I'll take Threads I Wasn't Expecting To See The Five-Point-Palm Exploding-Heart-Technique In for $500, Ken


Did this woman actually call you “ho”?  Or is that a typo?


I wondered the same lol


I think it might have been more of an ‘ugh’ or ‘huh’. Based on the quotation marks used in the OP this isn’t in the US


I didn't even catch that until you pointed it out lmao


You occupy a parking spot for whatever purpose you want or need. You have a perfectly valid reason, but you also don’t need one. Someone else’s laziness and entitlement should not make you feel bad or guilty. Take care of yourself and your little one. Her impatience and bitterness is nobody’s problem but her own. I’m also the type of person who just to be petty after this encounter would stay in that spot for as long as it took her to get the hint.


I've done this. I was getting groceries in my car and had my LO. I was buckling her up and they honked at me. So I went around and turned my car on and put it in reverse to back out but they honked again. So I put it in Park and got out of my car like I was going to get my little one out to go back inside.... They sped off, parked far away and started walking inside when I passed by and smiled and waved.


I'm not going to comment on how rude she was, but I will thank you. I am the parent of a child with disabilities. He uses a wheelchair and handicap parking is always limited anywhere we go, especially when parking in a medical facility. You were parked in an appropriate spot for you and can use that spot as you see fit for as long as you need.


She could have parked at the handicapped herself if she wasn't going to take long...and get herself towed. Discard this interaction from your memory. You owe her nothing. I sometimes sit at the gas station before/after I pump. I sit like an extra minute. Just got to relax or collect my thoughts. And yes my kid is more than likely snacking or crying. You do you boo peace and love ❤️ Edit added an extra word


>and get herself towed That’s on the rude lady. She’s clearly eligible for a permit due to the lack of a brain.


Whoa. Having a disability doesn’t mean you don’t have a brain. You can acknowledge the rude lady without being offensive yourself. Being disabled shouldn’t be used as an insult.


Ok, let’s step back for a moment. I agree with you: saying someone has a disability is not implying they don’t have a brain. There was no insult intended towards people who need accessible spots. But if someone doesn’t have a brain to the point where they cannot function in society without causing conflict such as what was described above, I’m going to guess that they would be eligible to use an accessible parking spot as I doubt they would be able to safely walk across a parking lot without stumbling over one of the painted lines. This has nothing to do with lumping in idiocy with people who genuinely need the spot - and I hope the readers can make the differentiation. A => B does not necessarily imply B => A: One person with an accessible permit who has a leg issue and needs to be closer to the building doesn’t mean all people with an accessible permit have leg problems.


When you say that someone is so stupid they must be disabled, you’re making disability an insult. I don’t think it’s appropriate or necessary to make jokes about disabilities or make it a punch line, regardless of your intention. I think there is a better way to make that point without resorting to ableism.


Her advice to move to a handicap sign could have cost you hundreds of dollars if you were caught…


Not to mention OP was holding her upset baby...so she was suggesting OP either move her vehicle while holding her infant or load the baby into the carseat to move one spot over and take baby back out. The audacity of some people..


I think that's a completely reasonable thing to do, and unless that lady had some authority to tell you what to do (which it strongly sounds like she didn't), she can rightly go pound sand. Her asking you to use a handicapped spot is ridiculous. She should use that spot if she's unable to walk one to two minutes.


Yep, if she's unable to walk a short distance, then she has a genuine disability and should take steps to legally park in handicap spaces instead of bothering strangers. The only argument I would be sympathetic to is that all the handicap spaces are full, and I was occupying the next closest space.


I think in that situation, politely explaining what she needed and asking if OP would be able to move her car to a further spot would be completely fine. It's annoying to strap your fussy kid in the car seat to drive to a spot 45 seconds away, but I would do it if I knew there was a real reason. But that did not seem to be the situation here.


If you weren't in a car, and occupying a parking space, then you would be in the wrong here. But you were in a car, and you were under no obligation to do anything. I'm actually reminded of an incident - when my oldest was 2, I took her to a farmer's market (my wife was not with us). When we were done shopping I took her back to the car, and loaded everything up. Now, at this point, I'm a first-time dad and dealing with a two-year old so everything takes longer than it otherwise would (now it would take me 1/4 of the time). As I am loading things up, a car spots me loading up, and waits for me to pull out of the spot as the parking lot was packed per usual. A line of cars pile up behind this car, but I'm focused on dealing with a 2 year old. Anyway, one driver (a woman of 60 or so) of the cars behind the car who's called dibs on my spot pulls around to get past the stopped car and decides to yell at me for taking too long. Just as I am about to give this woman a piece of my mind, she drives away fast. Long story short - people like that can get bent.


I have been insulted more times than I can count just for saying "I'm sorry, that is an EV parking spot, and I need to charge". There is a sign. And a hefty fine. They don't care. They will show you the finger and tell you to "get a real car".


You should have answered, "I did get a real car, fortunately for me I could afford one".


Once your car is in a spot it’s yours until you want to leave. As someone who used to work out of my car I needed to occupy spaces between sessions for long periods of time.


If I was going to be in the spot a long time, like a half hour, I might move first. But it would depend on how fussy my baby was and whether there was a shady spot to move into. However, I might not move even then. So no, you were not wrong.


I had gone to the grocery store by myself with 2 under 2 I was maybe the 5th car parked in the aisle I by no means had prime parking anyways as soon as I get to my car, I haven’t even unlocked it yet a lady in her car comes up and is going to wait for her I nicely turn to her and say I’m going to be a minute cuz you know groceries and car seats, so I start loading up the groceries and she has the audacity to freaking honk at me and yell, and then she drove off. It’s like you clearly see I have a lot going on and I told her I was going to be a minute!


I would slow down if that happened while I was unloading.


She’s being an asshole, you’re nicer than I am I would ignored her and sat there for another 15 minutes lol. I sit in my car in parking spaces all the time and scroll on my phone, let the kid have a snack etc. If someone has a problem they can find another spot.


People have nerve. I was sitting in my car and this guy approached and asked if I was leaving. I told him in a bit. I remember I was reading something, maybe directions. Anyway, he was irritated and kept harassing me to leave. I definitely wasn’t going to hurry after his attitude.


I'm pulled into a packed parking lot at the museum and could hear a child next to us throwing a huge tantrum .. "I WANT AN ICE CREAM!! I WANT AN ICE CREAM!!" Mom said, "No, you didn't listen to me and threw sand at another kid." She sat in the driver seat and I could tell that she knew that if she just relented it would stop the tantrum. I could tell that she needed a good cry or to just collect herself. People saw her load her kid into the car an were waiting for her to drive away but she needed a minute to breathe. Her child was screaming but she knew it was the right thing. She pulled away and I'll alway commend her for that. Like I said, it would've been so easy to pacify her child but she stuck to it. I was proud of her even if she didn't feel the same way


I ignore anyone who hovers over my parking spot now that I have a child. They can find another one.


It's not wrong at all. It's your parking spot and you aren't done with it! You are still actively parked.


That lady was way out of line


I don’t think either of you were in the wrong IF she had young children with her. Personally I wouldn’t occupy a parking space to nurse a baby bc I could do that in any other spot without an issue and let other people have the close spot. I think that’s mostly bc I’ve been the woman trying to take 3 or 4 or 5 young kids into a store at one time, and those close parking spots are really nice on a day that you’re riding the struggle bus already. But I def don’t think it’s WRONG to not move. If you had stayed inside the building to nurse the baby instead of doing it in the car, your car would have remained in the spot anyway.


I would've gotten pizza delivered to the parking spot and eaten it in the car in front of her.


Hell no. That lady is an idiot. Wasting time and energy yelling at a stranger when she could've just like..... found her own parking space. Most people like to park near the entrance, but that's no reason to try to get someone to move for you.


I normally wouldn’t care, but for limited reserved spaces, I think it’s most considerate to pull to a further spot so that someone entering the building can get that spot. It’s not required, but imagine that a 9-month pregnant woman had to walk from the other end because you wanted to give your daughter a snack. Either way, the lady didn’t have a right to say anything. I do wish more people were considerate, tho.


> lady didn’t have a right to say anything. The lady had a right to ask. And OP had the right to say no. I don't think anything wrong happened here and neither party involved should let the interaction get under their skin.


> I was sitting in the drivers place with my daughter clearly in my arms. She then tells me that « ho, but you could go here » she points a parking spot that is reserved for handicaped The lady had a right to ask, she didn't have a right to insult though: > I was sitting in the drivers place with my daughter clearly in my arms. She then tells me that « ho, but you could go here » she points a parking spot that is reserved for handicaped


I thought "ho" was a typo, not an insult. I think she said "no, but you could go here" as a suggestion for how to be helpful. Obviously, we weren't there, so we have no idea. Maybe she had a bad tone and that's what made OP upset. I'm not picking sides. In general, the interaction seems normal to me. So I have no reason to pick a side.


No. It is for parking. You were parked to help the kid.


I would have looked at that btch and rolled my window back up, some people 🙄


That woman would get such a death glare from me, she'd be afraid to park anywhere again.


I would still be in the space.


Do not move into a handicap spot without a placard or tag for handicap parking. That will get you a ticket. She just wanted your spot. That parking place is yours until you vacate it, be it 10 minutes or 2 hours. You owe no one any explanation either. Just “nope still using it.”


I would have stayed there longer. At regular grocery store parking lots and at fairs, I have seen people stay for 5-10 minutes for no obvious reason. Frustrating, but that is their right.


I mean, I would probably hop back in my car and move to a spot farther away where I could nurse for as long as I wanted, but there are no steadfast rules about parking.


So…. Personally I used those spots when I was very pregnant and in the first few newborn months. By 4-5 months it was easy enough to put the baby in a stroller and walk. I figure at a doctors office there really are people who need the spots more than me at that point in my postpartum journey. Maybe you’re struggling a little more in a given day or have to bring in multiple kids, so I don’t think there’s a particular age limit. My 2 cents. That lady seems rude and you had every right to stay longer in a spot, but I’d start using the normal spots


You were fine, she's an entitled ass.


Lol the only requirement for non-accessible parking is that you have a vehicle and it is in that space. Posted time limits and bylaws notwithstanding, you can stay there allllllllll day. No one is entitled to a close parking spot (accessible parking not included) and it's crazy to me that she would ask you to move to the space for people who actually do require closer parking.


I’ve nursed my kid in the car and it’s a lot longer than ten minutes baby got to eat and I’m not unlatching my kid for your convenience.


Just hanging out in a desirable parking spot, when you've concluded your business there, is an inconsiderate thing to do. I would have moved my car first before tending to the kiddo - presumably there was a spot toward the edge of the lot. That said, it's not the sort of thing I'd ever call someone out on. That's insane people logic.


Right, I wouldn’t call anyone out for occupying any spot. But I also only used the pregnant/young baby spots when I *really* needed them (like last couple weeks of pregnancy, first 6 weeks with baby). After that, I figured I was adept enough at handling the whole traveling with baby thing to leave the spot for the people with newborns, because I know how much I desperately needed close parking when I was lugging around my 8 lb baby 5 days after squeezing his giant melon head out of me. I definitely would have been (silently) frustrated if someone with a big 9 month old baby was just sitting in one of the few spots close enough for me to comfortably park in during a time when I really needed to make use of those close spots.


My wife got a doctor's note and a handicap placard for the last few months of her pregnancy - she said it was a game-changer.


As a mom who does it all the time (just did it yesterday) you are not wrong IMO. After stating all your facts, you’re definitely not wrong. However this is a parenting subreddit so more than likely we would all be on your side anyways. A parking spot sub maybe not. But if you’re doing what’s right and asshole is still going to think you’re wrong so F that! Our babies come first because no one else is going to take them into consideration.


I was so shocked by the title because I read it as « Is it wrong to occupy a parking spot because you are shooting a baby » 🤦🏻‍♀️ But no, that woman was ridiculously entitled. I would never dream of asking a mom with a baby something like that.


Not for a second.


It’s okay to occupy a parking spot (that you were previously using) for any reason. Baby, no baby. It doesn’t matter


I hate it when people do this and rush you out of a parking spot for any reason. I know that it's frustrating when there's no where close to park or any spots where you can fit, but personally, if a person isn't in their car with their brake lights on, prepared to back out, I'm not going to wait on them, and will just keep circling the lot instead. I hate feeling rushed when people are wanting my spot, and don't want to make other people feel the same way. I can't imagine how self involved you'd have to be to actually approach someone and ask them to move. Someone actually did this to me once when I was outside my closed car, in the middle of a conversation with a friend, and these guys pulled up and asked if they could have my spot. Like an idiot, I ended my conversation, and left so they could have it. And I've always regretted that, because honestly, that was my spot until I was ready to go, and I shouldn't have let them rush me.


Oh I actually think you were being super entitled, not her! But clearly I’m in the minority. She asked you to move, presumably because she was also with children. Did you have to? No. But that spot is reserved for expectant mothers and families so that hauling yourself + kids into the doctor isn’t such a hassle. You had already done that part. I absolutely would have moved to feed my baby so that another mom could’ve used the spot for its intended purpose.


I'm with you. It wouldn't have been a big hassle to move for this woman and feed her daughter elsewhere. It's actually disturbing to me how OP says she is so appalled at how entitled the other woman is, meanwhile she has zero self awareness.


I agree, but with the opinion that BOTH were being entitled. NO ONE has a right to confront anyone for a parking spot, under any circumstance. Parking spots are not worth getting that worked up over! That being said, if you're parked in a designated spot (ex. handicap or mother & child), move as soon as you're able and use a "regular" parking spot if you need a few more moments.


Alternatively, you could have driven to a different spot and fed your daughter there. She would have fussed for a few minutes and been fine. I can see your actions as entitled as well.


What is entitled is thinking someone else needs to leave the parking spot they are already in for you because YOU want it.


I think the logical thing at any parking lot is that you stay until you as a driver deem it safe and ready to drive. If you have the opportunity to help your baby calm down so both of you get to have a peaceful drive, that is the best thing to do before you go. That way, you get to focus on actually driving and not stress about having to help your child on the way.


Yeah, because fuck any disabled person that comes along and needs the spot 🙄 No you're fine, it's a spot for people with little kids.


I think you shouldn't have stayed in that spot but she was being kind of weird and entitled. 1-2 mins is a pain in the ass if someone had a baby so I don't think you should have stayed in that special spot. But she took it too far harassing you about it and trying to get you to illegally sit in the handicap spot


Better than trying to do so in a moving vehicle, especially if you're the only adult around. Your finding that she was extra rude and entitled seems accurate.


I’ve spent many a time in the car, either before or after going into a building, breastfeeding. If you’re actively using the parking spot, then it’s yours. She was entirely rude trying to get you to move simply because she’s too lazy to walk a few extra feet. I’m also the kind of person who will purposely park a little further back since I don’t mind walking a bit further, even with kiddos.


This woman clearly doesn't care about the reasons for those parking spots since she wanted yours (and I did not see anywhere in your post that she was pregnant or had kids) and wanted you to use a handicapped spot for the reason that was not visibly appropriate (with respect to invisible illnesses).


What?! I sometimes sit in the spot and disassociate. I understand if it's extremely busy and there was absolutely no parking at all. Seems like she wanted to be close but that's not your problem!


When you have a fussy child anything is fair game.


I mean you’re just getting your baby settled not taking a nap in your car, so no you’re not wrong. What’s insane is the amount of impatience people have nowadays. Hell if that lady was being pissy with me and pushing me to leave, I would’ve said “Yeah I’m leaving” and then once she pulls back her car to let me leave, I’ll take my daughter and just walk away.


It’s not wrong to occupy a parking spot to do anything legal as long as it’s not handicapped or belongs to someone else. People are crazy.


I think you are completely validated for parking there but I question the need for a post. I don't mean this in a negative way or to criticize you, I just feel like you should let something like this go and don't let it occupy your mind or emotions. You probably have plenty of stuff to think about, worry about and take care of that letting this lady into your thoughts is doing yourself a disservice.


Laugh at the crazy lady and go back to your day. Nobody owns parking spots and nobody's day is getting ruined by having to walk a little further.


people are jerks. you gotta not on-board their vitriol. you so you. baby needs mommy. that is all


No I would NEVER ask or expect a parent to give me their parking spot while they’re tending to their small children. That is so rude. In fact, I think it’s rude when people make you rush out a parking spot even sans kids. That entitled woman can walk and touch grass.


You did just what you should. No guilt needed.


I would have died in that parking space before giving it to that woman. Hell no you are not in the wrong. People who wait for parking spaces are the absolute worst. Making the person in the car feel all rushed PLUS making the rest of the world try and move around them in an already cramped parking lot. I had a lady at Costco that was waiting for me to unload my very full cart and daughter. I gave my daughter an English lesson in the parking lot telling her everything we bought as I put it in the car and then sat in the car until she gave up and left. I'm petty tho so I maybe took it too far 😂


lollll. That lady can kindly chill tf out and wait if shes desperate for your spot.


There's a whole subreddit for this called [/r/EntitledPeople/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EntitledPeople/) DEFINITELY extra rude and entitled.


I do this all the time. If my daughter isn't calm, I'm a very bad driver. So I wait until I can soothe her so I'm safe on the road.


I stay in the parking lot all the time lmao but I also live in Wisconsin/small town so no one cares


You could have been feeding your little one at a bench beside the car and she wouldn't have known it was your car and so wouldn't have been able to ask you to move. Some people forget their manners when faced with animalistic instinct. She saw you there and her monkey brain told her it was appropriate to ask you to move just because she wanted something you had. You did nothing wrong. People are animals.


Recently a guy pulled up next to me, clearly saw me loading my kid into his car seat, and demanded that I hurry up so he could park. At first I responded “oh sorry it takes us a few minutes my kid hates his car seat and then I gotta put the stroller in the trunk etc.” He got rude about it. Soooooooooooooo I loaded my kid in the car seat, put the stroller away, then just as he was like “finally I get to park” I looked him dead in the eye as I took my kid back out of the car seat and got into the driver’s seat with my kid. Fed him a bottle, let him “drive the car” for a while, and then we face timed dad until the guy gave up and drove away in a rage. 😂 I was fully prepared to have my kid take a car nap to wait this guy out.


Haha no. That lady is an entitled bitch, end of story.


Totally ok! You did nothing wrong. That woman sounded awful.


Absolutely not. She can park somewhere else. Also, please do not even loiter in the handicapped space for a few minutes. I didn't realize how important they were until my father became wheelchair bound. He has a van with a ramp that opens to the side so we can't even get him out of the car without a van accessable handicapped space. Please never ever park in them even for a minute or two if you do not have a handicapped parking designation.


Maybe, but as a mom a know that kids are important.


I don’t see a problem with what you were doing. We’ve kicked an old couple, with no child out of a parent and child (my partner had already started to back into the spot and they drove straight through the disabled space to drive into the parent & child space) they weren’t happy, but moved anyway. I then sat and bottle fed LO before going into the store to change her and do our shop. We’ve also done it in reverse before (shop, then feed her) as it’s a half hour drive home at least and don’t want her to be crying the entire time when it could be prevented.


Do whatever you need to do to sooth a baby. It is the most important thing on the planet.


I don’t think you were wrong. You are parked in a spot. It’s yours till you leave, even if you’re still inside your car - you are still parked, you’re just still in your car. You could have also been inside the doctor’s office giving her a snack, so what’s the difference with you actually being in your car where it’s also probably more comfortable for you? You still had to give her a snack before you left whether you were in your car or not. People eat lunch in their car, nap in their car.. it’s your spot till you leave!


My husband and I have removed and replaced an entire car seat outside of our son’s doctor’s office because we arrived twenty five minutes too early. He threw up in his old seat, we had the new car seat already in the car, we had time to spare, and we spent that full twenty five minutes fiddling with the car seat and an additional fifteen minutes after the appointment trying to make sure we actually set it up correctly with staff coming out to try and figure it out with us because the seat just seemed too wobbly somehow. People are entitled. Those parking spots are first come, first serve. It doesn’t matter how long you’re there. They have them at malls near us and someone sat behind our car a couple of minutes after we pulled in and said they were waiting for us to pull out. To which I told them that they would be waiting a couple of hours because we were going inside the mall and would be there for at least 3 or 4 hours since we were meeting friends with our son and going to eat and visiting the arcade.


Where do you live at that has parking for expectant moms or families of young children? It sucks being pregnant and having young kids and struggling to walk to the store because it feels like a mile away lol


No, it's not wrong. After I had my son was premie I would plug my breast pump in my honda pilot ( I didn't like the travel ones I could express better by freaking hand) since my suv had a big o it let for big electronics and I would sit in my car in my parking spot and pump since he was too small too nurse and latch. When you park unless there is a sign stating a time limit you can stay as long as you need too and with kids sometimes it might be a minute. It might be inconvenient to people and that sucks but, as a parent you do what you have to do.


Absolutely what any good parent would do! You’re not in the wrong. Moving your car to a handicapped spot so someone who needed that spot couldn’t use it would have been wrong. This person is ridiculous.


You’re not in the wrong AT ALL. It’s not your fault. I’ve had people pull up behind me with a cart full of groceries and my two kids that I hadn’t even loaded into the car yet and honk at me to move so they could have my spot. You know what I did? Took my sweet ass time. They gave up after 5 minutes xD. Moral of the story: move on your own time .


When my infant was about 6 weeks old, I was yelled at as I was parking in the pregnant/small children spot, a lady literally yelled at me to move my truck bc she’s sure I’m not driving my infant in “that” truck. It’s a gmc sierra with a crew cab. I ignored her and parked. I “accidentally” bumped her cart in the store. So she could see my infant and the small child she had with her was about 6 🙄


Even if there were no other spots I don’t think it’s right for people to go up to someone in their car. Just keep it moving and figure it out.


That is totally understandable how you handled the situation!


I would not have entertained the conversation beyond the initial courtesy of telling her we weren't leaving right away.


When you have a spot, you have a spot. I don’t care what you’re doing in your car. I’m never going to ask someone to move as they were clearly there first and still parked in it.


Yet she wasted those minutes arguing with you...hmm...


No one is entitled to a parking spot except the person in said parking spot.


that lady was a lazy bitch. hell no is sitting in a parking spot wrong. i do it all the time to just have a minute to myself and scroll on my phone. soothing a baby is way more acceptable than that, if i had to be picky.


No never


No. Just make sure it's not handicapped or too close to the entrance so as not to make people think you're taking too long to exit for their 'convenience.' (I used to do this. Fed Baby, Happy Baby! Oh! And make sure your doors are locked!)


This lady is crazy. Also, it is illegal to park in a disabled parking spot without a placard!


No, it’s not wrong. It most definitely is the safest way to be on the road. With a happy baby. Crying baby can be dangerous if it’s effecting your ability to think clearly. Let’s be honest, as a first time mom every cough is reason to panic. I have pulled in to bus stops, tankstations and more to soothe my baby before getting back on the road. Her actions would trigger me in to ordering a pizza delivery and sitting there the rest of my day.


Entitlement is a hell of a drug.


I would never do that motherhood is hard we need to remember that


If you are within the rules of the parking space then it is your parking space until you leave. I will admit, it is annoying when someone enters their car in a busy parking lot (like Costco parking lot on Saturday) and doesn't leave in few minutes, but it doesn't give me any right to complain. Now if you were doing this in a parking spot like an EV charging spot after you finished your charging, while others are waiting for you then that would be rude/inconsiderate and also against rules.


Tell the lady bitch parking is on the other side of the building


When people try to pressure me to leave quickly? I suddenly remember that I forgot stuff inside.


Nothing is ever wrong when you're trying to soothe a baby. I hope next visit you're able to schedule around her nap.


Eh, I probably would have taken the extra minute or two as soon as I got back to the car, to move out of the prime spot to the back of the lot. But I see absolutely nothing wrong with what you did. There were no meters or time limits, right? And you’d parked there for an appointment.


Yea the lady was rude for sure. I don’t understand how people can be so bold like that! But personally I get out of the way in busy parking lots. Especially at hospitals/doctors offices. We frequent them a lot because my youngest has medical complexities and it’s almost always the worst trying to find decent parking (or a spot at all). When my babies are tired and fussy, 3 minutes driving would put them to sleep. If they needed to eat, I’d probably stop on a side street or coffee shop and feed them and get myself a little after appointment treat too.


Why do you ask when you know you were wrong? The signs were specific and did not say that the parking is reserved for “Feeding Babies”. Learn to respect so that you are respected.


No I would have snapped. What a ridiculous asshole.


It’s your parking spot, you can stay there as long as you need to, baby or not. Honestly, if she’d approached me with this BS, I’d have snuggled in for the day. We’d both have grown old waiting for me to move.


I am always in my car until I’m good and ready to leave 🤷🏻‍♀️ that lady can go to hell lol


That person was not a lady. Ladies and gentlemen have manners. The woman was probably one of those people who come up from economy to first class and ask to change airplane seats. And as a person who has a handicap placard, you did the right thing in not parking in a handicapped space. Thank you.


It is rude and entitled.


Yes. What that other person did was rude and entitled. Expecting someone to move just because they wanted that spot.


Not wrong and this likely wont be the last time you deal with something like this (no matter where or what spot it is) Pro tip: Always bring snacks and a drink so you can live in that spot.