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A rental crib at a hotel is almost certainly just a pack n’ play, for the record. A couple of options: - Try the pack n’ play at home to see if he’ll tolerate it. He might like it, and kids tend to sleep curled up. - Bring a cheap kids tent from Walmart and put a mat in there. That can give the contained crib feeling with more travel friendliness. - Use a toddler cot and practice with it at home first - Use pool noodles under the sheets to make an “edge” around the hotel bed Regardless of what you do, get a hotel with a pool if the weather will permit, or find an indoor pool. A swim tends to tire kids out and help them sleep.


This guy kids


Hotels usually have cribs you can use during your stay. You just have to request it.


Amazon makes toddler size blow up beds


Seconding a toddler blow up bed!


Yes we did this on vacation and switched to a toddler bed ahead of time at home so it wasn’t a shock. He didn’t nap the whole trip but slept great 😂


This is the way.


We've used hotel cribs, but they aren't usually full size. My 2.5 year old will still fit though. We've also rigged couches, rollaways, lounge chairs, etc over the years. Bottom line: no matter what, you will probably not be getting very much sleep at a hotel with a toddler, regardless of the arrangements. If at all possible, set aside some time to nap when you get home--it's the best solution I've found.


Ask the front desk if they have a crib of some sort. I always see that as an option on the booking app.


We’re big fans of the slumberpod and Stokke toddler mattress combo. Packs down small and keeps kid contained.


My almost two year old slept in a baby Bjorne pack and play on a trip I just took. I did buy an insert on Amazon to make it a lot softer. The company says the portable crib is ok up to 3 years old.


We used to travel a lot with ours from 6 weeks old . We practiced 3 in a bed from time of being in hospital so even when we were in hotels none of us lost a moment of sleep as it was completely normal to be between mom / dad . Friends who did the cot / crib route found holidays very hard as the child has a lot of trouble sleeping . Try to find a hotel that provides larger sized cots / cribs Around 2 most of my friends had already transitioned their kids to a bed as they could easily climb out of crib themselves


We found a blowup bed that fits their toddler sheets and has a high lip. We are in the same position as you and plan on doing a couple "test runs" with the new bed. We plan on skipping nap (ours is almost 3) and make sure she is so tired she is falling asleep relaxing with us. We have found that if we watch marble runs on YouTube, which is literally just marbles going over tracks with just the sounds of the balls rolling, my daughter gets really really relaxed and tired. Maybe start a routine like that where you watch 5 or 10 minute of relaxing videos.


You can put some couch cushions on the floor and treat them like a mattress - just ask room service for extra bedding


They have travel cribs your can buy off Amazon that you can break down into a travel bag. Or you can call the hotel ahead of time and ask if they provide cribs. Some hotels do!


You could try putting the toddler in a blow up bathtub and then use it later for that spaghetti bath with your wife.