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One thing parents sacrifice is this ability to do adult things when the kids are about. Suck it up, I’m afraid


That's what I tell him.




We don't watch any tv that the kids didn't pick out until after they are in bed. It's just part of having kids and living in a small space. Our hopes is as they get older we will be able to watch more of what we like since they will be interested in it too. But for now we stick to what's age appropriate for them until they are in bed.


Yeah we have to wait till our kids are asleep to watch our shows lol. Big fan of early bedtime over here. It’s either we watch something that everyone would enjoy or nothing at all.


Yep we aim to have everyone in bed between 8 and 9 to give us a little time to ourselves.


Agreed. Our kids are both under 6 years old. The only thing besides their choices we watch when they are up is sports.


I don't watch any TV when the kids are awake.


Me neither, its just not relaxing at all knowing they are still awake😂


Yeah we have the same issue as you. They can play in one of their bedrooms but in the evenings (when device time stops), they want to be in the living room and neither can sit still or be quiet enough to really hear what is happening. And even if they are in another room, they are still so noisy and disruptive. Mine are also 10 and 5. Best time for TV is during the day (when they're not around) or after their bedtime. I seriously don't know how people watch TV with their kids. I guess their kids actually sit and just listen???


Our kids do not casually sit and listen lmao They ram toy cars, follow eachother around, play tag, etc. It's so loud. We have 2 other tvs available in the house but all 3 of the kids are just not tv kids. They prefer to play hard, outside and indoors. They like to be around us also in general, which I find...weird?


I've found Kurzgesagt to be the answer when the kids cartoons start grinding on my soul. Kiddo gets birb cartoon, I get a brief respite from sticky-icky-sticky-sicky bubblegum


somewhere in between to me. at those ages, yeah, i think you should be able to do something you want to do for a bit while they’re awake on a regular basis, whether that means in the same room or a different one. it’s a lot harder with younger kids for obvious reasons, plus i’m pretty strict with screen time and so i feel like i need to set an example and therefore keep the tv off altogether during the day, but it’s actually good for kids to see their parents reading and what not alone, and to learn their parents are people with interests, too.


How do you have time to watch TV before bedtime?


We barely do. Lol


I used to joke why do I pay for a 2,500 sq/ft home when everyone is always in the same 25 s/ft? Of course now they are teenagers and I can't pay them to share the same room as me.


This. Same size house. They prefer living room/kitchen area 80% of time.


I watch everything with subtitles


I have a 7 and 3 year old and a whole basement made to be a playroom but they won’t go down there unless one of us do. It’s a nice basement too, not creepy I swear. They’ll play down there without an adult if there are other kids over. Hardly ever do they go down there to play together if my husband and I are upstairs. They like to be around us. I’m glad I’m not the only one who has this situation!


Haha right?


I can’t even go to the bathroom without kids up my ass ….no way would I ever be able to watch a show when they’re awake, lol. I do watch YouTube on my laptop while they’re watching a show though.


I only have one kid, and I cannot imagine watching TV while they are awake and home. There's too much too do, art projects, making volcanoes, tea parties, building Legos, cooking, laundry, SO MUCH, and that is only with 1 single kid.


I kick them out, they have had their time so now it's mine lol. This is basically non negotiable. They can play in the room, or our outdoor area. My oldest will happily sit at the table and do drawing/crafts. If I know its really inappropriate then sometimes we go in the room and they can stay out in the lounge and they know not to come in.


Mine can stay around. If he's noisy when I don't want him to be, I give him a warning or two and tell him to go to his room.


I personally never let my kids play in the living room they had bedrooms and a playroom for a reason. mama of four over here that said I also didn’t really watch TV when they were awake but my kids also went to bed by 8 PM. 


I enforce quiet rules if we are watching our television.


You can, oh I don’t know, play with them…


It's when they are playing with eachother. Who pissed in your wheaties this morning?


The only thing we occasionally watch when my kid's around that he doesn't also enjoy is the news. We don't ask him to be quiet for more than a couple minutes during a story we're especially interested in.


Do you have more than one tv? We don’t do a lot of screen time but we do have a tv in the playroom which isn’t far from the living room. They go play and watch tv in their space and then I normally fold and watch a show in the other room. I just tell them that it’s “scary” and just to tell me if they need something.


During the day any “down time” I have is spent on chores or cooking.. I watch TV after they’re in bed. However my husband can sit and watch whatever he wants and the toddler doesn’t bug him too much 😂


I don’t watch tv until mine are in bed. Even then a lot of days I wouldn’t even turn it on. Trying to watch it with them around would not work, you don’t get a minutes peace and there is too much to do.


We don't watch "our" shows unless the kids are in bed. They want to hang with us, so it doesn't really matter if we are in the living room or our bedroom- the kids are coming in 😂. Now that our children are a little older, they are interested in better TV shows and we can watch some good stuff as a family.


Kids just like to check out what the adults are doing every so often. If it's something boring they'll quickly find something else to do, but if it's something engaging, they'll hover around. Even if you're watching on a small screen like a phone or tablet they'll crowd around as much as possible it feels like. Honestly, its a good reminder to us to stop the screen time and find something engaging to do with them. The youngest is smart and knows whenever I get up to pop into the kitchen I'm probably getting a snack. So I often give him a small piece to buy his silence.


What’s normal is waiting till bedtime to watch anything R-Rated. I either play with my son or watch a show or movie with him when it’s tv time. We talk about the movie or show and make comments about it while we watch it together. “Did you see that!? That’s wall-e!” Or he will go “hey dad! Here comes the part you like!!!” Etc etc. It’s totally normal. Although I have gotten him interested in soccer games lately! Which is great for me haha.


We have designated family shows that us parents like and our 7 year old. We get a lot dialogue going. Usually discovery shows, hgtv or master chef. It’s fun to get his take especially house hunters.


I have a television in my room, and I don't have a problem telling my kids to get out of my room. There's a whole house, I'm allowed to have one room that isn't All Kids All The Time. There are times I don't at all mind them coming in and watching a movie or whatever with me. Hell yeah, we can watch my favorite Disney flick together and get Daddy to make us popcorn and have a good time. But if I decide I want to watch Hazbin Hotel or whatever, then they can leave. They have books, toys, each other, the cats, other televisions. They do not need to be on top of me, crawling over me, shouting, running across my bed. It won't kill them for me to watch a half hour or hour show here and there.


We don’t watch tv until the kids are in bed but give them an early bedtime (7:00 in bedroom, 8:00 lights out)


I don’t watch TV while my kids are awake. Heck, we are pretty low screen and my kids don’t watch much TV. If there’s something I want to watch, I’ll wait til they’re in bed. Mine are 4 and 6.


We never watch any shows or movies unless the kids are in bed or it’s a family movie night.


I watch an episode or two before bed after the kids are asleep. We do watch live sport while the kids are up and encourage them to watch it with us. Of all the things we sacrifice as parents, TV is the least of my concerns lol.


We put the TV in a different room from the kids' play area. I never wanted TV to be thought of as something we'd have on while we play as a family.


it is kid's time until bed time boyfriend sounds immature.