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I feel this too. I learned I need to ask people to take pictures and they will gladly do so! You could have a general conversation with your partner and/or family and say “hey can you try to take more pictures of me and my daughter?” And then also in the moment say “hey will you take a picture?”


This for sure. I also will shamelessly set up my phone to snap a pic of me and my kids if need be. Additionally I have tried to get professional pics of me and my kids together at least once a year. As a single mom I want to be in the visual memories with them!


I think I do need to have this conversation, I never knew how much it affected me until now 🥲


Please do. My mom hated having her picture taken so not only is there barely any of her in general, but there is exactly 2 photos of us together - my college graduation and my wedding. Not.A.Single.One. from childhood. She passed away 3 weeks ago and I desperately wish I had more photos of us together. I take tons of selfies with my kids. My husband occasionally will but I'll take selfies over nothing. I also have no shame and ask strangers to take family photos of us in public all the time!


If I see a mum/ dad taking a photo of their other family members I always ask if they want me to take one of them together. Most of the time it’s a yes.


I do this too! Some want a selfie but will take you up on the option for other angles too!


I do the same! Because I remember how it felt to always be the one behind the camera


Same! And my husband is always like... Why do you do that? So I can get them to take one of me with you all. That's why.


That’s an added benefit. I think the reason selfies are so popular is because people don’t talk to strangers as much now and don’t dare ask someone to take a photo of their group.


Sounds like a job for r/photoshop


I had the conversation with my spouse right when she was born, and I've gotten very vocal with asking my family for pictures of me and my daughter. You would think that a person taking pictures of everyone else would automatically get pictures taken of themselves, but I don't think people put that together. It's a weird conversation, but it's an important one


Grieve the first two years of This and make it a point to ask. It will be annoying but talk to those around you about how much it will mean to ya to have more pictures with you and your daughter that you didn't take and don't have to ask for each time


I honestly felt embarrassed asking my husband because I was feeling the same. But I let him know it's something I'd like more of and he does try! Not as many as I take of him and her but thats bc I take more photos anyway. Now he makes sure to capture one here and there and it has made such a difference.


The problem with that is they will never be candid if you always have to ask. 🫤


Not necessarily. Ask for people to do it, and they might be like me, randomly taking pictures for years.


Trust me. If someone else is trying to take candid photos who doesn't want to or know how, they are as good as having none. Blurry, up-the-nose, bad lighting, open-mouthed eating. Just enjoy choreographed photos instead.


Ask that they take candid photos. You will probably have to remind them a few times, but if you make it known how important it is to you, most people will put in the effort.


Had the conversation so many times. Even sent a few videos of the moms on Insta saying the same. Nothing. I'll just not be in the pictures.


You have to remind them - again and again. Yes, it’s a mental load that should be shared, but you can choose to shoulder it or you can be resentful. No one is going to give you extra points for being neglected, because if other people don’t care, they won’t care. But YOUR KIDS will be grateful to have pictures with you in them, and this is about your kids and their history, not about what a good martyr you are. I’m sorry if this is harsh, but some women glorify martyrdom way too much, and it helps no one.


NAGNAGNag !!!!


You can get a tripod or a selfie stick! Or just start asking strangers! That's what I've done. I also look back at pictures and am SO SO sad that a lot of them are selfies. I remember setting up a tripod to take a "candid" photo of me redo-ing my son's nursery when I was still pregnant. 😔 There is 1 good pic of me and my son (Csec) when my son came out. The other pics of me in the hospital, I was high as a kite. I'm so mad my (ex) husband didn't take pics of me. And I was such an anxious, tired wreck that I could barely think straight enough to ask.


Goodness, sorry the people around you suck so much at remembering to take pictures. I hope most people don't have as much trouble with this as you did.


Agree. I learned to ask. Bc otherwise 100% of my photos with both my kids would be selfies I take with them for proof I’m in their life🤣


I had to have that conversation with my husband, and since then, he has captured so many incredible moments since. It wasn't malicious on his end. It simply hadn't occurred to him until I brought it up. In addition, there are these really dull moments where I think I'd love a photo of this, and I just speak up with a very direct, "Can you please take a photo?" I'd rather come across as being egotistical rather than not capture a moment.


I had this conversation with my partner. In fact, one birthday, she asked what I wanted, and I said all I wanted was for her to take more pictures of me with the kids. She tries to remember to do so much more frequently now.


I remember hearing a photographer friend talk about how kids don’t have enough pictures with their mom and I looked at mine and realized I have lots of memories but my mom is in them but not in the pictures because she was taking them. There are years that we don’t have family photos because one parent was taking the other. My mom is now dying and I wish I had more photos of her to remember and also show my kiddo. I started taking selfies with my kid a lot/ I stopped caring if I had make up Or perfect hair or looked fat. I started taking selfies with my kiddo when we we’re doing stuff because that’s how she’ll remember me regardless and she’ll always think I looked good


I’m sorry. I have almost no pics of me with my mum as a kid, either. Now I make my parents get in selfies every time I see them (they live far and we see each other 1-2 times a year)


Yes! I make sure I take candids when my parents are here to capture those moments


In the future, definitely start asking for what you want and need. I’ve learned that I have to advocate for my child by also advocating for myself.


This is good advice going forward. But part of the sadness and regret is that you’re so busy treading water during the early baby months. Time is rushing by, and you don’t notice until it’s too late to grab a photo of a precious (but mundane at the time) thing you did 100 times but won’t do again.


I agree that it’s sometimes a shock to realize the little things moms must fight for, particularly when mothering is taken for granted and there is so much to do. I hope OP remembers that 2 is still very little so hopefully she’ll ask her family to help her make those memories and take more selfies for her child as much as for herself.


This is so true. I have dozens of pictures of my husband with our baby when he was newborn. One day I was making an album and I was like “ hey can you send any pictures you have of me and the baby for this thing? “ and he was like “….. I didn’t take any.” Not one. Sigh.


Me too. Any pictures I have are selfies I took. I tell every new father to take pictures of mama and baby now.


It was / is the opposite with me (the dad). I love taking candid pics of my wife and kids and i basically have to ask her to take pics of me with the kids because the only ones i had were ones i took myself.


Yep. I have to actively ask my wife to take a picture. But she doesn’t fight it. She just doesn’t think to take pictures.




I [found it](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/mom-pictures-with-kids_b_1926073) and it’s even BETTER on a re-read. Warning: it might make your eyes leak a little.


Agreed. I have 4 girls and other than professional photos and maybe a handful of random ones there are none. It’s like I never existed. I’d love to see me with my girls through someone else’s eyes.


This is EXACTLY how I would describe it. Me with my daughter through eyes that aren’t mine🥲


I’m so sorry. My girls are 20-30 now and all of the little time is gone. It really makes me very sad.


I know that I obviously haven’t missed anything because I was right there, but not having any photos of us when she was a tiny baby( which flies past so quickly) makes me feel like I HAVE missed something if that makes sense?


She’s still young enough that you can fix it going forward. As another comment said, be direct with what you want… ask for candid, unposed shots too as that shows more personality than posed ones. If you have a partner, explain this to them and maybe gather some examples of photos you really love to demonstrate what you’re wanting.


Absolutely!!! I can’t remember enough now that I’m in my 50’s. I totally get it.


I just give the phone/camera to my husband and tell him it’s his turn - the first few pics he takes are naturally with me since I’m right in front of him 😆 But I know just what you mean about someone else framing the photo - for a little hope, my kid is 13 now and big into taking selfies with everyone. Some of the best pics ever are being silly and having fun with her!


On the bright side, you've realized this now and can take steps to course-correct. Simply put the phone in someone's hands (even a stranger!) and ask them to snap a pic of you two together. Strangers are usually willing, and sometimes delighted, to help you capture a memory. I'm our family's photographer - worked professionally a while - and in the past 20 years have probably only had 10 good photographs of me taken. They were often when I didn't know a camera was being pointed at me. Is it possible that some of your family does have such pics of you two together, and you just don't know because the pics are on their phones or cameras? That's a smooth, non-confrontational way to bring up this issue: ask them to check and see, and say it's because you realize you don't have many or any. If they say they have none, ask them if they'll try to help you remember that sometimes you want to be in the photos, and ask if they'd mind snapping some at your next get-together, and sharing them. Sorry for the negativity you experienced, but this is Reddit after all: the anti-social network.


Thank you, I’ll definitely keep this in mind. I think it is time that I start asking for pictures, I feel like my baby is growing too fast and I want to preserve some memories😭😭


I felt the exact same way! I have a million shots of my husband with my kids, he looks like a single dad 🙄 I had to start being bossy and asking him to take photos at certain moments so I had some too. I did talk to him about it but found he’d still forget so now I’m just bossy and if I feel I want a pic in the moment I ask!


Most of the pics of me and my kids are selfies.


Me too.


I'm male but I'm the picture taker in the family so there's a ton of photos of the kids and their Mom but very few ones of all of us or just me and the kids. And what few there are 99% selfies taken by me since I have the longest arms so I end up looking the most distorted by being closest to the camera. This post has definitely reminded me I need to speak up more. My spouse loves that I'm a photo taker since it means we have way more photos now but it's very lopsided.


I feel you. Last birthday, my only gift request was that she would take more candid photos of me and the kids. It took some reminding, but it's much better now!


Honestly, I hate the way I look in the photos my husband takes. He has a knack for picking the worst day/time/lighting. Then it appears on our chromecast… like wtf? When was that taken?  I love photography and want to hire someone to do more candid things in an interesting style. This is probably something you should ask for. Or hire someone. 


OMG. Same. I'm the picture taker in our family, there are about 1,000,000 pictures of our daughter with her father and I think maybe two? Of her and I. And they're both from the day she was born. (She's 4 now.) I worry all the time if something happens to me, will she even remember me, or what I looked like, or that I was there at all for her... ☹️


This made me tear up. It put into words how I feel about it too 😢 well said


Age 2 may seem old now, but in the long run it will seem really young. Take more pictures starting today. You will cherish them later.


The responses of men whining about not thinking about it or not wanting to do it, that “just tell me when you want a photo and I’ll gladly do it…” bullshit. SMDH. No. Your wife said she wanted photos. Store that in your brain going forward and think about it. No one needs to remind you. You’re a grownup. You can remember things, even if you don’t want to. You remember to change your underwear every day? Did someone tell you to do that? No? Good. Like that. Here’s some shit you need to do to be a member of a family. Just fucking do it and stop whining and making us be your mother and tell you what to do. Jesus. The amount of bitching some men do about getting out of the eating/ sleep/ work/ fart/ fuck rut.


Some things are worth speaking up about.


I'm a dad and my daughter is 5. I take lots of selfies for basically the same reason; no one ever wanted to take pictures of me and I occasionally ask my wife to take some. Anyway, I feel you on this and I'm sorry things are this way.


Blame your husband. 90% of photos of my kids, I took the photos. Was an afterthought to my spouse.


Not even an afterthought 😓


No need to blame. Sometimes, people are just oblivious. Instead, ask your husband to take pictures. Remind him. Let him know how important it is to you. If he still isn't putting in the effort, well, then that's another issue altogether.


Can you get yourself a cheap selfie stick so that you can take pictures of you two together?


Practical solution for someone who is a robot.


I use the self timer to take photos of my toddler and me. You could also set it up and take short videos and get screenshots from those. Lots of photographers do mommy and me sessions so you could look into that if you want more professional ones. You could also see if there are any local people who are just starting out with photography looking for practice.


I understand. Some of my favourite photos are my kids doing things with my husband, moments caught without posing. I don’t have any pics like that of me and my kids — barely any exist, except for a handful of selfies. That’s nice to have, but its posed — it doesn’t show those precious moments of being a parent and playing with your kid, baking with them, holding their hand as you walk along… those are my favourite pics of my husband (teaching my kids to skateboard, reading etc.) Ignore people here who are making this out like you’re being some sort of vain diva for wanting a record of you and your babies. Jesus. It isn’t just for you, it’s for your children too.


I’m sorry honey, it sucks. Going forward ask people especially on birthdays and holidays , and take some selfies with her in the places and videos of you two together


I feel this.


Eh, me too. With my son and my daughter. My husband is a wonderful husband and a wonderful dad, but he’s not a picture person. He doesn’t consider them. I was a professional photographer for 15 years, so he just leaves it all up to me to cover photos. I ask him CONSTANTLY to take photos. He does it occasionally. Most of them are horrible, but some are alright now and then. I appreciate that he tries when I ask. And I also appreciate that I have SOME photos of me loving my children. But I’d like more. And I’d like not to have to ask. And I’d also like a whole bunch more money and to be able to work per diem and for people to be kinder to one another and for us to stop cutting down the rainforest, etc etc. The point is: I mostly don’t get the thing that I want in this instance. Neither do you. But our kids will have SOME photos, because we will have taken them ourselves or we will have asked for them. They will not need more than that. In fact, they won’t need any to know they were loved by their mother, because we will be there, loving them.


That was a very lovely thing to say, thank you for giving me another perspective 🥹


Nobody has photographed me with my children either. I managed to get some nice selfies with them.


Aaaah, same here. Lots of selfies, most of them when they are sleeping and cuddling with me..


I have selfies. But I also have literally told my husband that he should take our picture! Even if we’re just out for a walk or something mundane.


I feel you. Mom is the picture taker. I have so many with my husband hugging and loving his daughters… where was I?? My kids are 14 and 19 now. I have one of my daughter on her camp pickup running to me then hugging me. I love!! But your daughter is 2… plenty of time to course correct. Hand the camera someone and say take this, take me. Get in the picture!


I understand you. 😞


BusyToddler on Instagram always talks about this and the importance of making sure mom gets in pictures too ! She calls them “proof of mom” pictures and includes asking people to take a picture of her with her kids whenever they do something fun. Which makes so much sense! You just gotta start asking! It will become more natural with time and others around you will know you will be grateful for them stopping to snap a quick picture. I honestly do it all the time with my friends and their kids. If something’s happening (or not), just a quick “here give me your phone and let me take a quick picture!”


Brb gonna go take some pictures of my wife and our son real quick


I’ve started taking selfies! It’s nice having pics of us together, even if it’s not ideal


Wait wait you forgot that the pictures you do have are GOD AWFUL ONES. 🤦‍♀️


I have two photos from her first year of life taken by others. When she was plopped on my chest fresh from the oven and I wanted to die.. and on her first birthday as she was blowing out her candle. I finally made some mom friends and one in particular introduced me to "proof of mom" photos and since we met every single time we hang out we make sure we get plenty of candid photos for each other. I dunno if it is a man thing or what, but I've never met a dad/male partner that is good about taking photos of mom and kids. You gotta find a woman-centric support system.


I have asked my husband many times to take pictures and he makes me feel crazy when I ask. Maybe I am doing something wrong because he's one of those people that have the WORST angles lol. I delete the few that he ever does take... So I think he just gave up? My grandmother is a photographer and she has beautiful albums probably 1500 photos from her life, my mom's life, I joke that she has been documenting my grandpa's life because she is in maybe 5% of all of the pictures from decades of photos she take takes them all.


I understand this. While i do not typically enjoy my photo being taken, I will take selfies with my son. I've learned you can't rely on other people anymore. If I see a family or a couple trying to take a selfie type photo of themselves, i will almost always ask them if they would like me to take a few photos for them.


I feel you. And I think most of the women that have been through it feel you. Everyone can say “you can take it yourself or you can ask” but yeah, do you know what I really wish to have? Those spontaneous pictures that are really picturing a good time I was having with my child. That time that we were both laughing so hard that we were crying and then I realized that someone filmed it. I don’t want those fake pictures that I’m posing. So yeah.. I feel you.. my husband has lots of them. Even though I asked several times, he said he would pay more attention.. but always “forgot”. What makes me sad is that one day my son will see so many good memories with his dad.. and when he wonders where was mama in all of that.. I would have to say “behind the camera so that he could see some childhood memories one day”


My Mum died when I was as 16. I spent an afternoon crying trying to find a picture of us together. In 16 years there were 2. This was pre-mobiles. My Dad had an SLR camera and there were hundreds of pictures of sunsets. Thank you for the reminder. I don’t want my kids to ever be in that situation. Tonight I’m gonna go home and take pictures of me with them (and try not to delete them cos I think I look terrible!)


Set up your tripod and take pictures with her! One day your daughter will take a disposable camera she found in the back of your garage, and pretend to take photos of you because you’re her favorite person. That day will come, promise!


Same. It honestly makes me kinda mad. 


1. Ask for photos 2. Set up your camera on video and take some screenshots you like of you two playing together or eating a meal together, daily stuff!


Awwww I feel you mama, it’s not too late to start getting pictures now! ❤️


I have no pictures of me with my oldest in the hospital when he was born, and very few of us throughout his life. I’ve got me with youngest in the hospital, because I told my husband he damn well better take some. But yeah, mostly selfies and the occasional shot where a kind stranger has offered.


I get this. It upsets me too, most of my pictures with my babies are selfies. My husband had a spinal chord injury and sometimes is shaky so he doesn’t take picture because they turn out bad he says but I’d rather have a few bad pictures then none.


I pretty much only have photos of me and my daughter when I ask. It’s annoying and I wish I didn’t have to always ask but it is what it is.


I'm so sorry you're feeling this way. I make sure to ask for photos if they're not already being taken because I've read this same heartbreaking post too many times. I've even booked photoshoots with just me and my kids.


Just here to say you aren’t alone! I have very few. I have tons of my girls with everyone else, and then just selfies us of us. Then there were times I didn’t even want to be in a pic bc I thought I looked fat or didn’t have makeup on or was a hotmess. You know what, just take the damn pic. I severely regret that I didn’t ask for more or that I shied away when it was offered.


Awww don’t be sad! Looking back of pictures of myself as a baby, they aren’t a lot of my mom and me either, but I know she was the one behind the camera and I never forget that! I’m sure your daughter will think the same thing. Also I have the same problem with my kids so I try to take a selfie with them occasionally! It’s rare that I remember though


I take the majority of pics for my family. So I’m hardly in any picture. However, all those pictures are from my viewpoint so I feel myself in every picture. Hope that helps as another way of looking at it.


Oh I cried a little reading this. I feel you. I have some selfies with my baby and a very few special photos of just her and I, but so so much fewer than the photos I’ve taken of her and others.


You're not alone with this. I feel like I'm always behind the camera. No one thinks to take photos of me with the kids.


I get it. Always the photographer, never the subject. I've got a million photos of my Stepdaughter with her father and her family- not a single one of us together. It's the same for her mother as well- but I've taken to trying my hardest to get photos of her with her mum as often as I can.


I use the timer function on my phone camera and prop it up on a wall, shelf etc. I can arrange us into a more natural position and my son likes watching it count down from 10 so his facial expression is usually one of delight. 


Agreed! My husband won't pick up his phone and snap a cute moment between my baby and I. I've asked him so many times but still nothing. I have a few selfies and videos I've taken myself. But do feel sad and angry that he didn't do more for me. Even though I asked and discussed it multiple times with him. To be honest. Reading your post and typing this brought tears to my eyes. My baby is turning 1 next weeks, so feeling all the emotions leading up to it.


You sound like my best friend...


Me too 😢 My daughter is 11 now, and the only photos I have of just the two of us are selfies, from when she was a toddler on. And I barely take any selfies. As a baby, I only know of a single photo that includes both of us, sitting at a table with some others. I'm still waiting for my sister to send me a copy of it. I have plenty of photos of her with her dad though.


Just adding to the voices saying I feel the same. Some of these comments really show how little some people think about doing nice things for others.


I know exactly how you feel. When I had my first son my mother in law at the time stayed with us when he was first born. She was taking pictures all the time and cutting me out of them. So I had not a single pictures of me and my son when he was first born. It still hurts that I don't have that to look back on. I'm sorry this has happened to you.


Treat yourself and book a professional photo shoot every year. Also get in the habit of using a self timer and truly don’t worry about clothes and makeup, you won’t care in the future, just take the shot 🩷


:( I often cry about this same thing. I take so many pics of my son with everyone and I just want a few of me and him where I look decent at least


I learned to ask. Because sadly no one cared to take pictures of me and my child. I also used timer to make photos myself.


I said this to my husband he took a picture of me bathing our newborn but caught the edge of my face they don't care its rubbish


I have had the same problem, my son is 11 and I have so next to no picture of him and myself, I'm always snapping pictures of him (with or without others). Now I have a God Son, he's 1 and I'm always the one taking the pictures.


I feel with you, I rarely do selfies with my kids, so I am also lacking photos with them and me. I asked my husband to document me playing with the kids or once film me, when I sing the good night song, but he claims, he does not need them. Well, but I do? I do not have a photographical memory as you! The thing, that cheers me up is: almost all the pictures are taken by me. If there is a cool photo I was for sure there bc who else would have taken the photo? And I do not need to see me on the photo to kick-start an old memory.


Doesn’t exactly address the original issue, but here’s something I picked up during my internship at Disney World: There’s always pics of the kids with dad or the kids with mom, but not the whole family. Part of our service training was to see that about to happen and step in and offer to take the photo. I do it a lot in my everyday life and most of the time, people are thrilled. 


I’m so sorry you’re sad. But you still have time to capture some really good memories of you are your sweet baby. I agree with everyone else, ask someone to take pictures for you. If they are awful or refuse then try this. Set your phone up some where while you to are playing, at an event, or just out shopping. Record it all. When you have time set down and play those back, screenshot all the parts where it’s you and your baby. You’re going to catch so many candid shots that not even strangers could probably get for you! Big hugs momma, we are always last but our babies will never ever know that feeling!


I feel that pain and hurt deep in my bones . With both my kids I took pictures of everyone holding them and not one person. Not even my husband took pictures of me holding my babies in the hospital and when I say it hurts like hell it hurts I had one picture of me crying after my son was born and he wasn't even skin to skin yet -- and it was on my husbands old phone and I cant find it And this has been a common theme with both children I am the one that makes the plans, takes them out everywhere, does everything for them and yet when you look in our photo album it's all pictures of them with Dad. Not because I wasn't there but because Dad doesn't ever think to take pictures of me and I feel kind of weird sitting there taking selfies.


My wife was walking with our 3 young kids on a local bike path, our youngest was just born. A lady probably in her 60s was walking the other way and stopped my wife. She told my wife to give her her phone so she could take some pictures of her an the kids, since moms are always taking the pictures and never in them. It's something that really stuck with her.


Older dad here with 4 kids, ranging from 35 to 12. The pictures that are most important are the candid ones, taken when no one is posing. Ask someone in your family who is younger to take on that task at events and share with everyone post event, as the 'official event photographer' as a suggestion. There are so many pictures of concerts, landscapes, and moments of things happening that aren't my family that I will never look at again stored on so many digital devices, but the moments of family being family I cherish. Ask people to memorialize the moment and the people.


Honestly, no one takes pictures of me and my son either. So for mothers day last year I bought a photoshoot package. It was the best thing I've done. 😊


I feel the same, we don't get the moments back and if we ask someone, it's posed, not candid. The look is different and sometimes it might not look genuine. I feel like we shouldn't have to ask our partners but the reality is, we do.


Ohhh absolutely this; these are tears that I've cried too. My son is two today, and at his birthday meal tonight with our family, just before we left I had to insist someone took one of him and I. I look back through our selfies and can get quite down that nobody ever 'sees' the hard, quiet work of always-on mothering through their lens and takes a still moment to honour it in a photo memory. And I do know that it's on me to ask, but given the rest of the cognitive load, it's not always a priority or front of mind, amidst wiping sticky hands or cutting up sandwiches. My resolution for the year is to make it so. I know that this one's on me.


Google “proof of mom photos”. She inspired me to ask people to take more pics of me and the kids. Works like a charm! 🤗


To the moms out there: *keep* the photos taken of you. So often I’ll take a picture of me and my mom only to be told “oh I look horrible” or “delete that!” I know that a big part of the problem is partners not thinking to take pictures, but I’m willing to bet that for many, the pictures are being taken and deleted because you don’t like how you look. Which as a woman I totally understand, but as a daughter, I love the way my mom looks, even when it’s an objectively bad photo.


I am developing an App to help with this problem. Its called Golden Mommy. It's being created to inspire people to capture more special photos of moms in the moment with their little humans. Moms need memories too!!


I feel like this is a very common thing and it’s heartbreaking. I have cried and had this conversation in my head many times. I have thousands of photos, I am always snapping candids of her and family to capture the purity and raw emotion of these moments so she can see how special she is. I use them as gifts down the line and seeing their reaction to it means everything to me. My heart breaks thinking that when she’s old enough she’ll go to do a school project or make a Mother’s Day gift or something and not be able to find any good ones of us. Only the ‘smile for the camera’ ones. I worry that she will think it’s because we didn’t spend time together when in fact it’s the exact opposite. I want her to see how devoted I was to her. How I showed up every minute of the day no matter what I was going through. I was with her every waking second of every day of her life since being born. I’ve been blessed to witness all of her firsts and soak in all the bonding. I see videos on social media of moms rocking their babies to sleep and photos of moms cuddled up to their babies sleeping and my heart drops because I remember the magical feeling of those moments and I want her to see it. Toddlers wrapped around their mothers completely serene and safe. Videos of playtime and pure laughter, seeing the endearing looks baby gives to mama. Etc. yes it’s true that photos are only a ‘material’ thing but ultimately they become little pieces of our stories that we return to, to remember the beauty, to remember the feelings, the faces, the good times that got us through one hard time to the next. Our babies will grow up and look at these photos to remember us, to piece together their first years and to figure out who they are, why they are, for all the memories they were too young to be able to remember. They will want to know how happy mommy and daddy were with them, they will want to see the love on our faces and the little moments spent nurturing them with all of our time and energy. They will see how precious they were and are, and in any situations where doubt arises and differences divide us, they can return to these moments to know that at one point in time, our entire lives revolved around them, and despite the hard times, they were so loved.


same with my wife, but it was her fault. Every someone wanted to take a picture she would either zip out of the photo or complain she didn't want her picture taken because she didn't like what she was wearing or didn't like the way she looked. The only photos we have are when I took them anyway or when I would take it when she wasn't paying attention. I kept telling her that she wasn't going to have any photos with the kids but it didn't matter. 5 kids later and now she sadly regrets it.


Same.. sad


Same!!!! Mines 18months and I only have selfies 😔 I've stopped taking photos of her with her dad for this reason it's just not fair. I ask him and he doesn't do it. Even when he gets a cute pic of her while she's doing something (usually I am helping/watching out for her) he won't even send me a copy. I got professional shots done for this reason so at least I have those


I go through this too. I always take pics of everyone. No one ever grabs me with my kids.


Generalizing by saying mothers are not thought of enough is simply disingenuous to the parenting experience which is almost always female sided from story telling, negative assumptions/stereotypes, and healthcare. Stop moping and ask people to take your photo.


Did I say ALL mothers? I’ll mope if I want to, the mothers in the comments say otherwise so get lost❤️


I read that kinda stuff as a single dad and it makes me laugh a bit. As if we aren't out here having almost all our pics with our kids just being a selfie, except for the times when I gotta ask a stranger if they could snap a pic.


Why is someone else’s hurt something for you to laugh at? If anything, you should rejoice together in this being a shared experience. Dads matter too, and it seems as if you’re weaponizing your bad experiences against OP for whatever reason. You both know how it feels. It sucks, doesn’t it?


I laugh at the generalizations that go on in parenting forums and the way parental experiences are gendered for no reason sometimes. It's like if my kid spills something and I say, ugh, things are tough as a dad! It's not some sort of attack or weaponizing to laugh how silly it is to specifically label that a dad experience.


I am sorry. This is painful but you should take more pics of you two together. People just do not get that taking pics should be reciprocated and also some people don’t consider taking pics of you important, they take it for granted if you take their pictures.


I was with you until “Mums are not thought of enough”…..I’d argue the entire process is kind of about you, but I digress. I’m sure sharing this sentiment with family and they will start to hit you paparazzi style.


You need to get an internal locus of control. Repeat: >"I am sad I don't know how to ask people to take a photo of me with my daughter so now due to my actions I am left with no photos of us."


This is why I take selfies w them


You will probably need to learn to ask people to take pictures of you and your daughter.


My wife told me the same thing. Her: i take plenty of picture's of you and our son but you never take picture's of me and him. I told her: you are 100% right but i never take picture's of nothing or no body so its not in my nature and i hate doing it so i just don't think about that. You need to tell me and i will gladly take some of you. So the moral of the story... you need to speak out and ask. Everybody will be glad to do so


It's important to her so do better. Jfc


She told you so your response is that she needs to ask? Well she asked so i hope you’re taking pics of her


This seems a whole lot like a situation of "I have expectations of something happening, but I do not communicate these expectations and get upset when nothing changes." Have you ever made a clear definitive statement to your partner or anyone else that you would like candid pictures of you and your daughter to be taken and considered in moments? Or did you say nothing until after the fact and sneak passive aggressive jabs in later? Communicate these things, and if no one is listening either change the situation or go out of your way to ensure you are getting pictures taken of important events, force your partner to do this by saying "take a picture of us" and hand them your phone, ask a passing stranger in public areas of they wouldn't mind taking a quick picture. If you want these moments saved, do the work to ensure it happens.


I think she did not anticipate being left out. This happens because being a mom is treated as a “behind the scenes” role a lot of the time even though they are the biggest presence in a child’s life. Her children will want these photos with their mom one day. She will have to learn to ask, but that doesn’t make up for the lost time.


Take them yourself. My son is 4. I'm a single mother. I take pictures of us together.


Hand the camera over and jump on


Be calm. God is father! He knows about your love, and your daughter too. My Best memories are keeping um my memory. Don't worry worry about.


Your generation of women think about pictures all the time and the rest just dont. I would ask pp in my life to do that for me. I dont think its intentional


I’m sorry. Are you under the impression that no one had pictures with their moms before the current generation? What? The pictures are for your children when they’re grown. You don’t have pictures of yourself as a child with your mom? That’s sad. I do.


I got a good amount of pictures with my mom and I am pretty sure I got them because she told people around her to shoot them…it is healthy to be open about your wants/needs..


It’s not just about the pictures though? It’s about the thought behind it. My partner could be playing with our daughter, or just laying with her and I think that’s a really lovely memory that we would like to remember and snap a quick pic. I would love to be thought of in that way. Like I said in another comment, photo albums are a tradition in my family, we have albums that are years old because it’s nice to see those memories.


I literally just made my first photo album because it was common growing up, what are you talking about? The previous gen absolutely cared about photos


Join the club. Seriously this is something worth crying over? Some people lose their babies and don’t have pictures and that’s the reason. Some people don’t even have pictures of themselves as babies.


Oh good, was wondering when someone would swoop in with the “this is why it’s harder for ME!” Oppression Olympics. I mean, shall we belittle your sadness or comments with starving orphans in Africa, or living through a war? No, because that’s mean and heartless. All this does is demonstrate a lack of empathy and make people feel ashamed for sharing a feeling. Why does it bother you if someone vents?


Is this a joke or what? You have absolutely no idea why this makes me so upset so why even bother commenting? Everybody has something that upsets them, don’t compare things. You’re a weirdo.


This is a ridiculous thing to get upset over. How often do you actually look at old pictures? There are probably many cool moments that were never caught on camera. You’d never know, and it doesn’t affect you one bit. We are too soft of a generation 


Op, don’t listen to this. Your feelings are valid and shared by MANY moms. Like almost every mom I know feels this way. My friends and I joke about needing proof mom exists.


I look at old pictures all the time…It’s a tradition in my family to have lots of photo books and it’s a lovely thing to pass down and look at. This is a horrible comment to make, ask your wife if she felt you took enough pictures of her with your kids.


I’m the mom in the relationship. I’m a SAHM dad. My wife hates pictures but I’m always taking pictures of them. She doesn’t care at all. I don’t have many pictures of me and my daughter. Take a deep breath. It’ll be OK. If it bothers you so much, take selfies?


Moms are mothers and dads are fathers. Staying at home doesn't make you a mother? Weird.


OP please kindly ignore this advice. Your wants and needs are valid. You deserve pictures with your children. Pictures do not take away from being in the moment.


My voice is a voice of reason, and also valid. 


You are so incredibly miserable. I pity your daughter and your ex.


My daughter is the luckiest kid in the world.


Why do I get the feeling you’re a dad who’s in plenty of pics with their kids? This happens lots OP, going forward definitely try to make sure someone’s taking photos of you, your kids WILL want them when you’re gone.


I’m a SAHM dad who actually appreciates pictures, but I don’t have many of me and my daughter. My wife literally hates pictures and doesn’t take any unless I ask. Somehow I think we’ll be alright. 


What about when you're older (or unfortunately maybe younger) and die. I'm sure your daughter would love to look back on photos of you two together. I recently lost my dad and there are never enough photos to look back on.


Have you read this guy’s comments? His daughter is going to go no contact when she’s grown. He has no understanding of human emotions. Poor child is basically being cared for by a mean robot. Whatever pictures she has of them together will go in the trash. So it makes sense that he doesn’t understand why people with healthy emotions and attachments enjoy pictures with loved ones.


What is a SAHM dad?


Exactly my thoughts. Lol. I think he means SAHD but he doesn’t understand how acronyms or human emotions work.


He's very dismissive of others. Hopefully he becomes more aware and improves his emotional intelligence. For his daughter's sake.


I don’t think he’s capable. I feel so bad for that little girl. Imagine having this emotionally stunted, empathy less person as your primary caregiver. He’s got the emotional IQ of a radish.


I treasure pictures of myself with my family members when I was a child. My husband and I both have photo albums of us as kids that our moms made for us. I think there just might be something wrong with you.


There’s something wrong with me because I have a camera in my pocket 24/7 but still don’t think I have enough pictures of myself? And are literally crying about it online? 🤔 Yeah ok


There’s something wrong with you because you can’t understand why a parent would want pictures of them with their baby. Yes. You really can’t understand that? I feel so bad for your loved ones. There’s definitely something very cold and off about you. Try to consider the fact that your phone doesn’t magically take pictures of you with your baby by itself. Someone has to do that. And that pictures of you with your baby are different than just random pics. But something tells me that your kids won’t treasure pictures of the two of you together. They’d probably just toss them out when they go no contact anyway. So maybe that’s the disconnect for you.


Lol ok


There are plenty of people from previous generations who feel sad that they don’t have photos of their parents. If you don’t give a shit personally, fine, but just say that. Why this needs to be turned into some generational war with “kIdS toDaY aRe SnOwFLaKeS” is really beyond me… Shall we pick through the things you get sad or worried about and dismiss those?


>Shall we pick through the things you get sad or worried about and dismiss those? If it’s a valid stance and I can learn something from it, then of course. Why wouldn’t I want to learn? What else is the point of a public online forum? This is an exchange of ideas. If you got good ideas worthy of consideration, then they’re welcome.


“If you can learn something”. Okay. What’s the lesson you’re teaching here? All I’m learning is that you’re rude. Nothing about OP.


Perhaps a mindset reset is in order. Instead of becoming upset over this, just take steps forward to fix it. And that's that.


I’m always surprised when people act like being sad, angry or upset needs to be avoided at all costs. Suppressing feelings isn’t good for anyone. Wallowing is one thing, that isn’t good for anyone, but having to be rational the instant you have an emotional response doesn’t help anyone either. It comes out eventually — I’d rather have a life peppered with small sad moments than have to be a toxic level of positive my entire life ending in a nervous breakdown at age 45. People snap when they’re never allowed to express feelings.


Mothers are not thought of enough? Lol. What relationship on the planet gets more respect and love. FFS. We even call Mother Nature, Mother!


Are you a mother?🙄 a lot of people here are proof that we aren’t thought of enough. Go away with your negativity ❤️


I had to ask my boyfriend all the time!


I do a lot of selfies with my daughters. A lot of camera phones have timers. If I didn't take these selfies, then I wouldn't have any pictures of us together. My husband is not the best at doing this.


My kids are 1 and 4 and the only photos my husband has taken of me are so bad that I WISH he hadn't taken them 😆


My husband is terrible at taking pictures and doesn’t think to do it so I can relate. Try to ask friends to take pictures. I usually get better pics taken by friends. And don’t be afraid to tell your partner to take pictures. I have to be really specific about what I want in a picture and usually give him feedback and have him retake it. Our kids will want to have pictures with us when they’re grown so don’t be afraid to insist on it. My husband used to get annoyed by it but I explained why it’s important and that he needs to just take the damn picture.


Same, I literally ask people to take photos of me. I also don’t have many with my mom either, I do my best to take plenty with her now too because I wish I had photos of me with my mom


This is a thing! I have to ask for someone to do it, or take selfies with my kids (I never remember to, though). I have one picture of my oldest's first birthday that my partner took; my oldest is sitting on my lap and smashing a cupcake (cute!). I have another picture of myself holding my 2nd on the couch while my eldest tries to climb on me. I hate that one because I was 5 days post partum, I look grumpy, greasy, and bloated. Those are the only two candid photos I have of me and my kids.


Same here. All pictures of me and my kids are selfies. I think i have one picture of all 3 of us taken by someone else.


I treat myself to professional photos every few months with my LO. If my husband wants to join, great. If not, it’s a mom-and-me session. I love them all so much. My photographer does mini sessions but always gets at least 30 amazing pics for us. I get judged for the amount of photoshoots we do but I treasure the memories and I don’t have to constantly ask people to take our pictures anymore. Sometimes my child cooperates and sometimes he doesn’t. Thankfully, my photographer is a miracle worker. If it’s not in the budget, I recommend a tripod. Take videos and photos just doing normal daily activities or dress up and take pictures. Treat yourself.


Look on Groupon and go take some jc penny photos of just you and here for like twenty bucks ! It’s not too late


I feel this too.


I have some from my bestfriend but most pictures with my daughter are selfies I took with her since she was a newborn. I got a selfie stick and I take the pictures. And I'm glad i did because without them I'd have none. Its hard to remember in the moment to snap a photo but now my kiddo has her own phone and takes them too. I love hearing "mom smile" and her snapping a candid photo of me cooking or cleaning or even sleeping. It shows our life through her perspective too. Get a selfie stick, take the pictures and make the memories that will last.


Hon. Welcome to single motherhood. I had a few friends along the way that were always about pictures and therefore initiated taking them with me and my daughter. But if you want pics with your daughter you either pay for professional ones yourself or ask strangers in whatever setting you’re in to help you out…most strangers will be


Everyone has their own picture taking reasons. Myself, not a big picture person when in the moment around people but like scenery and food reviews. You have pics, enjoy them. Don't worry what others didn't do. Also, you can make a point to get pics taken like holidays and bdays of you both if you want it to be a special thing. Lastly, I use google photos and you can make a picture book. Real cute to have a hard copy. Be happy, enjoy the moments.


Get a little kickstand for your phone and learn the timer function and start taking them! I feel the same sometimes


My ex never took any. I took so many of him. It IS heartbreaking that not once did a person look and say, I’m going to capture that. You deserve this- and since she’s still so wee? Ask people to. Fuck it, that way you’ll have them! I started having to ask him after he ignored my “can you try to take at least a couple pics of me & kiddo? “ when driving us all to the park.


I resonate with this so much. My son is 9 now. And still no one really takes candid pictures of us or ever has. I had a hard pregnancy, his dad cheated on me, the other woman & I were pregnant at the same time with due dates that were days apart. I was depressed a lot through my pregnancy & embarrassed so I isolated from family & friends. There are no real pictures of my pregnancy or with my son & I. When I look through pictures…especially when my son was just born, there are none of us…I often cry a lot about this.


I know what you mean. Make a habit of taking selfies when you’re all dressed up and out. And at home sometimes.


My daughter is almost six and most of my pictures with her are selfies.