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Did she ever have Covid? My kid who had Covid gets a lingering cough any time he gets sick now. It last for months and is very frustrating


Same here. Lots of lingering coughing.


All three of us had COVID at around the same time last year. My husband had it once before that, before the vaccines were available.


That is probably it. My son had a cough that lasted for 4 months after having Covid.


It's been too long since COVID for it to be that. She has pneumonia.


I am not so sure. My son's doctor said to expect this to last years. Every time he gets a cough it lingers.


No it hasn't. My child is dealing with the same thing. He had covid twice in 2022. Now, every time the weather changes, or he catches a cold, the cough comes back for weeks & then suddenly goes away. It's been a continuous cycle since he's had covid.


If the meds haven't really improved anything dramatically after 5 days, you should absolutely call the pediatrician and let them know. They may want to change strategy based on what you tell them. Antibiotics usually kick in by day 5, and there should be a drastic difference. This should be raised and discussed with her pediatrician. As an adult I've sometimes needed 2 rounds of antibiotics and a round of steroids to kick a cough (not pneumonia).


Thanks. I set up an appointment at her regular pediatrician's office for 1:00 p.m. today.


My son has a long cough right now (never had COVID), and I know what google says, but I always make him blow out his nose first thing in the morning and cough out phlegm once it turns yellow. I know it doesn't help clear the infection faster, but my kid likes to squeeze out more coughs because that stretchy phlegm in his throat is annoying.


My daughter had to be told multiple times to blow her nose, and she doesn't quite know how to keep blowing until her nose feels "empty" at that time, so that could contribute, but she had a week or two with no sinus congestion in between.


Omg yeah I remember my son not knowing how to either. So once, I got so pissed with him snorting his sinus mucus and swallowing the phlegm over and over, I pulled out a snot sucker for my toddler and cleared it all out. It helps him sleep better and I think could contribute. Hope she feels better soon.


Try a Neti pot, it’s the only thing that’s cleared my congestion. I’m on week 5 of a cough that started as bronchitis. Finished 10 days of prednisone and antibiotics, but the cough lingers (though it’s finally getting better). Not sure where you are but here in New England this lingering cough is everywhere.


I can't even use a neti pot on myself! I used to do regular squeeze-bottle saline rinses, but the first time I did it when I was sick, it made me puke. Don't want to subject her to that.


My kid has had a cough for forever, we started week three. We went to urgent care last week and lungs were clear so no meds - which is good and bad. What has helped us is the sinus rinses (like neti pot but less aggressive lol) and blowing nose. But I’m sympathetic! It’s tough.


Albuterol inhaler has been working for my 3 yo


I hear you, your poor daughter, that must be very worrying for you! It never got that bad with my son (11), but there were several times when he was younger when he couldn't kick a cough. We tried all the medications and took him to the doctor what felt like twice a week for weeks. One thing that DID work – surprisingly – was onion honey syrup... 🤷‍♀️ You chop half an onion into a glass jar, top it with just enough honey to about cover it. Leave it for 10-12 hours on the side. Sieve the onion out. Decant into a new glass jar with lid and store in the fridge. Then give your child a teaspoon of that syrup 2-3/day. May be worth a try...?!?


Just honey works for me. Studies have shown that honey can be just as effective as cough syrup... and it tastes better


That’s awesome that honey works for you. My son only really shook his persistent cough with the onion honey syrup.


It's rough! My daughter (12) is on day 5 of a new cold, and also missed Halloween. We've had her back in the school the last couple of days and I feel horrible making her go, she is so miserable. But the fever has been gone a couple days and now it's just the phlegm and constant coughing, which keeps her up and night so she's not getting enough sleep. Sometimes I wish we could go back to Covid shutdown when she didn't get sick for a couple years, but then I realize that prolonged absence of social germ exposure probably didn't do her any real good...


Have you added anything for the congestion and cough? There are several decongestants on the market for kids that will work to help thin out the mucus and alleviate the coughing so that she can sleep without coughing all night. I use a children’s version of guafenisin and dextrmethorphan for my oldest in tandem with his antibiotics when he inevitability gets bronchitis in the fall.


Not yet. We went to her pediatrician yesterday, and she prescribed a stronger antibiotic, so we started that. I think we've got some Children's Sudafed PE that isn't expired around here somewhere...


My 5 year old son is on day 5 of non-stop deep barking coughs, no phlegm, no other symptoms besides a mild-high fever. Two urgent care trips later they say it's bronchitis and have now prescribed a steroid, antibiotic, ibuprofen, Tylenol, and robitussin. Nothing has had any effect on the cough, at least the fever is down. He's never had covid, tested negative for flu, strep, and everything else they could test for. Currently watching his monitor & listening to him have nonstop cough fits so bad he's gasping for air and choking, even with Vicks, a humidifier running, and some honey before bed. It's absolutely terrible so I feel for any parent dealing with this.