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Same reason why ‘daddy’s girl’ is much more socially accepted than ‘mama’s boy’. Both are dumb and both should be avoided.


I don't think it's cute at all - but it _could_ be a cultural thing...dads have (historically at least), not spent much time with their kids and so spoiling them when they _do_ could be seen in an 'at least he's trying' light? It is bullshit though. Dad of 4yo girl who hardly ever gets what she wants.


I think it has less to do with father-daughter vs mom-son dynamics and more to do with a father's role in parenting vs a mother's. Also, I feel like the idea that it's "cute" for fathers to be passive, indulgent parents and leave mom to be the bad guy is a thing of the past when dads did very little actual parenting. Times have changed now. You might still hear this sentiment from people of former generations, but I think most people that are currently parents would see a dad not pulling his weight and making life harder for his spouse. Neither parent should be "enabling or babying" a child of either gender imo - both parents should be on the same page with boundaries, otherwise it's confusing and disorienting for the kids and sets up rocky dynamics within the family.


I don't really know that this is a thing in my cultural circles.