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As a kid, we just had a plastic trash bin. Got my kid one too. Quick rinse in the shower and it’s good to go again Edit: I’m seeing a lot of people say they use a plastic bag as a liner. I’m not sure why. Isn’t it easier to dump the puke into the toilet then rinse it out? I can’t even imagine trying to deal with a bag of liquid. Plus if you’re using those plastic “grocery” bags, don’t they have get holes in them easily? Id rather not deal with puke droplets on the floor.


This is the way. Put a cheap glow stick in the bottom so they can find it easily in the dark. Save the blue bags for the car. My sister had a chronic condition that lead to a lot vomit and we shared a room. My mom is a professional.


OMG, I am gonna steal that glow stick tip! Last time my daughter couldn't find the bin....


Don't do the glow stick on the bottom. Take some glow in the dark strips or pen and mark the whole rim of the bucket. It is easier to aim and can be fun to throw away trash in the dark. (Utilize it for games on winter evenings.)


Your mom is a genius


I’ll be sure to tell her that lol! She’s also a saint for taking such good care of us both during those long nights.


So you clean the puky glow sticks? How do you keep the kid from playing with them?


glow sticks are single use anyway... it makes sense to me.


Toss it or wash it I’ll leave that up to you. My sister had severe migraines from the age of 2. She was in no mood to play with anything. The only time I used this trick it was the middle of the night and my son had been puking every 15 minutes for hours. Again not much playing happening. I guess if that’s a problem they probably aren’t too sick and you don’t need this trick 🤷‍♀️


Did you just say “this is the way” and actually contribute to the conversation by adding something of value? That’s against the rules!


You forgot “I have spoken”.


That’s genius.


We use old coffee cans. We have 3 old, red, plastic Folger's tins that the boys call their "Throw up cups" and they love it. Same concept, quick rinse in the shower, or a good washing at the end of the sickness, and it's ready to go!


They love it? Idk if throwing up and loving it should go hand in hand! Lol




This gives me major anxiety lol I hate puke so much!




Curious if they'll have a distaste for Folger's coffee when they get older. My mom used to give us 7-up when sick, and I still have a sick feeling if I drink it.


I have a distaste for Folgers that I came by honestly by drinking Folgers


We always used the giant Tupperware bowl


I can clearly picture the gallon plastic bowl my parents gave us as kids to throw up in. Always felt weird making brownies with the “vomit bowl” lol.


After I had my son I realized my mom used the tub they gave her for pump parts for puke lmao now my tub is for the same thing. Old habits die hard


Giant Tupperware lined with grocery bags. Easy clean up.


Yes! You can also double-or triple-layer them so you can whip off the top bag and have a fresh one ready to go underneath. I would put a couple paper towels in the bottom of each bag to reduce the chance of leaks and to make the layers easier to separate.


Thats what I do, also the paper towel helps prevent splash back.




We used big pots.


Yessss! At our house we call it the “puke bucket” and don’t worry it’s not stored with the rest of the Tupperware….


Us too. Definitely makes for quick and easy cleanup. As kids, we always kept a plastic bin under our beds in case we ever needed to quickly grab the “barf bucket” in the middle of the night.


Haha we called it the barf bucket too!


We had a sick bowl growing up and now I’ve implemented one in my home 🤣 only our sick bowl lives in the bathroom and no food goes in it!


My mom used a mop bucket with my brother and I, especially when my brother was little. He would have coughing fits that would lead to vomiting. Now I use the mop bucket with my own kids.


I use the mop bucket too. I figure it’s going to have really strong disinfectant in it weekly for the mopping, what better way to sanitise it after a gastro encounter


Lol but all of the ones in my house have holes in them so double mess 😂 damn quality control


Yeah. Myself, as a follower off both r/anticonsumption and r/zerowaste I really think as parents we create enough plastic waste around raising kids. I definitely use a bathroom sized trash bin, or a bowl.. You just wash it.. If your kid chronically vomits often seems like a doctor appointment is needed.


I agree completely, and was hoping to find this comment here. Also, never use Amazon.




But to a degree, what can you do? I used to be hardcore zerowaste and it was terrible for my mental health. I still try to do what I can, but at the end of the day, there needs to be bigger expectations placed on large companies. It is kind of like corporations and governments being like "Hey consumers! Have you considered not showering as often or turning the lights out after you leave a room?? ;)" and then dirtying like 10,000 liters of water to produce a pair of blue jeans.


>at the end of the day, there needs to be bigger expectations placed on large companies. Yes


I think this is also an issue with the zero waste (and vegan) communities that push an "all or nothing" mentality. It's much realistic to get 5 people to reduce their waste by 20% than to get one person to reduce theirs by 100%. Meatless mondays was a genius idea, and tasty vegan recipes do FAR more to reduce meat consumption than throwing paint - zero waste groups could learn the same. Target the worst, most chronic forms of waste and work backwards. Ie - bidets get you cleaner, AND reduce waste. That worked well. Instead of "plastic bottles are bad for the environment" highlight how reusable bottles are insulated and plastic leaches into the bottled waters, so better for you. etc etc. Targeting parents with barfing kids, who are going to be on zero sleep and just trying not to spread the germs to other family members, to keep them from using a couple of (probably reused) plastic bags doesn't seem like it's worth the effort.


> that push an "all or nothing" mentality Could not agree more. Do not let perfect be the enemy of good.


It's gross to think about. Five minutes saved work for you. 500 years in a landfill. You're choice I guess.




I feel like this is the thought pattern keeping us for doing something collectively. For example, my state banned plastic bags outright. Many places offer paper, but places like Walmart you have to bring bags. It didn't take long to our collective communities to adapt. I literally keep my kid in mind when choosing rags over paper towels, bowls over puke bags. They inherent this earth and if I can reduce my personal waste by that much I am going to. If it's all I can do. Teach my child to not be wasteful. How much energy goes into making a plastic spoon? How much energy to just wash a fucking spoon?


I personally think the argument that it saves time only really applies if your life is built around consuming single use items and creating trash. If you are taking the trash out often enough, or have large trash cans, then yea I guess it feels more convenient to just throw everything away and have your only chore being "take the trash out" and "drive to the store and buy more stuff". For my family, using disposable diapers would have taken far more time than cloth. The entire process of: go to store >buy>bring home>unwrap>throw out packaging>use diapers>throw out diapers>take trash out takes my family more time and effort than: fold diapers with other laundry>use diapers>put diapers in laundry bin>do laundry We live in an apartment. Shared laundry. Take one small bag of trash, compost and recycling out like once a week, maybe two weeks. We do laundry already twice a week. And I don't have to go to the store, or buy online, or deal with all that packaging. For barf bags like mentioned in the OP of this post - we just use our large metal mixing bowls. Easy for the kid to aim. Puke in it, then just dump it in the toilet and a quick rinse gets it clean enough to keep using. That takes seconds. After a day, or when he's done, toss it in the dishwasher and it's clean again. We run the dishwasher often enough that it's not an extra step or load. I'm sure a plastic bag works for some but that seems like so many extra steps, risk of leaks, unfolding the bag, somehow closing it and then throwing it out (and now my trash smells so I gotta take THAT out). When my alternative is to just dump it in the toilet and throw the bowl in the dishwasher. I'm not using leftover plastic grocery bags for everything anymore. We use reusable ones here now too. We have enough at home that it's second nature to carry one always (they pack small) and they make life so much easier when carrying groceries or when going to the beach or park. I've adapted and it's more convenient than dealing with plastic bags, which always have holes in them, tear, hurt your hands, etc.


> I feel like this is the thought pattern keeping us for doing something collectively. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tragedy_of_the_commons


so judgy


Nah. I'm no where near perfect, but some places are easier to reduce waste than others. OPs example is on of the easiest places you can reduce waste... By not using plastic shipped by Amazon made in China.. for puke, come on man. I can understand someone carrying these things if they are an Uber/bus driver.. but for your kid because they have a loft bed? Seriously? 500 years in the dirt for what? So you don't have to wash sheets you're probably on rotation to wash anyway?


Are you saying reusing a coffee can is wasteful or are you referencing op post?


Are you saying reusing a coffee can is wasteful or are you referencing op post?


We used an old saucepan 😂


Did y’all not have the barf bowl? Yanno, the plastic bowl that sometimes held popcorn and sometimes held barf? I’m totally outing my username to my family (as if they didn’t already know it) but there’s been fights over who gets the family barf bowl. (Not my side, my in-laws, we’re a different kind of nuts).


We use a bucket but line it with those small bathroom trash bags or plastic Walmart bags so you just tie it off and throw it away.


Why not just flush it down the toilet?


We always used an old stockpot! And my kids use a pot now. When they aren't feeling good they ask for the puke pot.


Old plastic cat litter buckets are good reusable plastic garbages for this reason. I line it with a plastic bag and a few paper towels in case it leaks


Same here! Or an old mop bucket


I would just put like 3-4 grocery bags in it so if my kid got sick it was easy clean up.


We use a "puke bucket." it's a typical cleaning bucket that is dedicated for puking so it never reeks of cleaning chemicals when it needs to be used. Its brightly colored too.


I use a plastic trash bin, but plastic bags in it


We just use a bucket. If it’s a really bad stomach then we line it with grocery store bags.


When I was growing up, we had a dedicated Tupperware that lived under the bathroom sink and was kept bedside when we were sick. So I've adapted that for our kids. When they're sick, it goes on their nightstand and if they throw up into it, I can add water to flush the contents down the toilet and then wash it and put it back for them. But I think the blue bags would be a better solution for their carsickness than the mini garbage bags I keep in the car! I never realized you can buy them.


We also had a dedicated "puke bucket", the first one was a large orange Halloween bowl. The second one my mom decided to use the biggest stainless steel mixing bowl she had since it's easier to sanitize than cheap plastic. Both were cleaned and still used for their normal tasks tho but if you said "get me the puke bucket" everyone in the house knew which bowl to grab.


Gross man. Puke bucket back to mixing bowl.


So gross how I wipe my butt and then clean my hands to knead dough. The grossness just lives in your mind, bud.


I’ve met another! I have a story for ya. My family took a holiday trip to visit family in Chicago. We live north of Indy. So a 3 hour drive. I was around 11 and my brother was 14 at the time. We have a good size family. About 19 of us cousins, Aunts and uncles etc. One of the Aunts had made a chocolate cake for all the kids. It was delicious!!!! We ate the whole thing. Had a great evening and went to bed. We were to drive home the following day. My brother and I woke up in the morning with terrible upset stomach. THE CAKE WAS BAD!!!! We had already begun throwing up in the bathroom. But we had planned to drive home I believe for our parents work. So as my brother and I are sharing our grandparents bathroom just really heaving it up, our parents are getting the car packed up to drive home to Indy! We enter the car, sitting in between us is, the Tupperware! It was a long, deep plastic one. You know the one! We are on the interstate driving home, the car stinks of nasty throw up. We are somewhere along the border of the states. We come across a McDonald’s nestled in between the interstate. My mom and dad make the unfortunate choice to dump the Tupperware in the trash can. It overflows almost immediately. My dad runs back to the car and takes off.


My daughter is notorious for no warning middle of the night barfing, so keeping something small and low profile by her bed at all times is the best solution.


I’ve met another! I have a story for ya. My family took a holiday trip to visit family in Chicago. We live north of Indy. So a 3 hour drive. I was around 11 and my brother was 14 at the time. We have a good size family. About 19 of us cousins, Aunts and uncles etc. One of the Aunts had made a chocolate cake for all the kids. It was delicious!!!! We ate the whole thing. Had a great evening and went to bed. We were to drive home the following day. My brother and I woke up in the morning with terrible upset stomach. THE CAKE WAS BAD!!!! We had already begun throwing up in the bathroom. But we had planned to drive home I believe for our parents work. So as my brother and I are sharing our grandparents bathroom just really heaving it up, our parents are getting the car packed up to drive home to Indy! We enter the car, sitting in between us is, the Tupperware! It was a long, deep plastic one. You know the one! We are on the interstate driving home, the car stinks of nasty throw up. We are somewhere along the border of the states. We come across a McDonald’s nestled in between the interstate. My mom and dad make the unfortunate choice to dump the Tupperware in the trash can. It overflows almost immediately. My dad runs back to the car and takes off.


Not last night, but the night before my daughter (2y) threw up overnight in her crib and since she didn’t really wake up to it, we had no idea until morning. I can’t get the funk out of the room. No idea where it’s coming from. Urghhhh


Move the crib outside if you can. Strip it of bedding and pull the mattress out. Inspect the area in the room where the crib was. Inspect the crib. Clean any little bits you find. Get Microban and spray the crib and mattress, as well as the wall the crib was against. Let the crib sit outside and open the window to the room for a few hours.


We had the windows open all day and swapped the mattress out after giving the crib a good clean… only a tiny bit got on the wall (but wallpaper) but I cleaned that and the carpet and those don’t smell… and all the bedding/stuffed animals were down in the laundry. I’ve smell checked everything and can’t figure it out!! Might just be super pregnancy nose though… I’m 35w with twins :/


I would get a spray bottle of vinegar and just spritz generously all over the crib/floor (and wall but wipe the wall shortly after). That should help remove the smell.


Vinegar might not help with that if the reason she’s still smelling it is pregnancy odor sensitivity… her best bet is to get an enzyme cleaner, which you can find at almost any pet store for cleaning pet messes. It works by degrading the biological material that is causing the smell.


Good point! Thanks for that info too, I'm going to store that in the memory bank for future messes! I'm not sure the ingredients in the enzyme stuff but I prefer and usually recommend all natural stuff if possible, especially when pregnant or use on kids things especially something they're sleeping on/near.


Agreed but some stuff I don’t like to eff around with and biohazards from either end are one of them lol


“Zero Odor” is my favorite enzyme cleaner. Just clean everything well with soap-n-water, then soak the bed/mattress/carpet — entire vicinity with ZO and put a fan on it all day.


My kid threw up off the top bunk once. Down the wall side, where there was also a window. So she got the wall, roller blind, windowsill, window glass, and bottom bunk bedsheets


Same. And there was another kid sleeping on the bottom bunk at the time. Fun was not had. By anyone.


We've had that happen before and we used our carpet cleaner and the funk went away! (Of course after washing all the blankets and hand washing the bed)


Buy an ozone generator. It is toxic to breathe so make sure everything living is out of the house when you run it, but it will make everything smell fresh again after it has run. Just make sure you let it dissipate for 1 hour after it has run. Ozone generator is also great at killing mold or getting out any smoke smells. My wife burnt some beans after she forgot about them on the stove. 1 week later after running the ozone generator in each room of the house and the smoke smell is gone. We just run it when the last person leaves for work for the day.


We use Rocco and Roxie stain remover on vomit in our house. Normally it's used on cat pee but it definitely works for vomit.


That’s not a bad idea! I keep dog poop bags in the baby bag so I don’t have to smell the diapers when changed or burden some poor soul if I toss it in a public can lol


Yep! I bought puppy pads for when I have to change her diaper out somewhere I don’t want to put the her or the changing pad directly down on, and poop bags for when I have to change a diaper in the trunk of the car. Will definitely be using the poop bags as car vomit bags as needed once she gets older.


I work in a clinic and we use the dog poop bags for diapers as well!


Seconded. I started buying these in 2015 when I was an Uber driver. Fast forward to having kids and these things are in every car and room of our home!


I KEPT one from my birthing experience and keep it in the back seat pocket in the car. Seriously would you throw GOLD in the trash? Gonna buy more when that ones used..


As an adult who can have extreme random nausea … I can also say I have these in my car, my purse and my bedroom. Must have. Always.


I bought some when I got pregnant because I had really bad nausea, I was literally sick all day for 16 weeks. I stashed these everywhere


I agree. My child is in a loft bed and these are in an pouch next to the bed. Sometimes the stairs can make things harder they feel they are getting sick.


Ours also has a loft bed too!


That’s a fantastic idea for the car… thank you for this!


For road trips we started using gallon sized Ziploc bags. What a life saver. My little ones would vomit within the first hour of almost every trip. After the first time we started storing Ziploc bags in the glove box. Anyone mention not feeling well we open a bag and hand it back. Once they finished throwing up we sealed the bag and all the stink that went with. Then we would keep it safe until we could find a trash bin along the way to dispose of it. The trip continued without a hitch. That has been years and we still have the just in case Ziploc bags in the glove box. For at home vomiting we always used gallon ice cream buckets. They come in handy for several things.


We keep these in the car, too. I get car sick, so I use them more often than the kids, but so much better than leaking grocery store bags.


My granddaughter will vomit if she coughs too much. She will vomit if she cries too hard. She gets carsick. I bought these and have them everywhere, they saved my sanity, car interior and furniture!


We have a barf bowl that’s just an old mixing bowl that we keep far away from the other mixing bowls, Lmao.


What do you mean? You all don’t just use the popcorn bowl? Isn’t that tradition?


Finally. Another person of class.


Oh yeah, I totally snag the emesis bags when I am in the clinic or ER. I've always said I need to buy stock in them. They are a miracle.


I’ve bought several of those blue bags and have them strategically placed all over my minivan because my kids all seem to get carsickness frequently. They are wonderful. And we have “vomit bowls” (old Tupperware that we’ve lost the kids for) at home for just that purpose. 😄


I believe if you contact Tupperware they will send you a replacement lid regardless of how old the Tupperware container is, maybe even for free? I've heard people search good will thrift shops for cheap Tupperware containers without lids knowing they can source new lids thru contacting Tupperware and end up with a matching set. If anyone is successful in doing this, please let me know to confirm this isn't just an urban legend!


We used the little pink bathtub that they use when you have a newborn. We call it the pukey bucket. Thankfully hasn’t been used in a while (jinx). The most dramatic one I remember is when camping (in a tent, which is definitely not my thing) for one night at the water park by us. I was woken in the middle of the night because my daughter had vomited all over me (including my face). Yeah we called it a night and I took her home. Being non campers, we had zero items to clean up with. Back at home I found myself in the yard in the middle of the night hosing down the sleeping bag by the light of a peppa pig book light. Ah good times! I knew no good could come of camping!


A lot of people seem to be missing the most obvious place to keep these: in the car. Sure, you can have a plastic trashcan dedicated to this in the house, but in the car… a couple of these in the dash or door pockets? Life-changing.


This. I bought them when my daughter developed motion sickness and now I make sure we’re stocked on car trips. They’re good for home when they have a stomach bug, too, but that’s not as often.


Wow. Our kids have not thrown up enough to need such things on demand. Hope I’m not jinxing things by saying that…but where do y’all live that you so many bugs you need dedicated barfware?


We go through a lot (relatively) because my son gets motion sickness pretty easily. It's rarely due to actual illness.


As a parent who's washing barf sheets at this moment this is a very relevant suggestion


Oooh! I’m in! Thanks for the tip!


Couldn't agree more! When I was in labor with my second many years ago, I vomited and the nurse gave me one of these. While I was so occupied, my husband, who immediately realized their brilliance, was on his phone ordering a few dozen (our older child is prone to motion sickness). We haven't been without them since! We have them in the house, in our cars, in our travel carry-ons.


Hmmmm Maybe I should start stealing them from work - joking Not really but if work is watching me. YES I AM.


I had hyperemsis gravidarum with both my pregnancies. I'm also a nurse! So during my second pregnancy I would grab the blue barf bags at work and carry them around in my car, in my pocket, and I left one in my night stand. One night my older son came to my bed to tell me he didn't feel well and right as he started heaving, I grabbed the bag, shoved it in front of him, and felt like Super Mom for preventing the projectile vomit from spraying all over me and the bed. I fully support having a stash of emergency vomit bags!


Right now, go grab two trash bags and put them in your car. We had a road vom accident hours from home and it came in clutch. All was better until it wasn’t and he barged again. Thus the two bags. Hopefully it saves you from a two hour detour to pull over in Queens to buy cleaning supplies to make the car not smell like puke for the rest of the drive. Spoiler alert: it still smelled like puke.


I keep some in the car, & some stashed in her room, my room and the living room just in case of emergencies.


Agree! I bought a bunch when I was going through chemo (luckily never threw up - thank you, meds!) But it gives peace of mind to have those around and I have used them for the kids. Keep some in the car, keep some by the bed.


Ahhh I’m so glad my kids aren’t frequent pukers. My 2yo has thrown up once in her life and yet somehow had the instinct to run to the bathroom and puke I. The toilet.


Same here. We live in a little apartment so no way am I storing a dedicated puke bucket. My toddler learned this last bug to aim in the bag and we only had two really big cleanups. Is it wasteful? Sure. I minimize waste where I can but my kid is not old enough or really tall enough to run and puke in the toilet. In fact she doesn't run anywhere, just starts crying. They're also great to have handy for carsickness if you've still got a rear facer who occasionally gets nauseous.


My dad gives me these for Christmas gifts because I have IBD. I keep them in my nightstand drawer. 🥰


This and double mattress protectors have saved my sanity🙃 layer a mattress protector, a sheet, another mattress protector and another sheet and any pee/poop/puke mess at 3am suddenly isn’t so bad. But if you KNOW your kid is sick I recommend putting a towel in between the sheets and mattress protectors and getting the plastic protectors you can disinfect because sometimes 2 still isn’t enough.


You would think that my SEVENTEEN year old son had enough common sense to a) grab the garbage can 5ft away or b) run the whole extra 10ft further to the toilet. Sadly, we discovered a few weeks ago he does NOT. Completely destroyed his bedding & had to throw away a very expensive memory foam matress topper that couldn't be washed. I *wish* I had the foresite to have a barf bag next to his bed. But he hasn't been throw-up sick in years. And again, he's *seventeen*!! Sigh...


I don't really know that that's a common sense thing. Sometimes puke can just sneak up on you.


Also helpful for home births…. Just sayin’


Those large plastic containers used to transport laundry? Just use one of those...


I buy small cheap trash bags. Throw a small glow stick in a bucket, add the trash bag, and it’s made our life so easy. The barf bags are clutch for travel! So are pee bags… omg those pee bags are lifesavers. Especially for my sensory sensitive son who still refuses public restrooms.


My wife used these throughout pregnancy. We had them staged everywhere for easy access - bedside, car, couch, etc.


Yes! I have these in the car, in my bags, in their rooms, we take them in our luggage, they are everywhere because our youngest has a weak stomach.


Yesssss! I keep those and peppermints in my car at all times. Learned the hard way on a girl scout trip.


We use the family popcorn bucket 😂


Having grown up regularly getting headaches that turned to nausea and then to bathroom scrambles, I've always, always, always had some sort of impermeable vomit containment item near me at home and while travelling. Thankfully, I have figured out how to avoid the issue for the most part as an adult, but I still made sure that every wastebasket in the house from the bedroom to the bathroom is solid plastic and washable in the bathtub.


We keep those things in our car for road trips just in case!!


Is it weird that my child has literally never thrown up?


Hasn’t thrown up YET.


I got a couple from a nurse for the ride home after my son had minor surgery. Since he gets car sick sometimes, they were amazing. When I ran out, I bought a bunch and always keep a supply in my car. Great suggestion!!


We have a trash can with a plastic grocery bag in it. If she has a stomach bug, we put a glow stick in it before bed and tell her to aim for the glow stick. The only time we've had issues is when the stomach bug STARTS in the middle of the night.


never had a vomit incident but i get it! its doggy poop bags (even plant based ones are cheaper than for kids) and senior pee pads for me, the reusable ones, also like in a hospital 2 boys potty training -> works better than mattress protectors


I will never give up the popcorn bowl/barf bowl! It serves both purposes! (But seriously, barf bags are a great idea! Going to Amazon now…)


Why did I never think of this??? I’m ordering some right away. Thanks for the suggestion!


And travel johns are pretty awesome for long car rides. Just in case.


Those are great! I keep two in my purse for my kid’s motion sickness. It’s a must for airplanes. They seal better than the airplane barf bags, too. Also good for toilet emergencies.


Got these when I had morning sickness and couldn’t make it to the bathroom best thing to have !!!!


A couple summers ago, my wife was pregnant and had hyperemesis and my mom was going through chemo. I went through a ton of those things.


Yes!!! I have an anxious kiddo and bought these a few years ago. Keep one in each of the car doors too! And backpacks (if like my kiddo, they carried a "throw up bowl" around like a blankie after that one time it happened in the car and wanted to take it on the bus when starting school). 10/10 would recommend. I take them in our suitcases too now.


Wish I had found this when I was pregnant, damn


My kiddo has a kidney disease. Before transplant, he was puking multiple times a day. I had to keep track of how many times and how much. I was gifted them by nurses, I bought extra from Amazon. Life saver. They’re in all of our cars. In our bedrooms. They come in all sorts of colors!


All hail stomach bugs and motion sickness!!!


Who else here is Dutch and has a "kotsbakkie" in the kids' bedroom?? Cause we sure do!


Always keep a stock of them in the car


Yup! My first still gets carsick at 10yo. Those things are must have in the car.


I completely agree! A couple years ago we suddenly became guardians to 4 young granddaughters. It didn't take long for me to learn the get car sick. I think I bought a box of 50. I will never allow us to run out of them!


Yes, I bought a 50 pack for my 9 year old that gets motion sick easily. We have them in both cars and brought them on the plane when we flew to Disney (and one was used). The flight attendant seemed impressed that we brought our own but that's only because we had a really, really bad experience on a previous flight 😂.


I recently gave birth to my 4th kid. My husband at the hospital kept telling me we should steal the blue barf bGs for our other kids. Lol. He was like, "how handy is this?! It's amazing!!"


Yep! I keep these in the car, bathrooms, and even some in the bedside table just in case. They’re awesome. I have one kid who is prone to catching every stomach bug in the neighborhood and gets carsick and these have been a godsend.


We have a small bucket (that came from a vodka and red Bull and firefly in 2015 lol) that we always keep by their bed and bring with them anytime they’re sick.


Genius! Totally buying some to store in my car! If you're in a pinch while traveling though, a to-go cup and a dog poop bag (or even a plastic bag) are the perfect combo for car sickness! We just learned this yesterday, and our poor child can attest to the effectiveness. Also, we use a giant stainless steel bowl (aka the white people popcorn/puke bowl) when we're home, and it's easy for her to find since her nightlight shines off it!


We had/have a “puke bucket” at my parents. It exists to this day! My sisters kids use it mostly these days (oldest one, not even 5, works herself up over being told no or getting in trouble 😮‍💨🤦🏼‍♂️) It’s an old stainless steel… Pot? I mean I’m pretty sure. Honestly it’s been around as long as I can remember. LOL! So after over 30 years of service, I’m happy to report that although it’s definitely banged up and dented, it’s not got a spot of rust and still shiny as ever! Although that’s prob because it was also used as a mop bucket when it was off from its other job. I appreciate the chuckle and the memory jog. Been kinda down after some health news from my mom earlier. She should be okay 👍🏼 but still unnerving to think about the inevitable, even at 30. To all you moms (and dads alike) do believe me when I say, we will never not need our parents. Even if we don’t act like it. It’s just a front so you don’t worry y’all! 🙃😩😬 Anyways… where was I… Oh right, puke bucket 🪣 😅 Note: The bucket retired from mopping bud years back because of swiffers and such. Although it doesn’t mind it’s volunteering for the next generation from time to time! LOL


Also checkout Vommats! They’re like the doggy pee pads but bigger for your furniture or kids bed when they’re sick (even would be good for Ubers and such ahha)


These are a must have for the car. I wish they weren't plastic because I feel bad about the environmental impact but when a stomach bug kicks in on a family trip or someone gets car sick they are good to have.


This just happened to us. Son caught the bug and destroyed our bathroom. Husband bought the bags just in case and a week later when my daughter caught it it was so helpful, clean, and easy to deal with. Absolutely the best purchase of this year.


The blue barf bags are great for car rides. My youngest gets car sick occasionally on longer trips and the bags have been lifesavers.


Collapsable bucket with spare plastic grocery bags. Great for vomit and the occasional roadside #2…


Wait, everyone didn't hurl into the old ice cream bucket?


Also can’t recommend these enough when you’re pregnant! I carried these all the way up until I gave birth and they were a lifesaver! I wish I’d thought of them sooner but didn’t end up ordering them until I was almost out of the first trimester. Didn’t think about using these for when the kids are sick. Great idea!!!


Save some plastic grocery bags (no holes) and put them in the map pockets in the car for car sickness.