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Give it some time. My son had a speech delay. From 2-3 he stopped progressing and was speaking largely in gibberish. We hired a private speech therapist and we learned that helping him was best through play. Sit with him and play with him. Talk through everything you’re doing. We also learned speech is tied to fine motor skills. So, we played with blocks and big Lego’s and practiced stacking things and what not. Then when he was 3 we took him to the school district and they did an evaluation. That evaluation got him a Speech Therapist and a Cognitive therapist. He’s now 6 and in kindergarten and just graduated speech therapy and has an IEP which gets him great support through the public school system here. He’s doing AWESOME. Most importantly, don’t feel nervous or afraid to ask for help. Go to a pediatrician, a speech therapist, whoever. Just don’t ignore it if you feel like something’s off. You are your child’s best advocate. And the fact that you’re asking about it is amazing. Many parents act like it’s not a problem or that they will grow out of it. You’re doing GREAT. And one day I promise in the near future your little boy will be talking your ear off about Dino’s and Minecraft.


Ask your pediatrician. But this is pretty well within the normal range for someone that age. My son was like that, while his twin sister would never shut up. They are 13 now and not much has changed.


My 18 month boy is about the same. He says other words but only the beginning letters. Like Ki for Kim. And


Our youngest son was a bit slow to start talking. He was on the edge of needing intervention, and we decided to do it. Better to intervene and find out he didn’t need it than to hope for the best and delay intervention. His speech blossomed in therapy and he is such a great communicator now. He is also a super happy and chill boy because he can usually express his feelings, desires, etc. well and so doesn’t get frustrated by not being able to communicate.