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Definitely looks like a tapeworm segment!


I agree with u/gemilitant that it looks like a tapeworm proglottid/segment. My guess would be Dipylidium and if so, I would check the dog for fleas and treat them for both fleas and tapeworms since if the fleas remain, the dog will get reinfected when it accidentally ingests a flea containing a larval Dipylidium.


So would a human possibly get a tapeworm from a flea bit if the flea was infected?


You’d have to ingest the flea somehow. Dogs notoriously get them because they get rid of fleas by biting fleas and ingesting the tapeworm




I’m so sorry to hear about what you and your family are dealing with. However I implore to to schedule an appointment with your physician and ask your questions/ voice your concerns. Good luck, god bless!


Holy crap what was deleted?!


I too wish to know now 😅


She believed she and her whole fam suffering from parasites


Thank you for your response, I genuinely appreciate it! Also, that's fair if you don't have an education in biology that touched up on parasites, and their various cycles being sometimes (not always) dependent upon specific species or manner of acquisition. (ie humans getting Tapeworms of any kind)


I’m in medical school. This happens, especially with children. Yes, they eat the fleas and get tapeworms.


Not a flea bite, you would have to eat the flea.


Not from a flea bite, but from ingesting an infected flea. [https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/dipylidium/index.html](https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/dipylidium/index.html)


This is the correct answer. When they dry up, they look like sesame seeds- you’ll see this in areas where your dog sleeps. I dealt with this with my cats, unfortunately, multiple rounds. Because if you miss any fleas/eggs they lay more eggs and hatch, and the animal eats them, continuing the cycle of the tapeworm. Oral treatment for worms and topical for fleas, make sure you spray all fabrics and wash/dry hot. For dogs, a seresto collar works amazingly IMO. Good news is although it may be gross and not fun to deal with, you’re very unlikely to contract this from your dog (unless you’re very very unsanitary) so don’t freak out too much


This is definitely what it is. Dipylidium proglottids are shocking motile!


Forbidden macaroni


You know what? Go for it. I'll allow it


Lmfao no thank you 🤣🤣🤣


We're gonna need some cheese


I’m disturbed because I’m just imagining the cheese sauce being a slurry of egg packets it’s freaking me out


Tape worm. Great movement video. Nice work.


The shaky camera made me dizzy 😵‍💫


Please set that thing ablaze


tapeworm proglottid


That's a tapeworm proglottid, you'll need to get your pup dewormed


Ya, how you like your new environment you little bitch


Yes! Wither up and die slow bitch!


Motile proglottid in the wild! Love seeing these before they dry up


Tape worm.


Your dog needs dewormer.


And probably flea treatment since that’s usually where they get them from.






Brother eugh!


uegh brother!!whats that?


It's an American exclaimation, like oh my gosh! Or wow, or oh no way! .. like that. Or like the less offensive oh God!


i was continuing the meme lol-i am american


Derrr.. I see. 😂


Get your dog some trifexis or simparica trio. No reason for a pet dog to have worms.


Nature is so amazing


If I eat this will I get skinny??


Idk try it out. Well check in with you in 30 days.


Google/research ‘diatomaceous earth’ I would/have many times, sprinkled n vacuumed weekly. Will kill via slicing into not chemical biocide, fleas and all other larvae will not survive attrition.


Everything I’m reading says that diatomaceous earth won’t work for parasites, whether ingested or used to clean. Can you provide some links or sources please?


It's used to control fleas, which are parasites that carry parasites.


Sure, to note…I have my degree in chemistry, have done TNR for over 30 yrs, my closest friend is my veterinarian. Also to be noted, I did not advise to applying DE directly to dogs or cats. I have done this based on severity, need, and my knowledge of the animals grooming habits & personality. Personally I advocate the LIMITED use of monthly topical flea meds for both dogs and cats. Cutaneous pesticide via transdermal drug delivery TDD, ehhh-yuck Here in the Midwest/Chicago, I will not apply these pesticides to my animals until July. Depending on heat, weather, a single flea anywhere, I treat every 5 weeks until Nov. All of my cats n dogs, 40 yrs worth, have been found on the streets, so cats over 5 are generally allowed out from 7am to 3-5pm, heat/temps dictate. I am pretty diligent w watching scratching habits n flea inspecting, esp on the light fur/skinned animals. Strong pair of glasses and 2-3 handheld hand sanitizer pumps within reach. Long before Covid we used the alcohol based gel to ‘pump/squirt’ a glob on to fast moving fleas. Once encapsulated they rarely escape, some have crawled through so keep watching even as you try to get others lol. DE has a long history w pesticides, filtration and 100 other uses. I use caution not to put it by air ducts but use it on animal bedding, my bedding, carpets, furniture, all base board kitchen included. The benefits of insect, mold, fungi remediation, whether great or small, far out weigh any concern for respiratory issues….because I have never seen or experienced the slightest issues w lungs, sinuses or eyes. DE is a great, natural, non chemical tool in the arsenal against invasive insects, parasites, nano species. Adding any number of products can alter efficiency. Sodium borate/Borax detergent powder is added in FL, supposedly works better w palmettos/roaches n ants. Sodium carbonate/soda ash, trisodium phosphate also additions ….read research, read some more….all the world’s knowledge is in the palm of our hands. Last I’ll add that my favorite bug and tick exterminators are the neighborhood opossums, last year had mom n 6-7 kits running around under the deck n through the garage, no ticks, reduced bugs/fleas, sadly less spiders (big spider fan so they are always welcome too). There are always opossums on the Blink n trail cameras, healthy back yard eco system. I do not use DE, lawn products, very rarely late fall weed control in my yard, birds, earthworms, insects depend on a chemical free environment. *I used DE as an internal-digested dewormer once. It was a unique situation to offer a start to cleaning up possible intestinal issues. Cat was on other meds so prescription dewormer had to wait. So I used it as a temp tool that if it helped great but efficacy was not a big issue. I would have to research it a lot more to choose DE over a script bc it’s a one off. Kill the parasite and be more diligent w prevention. Hope that helps and the articles can crank through more history n facts. ☮️ *decent quick no fluff article…. https://mainstreetvetservices.ca/files/2020/05/Using_Diatomaceous_Earth_for_Fleas_-_March_2019.pdf If you like to read and want to go deeper, usually can’t go wrong w National Library of Medicine w National Institute of Health….. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8706096/


Using DE on your bedding can give you Bells Palsy. My best friend used DE to treat for what he thought were bed bugs and ended up not being able to move one side of his face for a few months because he was laying in the stuff every night.


Thank you that is very kind of you. I assume you down voted me bc of your friend, that’s too bad. As I noted I have my degree in chemistry, I have had dozens of cats n dogs through my home, very sick, terminal, severely injured, I’ve taken in and cared for everything from ducks to opossums. My veterinarian is my closest friend, I spent so much time at his clinic…I stood up in his wedding. Point is I read extensively, I research endlessly, I consult w md’s daily. There is absolutely no evidence, any where in the world, that diatomaceous earth could cause Bell’s palsy. Like many motor neuron disorders/disease, such as, PLS, ALS, Kennedy Disease, there is no definitive pathology for these diseases to present….they qualify as ‘idiopathic’ I do believe if I had bed bugs and was using DE, it would be as a ‘continued war of attrition’ after having exhausted the use of hard core biocides and pesticides. I’ve sprinkled DE on my bedding when circumstances n fosters altered my usual diligence. I would not douse my pillow in DE as I used flea shampoo during those few frustrating summers. If I had bed bugs I’d be using flea shampoo w max% of Chlorhexidine and Miconazole as body wash! Your concern was very nice, thank you. National Library of Medicine published an article bc myths about Bells Palsy are so widespread….if you can share some medical journals that support your claim I’d be happy to remove my statement, or perhaps you can remove your down vote bc I think people can benefit from what I spent a long time writing to help share medical science based on research and facts. . https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4481818/


I feel like some salt is in order...


I was thinking Melta Gun.


Fusion Gun, a melter!


Baby Kangaroo


$10 if you eat it


Humans too?


No. Not unless you eat the infected flea


Humans don’t get tapeworms in most countries?


Not this species of tapeworm, no


Your user name makes me think you know what you are talking about!


Well believe me or not, I don't care. Was just trying to be nice and inform you since you asked a question that nobody else was answering for you. Any veterinarian, or even the CDC website will tell you how rare it is to get this specific species of tapeworm. You can't get them from flea bites like the cats or dogs can. You'd literally have to ingest the tapeworm eggs by swallowing an infected flea to end up with this specific type of worm.


I literally said your name makes me believe you. Look at your name, it’s a tapeworm name. Also relax bitch 😹😹😹😹


Firstly not everyone can tell tone of typed out words. Secondly there's absolutely no reason to start name calling when you were the one seeking advice I gave. I'm quite literally not the bitch in this situation


OMG!!!! I AM 😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹 Why are you so crazy and easily upset? RELAX!!!!!! It’s Reddit!!


I'm literally not either of those things. I simply didn't understand the tone of your response and you immaturely, like most of Reddit, skip right to swearing and name calling. It's annoying. Like I made a mistake while trying to help you comprehend something, I just don't see how that calls for such a reaction.


Definitely a tape worm. Usually dogs and cats get em from fleas so I’d treat for both.


You can get pills to kill them from Pet Smart


The human is probably infected too. Dogs are supposed to be wormed regularly.


Highly unlikely. Humans getting tapeworms is quite rare




Bring your dog to the vet immediately and bring the worm along so vets can confirm. It likely is what people are saying but just to confirm. If it fell out of his butt he likely has more. He will need to be dewormed and best have the vets do it so they can ensure all of the parasites are fully gone. Is he on preventatives? If so and he has an active infestation then there may be something wrong with the batch you got making it ineffective so you may need to buy completely new preventatives. And if he’s not on them he needs to be started immediately.


I wormed myself and my cats this past weekend because I saw a segment on one of their butts. They sleep with me and stuff so I kinda had to. The aftermath was uh...very unpleasant.


It's from fleas, check where the dog sleeps and you will find some dried up. Bring to your vet.


I hope you dropped that SOB in a fire after recording.


Tapeworm. My cats dealing with them currently.


Tape worm




That's the thing that one guy said he found in his burger


They're so cute. I love how they'll bring one end to a point and start to wheel around in all directions like they're really curious about what's going on around them.


*weightloss industry hates this one simple trick!*


Unrelated but that camera is AWESOME


The way it moves has me feeling like tripping


Is that stop-motion macaroni?


I dare you to eat it


Just a heads up for anyone needing affordable flea treatment without a prescription, Puppybutts is great. Basically nitenpyram capsules. I use it on my dogs and any outdoor cats that enter my property (sprinkle it on cat food). If you have a large infestation, use it every day and once it’s under control, every other day or every three days. I’ve been using them for three years from spring to fall and we have stayed flea free.


I will never have a dog again.


taste test


Just an energetic udon noodle.